Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago


The clock began to tick down from an hour as the match began. Between Issac and GM was a board, two raised lines crossing each other at a perpendicular angle. Issac was first this round, pointing to the corner, manifesting an X mark. The crowd gasped, leading to GM's move, a circle in the center. Awwwws came from the crowd as Issac hushed them with his hands. He raised his brow at GM, getting a gauge for his temperament, and pointed to the opposite corner. The crowd roared with possibilities, before letting up for GM's response. He waited a moment, calculating the moves in his head before blocking off the side closest to him. Every move that followed block the other's chances to win, and the first game ended with a draw.

GM looked to the score board and the clock. "Do you really think you can beat me in a children's game in under an hour?"

Issac looked to the crowd, and to his crew, then back to GM, smiling with confidence in his exposed state. "You're move, George."

The game grew intense, thanks to the intense production value of his opponent. Fireworks started errupting with each move, and the X and O placement became much more intense, each gaining a sound effect as the game continued. Issac, or rather Sasayaki, took control of the music, GM allowing her the smallest of freedoms from her chair.

50 games passed, each ending in a draw, when the clock hit half. The clock paused, GM calling for a halftime to commemorate this event. He whispered something in his daughter's ear, undoubtedly sinister, before heading over. In the background a live performance played by some of the crew, and preparations for the remaining pirates were being made. "10 minutes," GM declared, smirking and heading back to the spotlight.

Issac used the break to return to his crew, removing the chains under the stipulation that everyone honored the rules of the game. Bighead let out a bellowing laugh and giving Issac a pat on the back that jolted him forward. "Well played," he announced, knowing that the game was all but locked. "But what of what comes next?"

"Haven't gotten that far yet," he smirked, always in planning his schemes in the moment. "Never had to worry about more than Sasayaki and me."

"Tough shit," Klank exhaled, reaching for his smokes in a chain as soon as he had the freedom. "It's going to take more that a little flash to get out of this, even with the eye of world on you." He took another drag, sucking his anxiety into a deadly cloud of regret. "If I die here, I'll kill you."

"I'll cut them, and freeze em, and peanut will burn, and then I'll cut again, and it will be over," Sierra yelled in excitement. Someone had been sneaking her drinks, and it was not favorable to the situation. Sasayaki and Peanut nodded, fueling the plan.

When he got to Sasayaki, her chain quivered before release, wrapping around him and headbutting him in the skull. "Married? MARRIED!?" She tried hitting him again and again, but Issac was quick to deflect with his hands, eventually pulling her closed to his chest. "You just going to get rid of me over some pasta plated skank!" she yelled. "I wont let you. We've come too far!"

"Sasa!" he interupted, knowing how far this rant could go. He pulled her head to face him. "Nothing in this world could ever replace you. Where I go, you go. Got it?"

She looked away. "Uhhhhg, fine." her head peaked back around before resuming the pout. "But I'm not taking to her, okay?"

"Clock's ticking," Klank reminded him.

Issac looked to Bighead, calm as ever, when it came to him. "I don't think we have to worry," he said wish a scrunch of his face. "George can make all the plays he wants, but we still have some plays of our own."

Bighead smiled and leaned back in his chair as Issac returned to the field, refreshed and ready for the final plays.

The games grew in intensity as the clock whittled down. The screens went crazy, some supporting the GM, while others rallied behind Issac, breaker of games. The simplicity did nothing to impact the excitement, in fact, it actually drew more viewers to the screen. GM always won, at least on his own turf, and even pulling a draw was a spot on his otherwise brilliant record as a pirate and game master. None of the pressure showed, however, and something was brewing just below.

The clock had nearly expired as the last move remained on the board. "You haven't won," GM taunted, looking around him. "You may get out of these games alive, but I will defeat you, I promise you that."

"Maybe," Issac smirked, "But it wont be today, and my money isn't on tomorrow either." He gave the crowd a wink and place his last piece, forcing the last draw at the end of the hour. "See ya next year," he announced to the crowd, flashing the universal symbol of peace out.

The screens went down, the audience moved to the edges of the island, and the land revealed itself for the first time, nothing more than an open field. How GM managed the create a who island out of nothing was frightening, but there wasn't time to think about that. "Free to go," GM told them, motioning to the direct of the docks. It was a few miles off, yet by no means a straight shot.

"Issac," Sasayaki yelled, wrapping around him and perking to combat mode. "We aren't alone," she reminded, forcing his senses out. Between them and their destination were no less than a thousand pirates.

"This wasn't the deal," Klank exhaled, taking out his tool-set.

"No my crew," GM smiled, "but they could be, if they got on my good side." He twirled his brilliant banhammer in his hand and started walking to his base, the only physical structure that existed on the island. "Word of advice, children. The house always wins."

Issac was ready to fight, to force his way out of the island like he had so subtly done the last time he had escaped with a fresh bounty and a broken heart. He could feel his blood pulsing through his veins as he prepared to lunge forward, when a gigantic arm wrapped him, pressing him against his other crewmates into a father grasp. "That should be enough time," Bighead noted, bending down to the ground to store his energy. "HEAVENLYYYYY SQUATSSSS," he yelled, causing his legs to grow to gigantic proportions, sending the entire crew soaring into the sky. He felt the wind trample his face as they started to decline, free falling towards the ocean. At first, he saw nothing, but the faster they descended the faster he realize the ship was just below, and they were falling fast enough to tear it in half.

"Sasa," Issac yelled through the wind, untangling her from his crew mates and throwing her head to the water. "SIREN'S SCREAM," he yelled, forcing a shock-wave of sound to hit the ocean below them, it too was almost enough to rip the ship apart, when a a vortex of water came bursting out of the ocean to counter their force. In summation, the forces blanced enough to plop the crew on the ship, somehow still in sailing shape.

Phin jumped out of the water with stern look of both excitement and disappoint, and odd combination to pull off. "Not done yet," he said coldly, pointing to the numerous ships that were gaining on him. "How fast can this thing go."

"Fast enough," Klank declared, stroking his wheel with excitement, yet doing his best to ignore to multitude of repairs the ship would need after the escape. "You kids think you can muster up that kind of force again, only to our back?"

"I can do this all day," Sasayaki declare.

Issac took to the left back corner and braced the ship, while Phin took to the otherside and gave a nod before preforming what seemed to be a mantra like motion. It was then the he noticed a ship in the distance, Jubi's, and smiled. "Not today," he whispered, before hearing Klank's command, the the three of them rippling the ocean and sending the ship flying to it's next destination.

End: Great Pirate Games
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A storm raged for as far as Klank could see from his beloved wheel. All the levers were finally reset, more than a few needing to be used in their chaotic escape. The Jubil Pirates, however, were relentless in their pursuit, always showing up just when safety was all but had. It took the combined efforts from each member of The Bigheads to create an opportunity of escape only days ago. Sierra and peanut skated across the thrashing ocean, freezing waves when they reached their peak height. As important as it was to block a quarter of the ships from going further, she was childishly reckless in her actions. Her youthful mind was plagued with the absurd notion that she was invincible. Phin took to the deep sea, creating maelstroms wherever he could. Three ships capsized, but that made no dent in the monstrous fleet. Against Klank's protests, Isaac had slammed a lever by the wheel. The back of the ship opened up to release a mini version of itself, perfect for a two man team, and significantly more mobile. Isaac leaped onto the mini ship and immediately pulled a lever meant to give a wild burst of speed, but not before Captain Bighead himself joined. Klank was left alone, baffled. He grabbed two smokes as the situation demanded, and puffed. With the snap of a lever, the ship drifted to face his fleeting crew. Another lever, much like the one on the mini ship, allowed Klank to close the distance.

"I suppose it's time to really test your capabilities, baby," Klank said as he glided his hands over the wooden wheel. "Operation..." he pulled another lever. The other rods surrounding him descended into the bowels of the ship, replaced by a set of two levers with three triggers on each. Klank stepped between them as a small contraption secured his feet to the floor. "Evasive Retrieval!"


