Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The lights flicked on in the lavish Los Angeles apartment as a figure walked in. The man was holding a bag of groceries, leaning his ear to his shoulder as he listened in on the conversation. Green eyes flicked around, trying to find a place to set his groceries down, trying to find anything to do to occupy himself during this call. It was a small phone conference with his managers, and they just have him on the call to interject with anything. This was the less glamorous side of being a famous Hollywood actor, but Raymond Chase wasn’t complaining- at least not right now. “…very nice to be working with Raymond Chase himself!” Raymond’s attention moved back to the phone at the sound of his name. “Pleasure’s all mine.” Was his response, just wanting to hang up and sleep. He had been talking with all sorts of studios about potential roles. He had just got done shooting a recent film, and rewarded himself by doing something “human.”

While many celebrities get engulfed in the luxurious life, Raymond did try to treat himself to just doing something normal like get his own groceries or drive himself somewhere or even just take a weekend to camp or fish or something like that. Sometimes he wished that he was back in his hometown sitting on the lake with a beer just… relax. His mind started to wander back to Rhodes, which wasn’t too rare for the man. He often thought back on his youth and the days worrying about school and what he and his friends were going to get into. Jimmy would probably steal some beer from his dad’s bar, Austin would shake his head in disapproval while Leigh would laugh and peer pressure Austin while he and Val—

“Raymond, you there?”

“Uh, yeah, sorry. It all sounds great! If you just want to send Ryan the details and we can look it over…” Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate against his cheek. Pulling it away, he looked to see a name that send chills down his spine. “hey, guys, I’m really sorry but I gotta go. It’s an emergency.” Before he could even get a response he hung up and answered the other line. “Hello?” Ray asked, trying to keep his voice from cracking. “Ray… buddy.” A familiar yet older voice filled his ear; Jimmy Hayes was on the other line, and he didn’t sound like himself. Normally the two would talk every now and then, but it was rare to not have it on a holiday or something. “How’re you doing, man?” Ray asked. There was a pause on the phone and then a sigh. “I… uh, not good. Ray… I don’t know how to tell you this but—Austin died.”


Raymond rubbed his eyes with one hand while the other was on the wheel of the rental car. It was late at night. He was driving down the old rural roads he knew all too well as a kid, but now it seemed to haunt him. Ever since he got the call, he tried to immediately fly out of LA and to the closest Airport to Rhodes. Unfortunately Atlanta was a few hours away. He had eaten, hadn’t slept, all he could think about was getting back home… He was angry, scared, confused, frustrated, but more than anything: guilty. He should have visited at least once. He should have called Austin more, be more present to his friends and family- god, he hadn’t even seen his parents in over ten years! He slammed his hand against the wheel, frustrated with himself. If he had just put his damn pride away… He sighed and looked on, thinking about the reasons why he left. He wanted to do more than just sit in Rhodes his whole life- or so he thought to himself. He would have been completely happy with doing that if he just had that one person, and suddenly, the realization came in.

He would have to see them all again. He was scared of what they would think of him, how he had just ran off without a word… and he was terrified of seeing Her again. Valarie Johnson. He smiled slightly at the thought of her and their last night he had, but then it turned to bittersweet resentment. It didn’t mean a damn to her… If it did, she would have called at least once- or maybe he should have. He didn’t know. He was exhausted, and it wasn’t long before he saw the welcome sign into his hometown.

He rolled the windows down, taking in the views of corn fields, woods, and small streams that littered the town. His mind flashed back to his younger days where he would drive his old truck, challenging the other kids to a race before the cops chased them off the road. He remembered sitting on that corner with his friends eating candy and planning their weekend adventures. God, he had forgotten how much he had missed this place… but did Rhodes miss him?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Since childhood, Valerie was used to her little group of friends being a tight well formed group. Never in a million years would she have thought, that their group would have crumbled down, falling apart like an old cookie the way it had. Going from 5 members, to 3. 3 that seemed to be hanging by a thin thread; trying to keep the rest of their group somewhat together. If anyone had asked, a lot of people considered Raymond leaving to be her fault...or a huge chunk of her fault. Those few people included her friend Ryleigh and than Raymond's parents. Valerie hadn't seen or really spoken to them, since Ray had left Rhodes. His mother angry with Val, for not stopping him leaving Rhodes after the night at Austin's Lake house. Being one of the factors that had driven him away, apart from his search for the life that he wanted for himself. It was probably down to how things had ended between them, that fateful summer where they had given into the attraction, feelings and sexual tension between each other. Val never regretted sleeping with Ray. But she had never been secure in herself, emotionally to feel confident enough to tell him how she really felt. No one truly understood just how scared she was, to tell him the truth about how she really felt. Not that she had the chance to, make things right. No one in Rhodes had seen him for the last 10 years. No letter, no call, nothing. Having written more than her fair share of letters, Val never had the courage to send them to him. Nothing ever sounded right, even on paper. But Val seemed to have given up, on trying to contact him; when he made no effort to get in contact either. Telling herself, it was probably for the best to move on with her life. After all, Raymond seemed to have moved on himself and living the life, he seemed to day-dream about. Being one of the biggest movie stars out there. Val wasn't going to interject in him living out his dream.

Then came the tragic death of Austin. The glue that had seemingly held everyone together, was gone. Taken far too young and leaving the entire town in mourning.

Day of the Car Accident*flashback*:

Sitting in a small coffee shop, Val held the steaming cup of coffee between the palm of her hands. Feeling the heat from the plastic cup, warming up her hands as she sipped on the hot beverage. Half of her brown hair pulled up into a messy bun, whilst the other half was loose. It was her day off, from working at the Museum; not feeling overly fussed about having her hair perfect and tidy like she would have most days. Sporting nothing but a normal t-shirt, with a over-sized hoodie she liked for comfort and her favourite pair of jeans, and boots. It was as casual, as Val would dress some days. But the young woman was paying attention to the man in front of her. The one and only Leo Dominguez. One of Rhodes new beloved and hard working police officer, whom also was a talented musician. Valerie could certainly vouche for him; having heard his music. And admittedly his southern, husky drawl sounded sexy when singing. A small on her face, as she was invested in the story he was telling her. Valerie couldn't help but admire him; he was always dedicated to helping protecting the people of Rhodes, as well as his hidden talent. It was amazing, that he found time to do both.

Feeling her phone buzzing in her pocket, Val glanced down into her pocket seeing Ryleigh's name on her screen. "Sorry, I probably should answer that. I won't be long." she promised, giving Leo an apologetic smile.

"Of course, don't worry." Leo assured her with a simple nod. Letting Val answer the phone. His gaze still fixated on the beauty in front of him. Finding her smile to be somewhat hypnotising, anytime she glanced in his direction with that smile of hers.

Picking up the phone, Val was met with a panicky, squeaky voiced Ryleigh. "Leigh? What's wrong? Are you alright?" Val asked, her brows furrowing with worry. The two might have not been on the best of terms, these past 10 years. But she still worried when Ryleigh called her; especially when she sounded this weird over the phone. Leigh was usually bubbly and sassy. Never one to be panicked or squeaky over the phone. Something was seriously wrong. Wherever Ryleigh was, she had bad reception; as she could hear static in the background. "What?..sorry, I didn't catch that." Val told Leigh over the phone. Doing her best to make out whatever Leigh was mumbling on about.

