Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by ErsatzEmpress
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ErsatzEmpress Polemically Sent

Member Seen 8 days ago

T H E X - M E N
T H E X - M E N

"Protecting a world that hates and fears us since 2014."
Location: ROXXON Corporation Facility - Staten Island (Five years ago)
Flashback: M-Day

"My fellow mutants. We stand here together at a crossroads. We have come to this place today, My Acolytes and I, to take a stand. Against the oppression of our kind. Against all of the cruelty and all of the violence. Against God's imperfect creature known as Homo sapiens."

Magneto raises a hand, motioning to the power station at his flank. Its monolithic smoke stack poisons the air around it with a thick, unwavering smog like a cancer. The mutant is joined by his Acolytes, his most dedicated followers, committed as he is to a world free of human persecution. Alex Summers, an ex pupil of Xavier's, now Havok, his most prized lieutenant. Thomas Moreau, the geokinetic mutant known as Zealot. The towering Mammomax; the loyal Exodus; the ellusive Senyaka. Brothers all.

"The nuclear testing facility that looms behind us is a testament to the inhumanity of humanity. But it is also a symbol of their weakness. With all their time as custodians of their planet, this is the final limit of their capability. The extent of their abilities. The death rattle of their dying light. What they cannot achieve on their own they seek to take from us. They cannot hope to match our power so they steal it for themselves."

Erik meets the eyes of each X-Man that Charles has sent to oppose him. Cyclops. Marvel Girl. Beast. Sunfire. Banshee. His own daughter, Polaris, stands against him. He needs them to see what he sees. He needs them to understand.

"My friends, inside this facility is a man. No, more importantly, a mutant. Perhaps only slightly older than my own daughter Lorna, who has graciously chosen to stand against us today."

He motions to Polaris as he speaks, standing across from him and his followers with the rest of the X-Men, She can barely hide her shame for the man her father has revealed himself to be.

"This, you see, is not a nuclear reactor," he begins, magnanimous: "This is a prison."

"A prison, designed by the ROXXON Corporation and approved by our esteemed elected representatives to contain and exploit its only living resident: Kuan-Yin Xorn.

"Does that name sound familiar to you? It should. After all, his brother Shen Xorn was one of your original "X-Men", wasn't he Charles?"
He smiles, looking up at the familiar silhouette of the X-men's jet black jet.

"Yes, I know you're here, in that Blackbird of yours," he continues, "hovering in the skies like an insect because you know that you're too weak to face me!" He snarls, losing composure for only a second.

"How does his brother feel about this, I wonder? Did you order him to stay at your school, lest he join me as well?"

He places a proud hand on Havok's shoulder. Xavier's students were not beyond hope. There would always be a place by his side for mutants of vision, even those who laboured still under a false prophet.

"It doesn't have to be this way, Erik." Charles urges, telepathically using Zealot as a mouthpiece.

"Your words no longer matter, Charles. Your dream no longer matters. It is dead. Bury it."

Magneto turns to face the facility before looking back at his assembled enemies.

"The story of Kuan-Yin Xorn applies to us all. He was born with extraordinary powers, to a world that fears his gifts. Perhaps he knows this truth more than most. For Xorn was born with a star in his head. That is the beauty of our race. A living star, among men. His light could burn brighter than any of ours, yet here he dwells. His light extinguished. In Xorn I see a man with dreams. With aspirations. A brother. And what do these neanderthals see? With their characteristic enlightenment and with their grace? A battery. A resource. To power their cars. Their homes."

He pays extra attention to the news copters now circling above.

"Their televisions."

"They saw a way to exploit our power for their own gain, and seized it without hesitation. They take what they want without a thought for the lives they destroy in the process. But hear us when we say we will stand for it no longer. We are not their slaves, their tools, their batteries. We are a proud and powerful people, and we will not be silenced."

"Their world is over. It's been over for sometime but they have been to consumed with the minutiae of their own death throws to see it. Their time has come and gone. It is time for our people to rise above this dying species and take our place in the light. It is time for Genosha."

"Genosha is a thought experiment no longer. It is not a fairy tale. It's certainly not a place, not yet. It is a promise. A social contract made with the mutant people, by the mutant people, for the mutant people. For a Brotherhood of OUR kind. For a world free from persecution. For too long, we have languished in the dark, afraid to show our light for fear of blinding those who choose not to see. But it is our light. Our future. And humanity no longer has a place in it."

He casts a hand to one of the helicopters above.

"We owe nothing to these lesser creatures, these humans who would see us enslaved and oppressed. We have the power to create a world of our own, a world where mutants are free to live and thrive without fear of persecution. Humanity has presided over their world and reaped the benefits, milking this Earth for all she could give. We asked only for a small piece of it. Now we take it all. Atop the ashes of this monument to humanity's failure we will build the Just City."

"Our mutant nation."

