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I'm Pixie, Pix for short, Pix responded. Good to meet you, There wasn't a hint of the lie in Pix's words either, but since Pix wasn't the Fae's real name, she was comfortable using it. Pix was the alias the Fae girl had used from birth, but she knew her real name- Ottawa Kala, gift of the river. She never told a soul about her real name though- with obvious good reason.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Light dipped her head. It's a pleasure to meet you as well. Light still didn't quite trust Pix, for good reasons of course. Light didn't want Violet to be harmed, and Violet felt the same way about Light, Violet was playing a little innocent girl but really had a knife inside her sleeve incase things got messy.
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This is going to sound odd, but was there a boy by the name of Nathan around here earlier? She inquired, knowing how odd the question would sound. If she could find the boy she had managed to put into Bondage, since he'd given her half of his real name, she could use it to her advantage. Besides, maybe he had a shiny thing she could give Lyria and Anastasia.
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Violet perked up, wasn't that the name of the young mage she had met, she slid down from Light, patting her fur and standing in front of Pix, Light stood behind Violet protectivly. "He was around here a few hours ago, I don't know where he went though, sorry." Violet said.
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Nathaniel Harvard

Nathaniel watched Pix interact with Violet and Light, knowing the girl was an awful liar. Stupid girl. Get away from them! He thought, but he couldn't do anything. He glanced into his pockets, trying to find that shard of amethyst he had on him in case he reencountered Pix- he took it out and tossed it at the girl, hoping to distract her from them. He hated that he did it, but Pix was a liar and a fake, and he wasn't letting anybody else get hurt- even if the two he was trying to protect were way more powerful than he was.


Pix saw the amethyst and turned, smiling. Her nails appeared to sharpen into minor points upon locating Nathan. She was a dangerous girl after all, but not as hazardous as Lyria and Anastasia, of course. Nevermind. Found him. Oh- shiny, She again saw the amethyst and picked it up, suddenly distracted by it. She looked back at Nathan before turning and offering the shard to Anastasia, her nails appearing to dull once more as she was calmed by the shiny object.

"Here," She spoke for the first time, her voice gentle and high- perfect to her child form.
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Violet seemed suspicious, she took the amethyst. "Why are you giving me this?" She asked, Light sniffed the air and smelled the young male mage, Light snatched Violet. "Hey!" Light brought Violet back down into the tunnels, setting her down on the ground. "What did you do that for?"
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Nathaniel Harvard and Pix

Nathaniel realized he was now alone with the Fae girl. He stood there, watching her for any movement- worried about what she would do. After a few moments of the girl just standing there, he dared to take a step back. Immediately, she snapped for him to stay where he was; he froze. Pix turned to him after another few moments.

"Why'd you give me that?" She asked him, her voice low and dangerous.

Nathaniel took note that the girl's eyes were blazing, and her teeth were slightly sharper. She was mad at him. Fuck. He thought, knowing what depended on this answer.
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"Lets go back." Violet said to Light, who growled and sat beside the entrance. "Come onnnnn." She groaned and tried to run out, Light snatched her again and threw her to the ground, growling. "Fine! You didn't have to throw me though! That f**king hurt." She snarled, curling up and being angry.
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Nathaniel Harvard and Pix

"Why were you bothering them, Pixie?" Nathaniel asked after a few minutes of hesitation.

"I wasn't bothering anybody! Now go away, before you attract the Infected!" Pix replied.

Nathaniel, against his better judgment, obeyed the girl- knowing what she could do. He had made the mistake of giving her his real name, and that was a problem. This is an awful idea. I need to get her away from them. But I can't lie to her or she'll probably kill me. She's only kept me alive because she knows I have food and gems.
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Violet was ignoring Light now, Light nuzzling her and trying to get her to talk to her. "No, I'm mad at you." Violet said, pushing Light's muzzle away,Light whined. "Light just go away, you f**king threw me against the ground!" She yelled.
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Pix wandered back into the tunnel and heard Anastasia's shout. That wasn't very nice, to yell at Lyria. Wait- Anastasia called Lyria a different name- probably the wolf's real name. She smiled to herself. Perfect.

"Light?" She called quietly, trying to get the wolf to come to her as she took a small piece of cyan diamond from her small pockets.
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Light ignored Pix as if it wasn't her name, she nudged Violet again. "God damnit Lyria leave!" Violet yelled, she had gotten a message through the bond to continue to yell but also to call Light Lyria. "Lyria I swear, you fricking threw me against the ground, I'm not in the mode right now." Violet said, Light curled herself around Violet and licked her head, after a while Violet calmed down.
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Pix sighed, but knew it hadn't been a nickname. She had one final chance. Oh well. I guess I'll just go to the berry patch on my own and not leave any for you two. Maybe I'll go with Nathan, She told the wolf before heading back out of the tunnel. She did know of a berry patch, but there was no way she was telling anybody where it was.
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Light ignored her, not because she was being mean but because her attention was on Violet, nuzzling her and trying to calm her more, Violet nuzzled her face into Light's fur with a small sigh.
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Pix wandered above the surface, staying close to trees so she could climb if she encountered any Infected. Her berry patch was warming with Infected- to her surprise and dislike.
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Light apologized to Violet, who accepted the apology and stood, brushing her clothes off. "Let's go try to find something to eat." Violet told Light, when they explored underground they sometimes found underground berry bushes that were untouched by the Infected, but those berry bushes were rare.
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Those berry bushes were the same ones Pix was lurking above, currently. She watched Light and "Anastasia," even though now she knew they'd lied to her. After a while of watching, she decided to call out.

"Ooooh, Liiiight!" She called, her voice hinted with a sing-song taunt but still the playful voice of an innocent child.
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Light's ears flicked and the wolf growled, nosing Violet onto her back, Violet wondered what was happening as Light went to Pix. What do you want. She growled.
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"What do you want with my berries, Light?" Pix responded, giggling.

She was too high in the tree for the wolf to reach and could kick Violet down. Attacking her would anger her, and perhaps get her to reveal what species she was. At the cost of a friend who could actually do some decent protecting- and couldn't technically die unless slain directly- and the girl was pretty darn fast on her feet.
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To eat them, what else would I do. She snarls, mind voice deep as she growled. Violet gently petted Light, trying to calm her down.
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