Sniffling over the line was still heard. "I...I am at the hospital with Jimmy. Austin...he's....bad car accident." Leigh mumbled out, between shaky breaths. "The doctors don't think...he's gonna...survive." It felt like someone was tugging at her insides, trying to strangle her. Making it near impossible to tell, one of her friends that their Friend possibly couldn't make it, through the next few hours in the hospital. Her words coming out all in a jumbled mess.

It was like, Val had seen a ghost when she finally heard what Leigh had said over the other line. Her face looking ghostly white. Eyes wide in horror. Feeling a sinking pit in her stomach. "Oh god...I'll be right there." Valerie promised, before managing to hung up the phone. Standing up, Valerie looked at Leo. "I am sorry. I...have to go. It's an emergency." Not really wanting to trouble him with the full details; when she herself didn't know the full extent of the details herself. Rushing out of the café, with her coffee in hand. Feeling the breeze rush through her hair, as she dashed through the familiar streets of Rhodes town. The hospital a few blocks away, from where she had currently been. Valerie didn't recall the last time, she had run so fast. All but bursting through the hospital main doors, out of breath. Seeing her friends in the waiting room, along with members of Austin's family. All looking pasty white with worry, and teary eyed. Valerie had no words of comfort, for anyone. How could she? Never having been in a situation like this. She could only hope, that Austin would pull through, and that the doctors could save his life. Sitting by Leigh on one of the chairs in the waiting room; it seemed like time dragged on before standing still when she saw one of the doctors heading in their direction, after what felt like hours. When it was a few mere minutes after her arrival. Everyone looked up at the doctor expectantly; waiting to hear news. Any news.

"I am sorry....we did all we could, but unfortunately there's nothing more we could have done in his condition..." Seeing the doctor's lips kept moving. But the rest of the words just seemed like a blur to everyone in the waiting room. Hearing the news that Austin had died. That he was no longer there, with them hit hard. Feeling Ryleigh collapse against her, in tears. Valerie wrapped her arms around her, as tears slide down her cheeks.

Neither Val nor Leigh had slept very well, the last few nights. Both haunted with Austin's death and already feeling his absence. Austin was no longer there to keep Ryleigh in check; even if she had matured over the last 10 years, no longer there to offer any of them advice, no longer to cheer Valerie up, when she felt like everything was her fault. Neither of the girls knew, that Jimmy had gotten in touch with Ray since Austin's death. And that soon enough, that Val would have to face the ghosts of her past with Raymond's return. Sitting on her bed, Valerie was staring at her wardrobe; debating with herself if she should pack her things for the lake house, or just stay at home. The girls, along with Jimmy had learned that Austin wanted everyone to reunite at the lake house for one last time. Valerie hadn't been at the lake-house in so long. Not since they all had graduated. After Ray had left Rhodes, it just didn't feel the same; going there without him. Yet the place held so many memories, for all of them. Maybe it would be worth going there, one last time? Just Maybe...
Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Raymond’s mind was swimming in memories as he drove down the tattered old roads of the small town. It was funny; it had been ten years and yet he knew these streets like the back of his hand. He could practically drive with his eyes closed… which he almost did from the lack of sleep, but he shook his head to keep the thought of sleeping away. Soon enough he drove to a modest little house with a single front porch light on, and a bittersweet smile filled his face. After all these years he was finally home. Raymond turned off the car and gave a light sigh and rub of his eyes. Was he really ready to go through all of this? To hear the questions, the anger, the sadness, the pain of everything going on in this town? He wasn’t exactly sure, but he knew Austin wouldn’t hesitate, so he wouldn’t either. Ray climbed out of the car, and as soon as the door slammed shut he could hear the squeak of the front door.

Out came a woman with graying brown hair and brilliant green eyes. She looked like she was on the verge of tears, and it was no wonder why. “Ray-Ray…” The woman choked back a sob, and immediately threw her arms around him. “Hi momma.” Ray said softly, holding her tight. although he talked to his parents the most in this town, they had never pried on him coming back. He would send gifts and photos and letters every now and then to them, and besides the few trips he paid for them to visit him in LA, this was the first time in years that he’s been face to face with his parents. “Oh, you’ve gotten so handsome!” Maggie Chase exclaimed, putting a hand to her son’s face, and soon the smile turned to sadness, and she shook her head. “I’m so sorry about Austin.” She spoke softly, but Ray shook his head, trying to give a brave smile. “it’s alright, Ma… Have you talked to his parents?”

“Every now and then when they aren’t busy. The funeral will be in a couple days, and they mentioned something about you taking a trip with everyone up to the lake house.” she trailed off, looking up at her son quizzically to see what exactly he was thinking. “Is everyone coming, or—“

“I don’t know. Honestly haven’t heard much of the plan except from Jimmy.” It was clear that she was asking if everyone was going to be there- including the woman he had spent a decade trying to forget… but as he looked over at the house next door, his heart felt a pang of sadness and guilt. No, he could never forget about her. “Hey, son.” A gruff voice said, and next to him was a large man in a baseball cap and overalls. Robert Chase hesitated to go in for a hug but did so eventually. Even though he had aged a bit since he last saw him, he was still as strong as ever. It was only natural since he was the only mechanic in town.

“Oh, you must be exhausted, come in! We made your room nice and clean, and we made your favorite: fried okra and roasted chicken!” As Ray grabbed his luggage, he took one last look at the neighbor’s house. He was sure that she probably didn’t live there anymore, he was sure that she tried to get as far away from his place as she could… but he couldn’t help but imagine seeing the brunette peak out the window, giving him the smile he had fallen for again… With a sigh he turned away and entered the house.


Ray tried to get as much sleep as he could, but that didn’t seem to work. He got up early to help his parents around the house- noticing his room was exactly how he left it. Movie and band posters, an assortment of toys and knicknacks he had collected in his childhood, and on the walls were pictures of him and his friends that they had taken with polaroid's. He smiled faintly at them, gently placing his fingertips on some of them, and stopped as soon as he came across a certain one. Raymond had just pushed Jimmy into the lake. He had a fear of the water when he was younger. Raymond was laughing with a few missing teeth, Austin shaking his head but laughing with him with a hand on his shoulder, and in the background the two girls were desperately trying to get the young Jimmy out of the water. Ray’s eyes flickered to look at the brunette with the braided hair and looking over at him in the picture mid yell. He could practically hear her scream. “Raymond Chase you better help him!”

After a moment of staring at the picture, the smile on Raymond’s face turned into a twisted contortion of pain. He put his hand over his eyes and sobbed quietly, but soon stopped, trying to get his composure. With a few deep breaths and wipes of his eyes, he turned to get ready for the day- he had to meet Jimmy at his bar. Apparently he makes “the best burgers in town.” Jimmy Hayes was many things, but a cook he was not.

This should be interesting. Little did he know that Jimmy had talked to Ryleigh on the phone and tried to surprise him with the gang around- he wasn’t sure if Val would even humor the thought of coming, but Jimmy had asked if Leigh could somehow convince the brunette. The sooner they meet, the sooner the trip to the lake house will be less awkward.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
Avatar of WolfLover

WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Feeling the exhaustion of her lack of sleep, her eyes eventually closed and Valerie found herself in a slumber. Her mind still running through various thoughts and situations about going to the Lakehouse. Part of her was telling her to go to the old hang-out spot. But another part of her was resisting and feeling sceptical about it. Unsure if going to the lake house would be a good idea. It wouldn't feel the same...for many reasons. Would everyone end up depressed? Thinking of old memories, when life felt so much simpler? When the gang was complete? Valerie couldn't imagine of feeling that same old comfort at the lake house with Austin gone. Knowing that if he was still alive, that he would try and convince her to come along, to enjoy a week-end of bonding and 'fun'. Like the good old days. Was she over-thinking things? It was possible that she was. Something that Val was known to do so. No doubt Jimmy and Leigh would somehow try and convince her too; if the pair were up for it.

