Name:Anne Willis
Pronouns:She/her he/him
Looks:The one that is smaller
Personality:She is a light of everything, and tries to make others get out of their comfort zones they may know, to enjoy life, or to just simply survive, he is often seen hanging around with his best-friend, Estelle Monet, and is often the one making the other seem the dullest, which makes it even fun, since she knows her friend's competitive side pretty well.
Bit of a Bio:Anne was born wealthy and stable, though when the end of the world had come, money, and friends, or even the things she had, didn't help him, that was when he met Estelle who had always lived on the streets, which taught her the ways of that lifestyle, including killing, but now that everything died down, she had been able to relax with his bestie.
Name:Estelle Monet
Looks:The right
Personality:Estelle had always been prickly and cold towards others, thanks to the way it lived before everything came down, though still even before, he had been guarded and kept himself as cautious as it could do. It also never liked others trying to help out, as he thought of it as worthless pity and people wanting to feel like a hero, so he shuts down offers as quick as he can snap a finger
Bit of Bio:Estelle had run away from his home when he was 10, and had lived on the streets, and had to do many things to survive, and learned tricks, as in stealing. He never took hand-outs from people as he felt it was nothing but fakeness. Though when the zombies came, he had been lucky to find Anne, and had used her as a leeching method, though it took a liking to him, making Estelle not throw her away to the xombies