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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Pix and Nathaniel Harvard

Pix scampered out of the trees, ducking into a bush to let the elders do the fighting, followed by a rather large amount of Infected- around fifty. Nathaniel realized he was going to be overpowered, along with Violet and Light, if he didn't use his magic.

"We could fall back to your tower!" He called, slashing at an Infected that got too close.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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"What if they follow us?" She asked, shooting a few dead, Light backing away and ripping a few heads off.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Pix and Nathaniel Harvard

"That's why you have traps, is it not?" Nathaniel replied, ducking away.

An Infected grabbed onto Pix and Nathaniel had to go help the child, almost getting sliced open by the Infected's claws.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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She shot more infected. "What if we get caught by the traps because some idiot moved them around!" She shot a infected that got to close.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Nathaniel Harvard

"I fixed them so they wouldn't close on anybody who wasn't infected!" He responded, his knife being torn out of his hand.

He was forced against a tree, but Pix attacked the Infected with a surprising ferocity that even Nathaniel was frozen for a moment.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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light tore a few heads. "Hop on!" She yelled to Pix and Nathaniel.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Nathaniel Harvard

"No. I'll cover you. I'll meet you at the tower!" It was said as an order.

He was a mage, so he could use magic to teleport if Pix decided to help him do so. He wasn't very powerful on his own but combined with an immortal being's magic, even the weakest of mages were powerful enough to wipe out worlds if they used their power wrong- Nathaniel never would. He'd seen enough death for one lifetime. He could only imagine how Pix felt, having to watch all this death for the rest of eternity.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Light and Violet rushed to the tower, making sure the traps where set and hoping that Pix and Nathaniel, even though they weren't on the best terms, made it out alive.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Nathaniel Harvard and Pix

Pix, being cooperative and not wanting to get Infected, decided to help Nathaniel. Together, they were able to teleport to the tower, though their arrival was a bit uncoordinated.

"Ow." Pix yelped as she twisted her ankle with a curse. "You need to work on where you land us!" She snapped at Nathaniel.

"That was your job. Now shut up and I'll give you another crystal." Nathaniel growled, dusting himself off.

That shut Pix up, and Nathaniel gave her another crystal. He knew she'd stay quiet for another few minutes before becoming annoying once more.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Light trotted to them. "Let's go up to the top, their less likely to follow us up there."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Nathaniel Harvard

Nathaniel raised a hand, as if asking for Light and Violet to give him and Pix a moment alone. He wanted to speak to the pacing girl privately, and find out what she knew that he didn't. Even if they hated each other, they were allies, and they needed to start acting like it.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Light nodded and trotted off with Violet on her back, they went to a supply place and got some supplies, Violet frowned because they were running low, they would have to go out to town to see if they can find any supplies.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Nathaniel Harvard and Pix

"So, Ottawa, what do you know about them?"

"As much as you do. They gave me fake names but the girl slipped up. The wolf is Light, but the girl claims to be Anastasia."

"Her name is Violet. You didn't hear it from me. Do you have your bow?"

"Or course I do! But I'm not giving it to you!"

"I wasn't asking for it. You'll need to use it before the Infected get past the traps. Can you do that?"

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. For our good. In exchange for me helping you get them into your bondage," Nathaniel held out his hand to the girl, "do we have a deal?"

She shook it. "Yeah. Let's get inside before the Infected, or they, find us."
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

An infected leaped at Violet and she screamed, Light attacking the infected but it had already bit Violet, Although Light made it so she didn't turn full infected, Violet instead went into a deep sleep until someone somehow uninfected her. Light let out a loud howl, a howl of a bond being broken, the bond would fix itself when Violet was better.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Nathaniel Harvard and Pix

Nathaniel heard Violet's scream and ran toward the sound, knife drawn. Pix followed, more slowly. The two slowed as they drew nearer, careful to stay away from the Infected. Nathaniel saw what Light had done, and worry crossed his face. If she wakes up from that coma, she'll try to Infect all of us. Pix needs to get the wolf far from here. I can try to help her, but I'm not powerful enough... the others can't stay... He was conflicted.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Light leaped at the infected and ripped its head off in rage, growling loudly and leaping over Violet, growling at them as they got closer to them. Tell him to stay back. Light snarled at Pix, grief and sadness and rage filling her mental voice.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Nathaniel Harvard and Pix

He can help. Pix pointed to an Infected and vines strangled it, winding around the floor. She then glanced at Nathaniel, knowing his worries.

"Can you get us somewhere protected?" The girl asked him.

Nathaniel shook his head, stabbing an Infected and jumping back before it was able to touch him.

"The last teleport was too exhausting. We'll have to travel back to my caves. I think I can help her. Tell that to your wolf," He replied, panting.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Does he comprehend I can understand him? She asked Pix and gently picked up Violet, putting Violet on her back with carefullness.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Nathaniel Harvard and Pix

Pix chuckled. Nope. Let's keep him in the dark though. She responded, more vines killing more Infected. She was already tired, visible by the way she rocked on her feet, and Nathaniel picked her up and put her on his shoulders. She clearly hated it but allowed it. Fine, boy. Now I don't have to walk, at least. She thought bitterly. Nathaniel began leading the way, slashing at a few more Infected.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Light followed, ripping a few more infected heads on the way as she carried Violet. Her ears where down with worry for her bondmate. She growled at the infected as they began to do ally start retreating.
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