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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Viper of the scythe

Name day
She was a Monsignifer Lancehead Viper; mothering over her eggs as they began to hatch. Her mate, a Rhinoceros Viper, held the territory with pride on a nearby tree stump. Twenty-two baby vipers were trooping out of their confines. She instantly named one after another. That viper instantly knew who they were from that moment on. One happened to be named "Sebastian"; A Brown Spotted Pit Viper.

This is the tale of Sebastian, Viper of the scythe.
"I'm not alone in this world?" Sebastian pondered as he was stunned to his surprise that he had a mother. He slithered and slinked towards that very mother, as did seventeen other baby vipers. The rest snaked off into the forest.

"What of the others, Mother?" Asked little Sebastian. And his mother answered: "They must have more of my genes than your father's. They are gone to the wilderness, trying to be better than me but of course only thinking of themselves. You will, you all will" as she addressed all the baby vipers "follow in their shadows whence you are interested in doing so, too." She finished. The father then slithered over and spoke. "It's an easy world. You hunt, you eat, you live. Some of you may not live to the greatness of the like of me or your mother, but at least you're around to know we love you today." He stopped to give everyone a good look.

With that some baby vipers asked some other questions: "What are we?" "Is stealth alright?" "What is love?" and got their answers. Sebastian didn't ask anymore questions, but got more enlightened hearing the answers to the other's questions. They all slept together that night after their father and mother showed them how to get to water, the lengths of themselves and how to train themselves to acknowledge their venom glands; by right of fang showmanship.

After some agility training the parents were happy to know that some of the vipers decided to live amongst them. Sebastian came to a brave decision to leave. Out of the remaining vipers only 7 left with their teaching, guidance, and love recognized.

Slithering across the forest floor through the foliage of leaves and twigs Sebastian began to exercise self control. There was a hill still in his way so that left him many an option. He snaked left from his right and it took him to a gnarly tree root that rifted between mud and dirt, he ventured through the opening under it and tried to stop but he was to fast and instead fell forward through the scape onto another root. Shocked and awed Sebastian decided to embrace the root and entwine himself down the hill. When an option came to travel onto another root or slink down onto the dirt path between roots Sebastian slunk down to the dirt path teaching himself self control.

Everyday seemed to have life briskly living before Sebastian. Birds, Squirrels, even Turtles apparently had their own homes and dwellings. With still being to young to be noticed Sebastian let some days get ahead of him as he taught himself how to commando the landscape. He was fast, and his muscles would only get bigger with intention, so he had to hunt. When the morsel presented itself Sebastian struck apprehensively at the Rock Spider. He had missed his strike and the Spider scampered into a crevice around the rocks they were dueling at. Sebastian went ontop of another rock to get a better view of the situation before venturing into the crevice after the Spider. It was a good idea, and after seeing his prey he slithered into a crevice near himself to get a better perspective on how to snake through tight quarters after his prey. This Spider wasn't needed, but the training was imperative for quicker prey, heftier prey... He saw a left turn he could of ventured with but kept his trail sharp. When Sebastian caught sight of the Rock Spider it made a dance of it's legs and trampled askew towards the back of the duskiness that the light hardly reached. Sebastian picked up speed and kept at the pace of his prey. When a rock came in his way, showcasing just a left and a right he took the path right and cornered the Spider. This time seeing his prey in front of himself and not wanting it to get away again Sebastian struck with an open mouth, hoping to snap his mouth over the Spider and sink his fangs into its flesh. But the Spider squatted down and fled beneath Sebastian letting Sebastian close his mouth and turn vivaciously over himself to reach the Spiders trail once more. It chose to climb the rock, but to trip over its precarious feet and that's when Sebastian snapped on it. His fangs gushed venom into the body of the Rock Spider. When the Spider ceased it's movements Sebastian began to swallow the creature head and body first into his stomach. The legs were the last bits of the morsel to fine down his throat.

Not feeling satisfied Sebastian understood he could eat several creatures in one day, so he left the confines of the crevices to test out his abilities while digesting a newly found meal.

