Name: Hemlock
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Leafwing
Powers: Leafspeaker, can kind of swim, absorb energy from the sun, knowledge of plants and insects.
Weaknesses: Not the strongest flyer or the best combatant
Occupation: Refugee but used to be a gardener (technically)
Personality: Hemlock is a very relaxed dragon overall. He doesn't let a lot get under his skin and isn't easily riled. He is highly intelligent, logistical, and strategic from having to live in the jungle on his own with only his deranged father for company. He knows how to keep his cool even when someone gets up in his face. Despite his miles long fuse he does have his snapping point which isn't something that anyone really wants to see.
His father's tendencies did rub off on him over the years, having no other frame of reference for how he should behave he can be cold and somewhat unfeeling. He doesn't flinch in the face of death nor the prospect of having to kill another living creature. In fact, he rather enjoys the prospect of it. He doesn't understand social interactions very well, but does try to be friendly as much as he understands how to. He hides his uncertainty well and walks with an air of confidence, mostly so no one else messes with him.
Deep down he is nervous and terrified of the fact that his home was torn from under him so quickly and he's suddenly been thrust into such an unfamiliar space.
Backstory: Born after the Tree Wars when the Leafwings were almost driven to extinction. His mother Birch was a member of the Sapwings, the more pacifist group of the remaining members of their species. His father, Oleander, was a Poisonwing who was in charge of growing and cultivating the plants that they used as a Leafspeaker. Neither of them fully agreed with their tribes position on this. His mother thought that the Hivewings deserved some kind of retribution, but not to the level the Poisonwings wanted. His father didn't agree with the whole hearted extermination of the Hivewings and believed that their Queen and her cohorts were mostly to blame. This led both of them to spend a lot of time away from their tribes where they ended up meeting in the jungle.
Knowing that their relationship would be frowned upon they left each of their tribes to live out in the jungle by themselves. His parents were mostly unaware of the fighting that was going down amongst the tribes though the creation of the LeafSilk kingdom did reach their ears. They were content to remain outside the struggles of the rest of the tribes though.
Shortly after Hemlock's egg was laid his mother passed due to illness. His father therefore was responsible for raising him. Without Birch around though Oleander started to loose himself, blaming the world for stealing his love from him. Given what Oleander knew and was taught he named the dragonet Hemlock and began to train him in the ways of the Poisonwings, without the needless violence. When he discovered Hemlock had inherited his Leafspeaker abilities he cultivated those as well. Teaching him the subtle ways to kill and survive. Over time Oleander became more and more deranged, his mind deteriorating to near the point of insanity.
When the Mesawings invaded Oleander was quickly killed by the brutal dragons as Hemlock hid. He took his father's poisoners bag and alone made his way to the LeafSilk kingdom. He arrived to chaos as the Mesawings continued their invasion. He joined up with a group of refugees who fled and flew the long way to Pyrrhia where he hopes to survive.