The next morning, Valerie was woken up with the sound of her phone ringing. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she stretched out on her bed with a light yawn. Picking up the phone, she answered when she saw Ryleigh's name on the caller Id. "You picked an interesting time to call Leigh." It was still fairly early. And Val hadn't realised how tired she truly felt, until she got some sleep. "What's up?" Propping herself up on her bed, she leaned against the pillows.

Ryleigh on the other hand sounded more awake, than the brunette. The blonde was always an earlier riser and had a habit of waking the rest up; even as kids when they spent time at the lake-house. "Jimmy is hosting a little get-together at the bar. There will be burgers, apparently." She told Valerie. Not sure if she should mention the fact that Raymond was coming or not. Honestly, Leigh was surprised when Jimmy mentioned that Ray was back. Not sure that anyone of them would be prepared for his return to Rhodes. But if she mentioned Ray's name, chances were that Valerie would be reluctant to show up. But it was clear that Austin's death had brought back their former member back home. Austin had impacted on everyone's lives; not just the group of friends. But the whole town. Everyone would miss him.

Making a slight face, at the mention of Burgers. Valerie knew how Jimmy's cooking skills were. So the thought scared her a little bit; either the place would burn down, or they'd end up with food poisoning. "Let's hope, he's not the one cooking them." Val joked. Glancing towards the clock on the wall, she then spoke again into the phone "What time is it? I suppose, I can spare an hour or two." Her day was looking pretty free of commitments otherwise. So it's not like going to the bar would be a bad thing. "Why did Jimmy plan the sudden get-together anyways?" There it was, the question that Leigh had been dreading to hear. As Valerie had a way of getting information out of people, to a degree. Hearing the weird awkward silence on the other line, Val furrowed her brows slightly. "Leigh? What's going on?" Clearly something didn't feel right about her friends radio silence. She could tell that something was up. It was clear as day.

"Urgh......Raymond's back in town." Ryleigh told Valerie. "I wasn't sure, that I should tell you. But Jimmy thought it'd be a nice surprise for him, to see us all."

Swallowing at the mention of Raymond, Valerie shook her head slightly. "If he wanted to see us, he would have kept in touch. Or visited at least once." Val wasn't so sure that Ray would even want to see her, of all people. Or maybe she was the one, that wasn't ready to face Raymond after 10 years. 10 years of guilt, and trying to forget about the pain that came with him leaving Rhodes. Valerie's comment however caused a heated discussion between the two girls over the phone. Ryleigh hated to admit that Valerie had a good point; despite always being bitter towards her after Raymond had left. The chances that anyone forgot, what happened 10 years ago was very slim indeed. So it took a while for Valerie to feel even close to being convinced about going to Jimmy's bar. But eventually she gave in. Wishing that Austin was still here, to keep everything from falling apart once they'd all be in the same room together. But she was a big girl; she had to face Raymond eventually. The sooner the better.

Later that day:

Standing in front of the mirror, Valerie sighed as she glanced at herself. Debating if she should just forget about going to the bar, as she felt the nerves starting to settle in. But the truth was, she couldn't avoid seeing Ray forever. She would see him at the funeral and at the lake-house if everyone decided to go. So best get the awkwardness out of the way. She kept her brown locks loose, but had a small scrunchie in her bag; like always in case she needed to pull her hair up. Valerie didn't want to seem like she was making massive effort to look nice for anyone's benefit. So she opted for something safe; jeans and a top that was comfortable. Along with a pair of boots. She then made her way to Jimmy's bar. The journey not taking her too long, considering she lived close by anyways. It was a 15 minute walk, at most.

Out of the girls, she was the last to arrive; already hearing Jimmy and Leigh laughing about something. Along with smelling the burgers cooking. "I hope you're not burning anything." Val teased Jim, as she announced her arrival. Giving the pair a soft, albeit a nervous smile.

Leigh had arrived few moments prior to Valerie, her blonde hair resting over her shoulders. Like Val, she was dressed casually; Jeans with a top. Nothing too fancy. Ryleigh was never one for fancy outfits; the fanciest she had ever been, was during prom with her dress. Giving Val a slight smile. Still feeling bit awkward after their phone conversation earlier that morning. Hopefully, they can put it past them. Right? "Anyone feel like having a drink, for the nerves?" All they had to do, was wait for Ray to arrive and see how things would unfold.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jones Sparrow
Avatar of Jones Sparrow

Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jimmy and Leigh had been making small talk while they waited for the rest of the group to arrive. The two of them making bets, talking about the gossip and wagering how Raymond would look in person after all these years. Jimmy did a dramatic and exaggerated "Hollywood" accent to mimic the man, causing the two to laugh before Valerie entered the room. Jimmy opened his arms with a huge grin. "There she is!" Jimmy's grin faded with an eye roll at her comment. "Nope, just making sure to drop your burger a time or two. Don't worry, it's nice and clean." Jimmy joked back, leaning against the bar to look at the two ladies in front of them. "Bold of ya to assume that we haven't started drinkin' already." The man slid Val's drink of choice towards him- already prepared for her. "Look. I know this is gonna be hard on all of us... but the sooner we get this outta the way, the sooner we can- I don't know? act normal? All things considered. It's what Austin would have wanted." Jimmy sighed and shrugged at the two, hoping that they somewhat agreed.

As the three started to talk, Raymond had just made his way to the bar himself. He wore an old blue t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of sneakers. As he got closer to the bar Ray took off his sunglasses, looking down at his watch, hoping he wasn't too early-or late to meet Jimmy. Should he have come sooner to seem eager? Or would that look too desperate or guilty? He shook his head slightly, either way Jimmy was going to tease him. He was ready for it; after ten years of being away he deserved any insult he could think of. He stepped into the bar, the smell of food almost covering the stench of old beer and liquor that was on the floor. Country music softly played in the background, and he could already hear the familiar laugh of Jimmy Hayes.

Ray smiled and looked over at the bar, expecting to see his friend talking with regulars... but instead he saw an even more familiar sight. Ray's smile faded very slightly; he didn't know if smiling was the right thing to do here. It was like a weird dream. Jimmy looked the same, maybe even a tiny bit taller. He was still jovial; his smile contagious and he knew he was dying to break the tension with some lame joke that he's been working on for the moment Ray came back. Ryleigh Grey looked nearly the same as she did years ago, but maybe more 'mature' which Ray would have never thought would happen. She was always the wild one, but her messy blonde hair had tamed, and her eyes seemed a bit more dimmed- he didn't know if it was the death of Austin, her growing older, or maybe a bit of both... and as his green eyes jumped to the next person, his heart nearly stopped.

Valerie Johnson. God, she looked even more beautiful than the day he last saw her. For ten years Raymond had tried to forget about Val, trying to convince himself that it was for the best for the two of them- she had left after all... after a night that Raymond thought was perfect. Even after trying to move on he couldn't get her face out of his mind. Her laugh, the way she moved her head when listening, how she'd always seemed to sing the wrong lyrics to Ray's favorite songs-- all those memories flooded his mind as he looked at her. All the happiness, and bitterness that they brought.