He found a narrow stream whisping through the forest's tall grass. Laying low enjoying the stealth of his inodorosity, Sebastian gave attention to the frogs hopping and jovialling about in the water. He slunk around the grass stalks using it as camouflage to get behind one frog that hadn't done anything but kept its back to Sebastian's range. When his face just had enough space decreed away from his head he serpentined his body and lunged forward grasping the frog with his fangs. Successfully caught; he coiled up into the confines of the grass where he vivaciously swallowed his prey.

When Summer was over and Fall had begun Sebastian noticed the actual leaves from the trees fell in greater numbers, and could should he want to lay underneath the leaves and meditate. It was most gracious of GOD to give him the opportunity to learn how to be guileful. When it would rain he could feel the vibrations on the ground a lot better, his sense of sound even peaked. Before he had to use the shadows and familiar locations to sustain his advancement.

One day Sebastian followed the path of a snake he was hunting. The snake lead him to a mob of other snakes that all nestled amongst each other in a rock crevice. When Sebastian peered in it it was easy to understand what was happening, that when the season would arrive they'd share the rock crevice to survive it together. These snakes weren't aware of Sebastian spying on them. Sebastian didn't think much of them, when they returned to the wild after being taught that they all didn't see Sebastian laying, thanks to his natural camouflage patterning. Sebastian had some competition in these lands, and he was all alone too... He'd have to teach himself how to be a constant reaper. Ambushing may have worked for that year, but the next year the forest would undoubtedly be aware of his existence.

Regardless he snarfed another frog later on and searched for an open meadow where he could feel the sun against his scales and not wonder about ambushing but prowess instead. Laying under leaves, coiled in a serpentinely manner for a lieutenant strike, Sebastian had a dormouse pout into position. When it scurried around Sebastian mentally prepared to use his venom and then lunged at its uncovered booty and sank his fangs into the pest. He didn't let go and the mouse soon died a most horrific death in his mouth.

He learned to carry his prey to camouflage a lot quicker, so as he was swallowing his prey he began smything himself into the leaves from his tails perspective first, then he slithered around under the leaves as the morsel made it to his stomach to level with the ground and find a new location to coil and ambush the next victim. It gave the right amount of breeze to the days heat to strengthen his blood in wait by comfort.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It began to rain then. Before when I was getting started with rain I'd flicker my tongue out at the phenomenon of rain and tasted it, I could drink off my scales. Today I lay coiled, refreshed in the rain, seeing the drops take everywhere and nowhere. There were mammals abashed by it's elemental gesture, even the flyers tried to avoid the rain - hiding under bigger branches, or holes in the trees. I almost had a moment of thought about those holes for prey, but the rain as always kept me peering between the drops, studying the environment. It was as if I could be fast in the rain, between the drops, but I knew it couldn't be true. Until the rain would cease I could only ponder if I was capable of such a thing, but refrained from moving myself because the leaves were washed away from my ambush. Now all I had was the earth, and it began to sog and mush, blending me into (so I thought) also into the mud where I was, so I didn't smudge about, I just layed their coiled enjoying the warm rain water.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I slithered up a flower or maybe it was a branch, I didn't care - the shimmering light between the rain drops made me want to not think about the speed but remind myself to surge, so I slithered, and that's when I was actively caring about how I slithered. By the time the rain stopped I was up in a tree.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I tried catching dragonflies, but I kept missing. When a hummingbird happened to get near I fanged for it, but also missed. When a Sugar Glider was within sight I slithered after it, and almost fell off the tree trying to speed up for it. It tried to hop over me and I got my fangs into it, but I let it out of my mouth when I reflexed away from the tree side. It fell to the ground.

It had a family in a nook of the tree. I scared many away, and chose to double my effort when I stabbed into one. The fleeting moment that I let go, because I had thought of the forest about me up here I remembered my reflex and regained speeding my bite at the victim in mid escape from my puncturing fangs. I thought about it; I had stabbed my fangs into a Sugar Glider, and then a 2nd time immediately after the first to clench hold of my prey. Different that a tree would have me try harder, than the ground where I was instantly keeping my chomp.