The sun shown brightly now that The Bigheads were out from the blanket of storm clouds. Though they could still see that storm, they could no longer see the destruction the crew had wrought. After just a few days of suspicion, finally there was time to relax, and that was exactly what Klank was doing, a cigarette in his mouth and a hammer at the ready. The ship took considerable damage in Operation Evasive Retrieval, and Klank realized the kind of fortifications must be made. There were a few cannon holes on the side, but most of the damage came from the ship itself. It would take some time to fully recover the ship, but Klank welcomed it. As he worked on the holes first, hoisted over the edge, Bighead leaned over the rail to look down at the shipwright.

"Never seen a ship do that," Bighead bellowed.

"No one has," Klank smirked, still hammering away. "For good reason." He raised his hands as if to show the ship. Shattered wood was hanging all over, and on deck, a mast split down the middle. A sail was torn and sprawled across the deck, and a large gap was created at nose of the ship. Even the ships figure head was blown to pieces. "I anticipated some minor damage, but nothing like this mess." He kept patching the holes.

"Lotta bang for any ship," Bighead chuckled. "I'm curious," he became serious, but still with a smile. "As a shipwright, knowing what might happen... Why?"

Klank halted his hammering and took a long drag. The smoke wafted up his face and he replied, "Why would I install an arsenal my ship couldn't handle?" Bighead remained silent as Klank took another drag. "Can't build my dream ship without testing a few extremes." He continued repairs. "The things we've been up against so far are nothing compared to what's to come. It doesn't take someone who's sailed all the seas to realize that. And if I'm gonna sail the entire world, I want a ship that's worthy."

"Haha!" It was an unusually loud laugh from the Captain. "We're on the same page, Shipwright. When your done with those, join the rest of us. There are discussions to be had."

"Interesting," Klank wondered. Captain Bighead hadn't called for a meeting before. As soon as he was done, Klank brought himself top deck and approached the others.

Bighead was serious now. In his hands, he held six sheets of paper, which he began to hand out. They were wanted posters, to which Klank wondered how Bighead acquired. Klank looked at his, an angry face, yelling at whoever looked upon the poster. 320,000,000. His eyes widened, and then he smirked. He never dreamed, that as a simple shipwright, he would gain such a reputation. Sierra and Peanut both held a higher bounty, each at 380,000,000. Phin was indifferent to his 400,000,000. And Isaac smiled the same smile as his poster, for a bounty of 530,000,000. Even Sasayaki had a poster of her own, the number still higher than Klanks at 340,000,000. Klank looked to Bighead, who was standing silent while the rest talked over themselves.

"What about you?" Klank questioned.

"Don't know," he smirked slyly. "It's always fluctuating. I'm showing you these, because these bounties paint a," he paused for a moment as he shot a glance at Isaac. "Flashy target on your heads." He gave instruction to Klank to set a course, to which the shipwright complied. "We've racked up quite powerful enemies so far, but what lies behind us is not the problem. The problem is ahead of us. Maybe not anytime soon, but eventually, we will come across Pirates and Marines alike that we are not ready to face. Make no mistake, you're all strong in some way, but not all ways. As Captain, I'm taking us out of the game temporarily."

"What does that mean?" Sierra interrupted.

"We're heading for an island nearby, safe for the most part, but well hidden."

"For what Purpose," Phin was suspicious.

Bighead smiled his giant smile. "Training."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"You aren't worthy of using a weapon you cannot overpower."

The words echoed through Issac's head, knowing they were true. He was reliant on Sasayaki for most things, and the pirate games proved that more than anything. He laid on the deck and looked up at the stars while Klank repaired the ship. "Hey Klank, do you think I could beat you without my weapon?" he asked, but the pirate only glanced over before continuing with the hammering. "I'll take that as a yes, " he yelled, before looking back up. He always a plan, and idea to change the course of battle, but he only really used one of is tools. He was one dimensional, which was necessary to survive, but it would surely hold him back in the future. Sasayaki could be take, lost, or worse, turn on him one day. He had to be better, to keep moving forward; he was a famous pirate/bounty hunter/game breaker/dream crusher now.


The island that Bighead chose was unusual in many ways, the most of all being the shifting weather throughout the island. The captain left him alone in the fogged forest, while trained Sasayaki's voice and projection through the most obnoxious karaoke even he had heard. The goal was to survive, but Issac wanted more; he wanted to thrive. He took his first steps into the island, letting his other sense guide him, and trusted his instincts.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The remainder of the trip en route to the island was uneventful. Everyone seemed to unintentionally stick to themselves, and any conversations to be had were brief. Klank wasn't stricken with the same self-judgement as everyone else seemed, mostly because he had this ship to focus on. He thought about the operation that almost destroyed it and was going over the blueprints of his dream ship. How could he change certain things to allow it to withstand such brutal maneuvers. In time, and with more situations to experiment, Klank was sure he would figure it out. The crew docked, and with barely any time to really admire the environment, Bighead lead everyone to their destinations. Klank walked beside Bighead until an open area presented itself. Bighead motioned for him to stop as he kept going. Suddenly, the Captains hand grew to the size of a large boulder. Raising his fist, Bighead let out a shallow grunt, and punched the ground. After the initial shockwave, Klank approached and looked down into the crater.

"Whoa!" Klank gasped. "I hope you don't expect me to do that."

"This part of your training doesn't require physical work," to which Bighead motioned for Klank to enter. "Sit." The demand was harsh.

"So what the hell is this?" Klank sounded irritated and produced a cigarette. It disappeared immediately, and so did the one from in his headband. Bighead was holding both of them. "What the f..."

"You lack patience," Bighead stated matter of factly. "And these aren't helping."

"They help just fine you crazy bastard."

"You're too restless, too angry. Hand over all your tools."

Klank stared at Bighead for a long moment, thinking hard about what was said on the ship. He complied. "So what am I supposed to do?"

"You're gonna sit here, in this hole, until I come and get you."

"And that'll be?"

"Dunno!" The Captain smiled. "But do your best to stay calm."

"And what if I decide I'm gonna leave this little crater of yours?"

With the most serious look Klank had seen yet, Bighead struck with a, "You won't."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Half a day had passed since Issac entered the fog, leaving him no more focused than when he started. No matter how far he wandered, he couldn't figure out where he was, every tree different, every patch of grass undisturbed. What was the strangest was how the greys moved when he wasn't focusing, almost like it was alive in some way, but that couldn't have been true, since he couldn't sense anything with his Haki.

Hours passed by, and Issac was officially lost, with nothing to guide him. Issac was good at being lost, yet it felt different without Sasayaki, colder. He needed another moment, thinking what the world would be like with her. For the first time that day he stop wandering, pushing forward, and leaned against a passing tree. His mind drifted, dwelling on his captain's words, until the weight of it fell away.

Hours passed, Issac's eyes heavy as he lightly rested, letting his mind wander. The silence was dangerous, yet so was being bare against it. The fog, heavier now than when he first pressed again the cool bark, continued to lazily swirl just beyond him, as gray as when he first started. "That can't be right," he said to himself, guessing that it was sure night out by now. He stood up, lifting his hand to the fog, it receding at his advance. "That's definitely not right."

Slowly, he made his way along the path he came, the fog seemingly out of reach, arriving at the same tree he began, despite walking in a straight line. "Okay.." he said to himself, setting back again, yet using using his observation to guide him, yet result was the same. "Huh.. How about that."

He took a moment, reaching his vision beyond the fog, but there was nothing. Nothing. It had to be trick, but it couldn't have been. His observation could see beyond such things, or at least devil fruits. Was it the island? No. He would have sense something from the earth. He had seen many weird things since he set out with Sasayaki, the blade being one of them, and he knew it was some anomaly tricking him, leaving one option left. He waited, watching his surroundings as they slipped by, lunging out as soon as the passed back, the heavy white retreating at his advance.

Laughs came from every direction, too many variants to identify the number with any accuracy. "Clever," he half smirked, not willing to let down his guard. "I'm used to being the one playing tricks."

"We know," the fog said uniformly, catching him off guard. "We have been waiting, Issac."

"So you've heard of me." She forced another smirk, hoping that a facade of confidence would be enough to keep the thing at bay until he found a plan, or even the courage to push forward alone.

