~ Places and People ~
While the term "Atros" refers to all of the known world, planet, and material plane, the stories told focus primarily in the small region surrounding the Kingdom of Geland. Atros is a traditional medium-high fantasy medieval setting, full of the classic tropes of dungeons, dragons, knights, kings and magic. People and monsters of all different kinds can be found here, and each nation or region is a unique place on its own:
Seven-hundred and sixty three years ago, the lands were wracked with war. The draconic army of Minerva closed in on the elven city of Albrigh in an attempt to conquer the United Provinces of Albrigh, Cesbury and Vatiir. According to the legends, Syr Roethel Geland I himself led the city's forces to victory, fending off the dragons and winning what would later be known as the Golden War. In the wake of his victory, Geland annexed land from Minerva, forming the provinces of Aurelius and Blizlet and uniting the five lands together as the new Kingdom of Geland to mark the dawning of the Second Era. Over three-quarters of a millennia later, Geland is a peaceful and prosperous kingdom, ruled by the current king Roethel Geland IV. Over half of the population is an even mix of elves and humans, but people of all fantasy races can easily be found within its borders, with humans more common in the east and elves more common in the west. The Gelish Royal Family is and always has been elven. While the central province of Geland is overseen directly by the Royal Family, the other four provinces are ruled by dukes, who answer to the King.
The wide cultural variance of the Gelish people have led to spreading not only their population but also their language across the countryside. Most peoples across all the lands are familiar enough with the Gelish tongue to make everyday conversations, though the more nuanced Elven language is less widespread outside the kingdom.
Geland proper is a temperate region of rolling hills, sunny plains, and beautiful flowered forests. The land is storied, cities as old as the First Era still stand, along with ruins that predate even those. The capital city of Albrigh is the largest city in the entire kingdom, and is home to the Albrigh Acadamy of Arcane Arts. Geland has the most even mixing of races among its population.
To the north, the hills of Geland continue up into the province of Cesbury. Historically, Cesbury's duke has always been the next sibling to the king: the current duchess being the younger sister of Roethel IV, Duchess Janilla Geland. Cesbury is most well-known for its marble, salt and quartz quarries, as the north and west areas of the province sit snug next to the massive Therakin Mountains that act as a natural border between Geland and Daldon. The capital Cesbury City is a dense city of spiraling inner-city districts, with the center district being a massive plains dotted with mansions in view of a grand palace.
To the west, the forests of Geland thicken into the province of Vatiir, led by the recluse archsage Duke Ezeras Ekkenhart. The most ancient legends claim that the first elves were born here, and their historical architecture blends into the environment. Vatiir is also home to many creatures of sylvan origin, as the border between our world and the feywilds is thin here, and most of the forests are unexplored. The capital city Lyvaserin is built directly into the trees, the seamless unity of nature and civilization.
To the northeast, the plains of Geland dry out into the savannahs and salt-flats of Aurelius. There are few towns and villages within this small province, with the capital Witham being the only proper city. Six months ago, the ambitious Duke Alexander Aurelius was overthrown by his son Brennan in an attempt to save the land from his father's cult of brainwashed assassins and the rogue illithid pulling the strings. Now, Duke Brennan oversees the land with a renewed vow to do good by his people.
To the east, the plains and coast of Geland meet the Minervan desert in the province of Blizlet. The cities built here follow a rigid grid-like structure, under the iron-fisted rule of Duke Walt Blizlet. The capital Viveton acts as one of Geland's strongest port-trading cities, as well as the home of the Blizlet Bardic College of Fine Arts. By the order of the Duke, his estranged eldest son Bartleby is to be considered an exile, his claim to the throne null and void.
Also known as the Golden Ocean, the sandy desert of Minerva is a massive expanse with great open skies, fitting for the dragons that rule here. On the ground level, the people live in relative poverty and modesty, small hamlets built near the the ocean or near oases are the only respite from the extreme heat of the day and the cold of night. In the skies, massive floating cities of sandstone and precious metals are suspended miles above the sand though magics unknown to the outside world. The only people allowed in these cities are beings of draconic origin- kobolds, dragonborn, and of course, true dragons. All others who live in Minerva are second-class citizens, not allowed to pursue higher education or hold office. Despite fighting against Geland during the Golden War, tensions between the kingdom and the oligarchy have died down in the several hundred years since.
While the official language of Minerva is Draconic, it is a speech restricted only to those same "upperclass" members of Minervan society. A non-draconic person speaking the language is as unheard of as it is punishable by law.
Just to the west of the Kingdom of Geland lies the Therakin Mountains, a colossal mountain range that runs from north to south, and act as a natural border between Geland and the empire, but exist within Daldon's jurisdiction. Daldon is a somewhat militaristic nation, comprised mostly of humans, but its proximity to the underground kingdom of Lasaruuj has brought a large population of dwarves to the surface. Currently, Daldon is caught in civil war, as the venerable and sickly Emperor Adalsteinn Vidar's two sons Anvindr and Hjortr fight over which of them will take the thone following their father's inevitable death.
