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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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"Ha ha! It worked! I've been practicing! You were controlled by my will for a minute or two. Don't worry, though, I didn't make you do anything stupid, and you obviously weren't hurt." Zach was genuinely happy, for the first time in a while. And it really showed through his grin, which spread from ear to ear. He put his glasses back on, careful not to look in Flint's eyes again. "Anyone else still need to show off their powers?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex watched. 'That's an impressive skill.' He said with a small smile. He had noticed someone enter the gates and walk past them, but he thought it best to leave them alone for now. 'I don't think so, I'm pretty sure that's everybody.' He shrugged. 'So what should we do now?' He asked, wondering what would be worth doing. He got restless pretty easily, which is partly why he had gone travelling.

Logan climbed the stairs until he reached the third floor, which is where his room was. He walked towards the door and opened it, it swung open and he sighed. There was already stuff in here. Evidently the guy he was sharing with had already arrived. He placed his backpack on the bed, and began unpacking his suitcase.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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"Well," Zach looked pale. Paler than before, which was bad. "I need some rest. My abilities really drain me, y'know?" He started off to the dorms. "Oh, and hey. When do classes start?" Zach asked, wanting to master his powers, and develop more. Just then, he had a quick flashback: (Unknown Girl) "Zach? What are you doing here? It's so la- Oh my God! What's wrong with your teeth?" (Zach) "What's wrong with you? You're just a pathetic human; nothing special about that. I can give you so much more!" (Unknown Girl) "Zach! Stop! *Screams*" In seconds, Zach returned to the present, and was listening to Alex. He tried to forget his past, but he couldn't...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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"Woah well im sure I can trust you to not do it all the time" He joked as he looked to Alex "Well I don't know I kind of have never really chilled with friends before so I don't really know what we do" Flint said rather embarrassed "I think im going to have a shower it was a long coach ride here so im going to go clean up" Flint remarked "Seya later though" He said as he ran off, Going into the showers in the dorms.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex chuckled. 'They started earlier. But they're optional, so none of us really bothered. I imagine we'll all see what they're like tomorrow.' He shrugged. 'I know I will be. I can't spend all my time here showing off my abilities.' He laughed. 'I'm gonna go explore the castle, anyway. It'll give me something to do, and it'll be pretty productive.' He watched as Flint ran off and sighed. Looked like he'd be exploring on his own. He could deal with that, though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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"Yeah... See you guys..." It was good they had their own agendas. Zach needed some alone time. He did have to recover his energy, but at the same time, he had to remove all the dark thoughts from his mind. It was a mental battle he had fought many times. In fact, he had to remove dark thoughts from his brain so often that he became rather skilled at doing so. He laid down on his dorm bed and began his intense battle. This time, it was against the time he attacked and turned Cynthia. Perfect.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krodin329


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Adruin stood watching, observing different powers and seeing if he could recruit anyone to protect the world with him. The dragon seemed like a viable choice, large, powerful, persistent. They had all decided to explore the castle, and he figured he should as well, and chased after him. Huh, if we become friends, he'll be my first real friend! "Hey Alex, wait up!" he called. "Mind if I tag along?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Zaccar and Lucatiel had disappeared from the group, they had there own plans they had to work on, things to talk about in private such as what tricks they would pull or what mischief they would cause, stuff that only few were ever allowed to know outside the two of them. Along with the routine of keeping an eye on the other werewolves. They might of been tricksters and trouble makers when they were around most people but with other wolves they were strict and did not tolerate them hassling the other students in the school and they had made sure to keep them inline since they arrived because before the werewolves lacked any form of control there.
"So I think we should get a few of the newbies in on these plans," Lucatiel finally suggested ",after all, we aren't going to be here forever and someone has to take over our tricks and wouldn't it be a bit more fun to bring in some new people into our plans?"
"True but we have to see how these newbies take to the school. We've seen there gifts and what they are but now we have to see if they truely enjoy it here then we can show them our tricks," Zaccar replied as the went around the hallways of the school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex shrugged. 'I can't see why not.' The feeling he had about Adruin was still there, but it was less persistent, almost as if it wanted to be proven wrong. He was a protector of Earth, after all, and he was brought to the school. Then again, the school was a neutral place, it had no sway in whether good or evil were brought there. He was beginning to confuse himself, so he figured he would just let time answer for him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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Flint finished the refreshing shower and dried off. He walked to his room to get some fresh clothes and noticed someone there unpacking . He nervously opened the door a little. There back was towards him and so probably didn't notice the door open slightly. He looked down at the towel and decided to go change in the bathroom instead. He quickly shuffled away and changed into the clothes he was in before.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Rhiannon returned to the stairwell but found Flint was not there. After peering out a window into the courtyard she could see that most of the others were still there so began to head down but when she got there the group was dispersing. Seeing Alex heading off she went to join him as Adruin also did.