Other laughs echoed though the fog, feminine and mischievous. Was it a devil fruit? Or maybe some other mythical creature that had survived the trials of time and man. He couldn't say, only that it was here, and it had to be dealt with, somehow. The fog shifted again when he did, a form starting emerge from it. "I wouldn't think of that just yet," the fog giggled. "I know what you're thinking, your hopes, your fears. I know what you lack, and I know have yet to see. The man before me will not be leaving this forest, but will have some fun along the way."

The figure walked forward, talk and lean, with a cigarette askew in his mouth. "Klank?" Issac asked, knowing it wasn't him, not really. Probably just a replication from some image pulled from his head. "What kind of game is this?" he asked the gray copy.

"You're not ready for me yet," Klank smiled, the feminine voice remaining, breaking the immersion. "Defeat some of these peons, and maybe we can have some more fun, kay!?"

Issac instinctively reached back for Sasayaki, producing nothing but an empty palm. Mist Klank, as he further refer to him as, pulled out his multipurpose weapon, doubling it to the other hand, then producing two move as his arms doubled into a the ugliest four armed thing he had ever seen. Issac looked around for something, anything he could use as a weapon, yet none remained within sight. "Is this how annoying it is to fight me?" he ask with a clench of the fist, taking an awkward stance and preparing for battle. "Cause, damn!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Klank couldn't remember a more frustrating time in all his life. It had been two days without a cigarette, and the first day, it really pissed him off. It's all he wanted to help him mentally combat the extreme weather changes. He'd been rained on, hailed on, and snowed on, and now he waited for the unbearable heat to melt the thick layer of ice that anchored his sitting body to the ground. He thought it a miracle he wasn't dead, or at the very least stricken with hypothermia. It was still new to him, but Klank had no choice other than learning to stay calm, and even go beyond that. He practiced meditation. Even that though, only did so much. His body ached all over, probably from the freezing air just last night. He almost called it quits.

"There better be a point to this," Klank yelled, hoping Bighead was out there. His Captain's words, both on the ship and before dropping him in the hole, kept repeating every time Klank thought about leaving the whole. "This some bullshit," he said a little softer this time. He felt his blood start to boil, and it had nothing to do with the torch in the sky. He grunted, but was able to recover, although it was much harder this time around since Bighead didn't have the decency to bring any food. Two more days passed and Klanks body became skinnier and raggedier than ever. But, he continued whatever god awful training this was supposed to be. He often thought about the blueprints to his dream ship, and sailing his final ocean of the world. Those were the moments when Klank didn't notice natures ever changing wraith.

After the fourth day, Bighead finally came. Phin was with him, also looking beat to hell. He had bandages completely covering his torso, blood slowly soaking through. Bighead was the same as always, and tossed down some food.

"You're still alive!" he stated jovially.

Klank shot a death glance at his Captain. "You put me down here not knowing if I'd survive?" He stood to his feet, pants soaked with water from a storm last night. He squeezed the bread he had caught and snapped a chunk off to eat. "Where's my god damned smoke." To which Bighead tossed down. He immediately duplicated it into handful. It was bliss, and for a moment, all that torture didn't matter when he puffed the stick all the way down. When he exhaled, he stared into the sky.

"Amazing what the body and mind can do just to survive, huh?" Bighead laughed. Even Phin chuckled, but doubled over when he did. Klank realized he might not have had it as bad as the fishman.

"What was the point of this?" Klank popped another cigarette.

"In order for you to endure the next part of YOUR training," their was a big emphasis on 'your,' "We needed to get your mind and body attuned to one another on a deeper level."

"For what?" Klank prodded.

"Soon! First you get a single days rest. Eat up, think on the last few days, and sleep." Bighead motioned for Klank to come out of the hole. "The next part is gonna be intense. It will make or break you."

"And if it breaks me?"

"Then say goodbye to your dream of sailing all the precious oceans on your precious ship."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Days passed, or at least he thought so, and Issac was no close to pushing his way past Mist Klank. Issac tried his best, using spare items around him to find an opening in the imposters defenses, but his spread was far too great. He wondered if the real Klank could be this tough to beat, giving himself a laugh at the thought of the chain smoking shipwright focusing on something other than building. He pushed forward, hard, trying to find his own way, like Bighead had wanted, but he couldn't, eventually taking a hit from a hefty double mist hammer.

"This isn't working," Issac muttered, wiping the blood from him mouth. He got up slowly, the mist smiling the whole while. "I've fought my whole life with a weapon, and I'm supposed to change that now?" He took a defensive stance, feeling something coming.

The mist grew, doubling in size and towering over him. "And that's the problem, little one. You think you can change how you fight and be successful? Adopt a style that isn't your own and fight us?" The mist chuckled, their voices piercing him. "Foolish little child, playing with toys he doesn't understand."