The language of Daldon is as rough as its people. Unlike the smooth graceful dancing of its Gelish neighbor, Daldoran is staccato, rhythmical, and "powerful" when spoken fluently.
Deep below the earth, under the mountains of Daldon, lies a series of tunnels and cylindrical shafts, hollowed out from the stone directly. This network of underground cities and pathways is the dwarven kingdom of Lasaruuj. Supporting the caverns and tunnels is the framework of ancient and modern dwarven technology and architecture, which span across the chasms to create bridges, scaffolding, and even living and work spaces from the stone itself as well as worked iron and steel. The capital city Bher Zanor translates to Gelish as "The Heart of the Earth," and was the scene of a great conflict between Brennan and his companions against the ilithids that threatened Aurelius, as they fought over an ancient artifact deep below the palace of King Kirin Raeburn.
As a kingdom founded and inhabited mostly by dwarves, the Dwarven language is as integral to the structure of Lasaruuj's people as the earth itself.
Long ago during the First Era, the southern marshlands of Ethawen were inhabited by warring tribes of nomads. These clans waged brutal warfare as they vied for control of the jungle-swamps, but their mutual love and respect for the nature and land of Ethawen kept their skirmishes and their outcomes honorable. There was balance in all things, a method to what outsiders saw as madness. That is, until a mysterious and harsh winter suddenly settled upon the lands.
Blanketed by snow and bombarded by blizzards, the swamps of Ethawen froze over, plants and wildlife began to perish, along with those who were unable to flee. They rightfully called it a curse, as the very few who managed to survive the supernatural winter found themselves corrupted, twisted into horrible visages of what once was. This dark winter has remained ever since, known now as The Everfrost. It has been almost five hundred years since the sudden and devastating arrival of The Everfrost. For centuries, it has maintained hold over the land, forming perfectly to Ethawen's borders.
While there is no longer a modern Ethwanean civilization, those who carry the old blood of ancestors have settled within the southern borders of both Geland and Daldon. Today, they use their ancient language among tightly-knit communities for prayer and other cultural needs.
The Kingdom of Geland
Seven-hundred and sixty three years ago, the lands were wracked with war. The draconic army of Minerva closed in on the elven city of Albrigh in an attempt to conquer the United Provinces of Albrigh, Cesbury and Vatiir. According to the legends, Syr Roethel Geland I himself led the city's forces to victory, fending off the dragons and winning what would later be known as the Golden War. In the wake of his victory, Geland annexed land from Minerva, forming the provinces of Aurelius and Blizlet and uniting the five lands together as the new Kingdom of Geland to mark the dawning of the Second Era. Over three-quarters of a millennia later, Geland is a peaceful and prosperous kingdom, ruled by the current king Roethel Geland IV. Over half of the population is an even mix of elves and humans, but people of all fantasy races can easily be found within its borders, with humans more common in the east and elves more common in the west. The Gelish Royal Family is and always has been elven. While the central province of Geland is overseen directly by the Royal Family, the other four provinces are ruled by dukes, who answer to the King.
The wide cultural variance of the Gelish people have led to spreading not only their population but also their language across the countryside. Most peoples across all the lands are familiar enough with the Gelish tongue to make everyday conversations, though the more nuanced Elven language is less widespread outside the kingdom.
Geland proper is a temperate region of rolling hills, sunny plains, and beautiful flowered forests. The land is storied, cities as old as the First Era still stand, along with ruins that predate even those. The capital city of Albrigh is the largest city in the entire kingdom, and is home to the Albrigh Acadamy of Arcane Arts. Geland has the most even mixing of races among its population.
To the north, the hills of Geland continue up into the province of Cesbury. Historically, Cesbury's duke has always been the next sibling to the king: the current duchess being the younger sister of Roethel IV, Duchess Janilla Geland. Cesbury is most well-known for its marble, salt and quartz quarries, as the north and west areas of the province sit snug next to the massive Therakin Mountains that act as a natural border between Geland and Daldon. The capital Cesbury City is a dense city of spiraling inner-city districts, with the center district being a massive plains dotted with mansions in view of a grand palace.
To the west, the forests of Geland thicken into the province of Vatiir, led by the recluse archsage Duke Ezeras Ekkenhart. The most ancient legends claim that the first elves were born here, and their historical architecture blends into the environment. Vatiir is also home to many creatures of sylvan origin, as the border between our world and the feywilds is thin here, and most of the forests are unexplored. The capital city Lyvaserin is built directly into the trees, the seamless unity of nature and civilization.
To the northeast, the plains of Geland dry out into the savannahs and salt-flats of Aurelius. There are few towns and villages within this small province, with the capital Witham being the only proper city. Six months ago, the ambitious Duke Alexander Aurelius was overthrown by his son Brennan in an attempt to save the land from his father's cult of brainwashed assassins and the rogue illithid pulling the strings. Now, Duke Brennan oversees the land with a renewed vow to do good by his people.
