Players: 5
Pace: Flexible, so be commited long term.
Writing Level: Casual+
Sheet Deadline: N/A
Application Style: Invite Only
PROMPT: Centuries upon Centuries ago the Eltarians were in a brutal struggle against the collective strengths of their enemies, the only thing between them and universal darkness being that of a inherent extradimensional source of energy that would become known as the Morphing Grid. To keep the forces of darkness from getting their hands on this power source they locked it away and the universe was preserved, if at the price of sacrificing the Eltarians themselves. The key to unlocking the grid, crystalline objects known as energems, would find themselves blasted into deep space. Various alien hordes would search for them with hopes it could empower them as the most powerful beings in the universe for time eternal. Fate has robbed them of that, though it is in the 21st Century on the Planet Earth where they will finally get their chance and nearly succeed. It would be on Earth that the energems would be unearthed and awakened by several new hosts whomst hold the willpower and goodness to protect them and the grid from the threats that salivate for their power. These would-be heroes would come to be known as the first Power Rangers this reality had seen since the fall of Eltar. Their bravery would push back horde after horde until a devastating event would see themselves meet a terrible fate. However, from some interdimensional accident, one of the rangers who survived the event has tampered with the grid and tricked fate. Finding themselves in the beginning they know what it is soon to come. As they await the energems to be harnessed by their friends in this particular timeline they look to the sky for the aliens that will soon come. Can the rangers survive what is to come this time? |
FOREWARD: Welcome to a reimagining of the Power Rangers setting, and I say setting very loosely here since as us who grew up with this franchise very clearly know any lore and continuity is held together with duct tape. It’s a Power Rangers RP so at the core I won’t be taking it absolutely too seriously, though we do have a veneer of taking ourselves more seriously than say... Ninja Steel. So keep that in mind. Some things of note to consider: ■ You will be committed to this RP. This means a one (1!) three-to-five sentence paragraph every month. Given our schedules, that should not be too hard, right? ■ You will apply for one character role of your choosing that fits the general aesthetic of that trope. ■ Your character will use actors as a faceclaim reference beneath the age of 28. ■ Your character will have reasonable skills and talents for a 11th Grade High School student. You can have affinities, but we are trying to be semi-grounded but light-hearted. Think of a mix of the recent reboot and the original series. ■ Your characters are not related by blood. They may or may not be familiar with each other when the RP starts (they have gone to the same high school for awhile, right?). ■ You will have fun. |
SETTING: It is April 3rd, 2023. In Angel Grove, California, weird seismic readings have been detected by the Northern California Earthquake Data Center for several weeks. Unbeknownst to the forty-thousand people that call the Angel Grove-Fort Bragg Metropolitan Area home, it will be the last sign of peace they will have for a long time. ![]() On the edge of Sol, an advance scouting team for the Xalantian Imperium nears Planet Earth in hopes they have finally found what they had been looking to find for eons: the keys to the morphing grid. Those strange readings in California? The very same. But this battle has been played out before–for one person–it feels like deja vu, but there are events that must be put in motion before she reveals herself. The Power Rangers must realize their destiny and become one with the energems to battle these would-be alien invaders. She swore to herself that she would observe until the time was right. And the universe needs the Power Rangers. Going into the new year, these five 11th Grade High School Students who attend Dolores Huerta High School must go about their lives, as mundane or hopeless as they may be, until the energems come into being once more. It is only then that these teenagers... with attitude... will witness what the universe has in store for them. How will they fare with the weight of the cosmos on their shoulders? Will they break like they did in another timeline, or can fate truly be changed? |
CONCEPTUALIZING: As a great force of evil comes closer to Terra Verum, otherwise known as the planet Earth by its denizens, it seems that the power of the morphing grid must once again materialize and choose five mortals to wield their power and defeat the forces of darkness once more. The requirements of the following roles are not locked in, outside of the fact that the Red Ranger will eventually become the Leader. Players are open to design their concepts as a yellow ranger who is the smart one or whatever. Genders are fluid as well, design your characters how you want–these colors, however, are locked in. I went a little abstract and freeform on the last iteration of this RP and in conjunction with a severe depressive break, I didn’t know how to move things along. This rigidity is to help balance and direct the game. Plus it keeps stupid questions in my DMs to a minimum. |
how would you describe their personality? only change this taka |
what has their life in Angel Grove been like? only change this taka |
what can they do? what are they good at? only change this taka |
how would they react to danger? only change this taka |
How would you describe their personality? Adam is like countless other teenagers desperately trying to figure out just what they're going to do with the rest of their lives: Emotional, impulsive, reckless. All the sorts of things teachers, principals, and guidance counselors hate. Positive stuff here. |
What has their life in Angel Grove been like? Adam has spent his entire life in Angel Grove. It has not been particularly pleasant. Born to a single mother who worked two jobs just to keep their house and bills paid for, Adam spent much of his youth acting out and generally getting into trouble. If he wasn't running around unsupervised, he was either skateboarding, getting into scraps with schoolyard bullies, or staring at the night sky from the roof of his apartment building. Anything to get him out of the 300 square foot unit he shared with his mother and her occasional suitors. School Stuff Here. |