They were annoying, but they were right. Even if Issac could learn a new fighting style, what would that mean when he was back with Sasayaki? He needed something new, yet something that undoubtedly his own. He smiled, finding the humor in the situation, and raised his arms together to the mist. "Hey Misty K, think you could bind these for me," he asked, the mist returning the smile.

~~~One week later~~~

The mist had finally fallen to it's knees, laughing all the way down and on its back. "So this is your answer?" the mist chuckled. "Good," they continued, Mist Klank erupting in a brilliant puff of defiant gas. The foggy form dissipated, and another form rose in its place, a white smokey squirrel with fog spewing from it like flames. "But you've only beaten one of us," they instructed. "How far can this flash really go?"

"Wait a second," Issac protested, lifting his bound arms. "This isn't exactly fair," he proclaimed.

Mist Peanut skewed it's head.

Issac pointed to his head. "I'm going to need for you to cover these," he said, pointing to his eyes.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The past few days hit Klank like a marine vessel when he took to some makeshift shelter the Captain must have made. There was only enough room to rest, which made him wonder if Bighead intentionally planned to make everything about this island uncomfortable. Inside, pushed tightly against the branchy wall, was Klank's All-tool. A sigh of relief. Even if he had no immediate use for the thing, having it on hand put him at ease. It could fix any situation. To the left of the tent, was a small table with enough stump stools for each crew member. Another makeshift shelter was to the left of that, and other branch shacks in front of and behind the first two. Klank took a seat at the table, which held bite size bits of various foods. A single bottle of rum was centered between it all. Phin had been trailing slowly behind since the hole. Bighead ran off somewhere, probably to torture someone else. Phin approached.

"Took you long enough," Klank joked. He offered the fishman a shot at the bottle. He waved it off and lazily grabbed some meat as he sat with a thud. The fish remained silent.

"What's eatin ya," Klank was serious this time. He popped a cigarette immediately after a large swig. "It ain't just the injuries that's bothering ya."

"The injuries are fine," Phin took the bottle and drank the rest of its contents. He was silent for a bit longer as he thought and ate. Klank just watched, and smoked. Nothing could bother him now. "We are not ready."

"That's why were here," Klank exhaled.

"It may not be enough." Phin sat straight up to stretch his back, a wince of pain showed across his face. "Did you notice anything different about The Captain?"

Klank took a long drag and tilted his head back. He held the smoke in his lungs for a moment in thought, but felt its burning rise. He blew out the smoke. "No," he choked. "Looked pretty normal to me."

"That's my point," Phin pointed. My training these past few days has been sparring with him.

"And you couldn't land a single hit."

"Don't be a fool!" Phin felt offended. "I landed plenty, problem is I did no damage. And he..." Phin showed off his bloody bandages and continued, "...fucked me up. Nothing I did broke his defenses, and the look on his face said he was toying with me. I think he was trying to shatter more than just my physical barriers. That man is more than what he appears to be, and I can't read it. And if I can't read or even touch our own Captain, how am I going to fair against those who get in our way?"

Klank looked his companion up and down in amazement, eyes wide, cigarette dangling from his drop jaw mouth. "I think that's the most you've ever talked."

Phin let his head fall to his chest in shame. Bighead really did break him.

"Don't fret, friend. Bighead won't allow us let ourselves down in the end." Klank rose from his seat. "But he won't just hold our hands." Klank was slowly realizing that truth. He wasn't sure where the confidence was coming from, but he would run with it for as long as it lasted. "Get some rest. Tomorrow's gonna suck."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
Avatar of DSquiggs


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Klank flew through the air until he slammed into a wide tree nowhere near the fighting area Bighead marked. The force nearly knocked him unconscious, but he focused all his energy into standing. He wobbled as he did. The blood flowing from a gash on his forehead made it difficult to see further than a few feet. He clasped his swollen hand over the wound and wiped the crimson river from his face. Phin was approaching, wounds he obtained from Bighead freshly opened. The side of his face was swollen so bad that his left eye disappeared, leaving only a slit. The fishman took a firm step forward and unleashed his six-sided boomerang. Klank was only just starting to get used to its trajectory and attempted his first real go at predicting its path. Phin smiled as his crew mate lazily dodged back and wound up like a kid playing stick ball. Klank waited, knowing where the projectile would pass. All his focus was taken.

Again, the shipwright ended up flying through the air, a yelping trail echoing behind him. This time, he broke through two trees before smashing into the third. He lie there for a moment, thinking on what just transpired.

"I really gotta stop falling for that," He struggled.

"That's the third time," Phin chuckled as he came close.

"It's all about even numbers," Klank laughed. "Let's go for a fourth."

The scaly man lent a hand, and his friend took it. Slowly, the two made for the original fighting area. Neither would admit it, but they could both use a quick break, and if Bighead saw that - they thought he could be anywhere, just watching - he might mess them both up royally.

"You've improved quite a bit in just one day," Phin acknowledged. "I'm quite impressed. I didn't take you for a warrior."

"Hardly that," Klank protested. Just doing what I have to to make sure all our dreams come true."

"Why does everyone else's ambitions drive you so hard?"

"Selfishness, I suppose." Klank didn't care if Bighead was around; he magically popped a cigarette and lit. " A ship, while magnificent to, is still only a ship. It needs a crew. And if I want to take my best crafted ship and sail all the seas, then the best way to make that happen, is to do my part in helping everyone achieve what the want or need."

"I've slightly misjudged you, Klank."

Klank smirked. "What about you? I don't imagine sparring me helps you any."

"Captain thinks otherwise," Phin said. "Bighead nearly beat me to the death," he became solemn. "He knew just when to stop before I actually bit the big one. Sparring with you serves to strengthen my endurance and resolve beyond my normal capabilities. I'm putting more effort than you realize. I'm at my limit, and my body knows it."

"Then let's kick it up a notch. For both our sake."

The two finally reached the original area, took their positions, and with everything they had left, launched at each other.


Sierra watched from a far distance as Phin and Klank walked back to the arena. She was unimpressed by the shipwright, but though the other to be a perfect sparring partner. It drove her nuts to be sitting there only able to observe, but those were The Captain's orders, and a part of their deal. On the second day on the island, Bighead had revealed to her what she would be working to obtain. Part of her training was to learn not just how to gauge someone battle prowess, but their person. She argued for the better part of the day, but ultimately challenged Bighead to a duel. If she won, she could do whatever the hell she wanted. The duel was over quickly, and Sierra realized that her Captain may have been right. Still though, it boring beyond comprehension. She just wanted to test her skills against that brutish fishman.

"So boring," she said aloud. Sierra still wasn't totally used to Peanut not being there. "What the hell is Klank doing out there. No skill what-so-ever. I wanna kick the shit out of him just for being a shitty fighter." She was distracted by her need for a fight. But she persevered and focused on them. Not their battle directly and what could be seen with the naked eye, but what drove them.

Clearly, the two didn't have much left in them, and Klank stood no chance against his sparring partner, so, "Why does he keep going so hard?" she was curious. "His battle spirit isn't on par with Phin, or even mine, but he keeps fighting."

"One does not necessarily need to possess 'Battle Spirit' to keep fighting," Bighead appeared out of nowhere. His stealthiness was unnerving, especially for such a large man. "Look harder at Klank. What do you see?"

Sierra replied, "A weakli..." she paused as she expected a knock on the head. "He smiles as he fights, even though he sorely losing."

"And why is that?"

"He is a man that isn't deterred by his shortcomings. He will do whatever it takes to get where he needs to be."

"You pick up quick," Bighead joked.

"Well, I'm not stupid."

"Just oblivious to anything not directly related to battle."

"Yea yea!" Sierra rose to her feet with a pouty look on her face. "When can I start fighting. I need to brush up on my skills to, you know."

"When you can accurately, confidently, and truly observe everyone of your mates." Bighead turned the other way and began heading off. He looked behind him with a giant smile. "When you can do that, I'll train you personally."

For the rest of the day, and the days beyond that, Sierra would hop around the island and Observe all her crew, all in hopes to train under her Captain's instruction, the one who bested her in a matter of moments. There was much, she knew, that she could learn from him.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago


A spotlight shined brightly on the deck, erasing everything but Sasayaki from the void of night as her lantern rose with grace. Slowly, words seeped out, steady and piecing, until her voice reached beyond the lone light and into the hearts of all that could understand it's pain. Verse after verse she swayed, each line expertly crafted and delivered, until it was over, and the spotlight vanished. From the dark, another sound emerged, a slow brutal smashing of overgrown limbs.

"You've got some range," Bighead applauded. "But how far can that voice reach? And how precisely?"

"How far?" the cool steel scoffed. "I moved a nation with these pipes."

"A nation of humans, with help, and Issac, but will that be enough?"

"Hell yes!" she pounced, slinking on the deck and and peering up. "Isn't that the point of all this? I'm the strong one, and Issac has to catch up?"

