Hey, I'm Gielwich, you can call me Giel or Cas! I've been wanting to rp a bit more over the new year, so I lay out what sort of things I am looking for to write about-- and finally utilize this account that's been kicking around since forever.
- Third person is my primary writing form.
- I do not feel comfortable writing with minors due to the subject matter covered in the rps I wish to do.
- I fade to black when it comes to adult situations. I am not comfortable with writing such things at this point of time.
- I would prefer heavier themes to be speckled into my roleplay, such as discussing trauma or how it affects people, along with violence as something done / or discussed. When it comes to heavier things, we can discuss it beforehand just how far one is willing to go.
- I like dice rolls. For combat reasons, but also minigame reasons to make things like arm wrestling or drinking games go in a more hilarious root depending how badly the dice may not favor a person.
- I am also fond of comedic instances, no matter if its a 'that just doesn't make sense' to awkward situations between characters, the more expressive the dynamic the better. We're only serious when it needs to be, and the ridiculousness my characters will prove point of that if you decide its a wise decision to write with me. ( I am so sorry. )
- I also really like magic of some sort in my roleplays. Doesn't have to be too extensive, though.
- I prefer roleplay with some semblance of plotting involved, where characters get to learn and grow with each other. If the characters are stuck together, they should learn how to grow together, right?
Roleplay Concepts!
I may take two or three at a time, but here's some ideas I'd like to spitball that I have some interest in.
The Queen of the fae has become rather smitten with [Your Character], a human due to an encounter you both had when you both were children. However, the queen is the center of their society, and has been taught that they can get whatever they want as long as it is within their grasp, and they themselves are still alive to take it. Its up to [Your Character] to stay for this arranged marriage, or try to escape the fey wilds and the cruel world it offers.
This RP is one that can be done a couple of ways:
If you go along with the Queen, (Because hey, who wouldn't want to marry a pretty fairy) and it'll go down a fantasy romance where you attend balls, and strengthen your relationship with the Queen perhaps you can change the society for the better. Its very fluffy, with some heavy themes lingering in the background. But, will it be truly worth it, if things about the fey wilds stay as they are?
If you go against the Queen, (Because hey, this wasn't your choice to be dragged here) and it'll become a fantasy horror route, where the dark and ugly parts of the fairy society rear its ugly head, and will do whatever it takes to make you stay in the fae wilds forever. The society itself draws from fairy folklore, as well as things as eldritch horror as its inspirations. It will very much be filled with mind games, and the cost of escape may be heavy.
Some notes on the Queen:
- 26 years old.
- The two involved is not gender specific. The Queen themselves is fully capable of changing gender, and their preferences lie from the deeds of the character involved. So, the gender of the Queen can be whatever the the writing partner would like! Its that they are simply considered the Queen no matter what due to lore reasons. ( Ergo, making the one who's to be wed with them, the King. )
- The Queen is fully capable of flying, but cannot walk. They were very ill when they were a child, resulting that their legs no longer work. To adjust to this, they have a floating throne to move around with, which is almost the size of a queen sized bed (no pun intended) with lots of pillows.
- Despite their frail body, they are highly advanced in magic. You wouldn't be able to harm them with normal means, as their throne is almost equivalent to a fortress.
- Despite the path that [Your Character] may choose, the Queen will be head over heels for them. The best way to put it, is that the Queen believes themselves as the star of a fairytale, wishing for a happily ever after with whom they love...No matter how that love forms.
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and your deepest desire rang true.
[Your character] is down on their luck. How they wind up there, is up to you, but they no longer have anywheres to turn to-- So, they try to summon a demon in desperation to fix it. The demon in question is called the Blue Recluse; a reluctant demon to be summoned, and rarer for them to even appear.
But this time, she does. And she will give you what you need most. With that, their contract is sealed, bound to you until you die. Not that having a dark and beautiful being by your side could be an issue.... Could it?
This roleplay is completely dependent on the writing partner's character, morality, and what they try to wish for.
Blue's skills in wish giving will change drastically depending on who is speaking for the wish. For instance, a person who is a kindhearted soul, pure and kind, will most likely get exactly what they want from the deal, and thus children would benefit as such from making such a deal. Impure souls, who have done quite of bit of wrong, and meant it to be so will end up with a monkey's paw sort of situation, where the wish has consequences. As for the possibility of someone summoning Blue on the behalf of another person, she will only grant the wish of the summoner, not the person who wasn't involved-- as well as she will only answer the call for one singular person.
A few notes on Blue Recluse:
- Blue is eons old. She's granting wishes to people out of sheer boredom, to free herself of the stagnancy of her daily life.