I kept at it in the tree, moving from branch to branch to new trees, too. I only made the reprieve to bite when the rodents had a lucky spurr near my head with their feet. Usually I would bite once and hold my prey in the attack, not needing to assault them after it. Eventually I taught myself that regardless of their spurred on intimdation I made certain through might to not let go any more times, teaching myself primeval.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Laying up there my eyes began to gloom. It wasn't shadow, as I had played fore - the gloom became an entire color, keeping me from my advances to slay, as it halted my vision. I didn't thrash, or even flail to remember who I was, I knew I had practiced for better than to be a mere Slayer. But with all the fun I was gaining this effect over my eyes was an obstacle, itself. In a few days I chose to slither around to force a choice, fore I could of been nearly blind if it wasn't for my primeval skills. That's when it peeled off, and I comprehended that my whole body was shedding this peeling skin of my body, letting me know I was armored, and letting me know I was more a weapon than armor, fore my eyes could never close, only might would happen to my existence when ready to age further.

After an hour or two the shed was off. I chose to leave the area where it was, as armored as I was I didn't feel like a Slayer just yet, I comprehended that if I shed my skin thanks to my scales then the prey I eat are already able to acknowledge their faiths and beliefs, mightily quicker than I had learned. So, through my thought of having fun with slaying primevally, I thought about being a Burglar and the options I had to vs prey's rival-animals guiles with a scythe of viperous actions, to be Foe. It'd take considerable advances now trying to attain that might over my slaying to belong where I live, and that was the beginning to why I left my shedded skin instead of protecting it's area like a Warrior. The only way I'd make King of the Vipers would be from stealth or marriage, now. So, the slithering away happened... Primevalling me fore my destiny.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I progressed myself hunting in the trees through rain and wind, my pits helped me correct primeval might from caring about the falls from the branches, evaluating it as merely processions. So, I learned to use my tail as a hinge to my belly - the longer I got - capably tracing over my body ranging towards my tail and capturing any new prey skirmishing by my tail. My pits kept me from extremities like slithering too far onto branches, losing gravity's interest to remind myself what branches and their trees were familiar. I had to revere extensions of slithering, but my pits kept me in warmth most of the time, I couldn't comprehend what warmth was because it wasn't visible only felt so I began getting heat-vision. Although I always had that, it just made sense more now that I had earned it as memory serves.

I didn't need to rest on nooks, and could just rest on any branch, really. I'd coil, and purge smythe from attitude, as I wrapped myself - or wrapped around the branch as a nook itself. Sleeping came with maturity, and with the mind fulfilling heat-sense, I could meditate into slumber, in day or night.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

An adult Sugar Glider approached me. The sound of the claws awoke me. I didn't move. It must of been the Mother of those earlier Sugar Gliders from the crammy- because it tried to jolt into me with slashes. I struck at it and it staggered, rebounding to a step behind it. It then yelled at me "You murderer!" It was interesting. I could comprehend the words but not ponder their meanings. I instead slithered forward and tried another strike but it jumped to a branch above us. I had to coil to find it vaguely above me - at that moment it lunged in my direction, I pounced at it, and made the clutch with my fangs. It had hit it's head into the thick branch, and toppled over. The weight was too much so I was jagged off it as it fell away.

I didn't go for it. An Adult wasn't my style, not just yet, so. I've only been 8 DAYS hatched so far. It had probably died to it's blood gushing into solidness beneath its fur down there. I learned I would be able to speak to other Animals, and that was all I could think about for the moments next, before slithering into a new branch, forgetting the enthrallment, primeval anew.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was raining somewhat. I had slithered towards a waterpath, it was wide and expansing from my tree area. I saw rain drops entering a flower that wasn't blooming, but had before. I chose to enter it to explore, and there were Tadpoles within its waterpool. I ate them and layed inside too. As the rain was slowing to a dewmist I heard voices - so I slinked my head out to see what they were exactly. Two Dogs. A Chinese Cresent and a Thai Ridgeback.