Bighead laughed. "You wont be the strong one forever with that attitude."

His arm reached for her, faster than that Sasayaki could dodge, and squeezed so tightly she felt like she was sufficating. She tried to wrap him, to coil his arm in the same manor that he had constricted her, but his hand grew and oozed with a strange black coating that made it stronger, her chains slipping right off. She could feel her voice fading, he body growing numb, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Her sight faded, leaving only touch, until that slow numbed, and she drifted off. Sasayaki remembered this feeling, a feeling she had felt before, before she was what she had become, before Clyde and a life of freedom. She wished for it to end, but even the voice inside her head grew silent, until there was nothing left, nothing but the darkness.

In a flash the world came back, her chains aching from the giant's touch. "What the hell was that," he screeched from the floor.

"My soul," Bighead smirked. "The further we travel, the move enemies that we will encounter with strange abilities, and enemies that can use their spirit to battle creatures like you. Here, we call it Haki, and our crew wont stand a chance if they can not match that strength."

She looked at the ground, unsure of how she could ever counter such a sapping forcing. It was like facing the sea, only there was no place she could run from it. "How do I stop it?" she asked, unsure of what she was getting into.

Bighead smiled again, taking a sip from his copper cup and a long gulp before releasing his satisfaction with a drawn of exhalation. "You don't. Not with power and a body like that." He took another irritating sip, before giving the words she really wanted to hear. "Instead, you should focus on honing you abilities to a level that can either mimic, or surpass the opponents haki." He pointed to the island. "You already use your sound to mimic observation Haki, so let's start with that. I want you to tell me what every single person on this island is up to every hour."

She looked over to the island, to big to be searched at random. "That's impossible," she explained, "I could maybe track one of two, but there is no way I can keep tabs on all of them. I don't even know where Issac is."

"You're right," Bighead, itching his beard. "You won't be able to find Issac, not as you are now." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a notepad, calculating something on the paper. "Alright, new plan. 16 hours of straight tone and pitch practice, followed by 2 hours of observation. Everyday you will boost your tone and pitch time by 30 minutes, and you observation by 30 mins."

"But," Sasayaki squirmed, "That doesn't make sense. You can't do both at the same time. What happens when they overlap?"

"I guess you'll have have to figure that out," Bighead laughed, taking his leave to the kitchen, the entrance spewing smoke as soon as soon as he opened it. "And Sasayaki," he whispered, so faintly she barely picked it up as he walked through the door. "If you can't master this, Issac might never be able to find his way home."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Again," Bighead yelled, throwing the charred patty back at the squirrel and taking another sip of his copper cupped beverage. "Medium rare."

Peanut protested, undoubtedly used to running a muck with no limits. He failed his arms as Bighead just looked at him and sipped, knowing the feisty sidekick would cave. Peanut's arms kept waving, but his conviction was not strong enough for his opponent, not today. The squirrel looked at the slab on counter and placed his little hands on the meat, flames bursting with a passion.

Bighead took the patty, and crunched it in his massive jaws, before spitting it out and tossing it with the other failures, slowly building towards the ceiling. "Again."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Though Klank could feel his muscles strengthening with each passing day, he could also feel aching that came with it. Bighead, impressed with Klank's perseverance, modified his training to add various workouts. Now, Phin and Klank walked through a thick forest, each carrying logs twice their size. Even Sierra, who no longer hid her presence when she observed sparring sessions, was trailing behind them. Her log was even bigger than the fishmans. Klank wondered if she was just trying to impress the two. Still, a girl her size carrying that kind of log was impressive. The shipwright struggled out a laugh when he had to twist his body to get passed a close group of trees. "This sucks," he pointed out. Everything burned.

"Not so bad," Phin replied.

The trio focused on making their way through the forest. The tree line wasn't far off now, which they knew from previous days. It took approximately one hour to walk from one edge to the other. After this workout, Bighead instructed each of them to part and continue in focus training. Phin and Sierra seemed to know what the purpose of it was, but Klank was still lost. He felt The Captain was a little less obvious with him. Maybe he thinks I need a broader range or something. But why am I the only one enduring that damned hole. Klank often thought on the subject. There wasn't much else to do these past couple weeks, except think. There was sparring, but at least he began enjoying that, even if he was beaten to a pulp each time. He didn't enjoy the hole.

After reaching the tree line, the three of them dropped there logs. Phin was sweating and Sierra was breathing heavy. Klank popped a cigarette and lit. That must come before everything else. After his first, long drag, he finally collapsed. They all chuckled briefly, and then remained silent. Bighead approached like a rabbit, a smile spread wide across his face. He was his normal size, at least normal for the crew, and carrying his own weight. Klank slitted his eyes towards his captain when he came to an energetic halt.

"An entire tree?" He was sarcastic. "I think you need a bigger one."

"Silly shipwright," Klank laughed. He flexed his muscles and said "There wasn't one! HYAHH!" He flexed harder.

"I'm off," Phin interrupted, and walked away.

Sierra, still breathing heavy, followed suit. She had overdone herself that she simply waved. There was no energy left in her to talk.

"You ready?" Bighead pointed at Klank.

"Yea! Yea! I'm heading to the hole now."

"Not today, my man. Today, you spar with me."

"I just carried a big ass log through a forest." Now Klank was pissed. He shot another cigarette. "The last thing I'm gonna do today is fight you."

"You are right about that," Bighead said with a bigger smile and the cracking of his giant knuckles. "It's gonna be the last thing you do today."

"Fuck th..."

Klank couldn't finish his cursing before his face met the building that was Bighead fist. For a moment, there was a bright light, and when he came back around, the shipwright was flying back through the forest. As he flew, he caught a glimpse of Bighead through the tree tops, moving at the same speed.

The large man's voice echoed into the forest. "BIIIGHHEEAAAADDDDD..."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Slashes came from the left, then right, then left, the mist skating around him in a joyous giggle. Vigorously he dodged, feeling each hit not through his haki, but through the slight changes is in the air before the mist lashed out to him. It was strange how much could go unknown when reliant so much on the other sense, his observation haki included. Issac had guessed that was the lessen to over reliance on one thing, mainly Sasayaki, could lead to a swift defeat if that crutch could no longer be relied on.

"Daydreaming again?" the mist chuckled, "You'll have plenty of time to dream when you're dead."

Issac said nothing, exchanging enough banter with the mist to know exactly how it would play out. Besides, he was focused, right on the brink of grasping something her couldn't know, yet feeling it rushing through his body. He ha become so in sync with his weapon, he had rarely looked inward, at the things he could be capable of, and now, he knew; he could do this.

The mist grew irritated, undoubtedly feeling off the confusion and fear of others. It ramped up, swirling around and pulling his clothes at each pass. "So you want to get serious, huh!? Well, then take this. Ultimate attack: Rising storm slash!

The air grew clam in the center as the mist carried Mist Siera upward and around him, countless slashes barreling towards the center from every angle. It was then that he realized, that he could see it, the way forward. Issac didn't run, no, instead he pushed his feet against the ground, up and down so quickly that by the time the first slash managed to reach he had vanished, moving in a random yet elusive patter that sent all of the attack past him, including the finisher from above.

"Sweeet," he dragged, lifting each tired foot and inspecting them like a Pirate's Day gift. "I guess that's it then." His arms pulled at the mist, dispersing the mist from them, using them to wipe his eyes clear. "I should be heading out now. If I'm a betting man, I'd say the band is about ready to get back together."

"Leave?" the mist giggled. "That's not how this works, my dear boy. You're one of us, now." Another shape emerged, this one more familiar than most, with the best looking face he had ever seem, if he could say so himself. "You see," Mist Issac and Sasayaki said in unison, "We are home now."

Issac looked around, feeling the shifts in the wind, the smells that seeped through the dense white, aiming for anything familiar, when something hit hit nose. Smoke. "Peanut," he shouted, repeating the movements, appearing behind his clone in an instant, his knee flinging the form forward. "I'm coming you crazy son of a beeoch," he yelled, giving a wink to Mist Sierra and vanishing again towards the smell.


Finally, Phin thought, a moment of rest in the crazy journey his crew had brought upon him. He was a proud fishman, confident in his own abilities until shown otherwise. He was strong, he knew, but there was always room to grow, and that ceiling was now higher than he ever could have imagined. "I can do this," he spoke out loud. "I will do this," he promised from his peaceful clearing, letting the serenity refill his ambition, for Phin, and for his crew.

"Run!" he heard from the distance. The unmistakable voice of the craziest crew mate, who mysteriously had gone missing during everyone's big training session.

Here we go again, he thought, slowly rising, the weight of the days taking it's toll. "What trouble have you fou-"