- Blue is primarily a female demon, once a succubus but has since ascended into a higher state of being as a wish demon. However, if it is wished for, its possible for Blue to swap her gender to male during the time of contract.
- Blue is not in tune with her feelings. She will come off very cold, emotionless person, but its not from the lack of trying to feel things; its just difficult for her. Curiosity is her main draw to things.
- Blue is HUGE, in a people sense. She stands at 8'5".
- She is vamperic, often needing to feed on blood or life-force in order to sustain herself. She has means to deal with it, but an offer from [Your Character] could be most beneficial due to her being bound to them. However, she will not bite children who have contracted with her. Major no-go.
Once again, [Your Character] is down on their luck. But they have nobody to turn to for help. Left to their misery, recoiling in their past events and insecurities.
But, you don't exactly remember when you wound up in this inn. Nor the the innkeep started giving you food and drink to ease your woes. Not that it matters much, as another patron of the place seems rather interested in what you have to say; seeing that you're the only other person here. To find out your woes, and see if you really need their help.
Because, when you finally go to sleep, you will really need their help.
This roleplay is a horror adventure. The concept is that the bar [Your Character] has wandered into, is a den of Dionysus; (less the partier, more the madness kind) and is here to help your character through the worse possible way: making their problems into physical, tangible reality through symbolism. Think Silent Hill mixed with Catherine, but situated inside a inn in the middle of the woods, and you can't escape until you have a solution to your woes.
There is a day and night cycle for this. During the day, [Your Character] can explore the inn and talk to the innkeep, who's only available during that time. At night, [Your character] will have to face their inner demons and woes, with the company of the patron. The swap between time and day will depend on how much progress that both writers are comfortable with before the time change.
If you go for this roleplay, the character's issues have to be stated in advance, preferably in DM or the like and as in depth as possible. The nighttime reality has to reflect their inner feelings and problems, so I have to construct it in advance for the sake of the roleplay.
About the Innkeep, Yeva:
- 22 years old
- A pure soul, who simply wanted to run an inn to comfort the weary who come inside. She doesn't get a lot of visitors, but she cares dearly about those who come in. Very warm vibes.
- Inherited the inn from her parents.
- Very timid, and will react if flirted with. Its entirely possible to romance her during the stay.
- May or may not turn feral over time due to the influence of Dionysus over her home. (AkA she's a werepanther.)
About the Patron, Ione:
- Age unknown (Looks about 27)
- Is the embodiment of Dionysus (I.e: the reason this place is all messed up.) Because of this, Gender may be male or female depending what the writer wants.
- Is a very snarky sort of person, very fond of drinking.
- Is completely capable of fighting to assist [Your Character] through their woes. However, is known to cause problems for people who fully earned their woes (I.E. terrible people.)
- Considers Yeva a Maenad, and may or may of not influenced her to become that way.
[Your Character] is an aristocrat, being groomed to be the heir of your family. Long have you studied, and toiled with etiquette, and learned the mind games of high society-- so it comes that as your birthday rolls around, your family has prepared you a gift.
A pianist, to play for you whenever you wished. Delicate, quiet, and rather beautiful to boot.
It would be not long for one to learn, that the pianist is incapable of speaking, and is destined to serve as long as the family name is yours. What you do with this information, is up to you. Its not like someone like that, could be holding secrets, right?
This is a historical roleplay, with mystery and possible romance. There are things odd with the family, and such things are hard to dig up when the main witness cannot speak. There is a lot of trauma in this person, so getting them out of their shell will be a hurdle. However, how focused you are on the mystery is totally up to the writer, if the pursuit of romance or friendship seems more appealing.
About the Pianist, Chevis:
- 28 years old
- Gender will be determined by other writer, for preference.
- Regardless of gender, Chevis is dainty. Small, weak as hell, super lithe, and light to carry.
- Is capable of playing guitars, harps, and various other instruments
- Is not mute naturally. Has a scar on their throat, indicating it was damaged.
- Has quite the sweet tooth.
[Your Character] is either the reincarnation of the sun god, or the reincarnation of the moon god that had been worshipped in the barren wasteland simply known as The Flats. How they come onto this background, is up to you. [Your Character] has been tasked along with their other half, (The reincarnation of the other god not chosen) to revitalize the earth, and what that entails you both are not quite certain of.
This roleplay is a magical western with zombie apocalypse elements, to put it simply. The Flats themselves are only capable of being traversed via train, and the train themselves care interconnected with as many villages as possible. Its not safe to wander off further into the flats, as during the day the pounding heat can take toll on the body, where at night the dead whom had not been properly buried get raised and attacking anything alive straying too near.