Jimmy was the first to greet him. "There he is!" Jimmy embraced the man in a hug. He was still a bit shorter than the man. "Jesus, did Hollywood give you another 3 feet?" The comment made Ray laugh a bit. "Nah, I think the alcoholism just stunted your growth since 7th grade." Ray teased, patting the man on the back. "You look great, Jimmy."

"Right back at ya, Hollywood. Although you look prettier in the movies." He turned to look at Leigh and Val that had gotten up to greet their old friend, grinning a bit. "Hope ya don't mind, thought you'd want to see the old gang again." Raymond was somehow caught off guard by this, even though he shouldn't have. It was totally something he should have seen coming-especially from Jimmy. Ray's heart was racing slightly, but he kept the smile on his face. He was genuinely happy to see them, but he couldn't seem to get himself to fully look over at the brunette that seemed to be cautious on walking up to him. He was genuinely shocked that Val agreed to meet up with him. A part of him was hopeful that she was here out of some sort of curiosity... to see him again, to see if she felt the same way he felt about her. Or maybe she was just here out of a favor to Austin and the rest of them.

"Miss Raleigh Grace. Really good to see ya again." Raymond looked over at Leigh with a smile, noticing a pang of bitterness in her face before she came to hug him. Letting go of the blonde, Ray's attention once again moved to Valerie, giving a small smile. "Hey, Val." His voice felt dry, but he did his best to meet her gaze.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by WolfLover
Avatar of WolfLover

WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

It didn't surprise Val, when she came to the bar to find Jimmy and Leigh playfully faffing around and mocking a Hollywood accent. It brought a brief smile to her face. Everyone was curious how Raymond would look like, act like, be like; after all these years apart. As Jimmy opened his arms, she leaned over the bar hugging him. "And here I was going to give you a point for not burning the food." she joked, smiling as he promised that her burger was going to be nice and clean. Taking a seat at one of the stools. As Jimmy confirmed that they have started drinking already; she pretended to gasp offended. "Drinking without me? How rude of you." Playfully joking of course. It was Leigh and Jimmy. She shouldn't have expected them to wait. Ordering a glass of rum and coke, Val was tempted to down the first glass. In hopes of soothing her nerves.
"In my defence, Leigh didn't tell me what you were planning till a few hours ago." She sighed softly.

"I wasn't sure you'd come, if I told you straight out what Jimmy was doing." Leigh retorted, giving her a slight glare. The blonde having to bite down on her lower lip, before another argument would break out. Jimmy was somewhat right. They had to get the awkwardness over and done with. But what was normal anymore? Neither of the girls knew. Austin was gone. Ray had been living it up in Hollywood for the last 11 years. Nothing was the same as it used to be. They had to find a new 'normal' or at least, somehow co-exist.

It wasn't long, before Raymond made his appearance. Stopping the trio in their debate about normalcy. Taking a large swig of her drink. Valerie closed her eyes, making a slight face at the strong bitter taste of the rum that she tasted over the coke. Yep, she needed a few more sips before she could compose herself. Almost finishing her drink in one. Finally gathering the strength and courage to look over in Raymond's direction. Valerie was met with the familiar sight of Ray. That same smile and chuckle, she loved all those years ago. Expect he was more taller than she had last remembered. He looked as handsome and strong, if not more bulky in muscle than she remembered him being. But she found herself almost stuck on the spot. Unable to move. Let alone catch her breathe properly. Not even sure that he'd want her close, considering how they left things. So she kept her distance, whilst Jimmy and Leigh greeted him first.

Of course Ryleigh noticed Val's hesitation. Causing the bitterness to stir once again. But for everyone's sake; she tried to keep a smile on her face as she greeted Ray with a hug. "Hey you, glad to see you still look the same underneath all that Hollywood make-up." she said, teasingly. But the bitterness seemed to quickly return as she tried to stifle it down. "It's nice to see you again, too." Despite how messed up their small group was. It was nice seeing him again.

When it came to Valerie's turn, Val swallowed shakily. Managing to meet Raymond's gaze for a few moments. "Hi.." Trying to keep her voice from trembling from her nerves. Valerie managed a small smile. "How's Hollywood been treating you?" Seeing him again, it felt like she was back to her teenage self. All those feelings, that were buried were slowly resurfacing. Which made her heart ache with confusion and guilt, especially as she thought about Leon. It wasn't going to be easy, to be around Ray. Let alone her trying to figure out her feelings...towards both him and Leo.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jones Sparrow
Avatar of Jones Sparrow

Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ryleigh's comment stung slightly. He had it coming to him, and while she may have meant it jokingly, he knew her well enough- at least back then- to know when she was covering hurt in her voice. Top that with the look on Valerie's face and it made it even worse. His chest nearly erupted from the pain that was coming from it. Seeing his old friends in his home, knowing that he'd never see Austin again... the sound of Val's slightly trembling voice as she did her best to keep a brave face on for not him, but for her other friends hurt him more than leaving that day a decade ago. Her question felt like a slap to the face, a stab in the chest, a yearning for love all at once. He didn't know what to say at first. He swallowed hard trying to stop his own slight shaking. "It's been good." He managed to say, giving slight nervous nods.

"How are you?" His lips asked, but as he looked at her, his eyes were practically saying: "I missed you more than I've ever missed anything before."

Before he could even get a response he heard a gasp come from Ryleigh, and as he looked up he could see a cloud of smoke coming from the small kitchen window from behind the bar. "Jimmy! You alright in there?" Ray called out, moving towards the back. "Yep, yep... just forgot to clean out the grease trap from last night is all!" He called out with a cough. "God damn, Jimmy, I'm surprised you haven't burned this place to the ground yet!" Ray called out, a bit of his southern accent coming out as he rushed to help in the kitchen. Jimmy smiled slightly as he saw Ray come in. Hearing his frustration felt like a blast from the past. It always seemed to go that way when they were all together. A chaotic mess with either Austin or Val to try and calm the situation.

Once the potential fire was put out, the bar seemed to get quiet again, only the soft sound of country music filling the air. Jimmy had urged Ray to help himself to a drink at the bar where he found Ryleigh and Val again. "He hasn't changed much has he?" He laughed and shook his head, looking behind the bar for a beer. "Oh man... Haven't had a Sweet Water since I was in high school." Ray muttered, pulling out the beer from the local brewery from the layer of ice. As he popped the can he looked at the two girls with a nervous smile, not entirely sure what to say, and trying to figure out what was going on in their minds. "'Member when we all snuck into this bar with fakes, and we nearly got into a bar fight because someone was flirtin' with Ryleigh and Jimmy swung a pool cue at the guy?" Ray said with a chuckle.

"I remember almost getting free drinks for the rest of the night before Jimmy tried to swing a pool cue and he ended up hitting the stool next to the guy." Ryleigh replied. "He wouldn't've bough you nothin' but well whiskey and PBR." Jimmy came through the kitchen doors holding a tray of food. "I did you a favor."

"What about me? Damn guy broke my sideview mirror as we drove off." Ray commented, taking the basket of the burger and fries from his friend, giving a nod of thanks.

As Jimmy passed out the food, he set an extra one down towards the end of the bar with a cocktail of fireball and lemonade. "For Austin" Jimmy explained quietly. No one seemed to mind. Raymond lifted his drink in the air. "To Austin." Ray's voice cracked slightly before taking a sip. Fortunately for everyone Jimmy was good at getting people talking and easing the awkwardness out of the room. The burgers were about as good as Ray was expecting, and he wasn't sure if it was the drinking, the nerves, or both, but the burger and conversations were getting better and better as time went on. "How long you plan on stayin', Ray?" Jimmy eventually asked, pouring an unhealthy amount of ketchup next to his fries. Ray played with the beer can in his hand, shrugging a bit. "Dunno... Obviously gonna stay for the funeral, but after that... Not really sure what the plans are." Raymond stole a quick glance at Val before looking at everyone else.

