Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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Mika still had not returned by nightfall, and it didn't seem like she would be returning. Of course, the Omega was still peacefully sleeping in the park under the tree, enjoying the lack of chaos and duties. In the back of her mind, she knew she'd get in trouble for this.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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She nodded, concern for the omega clouding her gaze and her tail twitched worridly "Lets go find her" She said, her mind going through horrible possibilities of what could have happened
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Czelsc
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They knew Mika's scent so they still had a good chance at tracking her. Instantly upon her approval he began to inhale the air to begin any navigation.

His head turned toward the left.

"We know she went that way. At least we have a good start. Let's go." He was assertive now that there was a purpose for them to alpha up.
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She nodded, quickly following him
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Czelsc
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Their heavy paws trotted, ran, and jumped through nature as they caught onto the scent of Mika. Following the youth who could do a fair distance in a shorter time than the two alphas. This could be a challenge. A good one at least he hoped.
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She followed him quickly, her fur bristled wit worry and concern for the little omega
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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Mika began to wake as the night grew dark. She got to her paws, turning human and looking around. She began walking around, not wanting to return to the pack quite yet. Being away felt like freedom to her- probably not the best thing since she had a rebellious side.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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While all of this was going on, Ella had been quietly sleeping in. She should probably have been awake but she had been up late the previous night. She was in her wolf form, curled up into a ball of fur. She was unaware that she had ended up sleeping all day.

Kadia roamed the camp quietly, needing to find something to do.
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She paws at the ground, worry in her eyes as she started to return back to camp after not finding Mika, her head down, as she panted quietly, usually a run like that would not have left her that tired, it was a sign that she had completed her goal, but she wasn't even happy about it, to sad about not being able to find the omega to react
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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Mika finally returned to the camp. This is a bad idea. Eh. The worst they can do is yell at me. They need me, She thought as she slunk into the camp.
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Ella still hadn't woken up; her exhausted had pretty much knocked her out for the entire day. Kadia continued to pace, not knowing what to do. She hadn't been given orders, and had no idea where any of the higher ranked werewolves were.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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She walked back into camp not long after the omega had returned, she was panting kind of hard
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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Mika had just vanished into her den, trying to avoid talking to anybody about where she had been. It wasn't easy being the perfect little Omega, and it was only made harder by the fact that she found her alphas rather... how would she word it... annoying.
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Kadia looked up as the alpha emtered, her ears pricking. She debated approaching and telling the alpha about Ella's slumber, but decided not to screw her friend and surperior over.
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She flops down in front of her den, panting heavily and trying to control her breathing, wondering were her mate, the Alpha male, had gone, her ears lower a bit and she sighs
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Kadia sighed, glancing at Crystal before deciding what to do. Ella's going to be so mad at me, she thought as she lowered her head and slowly approached the alpha.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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"What" She asked, voice holding a small growl, she wasn't trying to be mean, she just was kind of, not herself today
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Kadia whined softly at the alpha's tone. Perhaps this was a bad idea, but oh well.

"I was... I was wanting to discuss something with you... about a certain member of the pack who- how to I put this- runs the risk of jeopardizing us..." She felt bad saying it, but it needed to be said.

Meanwhile, Ella was still dead asleep. She had no idea the conversation that was occuring was even happening.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Her tail flicks "Well? Go on" She snaps, clearly she was not in the mood today
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"I- Beta Ella," Kadia's tail fell between her legs, "she hasn't left her den all day, and no orders have been given while you were gone. There have even been a few skirmishes. Nothing serious but... I just wanted to bring it to your attention."

Kadia's voice carried an obvious whine. She hated reporting her friend, and hated herself for hating doing it. But it needed to be done.
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