Often, these zombies are taken down by a guard called the Night Hounds, who use bullets that have been imbued with magic by the prior incarnations to help stave off the creatures of the night to save the people who live on the Flats.
This time, however, it was decided it would be the best to find the source of the problem, causing one to set out to fix the issue. Thus, depending on how [ Your character ] 's background goes, the starting point may differ, but the goal is essentially to find the other half and get to work to find a solution.
Who knows, you just might learn of something new about the world around you.
Traits to keep in mind for reincarnation:
All sun reincarnations have a warm sort of color palette, red or blonde hair being the easiest traits to pick, others being warmer skin tones, amber eyes, freckles, and the like. Think like the embodiment of fire or the sun, and you're golden. Powers wise, anything that has to do with fire, light and heat tend to apply, but they are also capable of healing and exorcism as well.
As for moon reincarnations, they have far cooler color palettes, often with white or black hair, and far paler skin, and will not take to sunlight very well. (Aka they'll burn to a crisp like a lobster.) Think like the embodiment of water, or the moon as their general palette. Power wise, anything to do with ice, dark, and cold tend to apply, and they are also capable of healing and exorcism, but in a slightly different manner compared to the sun.
Anything to do with the earth, rock, plants and the like seems to be completely untouchable by the duo, and the necromancy that has been plaguing the lands is something they both cannot do, but it is their job to fix.
About the other half [ The Sun, Nuor ]:
- 26 years old
- Gender will be determined by other writer, for preference.
- Very loud and proud, snarky as hell
- Fire red hair (A trait gained from reincarnation)
- Did not believe they were the reincarnation, was set to become a Night Hound to leave the temple they were sent to, and due to this, they are extremely proficient with guns and swords.
- Has a bulky, strong body type. Very rough around the edges.
About the other half [ The Moon, Wuov ]:
- 26 years old
- Gender will be determined by other writer, for preference.
- Timid, often keeping to themselves
- Albino, but with blue eyes (A trait gained from reincarnation)
- Due to their powers causing strange occurrences, they had to stay with their father and was ostracized by the outer world
- Is frail
I do have more ideas in mind to tackle eventually, but let me know below if you're interested in any of these! I'll update as time goes on when more rp cravings/ideas pop up.
My General Rules/Tastes
- Third person is my primary writing form.
- I do not feel comfortable writing with minors due to the subject matter covered in the rps I wish to do.
- I fade to black when it comes to adult situations. I am not comfortable with writing such things at this point of time.
- I would prefer heavier themes to be speckled into my roleplay, such as discussing trauma or how it affects people, along with violence as something done / or discussed. When it comes to heavier things, we can discuss it beforehand just how far one is willing to go.
- I like dice rolls. For combat reasons, but also minigame reasons to make things like arm wrestling or drinking games go in a more hilarious root depending how badly the dice may not favor a person.
- I am also fond of comedic instances, no matter if its a 'that just doesn't make sense' to awkward situations between characters, the more expressive the dynamic the better. We're only serious when it needs to be, and the ridiculousness my characters will prove point of that if you decide its a wise decision to write with me. ( I am so sorry. )
- I also really like magic of some sort in my roleplays. Doesn't have to be too extensive, though.
- I prefer roleplay with some semblance of plotting involved, where characters get to learn and grow with each other. If the characters are stuck together, they should learn how to grow together, right?
Roleplay Concepts!
I may take two or three at a time, but here's some ideas I'd like to spitball that I have some interest in.
The Queen's Arrangement
The Queen of the fae has become rather smitten with [Your Character], a human due to an encounter you both had when you both were children. However, the queen is the center of their society, and has been taught that they can get whatever they want as long as it is within their grasp, and they themselves are still alive to take it. Its up to [Your Character] to stay for this arranged marriage, or try to escape the fey wilds and the cruel world it offers.
This RP is one that can be done a couple of ways:
If you go along with the Queen, (Because hey, who wouldn't want to marry a pretty fairy) and it'll go down a fantasy romance where you attend balls, and strengthen your relationship with the Queen perhaps you can change the society for the better. Its very fluffy, with some heavy themes lingering in the background. But, will it be truly worth it, if things about the fey wilds stay as they are?
If you go against the Queen, (Because hey, this wasn't your choice to be dragged here) and it'll become a fantasy horror route, where the dark and ugly parts of the fairy society rear its ugly head, and will do whatever it takes to make you stay in the fae wilds forever. The society itself draws from fairy folklore, as well as things as eldritch horror as its inspirations. It will very much be filled with mind games, and the cost of escape may be heavy.