A wall of fog flooded the horizon, swallowing the forest indiscriminately in it's vicious pursuit. Barely edging out the treat was Issac, smile filling his face as large as the day he met him, vanishing in and out of sight as the fog plunged forth, almost intently. He vanished a last time before appearing behind him, giving a quick tap on the shoulder. "You're it."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The sun was hotter than ever in the open field, and beneath its burning rays, Klank was dangling in the air. Bighead held him by the throat, squeezing so hard that his sparring partner started to take a trip into the blackness. With no strength to force his throat free, Klank swung his foot. He connected with the only place the scorching ball of fire couldn't reach. Bighead dropped the lightweight and crunched over, cupping his nether regions. Klank dodged back and picked up his All-Tool, which The Captain wrestled free just before the hanging. He stood firm, ignoring the burning in his chest. A mischievous grin showed.

"Right in the baby makers," Bighead laughed. He always laughed off the pain. "I see you taken a liking to cheap shots, Shipwright."

"This is a pirates world," Klank chuckled. He made the All-Tool do a twirling dance in his hands. As it did, a long chain unraveled from its base. "When it comes to life and death, there is no such thing as a cheap shot." He glared curiously at Bighead, who now stood at full attention. The man sported a bruised eye, proof of Klanks training. That also, was a cheap shot. There were a few intense moments the past couple days, and Klank was forced to react in similar fashion. "Were you trying to kill me just now?" Both hands gripped tightly around the chain. One made a circular motion, causing the All-Tool to whip around in great circles. "You know what," he decided. "Don't answer that."

Bighead stared curiously at Klank. "Is that Sasayaki's chain?" he questioned.

"Nice addition, huh." The shipwright made criss-crossing motions with his hands now, and the Hammer-Form followed suit, momentum building. "You wouldn't BELIEVE how difficult it was to copy this beauty. Doesn't do the same stuff, but it sure as hell is just as strong."

The Captain thought on how he might go about getting close enough to Isaac's weapon to accomplish such a task. "Do you even know how to use that thing?" he laughed.

"Nope," Klank replied with a smile. "No better time to try it out, eh?"

Klank lunged at Bighead, planting a foot and swinging the All-Tool sideways. Bighead easily deflected the hammer. It was hit with such force that Klank's weapon never lost speed as it went in reverse. It even picked up speed, so much so that Klank was unable to react. The chain wrapped around his body to immobilize him. With arms now chained to his sides, Klank stood helpless.

"Well shit," he cursed. "That didn't work at all."

"A kurisari-gama, no matter what form it takes, requires finesse. Half the attacks the user creates, requires just as much defense against said attack." Bighead pointed to Klank. "Case and point."

Something suddenly distracted The Captain, and then he smiled. "Training is officially done. Let's head back to the ship."

Klank wiggled his body to loosen the chain. When he did, he took his weapon back in hand and twirled. The chain sank back into it's compartment. "You think we're ready in such a short time? It's only been a month." He looked around the field with doubt. "I think."

"It's a damn good start," Bighead answered as he pointed to his black eye. Then he pointed to a few fresh injuries. A slash on his hand, a bruise on his chest, another gash at his back. Klank had not given him those. Bighead continued, "I brought you all here to give you something you sorely lacked, not just for The New World, but for yourselves. I've given each of you what you needed, now it is up to all of you to decide what you'll do with it."

Klank magically popped a smoke between his lips and lit. "Let's get to it then," Klank said with a sigh of relief. He missed his ship.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The morning dew rolled down the bow of the ship, the railing only slightly singed by Peanut's hefty flames. He stood proud to the morning sun, the smoke from a long nights work behind him, and sneaked a stolen sip of the captains 'special drink.' He was happy, achieving something the little creature never dreamed of knowing before, the ability to only slightly char something on accident. He was strong, a hero, some might say, and nothing could stop him now.

Something ominous closed in, springing peanut's eyes open, The captain's drink falling into the sea. He looked down to the cup, then the horizon, an raging storm of white closing in, the down to the cup, unsure of what to do next. Just then, the captain appeared on decking, bellowing a laugh that carried on the open sea. "Mr. Muley.." he paused, Klank jumping past him.

"This is Issac's fault," Klank yelled, taking the wheel. "I don't know how, but it is. Someone grab the anchor."

"Issac?" Sasayaki shrieked, crashing out of the door and swaying uneasily. She slinked to the railing and looked out. "Issac!"

"Knew it," Klank dragged, spinning the ship around.

"We have to get out of here," Sierra yelled from the ocean, skating up and onto the ship. "I don't think we can stop that thing," she smile, Bighead giving her a proud pat on the back.

The fog devoured the forest, only two figures remaining on the island. Phin edged out chase, his overworked body somehow impressively quick on land. Issac was ahead, always energetic enough for a quick get away, and with a big smirk on his face. The two dodged each small burst of fog plunging forward, not unlike reaching arms. The longed to have, occasionally ignoring Phin entirely, just to reach for Issac, only to miss him when he vanished and reappeared further forward than before. This game repeated until the shoreline neared, Issac leaping forward and raising his arm, Sasayaki leaping down to him. "Sasa, roar," he commanded, the sound piercing past Phin and forcing the fog in place. The sound pulsed as the Phin found his way to the ship, and everyone took their places. "Thanks for everything," Issac yelled as Sasayaki eased, Issac vanishing onto the ship as it filled in the space, stopping at the water.

"Let's go," Klank yelled, taking to the ship fulling around.

"Wait," Issac yelled, jumping to the lookout and peering over the mist. "What's your name?" Issac yelled, the mist stiring

The mist took shape, towering up to form a white cloaked child. "We are the lost," the creature echoed. "We have no name."

Issac looked to Bighead, who almost seemed nostalgic. He had meet this thing before, and lived to tell the tale. "We'll be back," Issac promised. "We'll be back when we are strong enough to set you free, to make you a home."

"Promise? Do they? Are they sure? Can we trust them?" the mist stated.

"Promise," Bighead said, growing to meet the mist's size, the ship dropping deeper into the sea at his weight. Bighead reached out his arm, giving the creature as solid shake. "I'm glad you got to meet my friends," Bighead said with a smirk. "They are good people."

The mist release his hand and peered down at the crew. "Okayyyy," they said, waving at the rest of the crew. "I hope we all can play next time."

"Of course," Issac yelled. "And they are a lot more enjoyable than me," he said with a wink.


Bighead sat down next to Issac on the back deck, drinking his Mule from an unideal mug, the loss weighing more heavily on him than he imagined. "So," he started, looking out to the sea, "The six powers are your answer."

Issac looked to him, confused. "I don't know. I just moved my legs so quickly they went into overdrive."

Bighead laughed, guessing that Issac had stumbled on his new path by accident. He took out a book from his side, placing it on the neck next to him. "There is a whole world of weird fighting styles out there. If you want to meet that, you might want to read up on the way you've chosen. I think it suit's your.. elusive fighting style nicely."

Issac took the book, opening it to a random page, drenched in words and a few physical representations towards the corners. "Wait, I can be as flexible as paper!?"

He laughed again, giving him a pat on the back before getting up. "And don't be too hard on Sasayaki. She tried her best, but I don't think she's ready, not yet anyways."

He grasped his book and peered to where Sasayaki was, undoubtedly listening to them, yet hurt in a way he didn't know how to fix.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The ocean's surface waved like grass in the wind and gracefully accepted the endless supply of droplets. Though it did not light their way, silver rays danced through the calm rain. Sounds of rolling water and delicate pitter-patters all around put Klank at ease, and with all the training he endured, the shipwright didn't mind the frozen claws of the gusting air. He stood firm with the wheel's large spokes in hand, swaying slightly from side to side. It wasn't enough to veer the ship in either direction. He hummed a tune to himself, one that he saved for nights like this, and tapped the toes of one foot to the song. Further and further he drifted off into serenity. Any further and he could forget there were others on board. It had already been a few days and nights, this being the fourth night, but he was glad to be back on his ship. Now, in the sweet silence you could only get in the middle of nowhere, Klank thought heavily on past and future, and where he stood in all of it.

"Squee!" a sound interrupted.

Klank looked back to see no one, but almost immediately caught Peanut in his lower peripherals. He was dressed in attire that properly protected him from the rain. He looked up with a sorrowful look. For a moment, Klank thought the weather had brought down the little rodents mood. Then he remembered the first day back on the ship. The kitchen had been ruined during Peanut's training. Walls were charred, whether by cook fire or the rodent's, or both if they were one and the same, Klank wouldn't know. He didn't realize until after his minor freak out that he probably, or most definitely should have let loose on The Captain. Klank jerked his head upward with invitation, and Peanut leaped to his shoulder in a single bound.

"Eh!," he shrugged, "You ain't so bad."

"Squee!" His mood was lighter.

"She's all repaired, anyway. Easy fix." Perhaps an apology, even though Klank wouldn't admit it aloud.

"Squee Squee."