"Well... I got another surprise for ya. Austin had always wanted us to all get back together- and- well, you know... spend a weekend at the lake house." Raymond's eyes went wide, and his heart started to beat faster. "I know it's a lot, but... I think it'd be good for the lot of us. Give us time to hang out and remember Austin... Give us a time to catch up, relive old times." Jimmy trailed off looking at his own drink. Ray's eyes moved to everyone. He didn't really know what to say, but he knew that he already felt immeasurable guilt for a lot of things... Letting Austin down and refusing his last wish wasn't something he wanted to do, but at the same time, the last time he set foot in that house was when-

He looked over at Valerie once more and his throat swelled. "I don't know, Jim... There's a lot of bittersweet memories in that house. Allota baggage, too." Ray said, trying to be vague and doing his best not to look over at Val. "I'm just not sure if I can get the courage to go there without Austin." Raymond finished the last of his beer with a sigh. "I get it, but to be honest with ya, I have a feelin' this will be one of the last times we can all be there as a group. Austin's still fresh in our thoughts and memories, and I don't wanna go another ten years down the road and forget him just how we forgot about y--" Jimmy had been drinking too much, and while he didn't let the whole thing slip, Raymond got the gist of what he was saying. 'We don't wanna go another yen years down the road and forget him like we did you.

"Look, if one of us doesn't go, we all aren't going... But whatd'ya guys say? Hold it to a vote?" Jimmy raised his hand. "All in favor?" He looked at the three of his friends, all obviously unsure and hesitant about it, but eventually, in an act of bravery (and guilt) Raymond held up his hand while his other one reached for another beer.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

The tension around all of them was thick. Valerie was trying not to hurt Raymond more than she already had but she wasn't entirely too sure what to say to him. She had no amount of words or apologies, that could fix what happened 10 years ago. But at the same time, she could not fix her own insecurities and fears back then. The guilt was present across her features. Especially seeing how bitter Ryleigh was, despite trying to act otherwise. But Ray didn't have to deal with that bitterness for the last 10 years. If anything, she took the brunt of it for them both. "That's good. I always knew you'd make it far." She said truthfully. At least he was living out his dream. She was proud of him for that. Not knowing how he'd take the news, if she'd tell him so. Val noticed the slight tremble. Knowing him too well, to know that he was feeling the same as she was. Confused, and unsure of what to do or say.

Seeing the look in his eyes, was enough for tears to start prickling her eyes. But she didn't want him to see her like this. Not even sure, whom she was keeping herself composed for. Having missed him too; more than he knew. But would he even believe her, if she said so? But before she could really speak, the smoke caught everyone's attention. Letting out a slight cough. "Sheesh, Jimmy. You need to take better care of the kitchen. Or do you want to burn this place down?" tutting at him. Luckily disaster was averted. But hopefully it'd be a reminder for their friend, to take care of the kitchen greaser better, than this. Or one could hope at least. It was Jimmy after all.

"It's Jimmy. He's always been the same." Val nodded at Ray's question about Jimmy. As Ray helped himself to a drink behind the bar, it felt like old times. Helping herself to another helping of Coke and Rum, she took a sip of her freshly made drink. Smiling lightly at the memory, he brought up. "That was a fun night. I remember Leigh challenged all of us to a dance off, whilst drunk. Till the cute guy distracted her." Remembering the fun they all had, that particular evening. Doing the typical teenager things. Things back then, felt much simpler. Now they were all adults. Having to deal with consequences of past actions, and how it affected everyone. Thanking Jimmy as he brought out the food. Biting into her burger to try and quench her hunger. Drinking on an empty stomach beforehand, hadn't exactly helped.

"You chased him off. I don't call that a favor." Ryleigh huffed at Jimmy. It seemed like reminiscing about past times, was getting everyone in a better mood. "Oh god, Your signature dance move. What did you call it again?" She teased Val, trying to remember what Valerie called a few of her supposedly 'hip and cool' dance moves, back in those days. Munching on her own food. At the mention of Austin, Ryleigh too felt the pain once again of his loss. Knowing he wasn't here, to reminisce with them. At least, not in person. "To Austin." Toasting to him, with the rest of them. Unable to keep her voice from cracking either.

As Jimmy toasted to Austin, Val smiled sadly. "To Austin." Her voice too breaking, as tears prickled her eyes. Quickly glancing away from everyone, to wipe them away. If she carried on like this, with her emotions bouncing all over the place. She might break down, sometime soon.

As Jimmy asked Ray the one question, she herself had been wondering. Valerie took another bite of her food. Unsure of what answer to expect from Ray. She wouldn't blame him, if he didn't want to stick around long after the funeral. Knowing, he was probably too hurt and angry at her still, for how things turned out all those years ago. The mention of the lake house, caused Val to stop herself. "Jimmy....." She slightly shook her head. Austin wasn't here to go with them to the lake house. It wouldn't be the same. Unsure of whether this was a good idea or not. It might have been Austin's wish. But there'd be a lot of can of opened worms, if they went back to the lake house.

"Ray's right, Jimmy. There's a lot of....memories there. Lots of unresolved things." She sighed when he spoke of the bittersweet memories. Too not having the strength to go there, without Austin. Without Austin around, it'd probably take a while to convince her to go. Val wasn't so sure, that going there would fix anyone's issues. Looking down at her hands, when Jimmy spoke. Almost flat out telling Ray that he pretty much been forgotten in his drunkenness. It wasn't entirely true. Val never forgot about him. But part of her wanted to. To forget the hurt, of him leaving. The hurt she caused him, by leaving first.

Of course it was like Jimmy to hold a vote. Meaning, if one said no, then Austin's plan on getting them together again was down the drain. It seemed like Ray was the first one to get the courage to agree to this plan. Leigh was the next one to agree. "It'd be nice to see the Lakehouse again. Ryleigh said. Before all eyes seemed to land on Valerie, whom was sitting there, lost in thought.

Val remained silent. Not sure what to do or say in that particular moment. Did she even have the courage to go? Maybe this was the closure they all needed? Or would going back, just cause more issues, than it'd solve? Swallowing, Val looked towards Ray. She hadn't expected him to agree to it, if she was being honest. But if he could be brave about it, than so could she right? "Alright then." She said weakly, eventually adding in her agreement, despite the gazillion worries running through her mind.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The voting only lasted a few moments, but it was the tensest Ray had been in a very long time. A part of him was silently begging Leigh or Val to shake their heads and walk out so that they could all just move on with their lives and be happy... but he knew deep down that none of them have truly been happy in a while. At least, not happy enough to get rid of any doubts of "what could have been." "Thanks, guys." Jimmy spoke with a sad smile. Ray gave a weak smile to the small group of friends before taking a large gulp of his beer. "That does it then." He spoke softly, and while a part of him dreaded this moment, he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't curious on how this was going to go.

Still, memories of his last night in Rhodes lingered in his mind the more he thought about going back to that lake house. Life was so much simpler back then. If only his pride didn't get in the way, then he might have been able to see Austin one last time. Make him laugh, hear his pep talk to get the courage to talk to Val and- he didn't know- apologize? Ray had a feeling that Leigh had this anger towards Val, but if Raymond was being honest maybe leaving town and never looking back for ten years was a bit too much.