Some notes on the Queen:
- 26 years old.
- The two involved is not gender specific. The Queen themselves is fully capable of changing gender, and their preferences lie from the deeds of the character involved. So, the gender of the Queen can be whatever the the writing partner would like! Its that they are simply considered the Queen no matter what due to lore reasons. ( Ergo, making the one who's to be wed with them, the King. )
- The Queen is fully capable of flying, but cannot walk. They were very ill when they were a child, resulting that their legs no longer work. To adjust to this, they have a floating throne to move around with, which is almost the size of a queen sized bed (no pun intended) with lots of pillows.
- Despite their frail body, they are highly advanced in magic. You wouldn't be able to harm them with normal means, as their throne is almost equivalent to a fortress.
- Despite the path that [Your Character] may choose, the Queen will be head over heels for them. The best way to put it, is that the Queen believes themselves as the star of a fairytale, wishing for a happily ever after with whom they love...No matter how that love forms.
What You Wish For...
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and your deepest desire rang true.
[Your character] is down on their luck. How they wind up there, is up to you, but they no longer have anywheres to turn to-- So, they try to summon a demon in desperation to fix it. The demon in question is called the Blue Recluse; a reluctant demon to be summoned, and rarer for them to even appear.
But this time, she does. And she will give you what you need most. With that, their contract is sealed, bound to you until you die. Not that having a dark and beautiful being by your side could be an issue.... Could it?
This roleplay is completely dependent on the writing partner's character, morality, and what they try to wish for.
Blue's skills in wish giving will change drastically depending on who is speaking for the wish. For instance, a person who is a kindhearted soul, pure and kind, will most likely get exactly what they want from the deal, and thus children would benefit as such from making such a deal. Impure souls, who have done quite of bit of wrong, and meant it to be so will end up with a monkey's paw sort of situation, where the wish has consequences. As for the possibility of someone summoning Blue on the behalf of another person, she will only grant the wish of the summoner, not the person who wasn't involved-- as well as she will only answer the call for one singular person.
A few notes on Blue Recluse:
- Blue is eons old. She's granting wishes to people out of sheer boredom, to free herself of the stagnancy of her daily life.
- Blue is primarily a female demon, once a succubus but has since ascended into a higher state of being as a wish demon. However, if it is wished for, its possible for Blue to swap her gender to male during the time of contract.
- Blue is not in tune with her feelings. She will come off very cold, emotionless person, but its not from the lack of trying to feel things; its just difficult for her. Curiosity is her main draw to things.
- Blue is HUGE, in a people sense. She stands at 8'5".
- She is vamperic, often needing to feed on blood or life-force in order to sustain herself. She has means to deal with it, but an offer from [Your Character] could be most beneficial due to her being bound to them. However, she will not bite children who have contracted with her. Major no-go.
Where Do Your Dreams Go?
Once again, [Your Character] is down on their luck. But they have nobody to turn to for help. Left to their misery, recoiling in their past events and insecurities.
But, you don't exactly remember when you wound up in this inn. Nor the the innkeep started giving you food and drink to ease your woes. Not that it matters much, as another patron of the place seems rather interested in what you have to say; seeing that you're the only other person here. To find out your woes, and see if you really need their help.
Because, when you finally go to sleep, you will really need their help.
This roleplay is a horror adventure. The concept is that the bar [Your Character] has wandered into, is a den of Dionysus; (less the partier, more the madness kind) and is here to help your character through the worse possible way: making their problems into physical, tangible reality through symbolism. Think Silent Hill mixed with Catherine, but situated inside a inn in the middle of the woods, and you can't escape until you have a solution to your woes.
There is a day and night cycle for this. During the day, [Your Character] can explore the inn and talk to the innkeep, who's only available during that time. At night, [Your character] will have to face their inner demons and woes, with the company of the patron. The swap between time and day will depend on how much progress that both writers are comfortable with before the time change.
If you go for this roleplay, the character's issues have to be stated in advance, preferably in DM or the like and as in depth as possible. The nighttime reality has to reflect their inner feelings and problems, so I have to construct it in advance for the sake of the roleplay.
About the Innkeep, Yeva:
- 22 years old
- A pure soul, who simply wanted to run an inn to comfort the weary who come inside. She doesn't get a lot of visitors, but she cares dearly about those who come in. Very warm vibes.
- Inherited the inn from her parents.
- Very timid, and will react if flirted with. Its entirely possible to romance her during the stay.
- May or may not turn feral over time due to the influence of Dionysus over her home. (AkA she's a werepanther.)