"We will make Genosha here on Earth."
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by ErsatzEmpress
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ErsatzEmpress Polemically Sent

Member Seen 8 days ago


May 15th 2023
1 RVN Centre
Atlanta, GA

Good evening, RVN viewers. Today, we commemorate the 6th anniversary of the completion of The Raft, the maximum-security prison constructed to house the world's most dangerous criminals with superhuman abilities. Situated off the coast of Ryker's Island, The Raft has proven to be a critical tool in the ongoing efforts of law enforcement to keep our communities safe and free from crime. The facility faced significant opposition in its early days, with calls to prevent its construction coming from all sides of the political spectrum, chiefly from human rights watchdogs and from conservative advocates of decreased government spending. Despite this, the project went ahead and six years on, it's hard to consider it to be anything short of a resounding success. Boasting a virtually unheard-of 0% escape rate for prisoners, The Raft has ensured that our communities remain safe from super-powered criminals.

The prison currently houses approximately 600 prisoners, each possessing powers and abilities deemed too dangerous for an ordinary penitentiary. One such resident, and a prime example for the need of this facility, is Magneto, real name Erik Lehnsherr. This infamous mutant terrorist was the leader of the group known as 'The Acolytes' and possesses the mutant ability to control metal. Understandably, such abilities would prove a minefield were he to be jailed in a regular prison.

Following the devastating M-Day attack of 2018, government contractor Trask Industries got to work on a seemingly impossible feat: building a plastic prison to house the ferrokinetic Lehnsherr. Buried deep beneath The Raft's surface, his bespoke cell is a technical marvel, serving to cut off his access to his powers by replacing all metal with perfectly harmless plastic.

Magneto is just one of many dangerous individuals within The Raft's walls who pose a significant threat to society if left unchecked. With ongoing support from lawmakers such as Senator Robert Kelly, we can expect to see continued progress in the fight against superhuman crime.

Earlier today, RVN News had the opportunity to speak with Kelly, one of the early backers of the programme, and a vocal figure among the growing movement to push for stricter restrictions on the growing mutant population.

"Six years ago, The Raft was a large but necessary step in our fight against the dangerous individuals who threaten our way of life, and this is as true today as it was then," Kelly began. “The first-of-its-kind facility is a testament to American ingenuity and it has allowed us some much needed breathing room in this conflict. However, we cannot rely solely on containment to keep our communities safe. It's clear that we need to do more to be able to react to growing rates of super powered criminals and the mutant phenomenon."

The senator continued, "We need to invest in further research and technology that can help us identify and neutralize these threats before they can do us harm. This means working with experts in the field of superhuman abilities, such as the capable scientists at Trask Industries, to examine the risks we face and develop strategies to mitigate them. It also means providing resources and support for law enforcement, to better identify and respond to superhuman crime, and growing instances of mutant activity. This is why it is so important that my MRD Bill is signed into law."

The Mutant Response Division Act, as proposed, would mandate the creation of a new federal agency, the MRD, which would be responsible for responding to mutant threats. When asked about potential criticisms of these measures, Senator Kelly responded, "I understand that some may see these efforts as invasive or discriminatory towards mutants. However, our ultimate goal is to protect all members of society, human and mutant. By working together we can create a safer and more just future for all."

Following Senator Kelly's comments, RVN News was able to secure an interview with Professor Charles Xavier, mutant rights activist, and founder of the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. Known for his failed 1984 presidential bid, Xavier has been a vocal detractor of The Raft since its inception. He was happy to address his concerns about The Raft's legacy with us today:

"The Raft does not offer rehabilitation, nor any true path towards redemption," he explained, “This facility’s sole purpose is the incarceration of these super powered individuals. But incarceration alone does not solve the core problem."

Professor Xavier, a well-known advocate for mutant rights, was the target of what is now believed to have been a coordinated assassination attempt, in the same year as the prison’s completion, which left him reliant on the use of a wheelchair.

He emphasized that investing in prevention is crucial.

"While The Raft has been effective in containing dangerous individuals, it's a solely reactive measure. We need to focus on prevention by addressing the root causes of criminal behaviour," he stated.

When asked what measures he would favour to stem the tide of super powered violence, Professor Xavier shared his work with mutants as an example. "At the Xavier Institute, we help mutants control and understand their abilities. We teach them how to harness their powers, to use them for good, instead of resorting to violence or criminal activity," he explained. However, he emphasized that this approach requires resources and support. “It is my great wish that other such facilities such as mine be created, to give our mutant children the best chance to flourish. For this to happen there would need to be a push for greater government funding for research, education, and outreach to the mutant community," he said. “We can’t do it alone.”

“By creating a society that values and supports mutants, rather than punish them for the crime of existing, we can prevent the isolation and desperation that so often leads to criminal activity."

As RVN News commemorates The Raft's 6th anniversary, it is clear that the conversation around the facility's legacy and mutant rights is far from over.
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