"Well, I'd hate to say it, but I open soon and I gotta sober up and clean a bit before that happens." Jimmy downed the last of his drink. Raymond looked around and chuckled a bit. "Looks like you needed to clean up a few years ago. Need any help?" Ray asked, but he knew Jimmy's answer already. "Nah. It'll keep me distracted before the funeral tomorrow. Besides, ya'll can visit later. Drinks'll be on me." Jimmy looked at Ray with protesting eyes as he saw him pull out his wallet. "Fine, fine..." Ray defeatedly put his wallet away and gave a sigh. Raymond looked over at the two girls at the bar, not exactly having a plan or anywhere to go besides back to his childhood bedroom.

"You ladies have any plans before happy hour? Was thinkin' about taking a walk around town. Wanna see what's changed and what's stayed the same." While he was talking about their small town, he also was curious on talking with his old friends some more, getting to see what had changed and what hadn't with them. Raymond had constantly glanced at Valerie's ring finger, a stupid little hope that she had no family to go back to. "I'm free, but Val might have made plans with Leo already." Leigh spoke up, finding a way to attack Val and hurt Ray at the same time, a pit in his stomach already starting to form. Ray did a good job at hiding the fear from his face, but the thought of Val being with someone always made him a bit sick to his stomach, even as kids.

"Leo? Don't know a Leo from when we were kids... he a new dog or something?" Raymond asked a bit obliviously and hopeful, but by Leigh's sudden burst of laughter, he could tell that he just made a fool of himself and Val which was the last thing he wanted to do. In Ray's defense, there have rarely ever been newcomers to their little city of Rhodes.

"I guess you could say that, Ray."
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Valerie could feel her palms sweating; especially when she saw Leigh's intense look. She could have sworn, that Ryleigh was almost glaring at her with how long it had taken her to make a decision about the lake house. Giving Jimmy a weak smile, as he thanked them all. Not having anything else to really say, she finished off her drink. Feeling the weird awkwardness and tension, growing again. Val knew that it wouldn't have gone away for long; it never did. And it was just about to get worse.

It took 5 seconds, for things to go from awkward to worse. Leigh of course had to mention, that she had plans with Leo. Sighing heavily. Valerie should have seen it coming. Despite her many attempts to try and fix things, with Leigh; the blonde managed to kick her down. Maybe she should stop trying? Leigh made it clear, that being forgiven any time soon, was out of the question. Even if 10 years, wasn't soon. If anything, it felt like an eternity. Feeling the embarrassment set in, as she heard Ray's comment; which prompted Jimmy to crack a joke.

"Jimmy, shut up!" Val hissed, as she shot him a glare of annoyance. She really didn't need his wise-ass jokes, and him making it even worse than it already was. "Leo's a police officer, he moved to Rhodes about 4 years ago." Valerie explained awkwardly to Ray. She knew details, wouldn't really make their situation better. But why would he be concerned about whom Leo was? Surely, he himself tried to move on? Right? Or so Valerie thought. Awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck as she spoke. "Like Leigh said, I have plans for the evening already. But you 3 enjoy yourselves." She gave a slight smile. It probably looked as awkward as it felt. Not sure, that she would even feel truly welcome later that evening. They didn't need her spoiling their fun.

Before she could even tell Ray, that it was nice seeing him. And genuinely, it had been. Even if it was painful. Ryleigh had to pipe up again. "And there she goes, running off once again!" Maybe it was the few drinks she had in her, or all the lingering anger that had made her pipe up. But her words sounded full of venom; with a hint of sass.

As Valerie was reaching for her jacket; she stopped mid action hearing Ryleigh. Closing her eyes tightly, her jaw clenched. "Seriously Ryleigh?! What do you want from me?!" She asked, exhausted from all their constant bickering. "Do you take pleasure in kicking me when I am down?" Raising an eyebrow at the blonde, whom was once more glaring in her direction. "A little FYI, I am not the only one who's made mistakes here! But it's always been much easier for you to point fingers and put all the blame on me, because Ray hasn't been here for the past 10 years."

"I am not the one, that slept with him and ruined everything." Ryleigh retorted, with a scoff. But what she wanted from Valerie? Well that was bit hard to come by. And probably something that Val already tried to do; but Ryleigh hadn't forgiven her. No matter how many times, she tried to apologise. "What I want?! I want things to be back to normal, the way they were. For the group to be complete.." Her voice cracking a bit, as she was about to mention Austin. But without him, the group would never be whole again.

The age old argument began again. Ryleigh firing off at Val once more. Unleashing that unburied anger and resentment.

Shaking her head, with a sigh. Valerie tried to keep her own cool, but it was hard. "I can't turn back time, Leigh. I am not a Wizard." It's not like she could magically, return things back to the way things used to be. "You know, I used to think that you'd be one of the few people that would understand...and at least feel some sort of sympathy for the situation. But clearly I was wrong." Back when they were younger, Leigh knew of Val's insecurities. But after that night at the lake-house, it was like it slipped Ryleigh's mind. Instead holding everything against Val. Blaming her for everything. "For 10 years, I've tried...time and time again, to fix things. To apologise to you and the boys. To get the courage to write to Ray...to explain myself. But hell...he didn't even try that himself." Val's voice cracked; as tears now freely run down her cheeks. She hit her breaking point. Knowing she couldn't keep this up much longer. No matter how much she wanted to. "But I can't do it anymore. I am done, being your punching bag. I am just done." With that, she fled from the bar. Her jacket over her shoulder, tears clouding her vision. Almost tripping over her own feet; as her pace quickened. Thud. The door slammed behind her, as she run out of the bar quicker than someone could say Hot Potato. Whether the girls would recover from this, was unknown. But this time, Ryleigh had pushed her over the edge, with everything.

"Fine! Run, away. It's all you're good at anyways. Run to your new toy!" Ryleigh screamed after Val, in her own anger.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Raymond did intend for any of this to happen. It all went by so fast that the comments from Leigh came out viciously, Jimmy's comment made Raymond look over at him with a look he hadn't given him in a decade, and then went fully back to the now argument between Valerie and Ryleigh. Raymond understood as Val explained- even if it killed him inside. He didn't even sent her a letter, or texted her, or hell, even told her that that night was the best night of his life... How many times had he gone on dates while he was in Hollywood? Granted none of them went anywhere. Most of them were attempts to feel how he did back home, assuming that Val would have moved on. Apparently she had, and Ryleigh wasn't too happy about it.

He never remembered the two going at it like this, Ryleigh yelling that she was "running off again" made his heart twist but he wasn't going to let this go any further. Before he could interject Jimmy had appeared and put his hand on his shoulder, shaking his head as if not to get involved. "Leigh--" Raymond spoke but was immediately shut out by Val's defense, and once again his heart twisted at Val saying that he wasn't around to be yelled at. Once again he wanted to intervene as soon as they started talking about them sleeping together, but was quieted by the comment that came after. Jimmy walked away a couple of steps while Raymond looked down to the ground. All he could do was listen to Val's voice. For years he had dreamed of hearing her voice again. He wanted to hear her laugh, the little squeal she would do when she got excited about something... but all he had heard since coming back was her voice on the verge of tears and anger. It broke his heart.