About the Patron, Ione:
- Age unknown (Looks about 27)
- Is the embodiment of Dionysus (I.e: the reason this place is all messed up.) Because of this, Gender may be male or female depending what the writer wants.
- Is a very snarky sort of person, very fond of drinking.
- Is completely capable of fighting to assist [Your Character] through their woes. However, is known to cause problems for people who fully earned their woes (I.E. terrible people.)
- Considers Yeva a Maenad, and may or may of not influenced her to become that way.
The Beauty of Words Through Music
[Your Character] is an aristocrat, being groomed to be the heir of your family. Long have you studied, and toiled with etiquette, and learned the mind games of high society-- so it comes that as your birthday rolls around, your family has prepared you a gift.
A pianist, to play for you whenever you wished. Delicate, quiet, and rather beautiful to boot.
It would be not long for one to learn, that the pianist is incapable of speaking, and is destined to serve as long as the family name is yours. What you do with this information, is up to you. Its not like someone like that, could be holding secrets, right?
This is a historical roleplay, with mystery and possible romance. There are things odd with the family, and such things are hard to dig up when the main witness cannot speak. There is a lot of trauma in this person, so getting them out of their shell will be a hurdle. However, how focused you are on the mystery is totally up to the writer, if the pursuit of romance or friendship seems more appealing.
About the Pianist, Chevis:
- 28 years old
- Gender will be determined by other writer, for preference.
- Regardless of gender, Chevis is dainty. Small, weak as hell, super lithe, and light to carry.
- Is capable of playing guitars, harps, and various other instruments
- Is not mute naturally. Has a scar on their throat, indicating it was damaged.
- Has quite the sweet tooth.
Beyond the Sun and Moon
[Your Character] is either the reincarnation of the sun god, or the reincarnation of the moon god that had been worshipped in the barren wasteland simply known as The Flats. How they come onto this background, is up to you. [Your Character] has been tasked along with their other half, (The reincarnation of the other god not chosen) to revitalize the earth, and what that entails you both are not quite certain of.
This roleplay is a magical western with zombie apocalypse elements, to put it simply. The Flats themselves are only capable of being traversed via train, and the train themselves care interconnected with as many villages as possible. Its not safe to wander off further into the flats, as during the day the pounding heat can take toll on the body, where at night the dead whom had not been properly buried get raised and attacking anything alive straying too near.
Often, these zombies are taken down by a guard called the Night Hounds, who use bullets that have been imbued with magic by the prior incarnations to help stave off the creatures of the night to save the people who live on the Flats.
This time, however, it was decided it would be the best to find the source of the problem, causing one to set out to fix the issue. Thus, depending on how [ Your character ] 's background goes, the starting point may differ, but the goal is essentially to find the other half and get to work to find a solution.
Who knows, you just might learn of something new about the world around you.
Traits to keep in mind for reincarnation:
All sun reincarnations have a warm sort of color palette, red or blonde hair being the easiest traits to pick, others being warmer skin tones, amber eyes, freckles, and the like. Think like the embodiment of fire or the sun, and you're golden. Powers wise, anything that has to do with fire, light and heat tend to apply, but they are also capable of healing and exorcism as well.
As for moon reincarnations, they have far cooler color palettes, often with white or black hair, and far paler skin, and will not take to sunlight very well. (Aka they'll burn to a crisp like a lobster.) Think like the embodiment of water, or the moon as their general palette. Power wise, anything to do with ice, dark, and cold tend to apply, and they are also capable of healing and exorcism, but in a slightly different manner compared to the sun.
Anything to do with the earth, rock, plants and the like seems to be completely untouchable by the duo, and the necromancy that has been plaguing the lands is something they both cannot do, but it is their job to fix.
About the other half [ The Sun, Nuor ]:
- 26 years old
- Gender will be determined by other writer, for preference.
- Very loud and proud, snarky as hell
- Fire red hair (A trait gained from reincarnation)
- Did not believe they were the reincarnation, was set to become a Night Hound to leave the temple they were sent to, and due to this, they are extremely proficient with guns and swords.
- Has a bulky, strong body type. Very rough around the edges.
About the other half [ The Moon, Wuov ]:
- 26 years old
- Gender will be determined by other writer, for preference.
- Timid, often keeping to themselves
- Albino, but with blue eyes (A trait gained from reincarnation)
- Due to their powers causing strange occurrences, they had to stay with their father and was ostracized by the outer world
- Is frail
I do have more ideas in mind to tackle eventually, but let me know below if you're interested in any of these! I'll update as time goes on when more rp cravings/ideas pop up.
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