"Don't know what that means." Klank stared straight ahead, still feeling a slight amount of guilt for what he had done. In retrospect, he knew it couldn't be helped. Apparently nothing could be helped once Bighead made a decision. The man didn't even have to physically force someone to do anything. His will seemed to force understanding of whatever needed understanding.

"Squeee!" Peanut sulked for a moment. He often went understood for what can be considered his words... or word. He relied heavily on body language with anyone but Sierra.

"Snout up, Rodent," Klank intended no insult. Peanut knew. "Gotta hard journey ahead of us, yea?" He wondered what drove the squirrel. What he yearned for. What he dreamed for; if he dreamed. "Lots of ass to kick."

At that, Peanut struck a superhero pose. It was his way of showing he could be counted on. That, Klank could be sure.

"That's right," Klank said. The rest of the night, on deck at least, the night continued eventless.

Two weeks passed. There were many challenges at sea, but the crew conquered them all. Nobody pirates tried attacking and failed miserably. Storms threatened the ship but couldn't deliver defeat. Sea Kings tried to feed and became the food. The crew itself annoyed each other but their bonds became stronger still. Klank even allowed the others to control the ship just so he could get away. So he told them. In truth, Klank spent a lot of his time in the crafting room. Which was where he was on this fine, sunny day.

The room, though smaller than the others, held all the amenities of multiple professions. The left wall sported the many tools of tanning; fleshing knives, slickers, pots, and a fold out slab that acted as a beam. Large jars lined the top of the wall, all filled with necessary substances. An anvil was centered in the room, an old time hammer on top. The forge took up the entire back wall. Before that, was a grindwheel. There was also a small stand riddled with forging tools. To the right, Where Klank was now, a table protruded from the wall. Gadgets and trinkets and other parts were sprawled out chaotically, But Klank knew where everything was without the need to look. Usually, the room that was meant for an occupancy of one, was clean and tidy. That was not the case as of late. Not with Klank working tirelessly.

He sat at the gadget table. A pulsing ached throughout his hands, fatigued from all the twisting and gripping. Small gears echoed into the room as the cranking continued. Smoke blasted in front of him as he exhaled, blocking his sight but not his progress. He smiled as he twisted his last gear into security. "HA!" he sounded in victory. He wasted no time in wielding his creation and leaving the room.

The moment Klank kicked open the door, sunlight exploded all around him. He embraced the warmth. It was a good day.

"You seem awful chipper," Sierra poked. She thought for a moment. "It's weird."

"She is not wrong," Phin agreed.

Isaac dropped down from the lookout, landing with a barely audible thud. It didn't surprise Klank, but it didn't make sense either. Isaac also poked fun with, "Aww, he's got a new hammer. It's smaller than the other one."

Sierra and Bighead laughed. Bighead said, "Considering what he's done with this ship, I get the feeling there's more to it."

"At least someone's paying attention," Klank retorted. "The All-Tool was an all purpose tool, but that's all it was. Too bulky for anything else." He held up his new toy, silver and shining in the radiant sun. "This sleek little beaut can do everything the old one could do..." He pushed a small lever at the back of the hammer head. It instantly changed. The handle extended to three times its normal length, and Klank wielded it in both hands. "And more." The shipwright hit the same lever and it retracted to it's normal size. He hit a series of tiny buttons at the tools base, and each time he did, a different mini tool flipped out. "I took all the old accessories from the All-Tool and installed them inside the handle. The that wasn't the tricky part."

"Uh oh!" Bighead chuckled. He observed Sasayaki for the ensuing reaction. He became excited, and his reaction enticed the others.

"The hard part was figuring out how to equip this." Like his last training session with Bighead on the island, Klank spun the weapon around his hand. A long chain shot out from the base. It didn't look like it could fit inside the already full handle, and Klank would never spill the secret. He twirled the chain around his arm and whipped the hammer in a criss-crossing fury. With the touch of a button at the base of the chain, the weapon collapsed. Once again it was it's normal form.

Klank Smiled wide. "The All-Sledge!"

Everyone remained silent. Waiting.

"Uhm! Klank?" Sasayaki broke the silence. She was mostly coiled around Isaac's arm. "How exactly does your ability work?" Her words were calm, but they felt like flying daggers about to strike.

"Once I understand the makeup of a material, and as long as I'm touchi..."

"OOOOOOOOOO..." Sasayaki struggled in Isaac's arms. "You disrespectful pervert."

Isaac held her back. It wasn't because he was afraid of what she might do, but because he had important news of his own. Allowing her to continue would further delay his message. He calmed the living weapon and said, "There's an Island just ahead." He pointed. "Ships all over. Marine Ships." Now he seemed excited.

Bighead paced over to the figure head, which Klank had rebuilt very recently. Almost Disgustingly, he forced his left eye to grow. It extended like a telescope.

"Hehe!" Bighead sounded. "Looks like we'll see if all your training paid off. Klank, down anchor." He commanded. "Sierra, when the ship is parked, Iceberg Ship." Iceberg ship was something The Captain and Sierra worked on together. She had done it once at the island, encasing Klanks ship with ice and sculpting it to look like an iceberg. People steered clear of icebergs.

Klank attached the All-Sledge to his belt. Much more convenient than having it on his back with the wooden plank. "I will get the mini sub ready." He was off, and Peanut followed, for he was a part of the propulsion process.

Isaac, still maintaining Sasa, yelled, "SUUBTERFUUUUGGEEEE!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago


"Can you believe those guys?" Penne complained from bow of the boat, which took the shape of the held end end of the spoon. The whole vessel faintly resembled a bowl afloat in the ocean, with tan warped boards filling it. Penne rested her hands against the deck and looked out. "As if I would tell some dirty looking fleet where my groom to be was, let alone join them." She twirled her finger on a loose noodle, plucking it out for a taste, the delight of flavor dripping down her lips. "And those Marines!? Get some cooler names!"

"I knowwww," Ramen dragged, more bubbly than her trickster sister. She sad atop the lookout, swinging her feet back and forth as she gripped the railing, one wrong move away from dropping down. "Those were the wrooong colors for them. And wear a size that accctually fits you." She imagined how she would dress the rugged men, when she sensed the ships course change. "Ummmmm, where are we going??"

Penne smirked as an underling emerged from the deck, a massive fork in hand. "Miss Penne, we picked up some information from the Sweet alliance. They've agreed to a ceasefire with the Pasta Alliance. It seems they are having trouble with our friends as well. Sheila is also on the move with her fleet, and she is closing in on their meeting. Seems she's figured out a way to track them after meeting with those pirates."

"Pennnnnne," Ramen whined. "If we agree to that then it will spoil our dinnnnners."

Penne ignored her, knowing the deal had already been made long ago; the show was only for Ramen. "Put on something nice, sis, it's about time you meet the wedding party."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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It was an effort for King Jubil to contain his excitement on this day, after all he had an image to uphold. He carried himself confidently along the cobblestone street, full of pirates and marines, a determined look on his face. All around him people complained about the heat and despite the sweat rolling down his forehead, Jubil barely noticed it. Nothing could bother him on this day. Just ahead was the Marine Headquarters for this sector of the sea. He had not been called upon, but his news could not wait. The guards posted at the large entrance gave him a look over, but did not stop him from moving forth.

It was cool within the walls compared to outside, and the light was heavily filtered. Empty and quiet, save for the echoing thuds of his steps, the lobby was huge. Doorways lined the surrounding walls. Stairways at the far end spiraled upwards to various floors, one of which, a familiar face descended. Fortunately, this was the man Jubil had been looking for and saved him from having to remember exactly where to go in this maze.

"Thought you would show up," The large man said. He was slightly taller than Jubil, and significantly muscled with a broad arm span that didn't seem proportioned to the rest of his body. "I assume you have heard?"

"My men report that the Bighead flag sails again."

"An exaggerated report, Captain."

Jubil flinched at the title. This was the only man who refused to address him as King. He gave up arguing months ago. "Explain."

"Indeed their flag flies, however, the Bighead Pirates are not assembled. We have a detail on their shipwright. Been watching him for the better part of a year. The locales he frequents are under surveilance, both undercover and well placed den dens. He has had no contact with the others, I assure you."

"You're a fool, if you believe that," Jubil said angrily. "I am taking my men. I will not miss another opportunity."

"You can do as you please, Captain," said with a little sting. "You have upheld your end of the bargain."

"And what of your end?"

"Our finest mechanics have already equipped your ship with the weapons you have requested."

"And your elite force? I was promised their employ."

"If there is one thing I have learned about written contracts, Captain." Killian gave him a cold stare. "One should always read the fine print."

Jubil's face flushed with anger, but before he could react, the Vice admiral continued.

"The Fruity Marines have already departed, with orders for capture. Make no mistake, Captain Jubil, The Bighead Pirates will face judgement to the fullest extent of Fort Amitrose authority, on account of the chaos and destruction they caused here. They barely escaped with their lives a year ago, and have not paid for it enough."

"I should have known better," Jubil mocked. He was pissed, perhaps rightly so, but there was nothing he could do here to exact revenge. "When I catch them, I will remove them from existence."