The two girls had always been close, or so he had remembered. There was a comradery between the only girls in the group, but it seemed that was all but gone and Raymond was absolutely to blame for some of that. Raymond was speechless. Every regret, every missed opportunity, every time he should have called but didn't. It hit him in that moment that he was to blame for this all. "Val." Raymond finally found his voice, a bit cracked as well, but she didn't stop, especially when Leigh called after her again. "God damnit, Leigh, lay off her!" Jimmy said in frustration. Raymond took off after her, and as he did he heard Ryleigh call out at him this time. "You're about ten years too late for going after her, Ray!" He shook off the ice in her tone and exited the bar, hoping to catch Valerie in time.

He glanced around the streets, barely making out her figure as she turned the corner. "Val!" Ray called after her. "V! Just- Wait! Please!"

Back in the day Raymond was one of the only people to cool Valerie down. There would be arguments or conflicts within the group or just in town, and while everyone expected Austin to go after her to talk her down, he would often look to Ray. 'You guys are on a same wavelength.' he would say before shrugging. It was that simple to him.

He thought Austin would say the same thing in this moment. God, he wished he was here.

"Val...!" He breathed, and finally she seemed to stop to give Raymond a little bit of her time, even though he knew he didn't deserve it.

He approached her, panting slightly, and as he looked at her he felt his throat starting to close up. This was the first time in ten years that they had been this close together alone. He could still see parts of tears dried on her face, her beautiful eyes watery and slightly puffy. How many times had the two of them looked at each other in similar situations when they were younger? That felt like a lifetime ago... and while she looked almost exactly the same, she seemed like a completely different person. Or at least that's what he thought. He never had trouble talking to Valerie, but now...

"I..." He gave a nervous chuckle, putting a hand on his face before giving a sigh. "Don't really know why I rushed out here. Figured that Austin would have told me to way back when. He always said that we shared a total of one brain cell between us." He pointed back and forth to their heads with a sad and small smile, but sighed again. "Ryleigh didn't mean that shit, and I wanted to apologize for that 'dog' comment. I truly had no idea... and I'm sure that he's- ah..." There was so much that he wanted to say. He was angry at her, confused, sorry, guilty, happy to see her in a way. "You alright?" Raymond asked, knowing that he might be on a verge of getting smacked and/or yelled at.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Her feet hit the pavement as far as they could. Feeling the ground moving beneath her feet with each movement. Valerie didn't expect Ray to come chasing after her. He didn't owe her anything. It had been 10 years; so she didn't expect him. Why would he chase after a normal girl from Rhodes? He was a celebrity. Even if they grew up together; and he had been one of her closest friends. Times had changed. Val wasn't even sure where they stood anymore. If he even considered her a friend, still..after all that had happened. But she eventually slowed, before coming to a stop for him. Taking her a few moments, to even summon the will to look at him. Her face tear strained; her eyes red and puffy. Tears still glistening in her eyes.

For a split second, she felt like her younger self. Anytime, she was upset. Valerie had always run off to Ray for support. It felt like all the air had escaped her; and became trapped in her lungs. Unable to say anything. Waiting, to see what he'd do or say. Part of her expected him to have a go at her, for trying to move on with her life. But instead, he was here apologising for Ryleigh's behaviour and his reaction to finding about Leo. Looking at the ground for a split second, her eyes flickered back up towards his face. Seeing the mixture of emotions in his eyes.

"You didn't have to come after me..." Val said softly, with a hint of sadness. She was a big girl now. Having handled her own affairs for a long time now. Having put up with Leigh's actions for the last 10 years; she didn't expect him to try and help her deal with it. But still it felt nice, that he wanted to check up on her nonetheless. As he cracked the joke about them sharing a single brain cell, a sad smile flickered on and off her lips. It was brief. But as soon as it came, it went. Everything, even that reminded her of Austin and how he always tried to solve everyone's issues. God did she miss him. His brotherly reassurance and comfort. It felt like the group was hanging by a thin thread; even more so now with Austin's passing. He wasn't here, to try and talk sense into Ryleigh. To hold them together, like he once did.

She sighed. "I am not so sure about that. There was a time, where I happily told myself, that she didn't mean it. That her anger would pass...but.." Trailing off, she shook her head. At the mention of Leo, she sighed softly. "It's okay. You didn't know....It wasn't her place to tell." Val felt like she owed him an explanation. Even if he didn't want it. Valerie did want to tell him, herself. But it was hard; especially to find the words. As he seemed to trail off. Valerie bit the inside of her cheek. Waiting for him to snap, or express his anger towards her.

Shaking her head, Val sighed. "Bit of a heavy question, given everything going on." She said truthfully. At that point in time, she wasn't even sure if she was okay. No longer, the carefree, bubbly V she once was. Too much had burdened her over the last 10 years, to remain so. "I am sorry..." Her words coming out weak. Not even sorry what she was apologising for. For him witnessing her argument with Val? for him finding about Leo the way he had? For everything else? Maybe everything and above. But she knew that sorry probably couldn't fix anything. "I know, you're probably angry with me. Feel free to let it out...I mean, I should be an expert with handling people's anger towards me by now." Cracking a lame joke, but the sad truth. Having been dealing with Ryleigh's anger; for the both of them. She had enough experience by now. Not even sure, whom owed the other one an explanation. Maybe they both owed each other one.

"I know you might be sceptical about it. But it is nice to see you." Val finally said. It was the honest truth. She just wished it was under better circumstances.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Raymond wasn't sure how she'd react to his ramblings. He was on edge; nervous of what he'd say. He'd spent over a decade trying to forget about the woman but he knew he couldn't. He spent decades thinking of what he'd say if they ever saw one another again, and now that he had that opportunity he felt like an idiot... but then there was a flicker of a smile. A smile that he used to love so long ago and it sent a small chill running down his spine. He listened to her response about Ryleigh. He could only imagine what she had said and done these past few years, and he was sure that if he was still in town she'd be spitting venom at him as well. She was always the hot tempered one, but also the most loyal, so it was a bit hard to hear that she turned on Valerie so viciously.

The two sat in awkward silence for a moment, not really sure how to say what they needed to, but maybe too afraid to say it. His heart hurt. He hurt for Val and how she has been attacked by Leigh for so long. He was hurt that Val was seeing a guy. He was hurt that she left him at the lake house and started this all to begin with. He hurt that he left without saying goodbye, that his pride overwhelmed his feelings towards not only her but his friends as well. She kept apologizing and he kept shaking his head, hoping that she could see in his face that he was sorry too. His question led to her joke that made him laugh slightly. Leave it to Val to try and make a joke at a time like this.

When she said that it was nice to see him, his green eyes flicked towards hers, a thin sad smile on his face. "You know I could never really stay mad at you, V..." Raymond said softly. Even when they were younger that was the case. His mother would say that she could have driven his car into a lake and all she'd have to do was smile at him and Raymond would start apologizing that his car wasn't light enough to float. Raymond bit his lip slightly. He wanted to reach out and hold her; to take her presence in and assure her that it was okay... but was it? Even when she said it was nice to see him, a part of him didn't believe it.

It would have been real nice to hear her say that in the bed of that lake house that morning.

"It's real good to see you, too... All things considered. He knew that if they stay here any longer he might saying some things that they both might regret. "I... ah, Know you got a thing with that guy so... so I don't wanna keep ya. I'll brace the fury of 'Hurricane Ryleigh' for a while." He hid his jealousy with a crappy joke and faint smile, hoping it was convincing enough for her not to feel bad. "I'll see ya tomorrow." He backed up slightly. He knew that he would see her at the funeral tomorrow, but after the exchange with Ryleigh he wasn't sure that she would make it to the lake house. Hell, he didn't know if any of them would even want to at this point. A part of him was hopeful, though.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

No matter what either of them tried to say; the awkward air remained between the duo. And probably always would to some degree. After all, they hadn't seen each other in a decade. And no matter what anyone said; she was the one whom drove him away in the first place. She knew, she was the biggest cause of the group breaking; not just him leaving. And it was something she had to live with for the rest of her life. Even if they tried to pretend that neither of them were hurting. It was far from the truth. Both of them seemed to be struggling, on what to say. There was so much, that Valerie had wanted to say to Ray if she ever saw him again. But it was like, all of it had escaped her the moment she laid eyes on him again. And by the looks of it; that was a mutual issue.

