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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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'Hi.' Alex said to the newcomer. He thought for a moment. He was going to show the his shape-shifting power, but what could he turn into? He thought for a moment before smiling to himself. He knew exactly what he could do. A light grey mist encompassed him, similar to that which surrounded him when changing into his dragon form. The mist crept forward, and closer to the ground, and when it cleared he stood as a wolf. Not a werewolf, but a pure wolf. He sat down and looked around. 'Not my most impressive change today, but it has it's uses.' He said with a small bark-laugh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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Flint watched the transformation and thought about how cool it would be to turn into animals "Ok me and Rhia will go to our dorms to grab our stuff but we will be right back so don't do anything cool" Flint teased as he looked to Rhiannon "Come on lets go then" Flint smiled as he began to walk off to the dorms.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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Zachariah watched and envied the transformation. He could only turn into the stereotypical bat... But ah well. "That was pretty cool. Should I show off my powers next?" Zach absent mindedly said as he watched Alex bark and jump around. "I can do a lot of pretty cool things, kinda..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex changed back into his human form and shrugged. 'You'd probably best wait. I know Flint wouldn't be very happy if he left and we got to see something cool before he came back.' He said with a small smile. 'I don't think he'd be too pleased if we left him out.' He walked over to the tree that Rhiannon had summoned and sat down, his back resting against the trunk.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bloody Jaw

Bloody Jaw

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"Mind if I join you guys?" Hunter asked, throwing one of her hands up a finger feebly trying to stand.

Hunter slunk away from the group towards the other two, they were having something like a small competition of who could outweigh off. Her powers couldn't possibly outweigh any of there's so she should just avoid showing it off. She urged her legs to jump into a small jog to catch up to the other two. This could be a start.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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"Sure come along for the ride" Flint joked as he stopped for hunter to catch up "What was your name again? So much has been happening that I kinda lost track" He said laughing a little.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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"Alrighty, we'll be back before long. Tara." Rhiannon headed after Flint and they headed into the castle proper. They headed towards a spiral staircase which led to a gallery running along the face of the castle where Hunter joined them. "Yeah, of course." Rhiannon replied to her request although she noticed the girl lingered a little bit further behind, perhaps unsure of how to start talking to them since they already had an established relationship. Normally Rhiannon would make efforts to integrate Hunter but she was more concerned with her own situation at that moment in time.

Halfway up the stair she felt the rise in her chest and leaned stopped almost making Flint bump into her as she bent double and coughed into a folder handkerchief she had barely brought out from her skirt in time. It turned red with the blood she had coughed out before another bout hit her, forcing the Welsh girl to kneel down on the step as her body was racked by the strain. Eventually it subsided and she folded the handkerchief over to hide the stain and tucked it into her pocket again, although she knew Flint had seen but Hunter was still too far back to have notice anything except a standard coughing fit.

"Don't tell anyone, please?" She told Flint quietly before turning and continuing on their way. She didn't want to go into detail yet about her condition and such a public place was not the location to do it in. Soon they reached the top of the stairwell. "Well, the girl's dorms are this way. Let's say meet back here and then return to the courtyard?" She hurried off without waiting for confirmation and entered her room, closing the door firmly behind her before collapsing again in another fit of blood-filled coughing that left her weak on the floor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bloody Jaw

Bloody Jaw

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"I'm Hunter. I believe you're Flint?" Hunter stammered slightly.

"I don't believe you even mentioned your name." Her shadow snorted.

Hunter lingered behind, her fingers fiddling anxiously behind her back. Her shadow continued to nag her nonstop about anything and everything. She was too far behind to notice what had happened to Rhiannon, and too consumed in her abyss of thoughts to listen to their conversation. Still way behind the other two, she never caught up to Rhiannon going to into her room so she veered off into hers. Her shadow slammed the door for her, and chuckled bitterly.

"Truly are the conservationist." The blackness snorted sarcastically.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up." Hunter retorted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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"I wont" He said concerned as Rhiannon ran off "Hunter im going to go change my pants " I looked to the rips and cuts that my shattered bones had made in my pants. "So I will be right back !" Flint quickly rushed to his room as he saw hunter leave to go to her room. Flint began rummaging into his bag to find the spare set of shoes. A small revolver fell from inside the bag with a clutter. Flint looked to it and sighed softly "I hope I wont need that..." He said as he quickly put the gun in a drawer with its ammunition. Flint soon had a new pair of jeans on and his boots.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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"Yeah, you're probably right. Anyways, I need Flint's permission to demonstrate one of my powers on him. It only works on humans, you see." He stood around and twiddled his thumbs for a bit. "It won't hurt him. Obviously, it wouldn't matter if it did, but it won't." He cut himself, and it healed. No blood seeped from the wound. Then he repeated. And repeated. And so on and so forth. Passing time was so hard for Zach, he always wanted to do something.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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Flint quickly got back to the courtyard "Oh I would have thought Rhiannon would be back by now" He said to Alex and Zach as he made sure his laces where tied.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"You haven't been taking your medication, little miss."