"Alrighty I'm back!" She announced. "So, what're we up to now? Exploring or lessons or something else?"

Her medicine had helped considerably, her chest still hurt more than it usually did when she was back at home but at least now she felt comforted in that she had help in recovering.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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Flint soon was back into the courtyard seeing the others begin to walk off he quickly grabbed Rhiannon by the arm "We will catch up" He yelled to the group dragging her around a corner "Ok you should start explaining. What happened before most people don't cough up blood." Flint asked concerned looking to Rhia with scared eyes. "Shouldn't you be at a hospital?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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Rhiannon was yanked aside by Flint as he confronted her about the earlier situation. She bit her lower lip, glancing around.

"Doctor Michael told me not to tell anyone but... since you already know a bit I guess it's okay?" She was clearly making the statement for her own benefit before she continued. "I was born with this but Doctor Michael said it gets worse the more people who know about it, because it's a special Ellyll curse. Not even my parents know about it; only you, Julius and Doctor Michael. If I go to a hospital they can't cure it and more people would know, only making it worse... plus I have the body of an Ellyll which is a bit different to humans'. But don't worry, I have some medicine from Doctor Michael which helps. That's why I needed to go to the dorm, to get it. I'm not supposed to carry it around with me in case someone notices." She shrugged. "Are we okay now? Don't worry, I'll be fine now I've taken it." She grinned and grabbed him by the wrist.

"We've fallen behind now so come on, bach."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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Flint tried a smile but the story was a saddening one. Flint would never be able to relate as he had never been ill. Anything that could harm him would instantly heal and so nothing could really effect him. Nothing natural anyway "Ok but if I can ever help in anyway just ask ok" He said smiling softly as they both walked back to the others.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krodin329


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Adruin was happy. This was the first time he'd had any legitimate contact with anyone outside of angels or demons. It was an exciting experience for him and he hoped it would go well, he thought about asking him if he enjoyed fighting, but he'd save that for later if they became friends. He shifted out his true form and back to his humanly form, but he kept his eyes solid black, he enjoyed it that way. It made him feel... Calm. "So Alex, what do you like to do?" He asked as they walked around the school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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Zach got up. He fought off most of his dark thoughts, and besides, he had locked himself in his room for a while now. Zach got up, unlocked his door, and ventured back to the courtyard. Almost no one was there, so he decided to look around the school, maybe find a few classes he would like. As he searched, he saw Alex with someone else. He wasn't sure whether to approach them or not, but he started walking in the same direction as them. "Hey Alex... Who's, uh... Your friend?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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'I was just thinking of exploring, seeing where things were, familiarising myself with the school's layout.' He shrugged. He turned to Zach. 'Zach, this is Adruin, he's a demon/angel hybrid.' He noticed Flint and Rhiannon approaching. 'Here come the secretive ones.' He chuckled. 'Don't worry, I'm not going to ask. I understand that some of us have secrets we have to keep.' He shrugged.

Logan had finished unpacking and turned toward the door. He walked out and stretched a little bit. He wondered what to do first. It might be useful for him to grab something to eat. He hoped the cafeteria was open.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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Flint laughed "Hey don't worry it was just my plan to destroy the world." Flint joked as he began to walk with the group. Everyone seemed a little less tense now as we relaxed. "Anyone thought of what clubs they might want to join? I saw a notice board with a ton of them on it." Flint mentioned remembering when he first came in and saw it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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"Oh, hey Flint." Zach said as he walked up and joined the group, so he didn't have to run down the halls. "What clubs? I haven't seen the bulletin." Zach admitted. "And I haven't seen the classes yet either." Zach let out a soft, embarrassed laugh. "Ah. Nice to meet you, Aldruin. I'm Zach. Vampire." He stuck with the group through the winding hallways.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krodin329


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Adruin perked up at the mention of clubs, it was another perfect opportunity for social interaction, and practicing martial arts. He didn't really need to, considering how he was constantly fighting supernatural threats, but practicing just pure skill would be fun for him. " I hope they have clubs like sword play and martial arts! That would DEFINATELY be my cup of tea.", said Adruin. His arm hairs burned up thinking of the excitement, then regrew.
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