What can they do? What are they good at? Although not a particularly good student, Adam has shown a knack for mechanical work and even taken up a part-time job at a local garage to help keep the lights and water turned on at home. He even fixed up an old Z28 after a customer had brought it into the shop for scrap. That, and that he has his driver's license, are perhaps the only two things Adam allows himself to take pride in. Although he hasn't played organized sports since about the fifth grade, Adam possesses some natural athletic ability and could likely make any of the high school teams, if he didn't have such an antagonistic relationship with most of the jocks, who he's had some run ins with in the past. |
How would they react to danger? Adam's first and foremost instinct when it comes to danger is to jump in headfirst. Many would say he's a teenager that thinks himself an invincible adrenaline junkie. While this is certainly true to an extent, his mother once told him he had the natural instinct to protect others even at the extent of himself. Why she gave such a thought to an eight year old who'd come home with a bloodied nose and black eye was anyone's guess. |
how would you describe their personality? Upbeat, laid back, kind hearted. Generally a chill dude. Tyler keeps a positive outlook on most things, a firm believer in the idea that if you fall down seven times, you get up eight. His never-give-up stance on life has brought him a number of successes, as he always puts his whole heart behind applying himself, improving himself, and especially making things better for the people around him. Surrender isn't in Tyler’s vocabulary. Unfortunately, this has led him to have crushingly high standards for himself - and nobody else. He oftentimes feels like his own worst critic, struck by bouts of insecurity and anxiety over his ability to present his best self, especially when things get extra heavy. Lucky for him, self-help books have done pretty well on helping him form better coping skills. |
what has their life in Angel Grove been like? So far, so good. Mostly. Tyler is a local, born and raised. As a kid, he tended to face some discrimination from the other youths - something he has not forgotten. Every one of the kids that gave him trouble for how he looked have had their names memorized, each one firmly planted on Tyler’s “I don't fuck with you” list. Even as he’s grown, he refuses to trust them. He got significantly less trouble when he had a massive growth spurt. Bullies suddenly gave him way, he was faster than the others during P.E., and best of all? He could reach high shelves. Opinion of him shifted mostly toward the positive, furthermore when he joined the Angel Grove High football team. His size and speed made him a star player of the team, and his charisma on the field helped cultivate his image. He stayed true to himself as he got more and more social cred, and was seen as a beacon of positivity at the school. Recently, though, his family has fallen on hard times. A fire took their house, catching while his dad was at work and his mom and sister were alone. When he got the call about the blaze, he rushed out of the school grounds and started to sprint home. A car of fellow players caught up with him and drove him there. The fire was already severe when he got there, firefighters not yet arrived. Without much thought, Tyler ran inside to try and save his family - only to be caught when the doorframe collapsed behind him. While he managed to find his family, it was not until a firefighter entered the house and freed them from the still-blazing building that they were saved. Tyler was endlessly grateful, and deeply inspired. He decided that day he’d be a firefighter too. He’d save people, to make up for his self-perceived failure to save his family. While she survived, his sister was badly burned over her arm and back in the fire. Though she has recovered well, the thought of the pain she went through haunts him. The Kings currently reside in a much smaller apartment as they get their lives back together. |
what can they do? what are they good at? Physically, Tyler is in top shape. He’s strong, fast, and agile, and keeps training himself to get better very often. Football is his passion, and his typical roles of linebacker and quarterback benefit greatly from his fitness. Though he isn't on any team and has no desire to do it professionally, he’s also a great swimmer. Tyler’s a people-person. Talking things out, deescalating situations, and making connections are his highlight skills. As charismatic as he tends to be, he tends to like wingmanning his friends when they need a little hypeman to land a date. Dedicating a significant amount of time to repairing his sister’s lone surviving stuffed toy after the house fire, Tyler has become pretty good at sewing. |
how would they react to danger? Get in there. If someone's in trouble, he’ll try to help. Sometimes that means putting himself between a person and the danger. In the case of bullies, he has a great track record. For disasters, less success. His botched rescue attempt made him reconsider his actions and how to approach them, leading Tyler to be more methodical and focused on keeping open escape routes for those endangered. |
how would you describe their personality? Ashley is never without a comment about any situation. It's more of a hobby, some would say. Both her mother and father seem immensely proud of the fact that she's so opinionated and curious about knowledge in general. What seems to be a problem is her attitude and boy does she have lots of it. She isn't disrespectful...to her teachers. Only to those who annoy her, which might be a problem for the small troublemaker. She has a low tolerance for bullshit. She rarely becomes violent, but she sure loves to taunt people, especially to get under their skin. Now keep in mind, while she does this with the intention of being difficult, she doesn't go out of her way to be outright mean to them. In her own unique way, Ashley bonds with people this way. It's how she can separate the cool people from the lame ones who can't hang with her in a war of words. Ashley is an intelligent girl, so for a myriad of reasons that aren't ever made clear by her, she tests people to see if they have the wit to hang. If they do, well you got a friend in her. And if they can't, then they're shit out of luck. It doesn't take a lot to impress this 4'11 ball of spitfire fun, but it sure as hell takes a lot for her to stop messing with you (again it's never personal). She just loves toying with things. Finding what makes it tick. Her philosophy has always been to break things down so she can build it up in her image. If she calls you a loser, just know it comes from a place of neutral love for your potential in her life. Also, let's face it: in this small town where nothing ever happens, sometimes Ashley has to make her own entertainment. |