Seeing the look on his face; she knew that he was equally sorry. But it didn't get rid of her guilt. Rid of the pit in her stomach, she felt whenever she looked at him. Knowing him well enough, to know he was trying to hide his own hurt behind a brave face.

Smiling weakly, when he mentioned his inability to stay mad at her. Though, she wasn't too sure how true that was given their situation from 10 years ago. But then a part of her, felt the exact same. No matter how hurt she was; that he left and never kept in touch with anyone. How much she wanted to be angry with him for leaving them all in the dark; she couldn't physically bring herself to be mad at him. He deserved to have a good life. Deserved to be happy. Having taken his long 10 year silence as him moving on with his life. But based on his reactions to Leo, she wasn't entire too sure if he had moved on or not.

Was he jealous? Maybe she was just seeing things. "Good luck with that. She bites." Warning him to stay braced for Leigh's hell, if he wanted to put up with the blonde for the next long while. "I hope you'll have better luck at getting through to Leigh, than I ever did." Who knows, maybe Ryleigh might listen to Raymond. Just maybe. Though she tried to be convinced by his smile, that he was okay. Maybe she was just trying to convince herself that he wasn't jealous of Leon. But the guilt in the pit of her stomach hadn't left. Nodding at the mention of tomorrow. "See you then." She said sadly. Tomorrow was the funeral. And gods, she was dreading it. It was painful to think, about it. Knowing they had to say goodbye to Austin and that he really wasn't coming back. Would things be different if Austin was still here? Would her and Ray be at better odds with each other? Would Ryleigh not be so vicious, if Austin was here to keep her calm? They'd never know...

"Enjoy happy hour, I guess." Val said before they went their separate ways. Val heading back home so she could fix herself for the evening. In the meantime, Leigh was still fuming. Even with Jimmy's attempts to try and calm her down. But it wasn't working.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 3 mos ago

He wanted to run after her. Hell, he probably should have, but once again he was struck with fear and uncertainty- the same fear and uncertainty that made him leave so long ago. With a frustrated sigh and turned back towards the bar to try and calm down the mess that was transpiring at Jimmy’s bar. Turns out Val was right, and she had no sign of stopping. As soon as Raymond came in he heard her scoff. “Wow, didn’t run away this time, good job, Ray!” She shot at him, “Leigh, come on-“ Jimmy started, but she spoke up again. “Stop trying to defend the two, Jimmy! For fuck’s sake he’s done nothing to keep you as a friend. He’s just here because he feels guilty about Austin.” She took another sip of her drink, and Jimmy gently took it from her grasp. “Yeah, not a good time for that.” He looked at Ray with a look of apology, but also another glance. Raymond had been pretty good at reading facial expressions after his years acting, and he could tell that some of the things that Ryleigh was saying, Jimmy agreed with. He couldn’t blame them.

“Leigh.” Raymond began.

“Oh no, not this time! You always got what you wanted by giving us your puppy dog eyes, I’m not falling for it now, Raymond Chase! Especially since you’ve only gotten hotter and taller since you left us for Hollywood!” It seemed the alcohol was taking effect.

Raymond sighed and shook his head. “I’m not doing this right now. Can you grab her some water, Jimmy?” “Gonna run away again Ray without saying anything? Or are you actually going to be around?”

“Leigh, you’re drunk, I’m not going to talk to you—“

“Oh, more excuses from you and Val, big shocker!” She shot back, which made Ray’s blood boil. She always had to edge things on. She seemed just as feisty as she was when she was younger.

“I’ll see you when you’re sober.” Ray waved her off, tired of not getting anywhere with her, plus she didn’t want to start a fight with her in that state. As he turned and started for the door, she called out again. “There he goes! Running away from it all! Hey, when it’s time for Austin’s funeral are you going to run away for another ten years or just not come back at all?” Ray stopped and turned, visibly angry now.

“Fine, Leigh. Fine. Let’s talk. This is what you wanted, right? For me to be here, so we can all talk and figure this shit out? Then let me talk! I get that you’re hurting about Austin. I get that you’re angry with me for leaving, but Val has been here with you every goddamn second of the grieving too. You’re not angry with her. You’re angry with me for packing up and not looking back. She’s grieving, just like you. She’s hurting, and angry, and confused with all this shit and it doesn’t help that she has to deal with comments and back handed remarks to things that she’s trying to move on from!” Ray shouted. “What happened between Val and I is between us, but I’m the one who left. Not her. So hate me, resent me, throw things at me, whatever… just stop pushing away Val and help her through this like we all used to. I’m here now. And you might not believe me, but I’ve missed ya’ll so much and want… to try and work it all out. If you’ll let me.”

It was silent for a moment, until Ryleigh stood up and walked towards him. “You have no idea what we’ve been through these past ten years… Fuck you, Ray.” And with that, she stumbled out of Jimmy’s bar. He turned to follow after her, but Jimmy stopped him with a quick whistle, holding up her keys. “She’s stumbled her way home more than once, Ray… You said your piece for now. Just let her think on it.” Jimmy looked around and then down at his watch. “Wanna help me set up?”


It was a nice change of pace for Raymond to work again like he used to. Ever since he made it successfully in Hollywood he’s had people do almost everything for him, which he hated. He missed working on cars for the older folks in their town during the summers with Austin and Jimmy. He missed helping his dad, the local handyman in the town, with random requests and favors. He missed the feeling of going to the lake house after a long week’s work of school and other jobs to relax with his friends. As he pulled out a case of beer from the cooler he smiled faintly at the thought of going back there… but now he wasn’t so sure if anyone would want to go. Not only did he fuck up with Val, but he seems he made a mess of the conversation with Ryleigh, but helping serve drinks and maintain a bar with Jimmy took his mind off of it.

It was only a matter of time before people realized that Raymond Chase, hometown delinquent and Hollywood star was serving drinks at the bar. It brought in a pretty big crowd with a lot of people he hadn’t seen in years asking how he was. He liked reminiscing on old stories that they had, laughing at how much of a wild child he was, and every now and then was asked if he had seen Val yet. He hid the pain and nodded, and went to “grab some drinks” in the back whenever the older women gossiped that she was seeing someone now.

“You’re not bad at this… sure you’re not all prissy and snobby like those folks out in LA?” Jimmy yelled out to him over the music and talking in the bar. “When I left I went to Atlanta first. Bartended for some bar for a couple years before acting really took off.” Ray explained. “Well don’t expect to be getting paid! I will say, though, this place hasn’t been this busy in a very long time.” Ray looked over to see the excitement in his eyes. Raymond slapped a hand firmly on Jimmy’s back and gave him a warm smile and nod. He knew Jimmy would never say it, but he was thankful for Ray helping out, even after all that was said and done this morning. “I missed ya, Ray.” He said before turning his attention to new patrons.

“I missed you guys, too…” Raymond softly said, thinking about Austin, Ryleigh, and Val… and how he was going to get fix all of this.
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