The Chinese Crescent was currently speaking "...Next it was that Cats, too, have an 'Egyptian' legacy, so we need to follow the Sun to our rightful turf to slay them for Anubis, Pancake." The Ridgeback answered "Good, Good, and I'm needing to remind us now, Crikey, that.... We need to keep moving now that we're reminded why we're together." Crikey the Chinese Cresent Dog then said "Excellent, yes, yes, towards the Sun - this way!" and through puddles and slums of earth he went. At that moment a Stingray soared out of the waterpath, floated just over the Chinese Cresent, and stung the Dog with it's tail through it's neck to get landed in the muck. "Crikey!" Yelled the Thai Ridgeback Dog, perplexed and astounded. The Chinese Cresent Dog fell to the mud, and the then straight Stingray flailed towards the Thai Ridgeback Dog getting its tail out of the laying Dog.

The Thai Ridgeback tried to chomp at the Stingray, but it evaded the maws of its attacker to sail under the Thai Ridgeback Dog's legs. Trying not to trample his Quarray, the Thai Ridgeback Dog jostled to a jolt aside the Stingray, and it disappeared from Sebastians view into a puddle. The Thai Ridgeback Dog barked at the puddle, trodded towards the puddle when it had finished barking, and began to growl with a lowered head as he approached it better. The Stingray swiveled and swirled then soared out of the puddle, over the Thai Ridgeback Dog, and bounced their way to the waterpath. They yelled "Bitch!" just before vanishing into the water.

Pancake the Thai Ridgeback Dog forgot about Crikey the Chinese Cresent and drifted away from the location, before he knew it he had traveled into a gig and disappeared into the jungle.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My body made the flower tear from the tree, landing onto a brook, then I tumbled still inside to a creek, where I floated down a stream, deeper into the jungle. The water got me to a sandy bluff, I slithered out and a way I went. Up it, through to tufts of grass, hidden beneath leaves and shrooms on the turf I slithered farther into the jungle, I got over a log, then furthered to slumps and slums of mud, tree bark, weeds, and roots, a passive Tentacled Snake Youngling as Old as I am was basking in sunlight within a puddle that lurked near a basin, probably could of regained myself to the bluff with that route, but I chose to want to eat the Tentacled Snake. They had got as far as "What's-" when I had yet gotten my fangs through it's head.

There was a bit of a reflex from the Snake, but they didn't snare me, we tussled and rolled, I tried snaring it, which got us to tumble, but I prevailed my fangs better, stockpiling them with sharpness - their wrangling came to an endeavor. I swallowed them comfortably, laying on moss.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

During that coil I pondered about my venom. Had I been using venom? Seems I only wondered because eating the Snake reminded me of the tutelage I got from my Father and Mother Viper on Birthday. However I thought about it, the principle was for might first; that I knew that I had thought about it.

I opened my mouth and let my fangs bare. Under my snout I had imagined my fangs reticuled, then I lapsed to sheathing them as I closed my mouth. Perhaps they've always been letting venom happen, I thought. I'd need to stab them into a Being and not hold them in my maw, but Hunt them to see if my venom had gushed them.

I had basked enough, uncoiled, and began to range the jungle.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Drank water pooling under a leaf.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ate a Caterpillar, slithered into the foilage, came up a brush, then from branch to branch I made a strike at a Bobwhite Quail, successfully stabbing my fangs into it - then letting go because it was fluttering. It spasmed, or flew, I didn't really observe directly, only saw because I could not unsee whence on the brush of a fern, so I slithered after it's direction. It didn't take long til I found the Bird, dead, and rumpled from the collapse. I imagine that my venom did exist. So, slithering around it to it's head I began to eat it, and thought "Since my venom works, I'll be hunting every kill to prove it to myself, not merely for this appetite."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Quail was bigger than I could have eaten, it was abandoned. This jungle area seemed to have no trees, just bushes, roves and slopes of hills. Cozy.
I began going up branches, extending my heights, and it really was cozy - I swerved my head and slithered downwards away from the heights, extreming vectors for slides of wood, or through shadows of bushes. I bided time, laying in a dark rise, and slumbered.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I woke in the Night. I got the skin to shed off me as I slithered into the shadows' darknesses.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I felt primeval, I wasn't slithering but vipering. The darkness was so comforting that I vipered above the shadows. Bumped into something, though. Then many times. Vipering needed skill.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I stopped vipering, acknowledged it as slithering - I must be going after Prey to be Vipering, as that's my species. I pooped. usually I poop with the last of my scale shed, now I am capable of pooping itself. I peed, too.
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