Rhiannon looked up at the familiar voice to see Doctor Michael sitting at the desk in her room, writing on a piece of paper. He always appeared when she needed advice regarding her condition; she trusted him more than any other doctor she had seen with her parents. Having first met him when she was very young, he had promised to always look over her when he could. He had told her to keep her illness a secret, even from her parents, since it would only make them worry and as an Ellyll she'd be immune to it.

"It's only been so bad today, Doctor." She said as she struggled up and then over to her unpacked travel case. Inside was a small tub of pills he had given her before she came here, instructing her to take two when her chest felt especially bad. "I started coming the moment my chest started hurting again." She said, taking two of the pills with a glass of water from the bathroom. She liked the taste of the pills; they had a sweet tasted compared to other tablets like paracetamol.

"Good girl. Well, I'm working here at the school so if you need any help I'm always around. And remember, don't tell anyone, except Flint, about your illness. It would only make them worry." Rhiannon frowned, trying to think if she had seen him at the school at any point although the Doctor had told her he would be coming here.

"How did you know he saw me?" She asked suspiciously but the Doctor merely laughed.

"I have magic too, little miss. I shall see you later." And with that he disappeared leaving Rhiannon a little bewildered.

"I better go back and meet the others." She muttered, leaving her room and heading back to the assigned meeting place with a clean handkerchief in her pocket.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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"Ah, Flint, nice of you to join us. I kind of... Need your permission before I use one of my powers on you." He says as he trots nonchalantly at around 60 mph, circling the nearby tree. "Well, I can't die, and I have an impressive regen rate. Not as impressive as Flint's, mind you, but it does the same thing. I also have pretty good strength. But, I need Flint for my prized power."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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"Sure as long as it doesn't involve my head exploding that can take hours to heal and its a real pain..." Flint said stepping forward and waiting for whatever was to happen, cracking his knuckled and shuffling slightly in anticipation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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"Are you sure about this? If so, look straight into my eyes. Straight. Into. My. Eyes. I promise it'll be ok, you won't get hurt. You will however, enter a hazy, dream-like state. I suppose the others will tell you what happened after we're through with this." Zach's voice lost any traces of humor it had just had. He took off his sunglasses, waiting for Flint to say it was ok to go through with this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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Alex watched, rather interested. A vampire that had a power that affected a human, other than the bite, of course. He was more interested due to his lack of knowledge on vampires. Having met very few on his travels, they were one type of creature he had very little knowledge on. His knowledge in humans was extensive, although they never ceased to amaze him. He never really realised that vampires were much different than humans, but today has shown that they have more capabilities than the average human.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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He nodded as he looked into Zach's eyes. Nervous but knowing that whatever happened he would always be fine. At least physically anyway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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Instantly, Flint was under Zach's control. He tried to think of something to demonstrate his willpower, without hurting or embarrassing his new friend. "I'm now in full control of Flint. Jump." Flint jumped. "Sit." Flint sat. "This takes an unbelievable amount of energy, though it's my most prized power. It only works on humans, for now, but I'm working on other species. Flint, you're dismissed." Flint regained control over his will and body. Zach walked over to him. "Are you ok, Flint? You probably don't remember much from what just happened." He mused.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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Logan walked towards the iron gates, and waved his hand at them to open, then walked right into them and fell to the ground. 'Dammit!' He said to himself. 'I should have known that wouldn't work.' He sighed. The gates opened on their own, but he knew it wasn't his power that had done it. He walked through and into the courtyard. There were a group of people standing around and he sighed. He was late. What a surprise.

He pushed up his backpack on his shoulder, and wheeled his suitcase past the group of people to the entrance, looking up at the castle as he did so. He had been given information before coming here, so he knew where to register, and where the dorms were. He pulled the map out of his pocket and sighed. This was going to be fun. He hovered the map in the air in front of him. It didn't use much energy because it was light, and he'd practised this particular trick a lot. He walked towards the sign-in desk and introduced himself, receiving his dorm room number, and being told that his room was a double room. He inaudibly sighed at that. Why must he have to share? He turned and walked towards the male dorm tower, grumbling all the way about how unfair it was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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Flint shook his head a little "Huh? Did it work.? Yeah im fine " Flint smiled softly a little confused and a weird sensation in his head but he felt fine.
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