"We will see," Killian responded confidently, and disappeared into the higher levels.

With that, King Jubil was off, angry at the betrayal. Still though, he found joy in the fact that things were finally getting back on course. He could put this Marine infested city behind him.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A single plume of smoke wafted in front of Klanks face as he tinkered with the metal framing across his desk. A strange contraption it seemed when it was all opened up like this. Pieces were everywhere, bolts and springs and wires no longer needed. Old and new schematics to work from. Even his trusty goggles, which now had a black patch adhered to the right eye. He took a calm drag from his cigarette, finishing it and pinching the end with gloved fingers to snuff the cherry, and flicked it away.

"I think that about does it," he confirmed. "And just in time." He took hold of the frame and began to collapse it down to operating form, almost rolling one end to the other. It made a series of clicking noises as it closed, and once it was done, he held it up and observed the final product. He hadn't tested this particular one yet, but he had tested all the other models before it. All the metal made it somewhat heavy, but he had taken Bighead's advice to heart and took the necessary steps to ensure he could wield it.

Suddenly the door creaked open behind him. Klank stood.

"Look at those gains."

Klank chuckled. "Had to make sure I stood a chance at whooping your ass."

Bighead laughed approvingly as Klank turned to face him. Phin was there as well, but made no comments. Instead, the fishman stared. They hadn't seen each other in almost a year, and certainly what he saw was not expected. Klank thought he saw regret in those eyes, for what Phin thought was his own failings as a comrade.

"Got a few upgrades I think you'll appreciate, you overgrown ape. Phin, you're a sight for a sore eye." Phin half grinned. "What? Too soon?"

Klank walked over to a mirror on the wall, setting his new model down and scooping up his goggles as he went. He slid them over his head, observing the scarred socket where his right eye used to be. "Took a while, but it healed nicely."

After fixing his goggles over his eyes, Klank approached an empty hanger just to his left. He grabbed at his left elbow and twisted hard at the elbow. There was a loud click before his leather wrapped arm disconnected. He hung it on the wall.

"Esmeraline tells me that you were," Bighead said in his own voice before a very poor imitation of the old woman who healed Klanks arm, "A damned stubborn fool who doesn't know what's good for him." He laughed again. "I think she likes you still."

"That woman can kiss the tail end of a sea king, for all she put me through." He took his new model in hand, almost skeletal in appearance. "Besides, I had to work out the kinks in this beaut."

"I can see that," Bighead nodded towards the far wall where dozens of other metal skelton arms hung, all different sizes and forms.

"It's creepy," Phin remarked.

"Ain't it?, hehe." Klank snapped and twisted the new arm to his joint. It fit unsurprisingly well. He clenched a metal fist and did a few flex curls. "Fully operational." He duped a smoke and flipped it into his mouth. With a thumbs up from his new arm and a wide smile, a flame suddenly flickered from his thumb. He lit the cigarette, took a puff, and said "I call it, All-Hand. Now how's about we get this show on the road."


It was always a beautiful ship, Klank thought. Nowhere near his dream ship, but focus had to be elsewhere up until now. Besides, he hadn't found the perfect material as of yet. For now, this would do just fine. It sat for a year on the docks, needing minimal maintenance. Klank took it out a few times, but stayed close to the large island. Now it bobbed with the incoming waves, ready to set sail with it's old crew. All that remained was for the rest to arrive.

"It shouldn't be long before the others are here," Bighead said. "I sent instruction. Word has it that The Fruity Marines have already departed Fort Amitrose." He seemed happy about that. "They want the whole crew, but after what Isaac and Sierra did, they are the priority targets. Their bounties sky-rocketed, same as Phin."

"Not suprising," Klank replied. "If not for them, we'd all be in cages or dead. Even saved your ass... Captain."

"That they did. Makin me so proud."

Together, the three boarded the ship. Klank immediately went over to his station and stroked the wheel.

"Soon, baby." He popped another cigarette and faced Bighead and Phin. "I've grown to like these people. They are good folk, so I'd rather not cause a terrible commotion for them. I say once the others are here, we set sail immediately. The people who have been tailing me all this time will tell our pursuers which way we've gone. We can fight them elsewhere, on our terms."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago


"Scan sweeping in from the left, burst ahead at 1 o'clock" Sasa yelled, the sound wrapping around him in isolation. Her lantern poked over his shoulder and scanned back for any signs of chase, swaying as Issac blasted forward with a kick of the air. A humming pale blue light swept the ground, inches away from catching them. They were becoming less frequent as they approached the edge of the island, but George was relentless in his pursuit, needing to save face for the second year in a row.

"So even he has his limits," Issac smiled, undoubtedly doomed without Sasa's ability to resonate with and predict projected devil fruits. Almost an entire year had passed since that day on the lost island, and Sasa was finally understanding how to use her own abilities, rather than sulk at her inability to copy others. Everything had vibration, a frequency, and once she was tapped into that, she could sense things that even observation haki couldn't. "Bet he never thought you could do something like that," he laughed, hitting the ground and sliding behind a tree.

A mix of pirates passed, stampeding through the flickering paradise like wild boar, the price on their heads too sweet to pass up. He though of taking one, getting a little spending cash on the next island, when he felt a wave of presence from open waters, just beyond GM's reach. "Not now," Sasa shrieked, vision darting back and forth between the island and ship off shore. "I can't deal with them. I won't! If they think they can-"

Issac looked to the shore, steps away from freedom. "We have to," he reminded her with a sigh. "If only that last ship didn't tank it's way to the ocean floor." He pulled out a set of notes on navigation and ship care that Klank not so kindly shoved into his pack before he left. "These are useless!"

"I told you the water was spinning ahead," Sasayaki remind him, chain shivering with rage. "You're the one who thought it would be faster to ride it to the other side."

"We were going too slow," he yelled with raised hands. "Nothing in the manual covered whirlpools. If he wanted that spare to stay afloat, he should write better instructions."

"Jump," Sasa yelled, another blue pulse missing them by seconds, their path still concealed. "We need to make a decision."


"It was 200 years ago," a stuffy aged voice dragged. "No wait, 205 years, in fact. You see, the thing you youths don't understand about the-"

"Ohhhhh my goddddd," Sasa yelled, chain laid limp on the ship deck, lantern head pounding anxiously at the floor in hopes of sinking into the ocean's depths. "If you don't shut your mouth I'm going to carve it off your face."

Prophecy, the ancient cypher shield turned sentient with the consumption of the lore lore fruit, began to glow from his resting spot on the deck, pages at his center turning blue before flippin. "Ohh ho ho, it seems you have already forgotten. It's okay young one. You see, I in fact do not possess a mouth to carve. It's really a funny story. You see, 75 years ago, back when-"

"I wish they would get along," Grace sighed, nurturing an infectious yawn. "They're practically family at this point."

"They're not fam-" he struggled, when a flat hand struck his back, forcing his spine straight with a jolt. His back throbbed, but would not relaxed, fearing another blow. It it had been anyone else, he might have taken it, but the woman had the touch of the captain's strength, a coating of will that he was too weak to overcome. "You didn't have to come," he looked off.

Grace took a circle around him, inspecting for any scrape left from the incursion, before relaxing against the railing, the vast empty ocean to her back. "You think I'd let some pirate lay a finger on my little brother," she shook, mind lost in the possibilities. "One scratch and I would have ended these foolish little games of his."

"I'm not your," he started, before he saw the glare in her eyes. "Thanks," he settled with, dropping to the floor and pushing up against the railing.

Grace turned to the sea, searching the distance. "Honestly, I don't know what has gotten into you. If you had shown up to that port a few years earlier, I might have been able to see you on the right path, but here you are, needing my rescue."

"I'm finnne," Issac assured the women; better to play a long that resist, he learned that lesson the hard way.

She gazed through for just a moment, ice cold. She may not have been his real sister, but she sure knew the part. "Fine? Do you know how many people are looking for you? At least a dozen pirate crews set on vengeance after you pawned their mates for cash. Then there's the fiancé, who I do NOT approve of. Ohhh, and the little mink girl who's heart you broke. Let's not even forget about the marine upstarts looking to rank up. And now they all know where you were. I can't save you from yourself, Issac."

Issac flailed to the deck, surrendering all ambition. "Why do you even care?"

Grace sighed, returning her look beyond and pulling a Vivre Card with a giant head symbol from her pocket. "Be lucky that I do. Now I'm taking you back to Mr Klank so you can explain to him why you destroyed another one of his ships."

His gaze followed to Sasayaki, enduring a punishment of her own that had no become uncommon during their last year. If only they had been strong enough then, then maybe this nightmare would be over. But they weren't, and that was something the pair had to live with. Although, one mistake they would never make again was wake the marine on one of her naps, even if it did save their lives. He thought of the crew, and what they would have been up while Issac took care of his affairs, then sighed. "He's gonna be pissed."
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