Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Neianna86


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ferezanthe had been enjoying her evening. Honestly.
She had gotten a new adventure on her hands and found some fellows to watch her back for her.
Fellows that seemed halfway decent at the least.
All was going well, before the incident... Maybe it was Fate challenging her patience once again, laughing as she did so.
She turned and watched as the Cleric and Hunter stepped up to confront the situation.
She took another swig, might as well get another sip before things could get out of hand.
Things like these just happened to smallfolk. It wasn't pretty, but quite frankly this probably wouldn't have been her first time suffering at the hands of cruel people. Considering no one, not even the Barkeep spoke up, this could be an indication thing like this happened before.
"All right boys, why don't you all settle..." She tried, but was completely ignored and watching the two pull out weapons something snapped inside.
A soft chuckle escaped her throat, slowly as she felt the current of her own magic spring to life inside of her, lighting up her eyes before she called out in mild humour:

"There once was a duo in Evergrim
Who both were shockingly dim,
They kicked a barmaid
Who then got aid
From three men and a chick with Lightning."

Her eyes now focussed on the two.
"Bring it you *****!"

OC: Is there a map tavern map online, so I may know my distance between the two? Did you have it on discord yet?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The Cleric appreciated the fact that the old hunter had come to back him up. It was nice to see that others cared about the plight of those in need. The hunter then brought up the fact that the man smelled really bad. Dubuk had smelt the stench as soon as he entered the tavern, but had assumed that it was from a piece of rotten meat. The fact that someone could go about their day smelling that bad was mind boggling to Dubuk. During his time at the monastery, regular baths were mandatory.

Thus it was very annoying for Dubuk to be told that he smelt like an Orc. The Cleric had made it a point to maintain daily cleanliness while on his pilgrimage. Plus he had no idea what an Orc was supposed to smell like.

The Dwarf then produced an ax and knife from his belt, pointing them at Dubuk. However his human companion decided to start a fight unarmed, simply raising his fists. From behind Dubuk the Druid drew a weapon and begun casting a spell. The other human standing next to Dubuk also drew his rapier. Finally the Elf drew her weapon.

Seeing that a fight would be inevitable, Dubuk drew his mace and shield. He then glared at the Dwarf and the foul smelling man, glowering with all the intensity is Orcish blood could offer. Apparently most people were afraid of Orcs, so Dubuk hoped that he could use it to his advantage.

β€œSurrender now, while you still have a chance,” stated Dubuk, trying to deepen his voice as he spoke.

[Initiative Roll: 12]
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Neianna86


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ferezanthe itching to get the drop on the big guy moved swiftly.
Using her chair as a steppingstone she attempted to leap upon the table.

Those two won't know what hit them...Oh shit!

Those were the last thoughts that went through her head as she stepped too far.
Her foot landing on one of the mugs of ale, tipping over instantly, causing her to loose her balance.
With panicked flailing of her hands she tried to regain it & putting her other foot wider and too far near the edge of the table. At this the table started to wobble and rock, adding further loss of composure as she felt her foot slip and her face smack against the table before she rolled off.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull πŸ’€

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The crashing of the table and drinks broke the hush of the storm brewing as the human fighter, Quinn burst out laughing , watching the girl tumbling off the table and crashing to the floor.
Not wanting to die, he took this opportunity brought by the gods to lighten the mood.
"Hagan, the wench didn't deserve that, nor do we need to be caught by the guardsmen."
The dwarf paid no attention, " Damn heathen walks around like he belongs among us." Hagan growled.
"Look at the poor bastard, he's stuck between two races that don't want him."
"And look how clumsy their companion is, it's not worth dying or being arrested over." Quinn pleaded.
The dwarf thought hard and decided Quinn was correct, being in jail wouldn't help their situation, not when they had other things to do.
"Aye lad, your right, damn orc ain't worth time in jail."
The dwarf sheathed his weapons and threw a couple of silver coins down at the barmaid.
"Fer yur trubbles " sneered Hagan.
Quinn looked at the other two , holding his hands up in surrender " Too much to drink, like your friend there, we are going, no harm no foul."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ryik
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Ryik Wandering Phantasm

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Akio considered himself a rational person.