what has their life in Angel Grove been like? For her entire life, Ashley Hartmann has never known true stability in her life. Both of her parents are in the military, both serving in the Marine Corps. Her father, Lieutenant General Derek Hartmann and her mother, Lieutenant Colenol Kimberly Hartmann, have been shipped all over the country - even a few countries for a few months at a time. And every time, Ashley had to adjust to the new location. If she was lucky, these few months would be during the summer, so she wouldn’t have to worry about saying goodbye to friends or her school year being shot. For this reason alone, she basically had to take up homeschooling so she wouldn’t fall behind. Thankfully, her parents took that just as seriously as they did their stations. It was going fine for a few years. Ashley grew up mostly on army bases, so it’s all she’s ever known. She and a few other “army brats” ended up bonding for however long her parents would be stationed here or there. By the time she was fourteen, Ashley had moved to ten different states, three countries, and never staying in one place for too long. It didn’t help that for a while now, there has been this added pressure to succeed in her studies, to make sure she made the marks while also keeping up with her diet. Her parents were strict but from a logical perspective, they werne’t unreasonable. But then again, nothing about Ashley has ever been reasonable. She just isn’t wired that way and she’s developed a certain disdain for her parents and their hopes for her future. She is their only child, as they didn’t have the time nor interest to have more children. They were all about their careers. All about their hopes to climb up the ranks. All about the dream of having their daughter join the marines, but Ashley has no intention of following in their footsteps. She made it abundantly clear and ever since then, which happened just days before both Derek and Naomi got their new assignments to be stationed at Fort Bragg. They found a three-bedroom home in Angel Grove and moved there during the summer of 2020, which was roughly a month before Ashley would set to start high school, not home-schooled as she wanted to have the authentic high school experience. She didn’t want to spend her days on an army base anymore. They both agreed and throughout the next few years, Ashley had her first, genuine chance of being the kid that she never had the chance to be. Because of that, she got into more trouble than she cared to admit. Did things that most people her age probably already achieved at a younger age. She made friends. Dated some boys, some girls, some gender-neutrals -- she lived a life that she always dreamed of yet was never able to fully experience because of always moving around. Now she wasn’t a troublemaker for everyone. She wasn’t even a bad student. Actually, if you saw the way she dressed (like she just woke up and decided that was the vibe), you wouldn’t believe it but Ashley is actually a straight-a student. One of the benefits of having no time for anything other than studies (her parents’ preference) was, when it came to the books, Ashley aced just about everything in class. Books were easy to figure out and teachers and their tests were a piece of cake. But that was boring. Anyone could pass a class with flying colors. Now people? They were a more challenging puzzle. She likes puzzles. She likes complicated systems that don’t have a manual. Maybe all the years she was deprived of the kind of social interactions that may have developed her into something resembling a normal girl with mannerisms that didn’t seem weird and off-putting to some (not all but some might have issues with it) has wired her brain in this unique way. Just another thing she blames her parents for. This doesn’t change the fact that Ashley enjoys testing people, poking the bear to see how long until they might break or snap at her, and generally finding more about them in her own unique way. |
what can they do? what are they good at? What Ashley excels at can’t be taught. It’s not some trait or thing you can find in a book, manual, or some written text. What she mostly excels at and what she brings to a group project is the ability to figure out complicated problems and look at it from an angle not most would consider. This is a combination of her upbringing as an Army Brat. Always taught to look outside the box. Think outside the spectrum of what most consider normal. Einstein might’ve been insane, but then again Ashley didn’t know him personally, so what does she know? She tries and tries again. In her opinion, it’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to screw up, but as long as you don’t give up and keep swimming along, you can figure out any problem. Similarly, she keeps obsessing over problems she hasn’t solved. The more complicated the better. Don’t expect her to be the best fighter or most effective in physical confrontations. She might have the physical conditioning of someone who can throw down, but Ashley is a small. As frightening as she can be to some, there’s only so much a 4’11 white girl can do in literal physical fights. Her strength is more her smarts than actual ass-kicking. But she will bite you and climb on your back and attempt to choke you out…if that sells her case better. Oh she has a mean motormouth in the face of danger. Liteally can’t shut the fuck up. That’s a positive thing, right? |
how would they react to danger? Probably with one too many quips than she should. Seriously, Dessy's mouth tends to go off before her mind has any chance of stopping it. She's never been in any serious danger, mind you, so this is all hypothetical. But, hypothetically speaking, she may just throw more insults at whoever decided to ruin her day or complain about a situation and point out the obvious. She tends to do that a lot anyway, so it's no different than her everyday life. Except for the potential danger to that very thing she enjoys thoroughly. |