To the east, the plains and coast of Geland meet the Minervan desert in the province of Blizlet. The cities built here follow a rigid grid-like structure, under the iron-fisted rule of Duke Walt Blizlet. The capital Viveton acts as one of Geland's strongest port-trading cities, as well as the home of the Blizlet Bardic College of Fine Arts. By the order of the Duke, his estranged eldest son Bartleby is to be considered an exile, his claim to the throne null and void.
The Minerva Oligarchy
Also known as the Golden Ocean, the sandy desert of Minerva is a massive expanse with great open skies, fitting for the dragons that rule here. On the ground level, the people live in relative poverty and modesty, small hamlets built near the the ocean or near oases are the only respite from the extreme heat of the day and the cold of night. In the skies, massive floating cities of sandstone and precious metals are suspended miles above the sand though magics unknown to the outside world. The only people allowed in these cities are beings of draconic origin- kobolds, dragonborn, and of course, true dragons. All others who live in Minerva are second-class citizens, not allowed to pursue higher education or hold office. Despite fighting against Geland during the Golden War, tensions between the kingdom and the oligarchy have died down in the several hundred years since.
While the official language of Minerva is Draconic, it is a speech restricted only to those same "upperclass" members of Minervan society. A non-draconic person speaking the language is as unheard of as it is punishable by law.
The Daldon Empire
Just to the west of the Kingdom of Geland lies the Therakin Mountains, a colossal mountain range that runs from north to south, and act as a natural border between Geland and the empire, but exist within Daldon's jurisdiction. Daldon is a somewhat militaristic nation, comprised mostly of humans, but its proximity to the underground kingdom of Lasaruuj has brought a large population of dwarves to the surface. Currently, Daldon is caught in civil war, as the venerable and sickly Emperor Adalsteinn Vidar's two sons Anvindr and Hjortr fight over which of them will take the thone following their father's inevitable death.
The language of Daldon is as rough as its people. Unlike the smooth graceful dancing of its Gelish neighbor, Daldoran is staccato, rhythmical, and "powerful" when spoken fluently.
Therakin Mountains
A massive spine of earth that runs north to south, the Therakin Mountains are not only the largest mountain range in Daldon, but in all of Atros. The eastern edge of the mountains acts as a natural border between the empire and the neighboring Gelish Kingdom, and the western side has no edge, instead tapering more gradually deeper into Daldon's otherwise crag-like surface lands.
A massive spine of earth that runs north to south, the Therakin Mountains are not only the largest mountain range in Daldon, but in all of Atros. The eastern edge of the mountains acts as a natural border between the empire and the neighboring Gelish Kingdom, and the western side has no edge, instead tapering more gradually deeper into Daldon's otherwise crag-like surface lands.
The Kingdom of Lasaruuj
Deep below the earth, under the mountains of Daldon, lies a series of tunnels and cylindrical shafts, hollowed out from the stone directly. This network of underground cities and pathways is the dwarven kingdom of Lasaruuj. Supporting the caverns and tunnels is the framework of ancient and modern dwarven technology and architecture, which span across the chasms to create bridges, scaffolding, and even living and work spaces from the stone itself as well as worked iron and steel. The capital city Bher Zanor translates to Gelish as "The Heart of the Earth," and was the scene of a great conflict between Brennan and his companions against the ilithids that threatened Aurelius, as they fought over an ancient artifact deep below the palace of King Kirin Raeburn.
As a kingdom founded and inhabited mostly by dwarves, the Dwarven language is as integral to the structure of Lasaruuj's people as the earth itself.
Ethawen and The Everfrost
Long ago during the First Era, the southern marshlands of Ethawen were inhabited by warring tribes of nomads. These clans waged brutal warfare as they vied for control of the jungle-swamps, but their mutual love and respect for the nature and land of Ethawen kept their skirmishes and their outcomes honorable. There was balance in all things, a method to what outsiders saw as madness. That is, until a mysterious and harsh winter suddenly settled upon the lands.
Blanketed by snow and bombarded by blizzards, the swamps of Ethawen froze over, plants and wildlife began to perish, along with those who were unable to flee. They rightfully called it a curse, as the very few who managed to survive the supernatural winter found themselves corrupted, twisted into horrible visages of what once was. This dark winter has remained ever since, known now as The Everfrost. It has been almost five hundred years since the sudden and devastating arrival of The Everfrost. For centuries, it has maintained hold over the land, forming perfectly to Ethawen's borders.
While there is no longer a modern Ethwanean civilization, those who carry the old blood of ancestors have settled within the southern borders of both Geland and Daldon. Today, they use their ancient language among tightly-knit communities for prayer and other cultural needs.
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[color=eeeeee][b][u][i]Skills and Abilities[/i][/u][/b][/color]
[color=8E8E8E][i]Skill Name[/i][/color]