He had a habit of taking drastic measures, consequences be damned, but those decisions were never made out of passion. He wasn't about to stop the manure harvester and his hairy goblin companion from walking out of the tavern without a fight. This had been part of his original plan, after all, before their sorcerer had managed to embarrass herself enough to end the whole conflict early. That being said, the man's words - "no harm no foul" couldn't be further from the truth. Harming the barmaid is what started the conflict. Very convenient of him to forget that, and they hadn't actually apologized either.

Akio extended a hand to Fay wordlessly, offering to help her up. He didn't ask her if she was okay; she had proclaimed herself a Spellsword. It'd just add to her embarrassment by indirectly calling her competency as one into question, or at least that's what Akio thought. Once she was up, he left, moving over to the barmaid to help her, picking up the pieces of the shattered mugs.

Quietly, he extended the barmaid his offer. "As the aggrieved party, I feel I should ask you, first." He examined the barmaid's expression, though she obviously didn't know what he was talking about. He was just taking a dramatic pause to make sure he had her attention anyway. "Do you feel the Dwarf's coins make up for his actions?" He held out the Dwarf's two silver coins, wet from the spilled ale, within one open palm, offering it to her like a devil's bargain. "Or, would you prefer hiring my adventuring party to teach that Dwarf a lesson?"

She shook her head, reaching for the silver coins with a self-deprecating smile. "Thank you for the offer, but I must decline."

Akio couldn't help but let his concern show on his face. "If it's about the money, I don't actually-"

"It's not."


He had missed his chance to help her when she needed it and now it was too late. The situation was nostalgic in all the wrong ways. He went back to picking up the rest of the glass shards before returning to his party, bidding them farewell for the night.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull πŸ’€

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A door opens and closes from upstairs, and the sound of boot steps across the floor, before coming down the steps.
A middle aged nobleman dressed in the finest clothes of crimson and white silk, steps into the light.
Behind him, a beautiful elven maiden skips off to the middle of the tavern.
The gentleman approaches the kicked barmaid, "Sara..which one of these men struck you?"
Without hesitation she answered, "Twas the dwarf sir."
The nobleman instant threw a back kick, slightly turning his ankle.
The sudden , quick kick caught the dwarf by surprise as it connected with his chest.
Hagan flew backwards, knocking over the cushioned chair in front of the fireplace, landing inches away from the huge masstiff.
The nobleman faced Quinn, "Get your friend and leave, never come back."
Quinn nodded, walking back slowly away from the man, and as he reached down to help Hagan up...the masstiff looked him dead in the eye and growled "Never come back here"
The young human blinked and nearly stumbled in surprise, "Come on Hagan, this place is creepy."
The two ruffians scramble out the door, as the nobleman greets the party.
"My apologies , please sit, drink , eat, rest, all is on the house."
He claps his hands twice, and beautiful servants come with bowls of fresh fruit and bottles of the finest wine.
The Elven maiden begins playing a tune and singing a song of lost love.
"The voice of Angel, and my wife, forgive me friends, I am Kristov Yetta, your humble host."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Edgar Fischer

Edgar kept his eyes narrowed and his sneer plastered on his face even as the duo 'apologized' for their brash and unwarranted aggression. His rapier still drawn, he gestures the duo to the door. Making a less than subtle suggestion that they get lost. Akio was the first to check on the barmaid, from what he could hear she didn't want to cause any more trouble in the establishment than what had already transpired. Akio helps clean the glass shards away from the fallen woman and makes his way up to what he could assume to be his rented room for the evening.

Just then a nobleman and an elven woman arrived to the common area of the inn. From his reaction to the kicked woman to his own kick against the brutish little dwarf, he could put two-and-two together and think that this was the owner of this establishment. The sight of the two ne'er-do-wells caused the sneer to turn into a faint smirk mostly hidden by the grey whiskers of his beard.

With the encounter over, Edgar finally sheathed his weapon and turned back to see if Fay was alright. He saw that she was more messy than before but no significant damage to her being; well maybe to her own pride but few folks can claim that a wounded sense of pride was an issue. Finally he turns to face the nobleman that apologized to them and offered that their stay at the tavern be free. "Much appreciated, Sir Yetta. But the cleric, Dubuk, is the one to be thanked." He made a friendly gesture to direct the attention to the half-orc that was at the defense of an innocent soul at a drop of a hat. "I simply provided support to his initiative."

