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The island nation of Kul Tiras has dominated the seas of the Eastern Kingdoms and beyond since the days of the Arathor Empire. Established by colonists from Gilneas, still but a part of the original human nation, when the influence of Strom

Name: The Admiralty Of Kul Tiras

Held Territories: The island nation comprises primarily an archipelago of islands in the Great Sea, due West of Lordaeron and the other nations of the Northern Alliance. The principle islands include Kul Tiras itself and Tol Dagor, although this has since expanded to include Balor and Tol Barad following the Second and Third Wars respectively. The Admiralty maintains a series of small outposts on most of the world’s main landmasses, including islands near the Southern reaches of the continent and the South Seas. In more recent times the island of Theramore has been settled on the shores of Kalimdor, along with a series of military outposts across the continent’s eastern shore, although these function largely autonomously from the central authority of the Admiralty, due to the large number of Kul Tiran sailors and marines involved in their settlement, they are still considered to be aligned with the Admiralty now that contact has been established. Since the events of the Third War, the Kul Tiran navy has restored contact with the survivors of Arthas’ ill-fated expedition and thus loosely incorporated the port of Valgarde within the wider network of Kul Tiran outposts, although those present likely still feel greater kin for their surviving countrymen in Lordaeron.

Other Assets: The greatest asset of the Kul Tiran people is their famed fleet, the backbone on which the trading empire of the Admiralty is built. It established nautical dominance over the other human kingdoms long before the coming of the orcs, and was subsequently instrumental in maintaining Alliance control of the seas during the Second War. Crafted by the masterwork shipwrights and blessed by the Tidesages, few can hope to match the Kul Tirans at sea, nor in the subsequent success of their merchants in bringing wealth from across the known world to the island nation.

Goals and Motivations: Kul Tiras has little interest in the building rush for land and power on the ravaged continent of the Northern Eastern Kingdoms, instead seeking, as ever, to maintain their hegemony over the tides. With the second largest of the Alliance’s navies, Lordaeron, having been ravaged by betrayal and war, there seems little potential for any of their human allies and rivals challenging this. The nation’s primary future interests lie to the West and South, where their merchant class can continue to prosper from the influx of exotic goods brought in from their nautical exploits. Unlike the other human nations, the less direct way in which Kul Tiras is ruled does, however, create a series of contradictory internal goals. Despite early interactions with the Horde and Kaldorei in the West being far from peaceful, Jaina Proudmoore continues to attempt to bring an end to hostility , while her father and much of the more experienced memory see the exodus as an opportunity to ensure the Horde will never threaten the Alliance again. Others among the ruling elite instead simply seek to reduce Kul Tiras’ commitments to any of the costly conflicts it has been involved in for most of recent decades. Working from within the nation, the Coven has its own aims entirely.

Recent History:

Largely isolated from the disasters impacting the mainland, life on the island of Kul Tiras has largely remained the same, unlike the other human nations, Kul Tiras was largely independent of Lordaeron from both a commerce and agricultural perspective, and has weathered the absence of it with relative ease. The military of Kul Tiras has been active, but in a largely expeditionary nature, and has thus avoided the intense attrition felt by the other nations of the Alliance.

The most notable event for the nation has been the founding of Theramore, the eldest surviving child of the Lord Admiral, Jaina Proudmoore, leading an exodus of refugees from Lordaeron to the far shores of Kalimdor, in order to found a new home far from the calamity of their homeland. While the civilian population is largely made up of those from Lordaeron, the backbone of the Theramore military is formed from Kul Tiran marines and sailors, those sent to protect the Proudmoore heiress during the collapse of Lordaeron, now aligned to her vision of a new home for humanity on fresh shores. The Admiralty has little oversight and control of Theramore, and so there are those who consider this a considerable blow to the capability of Kul Tiras. For those subscribed to this view of the situation, the problem has only been compounded by Daelin’s focus on military matters in the West, seeking to support his daughter against both orcish and elven aggression, even if the two differ wildly in their approaches to such matters.

Ultimately, Kul Tiras remains aloof from the concerns of the Northern Alliance, focusing instead on its maritime pursuits across the Great Ocean, from securing its colonies, to protecting the one beach head the Alliance maintains on Nothrend, with the hope that one day the fight may be taken decisively to the Scourge.

Key Players:

Daelin Proudmoore: Lord-Admiral of Kul Tiras and decorated war hero of the second war, Daelin is a man who takes his duties to Kul Tiras as seriously as any to have held the position. Having been present at the formation of the Alliance of Lordaeron, he took up the position of Grand Admiral of the Alliance, coordinating the efforts of the Alliance’s naval forces during the Second War, which proved the most decisive element of the extended conflict.

While always a hard man of decisive action, bearing witness to the savagery of the Horde during the war, and the loss of his eldest son, only enhanced these traits. Where his daughter seeks to bring an end to hostilities in the West, Daelin perceives all versions of the Horde to be as existential a threat as the Scourge and is no more likely to pursue peace with them. Consequently, while the majority of the Alliance focuses on the pressing issue of the Scourge, Kul Tiras remains divided in its priorities.

Jaina Proudmoore: Previously the favored apprentice and student of Archmage Antonidas, Jaina has long been famed for both her magical prowess for one so young, as well as her impact on the courts of the human (and even elven) realms. While she grew up on Kul Tiras among the rest of the Proudmoore family, she has lived overseas since the start of her adolescence, primarily within Dalaran but equally visiting Lordaeron, Stormwind and SIlvermoon on occasion. In recent years she has been at the heart of important events, helping to combat the early Scourge before it was known as such alongside Prince Arthas and Uther the Lightbringer. When such attempts failed, at the urging of a mysterious Prophet, she lead many refugees from Lordaeron to safety, alongside a detachment of the Kul Tiran Navy, to found the city of Theramore on the mysterious shores of Kalimdor. These new settlers soon came into contact, and then conflict, with both the new Horde and the natives of the land, the Kaldorei. While she has pushed for peace with both groups, she is also determined that those who have entrusted her with their future will not be betrayed, and so lends her considerable skill in both magic and statecraft fully to this effect.

Tandred Proudmoore: Youngest child of Daelin and Kathrine, Tandred is already an accomplished sailor and commander, taking the helm of the Third Fleet, the rebuilt flotilla previously commanded by his elder brother, which suffered greatly during the conflict with the Horde which would claim his brother’s life. He is neither as belicose as Daelin, nor conciliatory as Jaina, instead seeking unity both within his family and his nation.

Morgaera Del’Vecroix: Previously the daughter of a minor Drustvar landowner, Morgaera is a courtier of some note within the Court of Boralus, a thriving environment that has only grown more so as the most stable within the Northern Alliance. Secretly, she is an agent of the mysterious Coven, who look to dominate Kul Tiras from the shadows. Previously the shadowy organisation of witches swore loyalty only to Gorak Tul, banished leader of the Drust, but now perhaps, there are even greater evils lurking within the realms of shadow.

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