Name: Svetlana Nedaivoda
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Rank: Junior Lieutenant/ Sergeant (whichever works better)
Former Regiment(s): Vostroyan Firstborn The best regiment
Role: Sponsons preferably, but can be a Gunner easily
Personal Demeanour: Svetlana is a rough, brash and somewhat foul-mouthed. Sounds obnoxious to deal with, except that she tends to be steadfastly loyal to anyone in her squad. A proud member of the Vosyroyan firstborn, she genuinely wants to live up to the regiment's vaunted reputation. She personally worships the Omnissiah almost as much, if not more, than the Emperor, which has caused a undeniable amount of friction when combined with her loud attitude.
Description: Svetlana has dark brown hair, pale skin and a well-built, athletic body. Although she has tired, blackened eyes, she tends to be smiling most of the time. She is typically seen wearing her regimental red longcoat, adorned with brass flak armour. Despite her attempts to maintain and wash them, the scars of some battle can be seen, although nowhere to the extent of some veterans.
Service Record (History):
"You wanna know about me, chevek? Ha, there's better stories from Dmitri and Polina over there, Dmitri once wrestled off a khekking Termagant with his bare hands! No, really. What's with that look? Do you not belie-oh. Ack, you really want to know about me then? Gah, I think I have some time then! Come on, sit there. Yeah, that stool, Comrade.
I was born on Vostroya proper. Not some pleasure world no, giant manufactorums that stretch past the horizon and pierce the clouds. Smog can choke some off-worlder in seconds. That's how we can tell if you're one! I was only child. Starting working for the Omnissiah when I was 5, a bit late than most. Luckily my laziness was beaten away in those forges. See these? These muscles. Yeah, earned 'em pushing carts filled with rocks or working from dusk till next dusk! I did good work there. But I had my duty. I was an oldest child of Vostroya. My papa told me that the weapons I made yesterday would be the ones I yield tomorrow. Me? Oh hell yeah, I could not be happier. Yes, I did good work, but taking the fight to the zadnik scum that threaten us? The khekking heretics? I'll make the difference!
Got in when I was 15. Been in the Guard ever since. Got my first blood against some traitorous fucks, had to siege down the cowards on some wintery hel-hole. But the Tyranid invasion of Crudri VI? Lost many of my friends there to the khekking bugs, but I earned my dignity there. Made me gunner of squad, then sarge years later. You know what it's like being in the Guard, stranger? It means using your God-Emperor given body to do something with yourself! I've mowed down my fair-share of zadnik filth, but how about you? Oh? You have? What? The Sabbat worlds crusade!? Omnissiah, I...I should buy you a drink then, Comrade!"
Equipment and Armament: She'll tell you her fur bearskin cap is essential. That if she loses it she'll rather die than return to base. In more likelihood, her rebreather helps her in toxic, dangerous environments. She's also equipped with more than a few grenades, mostly frag, but maybe a Krak on a quartermaster's good day (which doesn't happen often). Her most unique equipment is an ancient Hotshot-Lasgun, a heirloom passed down from her ancestors in the Firstborn. Heirloom weapons are a deeply cherished tradition in the Firstborn, and Svetlana's family has long been known for their grenadiers and heavy gunners. It's covered in ancient wood and ornamental brass, as much a work of art as it is a weapon of war. Losing it would be a taboo of the highest order, in all seriousness. The Gun has been around longer than several generations.