With his piece spoken, he walks back to where Fay was and fixed the table and cleaned it to the best of his ability before taking a seat and appreciatively nodded to a servant that placed a bowl of fresh fruit and a goblet of aromatic wine for him to enjoy while listening to the proprietor's wife sing enchanting songs.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Neianna86


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ferezanthe had gotten up taking Akio's hand, but before she could offer a thanks he had turned from her to the barmaid.
That gave her pause to catch the words of the fighter and she had to really restrain herself from not launching herself at him. So with a dangerous silence she pushed her anger away at the words of the duo.
She was of a mind to send a bolt of lightning up the fighter's backside, but gritting her teeth, thought better of it.
Trying to hide her own embarrassment she righted the table again and picked up the pieces.
At the entrance of the curious nobleman and his elven wife Fay felt severly out of place. When the man urged them to take a seat Fay shook her head.
"I'll need some air and to freshen up...don't mind me." She uttered, but there wasn't much volume to it. She left the men to their devices, whilst she moved towards the door and stepped outside in the fresh night air.
There she moved to the shadows of building, leaning against the wall as she looked up at the sky.
A heavy sigh followed, as she released her frustration and embarrassment in an attempt to set it aside and calm her nerves.
She had been wound up tight like a spring.
Was it any wonder? She thought as she eyed her hands, the tiniest of layer of scales shone when held up to the little streams of light coming from the tavern.
In end she would receive the same treatment as their cleric had gotten especially if things continued to grow more apparent.

Perception check: 6 (+2) = 8
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull πŸ’€

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Chapter 2
At sunrise, Vandernman is indeed ready for the journey, having risen right before dawn, and hitching the horses to the wagon as well as loading it with his goods.
By the time the sun rose and spread it's light rays across the open l and, Vandernman sat atop his wagon, which was parked right outside the tavern.

Kristov's wife, Ariana stood at the door waiting for the party members, she had four sacks, one for each of them, and inside were baked goods, bread, pastries, and jerky. Along with two healing potions(3D8)each.
"My husband is truly sorry for what took place last night, these gifts are for you, may it bring you comfort on your journey."

Waiting for them outside were four of the finest horses in the land, "Damn if you four aren't the luckiest, some kid left these horses for ya." Vandernman said.
"Quinn , Connor Quinn was his name, said his apologies for last night, and that he & Hagan had an argument, so watch out for Hagan, he has it in for all of you." "Then he mentioned. I hope these four horses squares us off, they cone from the best stock."
Vandernman stared at the horses as if he was eyeing gold for the first time.
"Kid knows his horses alright let's get this show on the road, i ain't p saying you to gawk around."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Edgar Fischer

Edgar woke up in the early hours of the morning in the room generously provided to him by the proprietor. Sun barely up over the horizon. Usually it was around this time in the morning that he would set off into the woods to check on his traps or begin hunting for prey. But even when he was away from his usual stomping grounds, his body was already used to waking up at this hour. He sat up from his sleeping position and began preparing his things for the day and make sure that his things were well and accounted for. Heading into the unknown without sufficient preparations would be severely unwise. From the bag itself to the individual bundles of preserved foodstuffs. Edgar made sure they were in good condition for travel. He was ready to go then and there but there was one thing that gave him pause.

It was a piece of folded parchment. Picking it up and unfolding it it depicted a man late into his twilight years and a very young girl on his lap. Both were dressed in formal wear at the time. The old man was smiling broadly, revealing a couple teeth missing from his elated grin, the girl looked like she was in the middle of laughing when this caricature was made. Likely laughing at the admittedly silly face of the old man.

A smile crept onto Edgar's face as he gently held the caricature close to his chest. Close to his heart and offered a short prayer to Chauntea and Lathander. For protection and safety for his daughter. He finishes his prayer and folds up the parchment again to be kept safe in his pack. With preparations done, he sets out of his room and to the outside of the inn, to see the merchant Vandernman and get the job rolling. The proprietor's wife Ariana was at the door. Bearing very generous gifts to the group. "It was no issue and thank you very much for these things. Please tell your husband that if he would need my services as a hunter or as a fighter, all he would need is to ask."

Turning to Vandernman, the merchant told him that the man who was part of the ruckus last night left the horses for them to use as an apology. Not to look at a gift horse in the mouth, but he still felt that Quinn was still in cahoots with the dwarf Hagan. But the gesture was well enough to Vandernman. "Understood. Better we leave early before the goblins or brigands have time to set up ambushes along the trail."
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