Abraham “Zeek” Cranston

Age: 17
Birthday: July 29th
Height: 6’3”
Body Type: Athletic
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown
Pronouns: He/His
Orientation: Heterosexual
Musical Theme
Zeek can be a bit cocky when it comes to anything hacking-related, and has an obvious anti-establishment mentality. He does have a strong sense of justice, but sometimes that puts him at odds with the law. He has a kind heart and a charismatic flair, and will always stand up to bullies.
Talents & Skills
Software Engineering/Programming
Mixed Martial Arts (various styles)
Zeek’s parents weren’t around a lot during his early childhood, as his father was an overseas archeologist and his mother worked long hours as a forensic scientist with the LAPD. Because of this, he spent a lot of time around his Uncle Billy, who ran a company called CranstonTech. This is what sparked his early interest in computers.
His first username online was ZeekTheSleek9000, and all his friends started calling him Zeek instead of Abraham and it just kind of stuck. As he grew older, he began delving into hacking and had a few encounters with law enforcement.
When he was twelve, he spent a Summer in juvenile detention for hacking into the server used by a group of local politicians and leaking some compromising information found within. While it was later used as evidence in a criminal trial against the politicians, Zeek still technically broke the law to leak it.
Since then he has been back to juvenile detention multiple times, always for something he views as the greater good and which often results in indictments or resignations of corrupt individuals.
His antics and wise-cracking attitude have often earned him the ire of bullies in school, so he began learning a variety of martial arts to defend himself.
He spent a few weeks visiting his father in Egypt during the Summer before his senior year of high school, where the cloaked Scarabs stowed away in his bags, and the rest is history.

Iris Hassanfield

Age: 29
Birthday: May 1st
Height: 5’7”
Body Type: Athletic
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Pansexual
Delilah Briarwood
Musical Theme
Iris used to be a somewhat kind person, but after being forced to bond with the Black Scarab against her will, her old personality was completely absorbed into the AI, forming a newer, darker, sadistic persona. She can mimic her old self for the sake of keeping her new powers a secret from associates, but the new Iris is pure evil.
Talents & Skills
Mixed Martial Arts
Expert Marksmanship
Expert Investigative Intuition
Expert Pilot
Iris enlisted in the Air Force right out of high school, serving as a pilot for a few years. After returning home from active duty, she joined the LAPD as a patrol officer while attending night school to earn a degree in criminal justice. This eventually opened the door for her to become a homicide detective.
Her life was going just the way she wanted it to when one day the Black Scarab came crawling up to her while she was jogging in a park. After being forcibly bonded, she became what the media labeled as the Dark Ranger, and any trace of the old Iris seemed completely gone.