Name:Ciaran McHale
Arcana: Strength
Birthday: July 29
Appearance: 5'11 with tanned skin, dark brown hair, and deep blue eyes. Sports a rather athletic build, hidden underneath loose, bulky clothing. Ciaran wears his uniform rather loosely, preferring the freedom of movement over looking proper. Is always seen with a lacrosse stick or two slung over his shoulders, sometimes carrying more than one gym bag. Has shown up to class wearing his cleats on more than one occasion.
Reputation:Friendly and generally approachable, if a bit of a doormat, Ciaran's the type of guy who's willing to go out of his way for anyone who asks him for help. Of course, his "friends" and other upperclassmen tend to take advantage of this, pinning their responsibilities on him... not that Ciaran seems to mind, anyway. The type to be happy just being included in a group.
Ciaran's best known for his skills at lacrosse, which is probably the reason why he's able to attend Harbour Academy in the first place. On the field, he's a totally different person. Confident and headstrong, like a star that shines best in an empty night sky free from the polluting lights of the masses.
Background:Born and raised in a sleepy little town on the New England coast, Ciaran was already well-accustomed to a life near the sea even before he started attending Harbour Academy. Unlike much of his peers, however, Ciaran's family was not as well-off. The only child to a pair of workaholics, Ciaran's upbringing was a rather lonely one. Putting special effort into making friends with others, it wasn't long until Ciaran developed a reputation as that one kid who was willing to do whatever he was told, if it meant getting any sort of approval. This made him a pretty easy target for bullies, among other things. To Ciaran, it didn't matter if he was being laughed at so long as he could join in on the laughter, himself.
It wasn't until middle school when Ciaran first started playing lacrosse. He joined the team after being pressed by one of his "friends," wanting someone who had never played to join so he could look better in comparison. Ironically, however, Ciaran had a knack for the sport, going so far as to play for his school's varsity team on his first ever game. It through lacrosse that Ciaran first received genuine praise and adoration, that not only was he a part of a group, but that he truly contributed to his team's success.
Of course, come the end of his last season, it goes without saying that Ciaran was scouted out by quite a few high schools in the country for his rare talent at the sport. How he came to choose Harbour Academy over the many choices he had came to a rare moment of lucidity. Ciaran knew that to truly shine, he needed to build his confidence, which meant to truly brave the unknown. To a kid that has never left his hometown, let alone his state or country, there was one clear choice from the countless scholarship offers he received. It did help that Harbour was almost just like his hometown.

Weapon:A lacrosse stick or a halberd, depending on the weather and stream of consciousness.
Persona: Lancelot - Knight of the Lake. A knight adorned in azure, its shining armor both hides and attests to the user's inner strength and conviction.
Moveset: An almost purely physical Persona focused on single-target melee damage with some ranged capabilities in the form of Ice, harrying its foes with shards of frost before charging into the fray. Lancelot is also capable of buffing its speed and agility as a means of quickly reaching the battlefield to meet its foes head-on and to challenge them in single combat.