<Snipped quote by Artifact>
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
*Looks around upward to the air, arms folded behind my back awkwardly*
... You think this planet has birds?
Yes.... I'm sorry for reacting toward abby like that. I'm used to more tightly knit units moving as one. My millitary background kind of overrode any other thought process. And you shouldnt have to deal with this. Ill do better.
*looks up*
And yes, they do have birds.
*points to one in the crevice of a rock above you, as it looks down on us with curious eyes*
And with that, the proctor will be here any minute now.
*a body pops up from behind me, from the other side of the rock behind me. The being puts a Chrysknife to my throat*
The Proctor: I heard you lot 20 minutes ago, right after you stepped foot out from where you were before... do not use your outworlder magic here. It will be seen as heresy across the globe.
Shinji: understood.
The Proctor: * drops his guard, removing his hood, showing his face*