Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Minoru seemed nervous, but he was still staring intently at the screen. He didn't know what to make of the news program. He didn't remember the video. He didn't know what was going on. After a few moments, he sighed, bowing his head. "I...think I'm gonna go for a walk," he stated. "You're welcome to make yourself something to eat while I'm gone. Make yourself at home." He pushed off from the table, walking towards the doorway now. He needed time to think. He didn't know what else he could do in this situation and...well, he wasn't sure if it'd be a good idea to stay with Keiko if she decided not to trust him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ravenwoodwitch


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Wow now, hang on-"

Keiko sprung back to her feet, and grabbed him by the arm. "Are you nuts?" she asked, eyes wide. "It doesn't matter now if you did it or not, you're a wanted man! Anybody spots you they'll mug you and take you back just for the reward!"

She bit her lip with a sigh, taking back her hand, and scratching her hair. "Look...I don't know if you're innocent or not, but, if you are, I don't want you to just wonder off into danger. I wouldn't forgive myself, especially if I could have helped you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Minoru offered a shrug, pointing towards the television. "With an announcement like that, it's not really going to matter," he replied softly. While he was confused by this whole situation, his mind had been going, making sense of what would happen from now on. If this was on the news, he was positive most people in the city would know about it within the day. Not just that, his image was clear, killing another man. That would attract the police or, worse, the special police force that had been set up for the Homura case. He'd have about as much success against them as he would have against the skateboarding kid.

After a moment, he shook his head. "With that on the news, anyone who wants a reward will turn me in. Half the city probably saw it. The other half will know of it by the end of the day," he explained with a small sigh. "You might take me at my word, but I can't explain that. If I were you, I'd have either left me to die or killed me yourself for my crimes. I can't tell you why I was on that screen and I can almost assure you that no one in the police force will believe that I'm just a confused boy with evidence like that." Lowering his head a bit, he thought over his options. "I give it an hour...two at most before the police come to my apartment. If they decide not to, that boy works for that gang. They know I'm a student here and that narrows down their search. I'm not safe anywhere I go. At least I might get some answers if they find me again."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ravenwoodwitch


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He had a good point, but it didn't mean she had to like it. She sighed, lowering her head, and walking around him. "I guess you've made up your mind," she said.

She spun around and wrapped an arm around his neck in a headlock, holding him down a moment.

"Alright smart, listen good," she said; "If you're bound and determined to go outside, and this is really as dangerous as you said it is, let's be productive. You're going to pack the necessities, and we're going to leave campus and get as far away from here as we can; understand?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

The boy offered a small smile. "I appreciate it, but do you really want to keep following me around? If I'm wanted for murder, it's not exactly a stigma you're gonna want to have following you. You could have Sceptor 4 coming after you, let alone that gang after beating their one member." He let out a sigh. "You might be better off leaving me out to get caught whether than bothering with it." He offered a weak smile to her, knowing that this alternative would most likely leave him either dead or captured before long. It wasn't like he could fight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ravenwoodwitch


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Dude, if you are a murderer I'm already in trouble," she said. "The big guys are usually okay with letting me mess their operation up because I've been a neutral party. At this point, they're probably sure you're guilty and I just aidded you escape."

The banshee picked up his backpack and tossed it into his chest. "Now pack up; we're heading for my place, and we'll come up with a plan later. You're not safe here, so let's go."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Minoru looked confused for a short moment, but then smiled again, shrugging as he went back packing away the necessities. It didn't take long. He lived in a rather small dorm room. It wasn't like he could have all that much to pack. As he went through his things, he gathered everything he thought he might need. Extra pairs of clothes, his cellphone, his laptop...however, as he reached into his drawer to grab whatever else he thought was necessary, his hand froze, feeling cold metal against his hand. Gripping his hand around it, he realize he was holding the end of a handgun.

What the hell? He didn't remember having this. He let go quickly, but did his best to seem natural about it. No point having Keiko suspicious of him again. Shutting the drawer, he grabbed his back and zipped it up quickly. "I'm ready whenever you are," he stated.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ravenwoodwitch


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Keiko. "Good; stick close."

'Kei, what are you doing?' she mentally chastised herself. 'You're going to get yourself killed.'

But she had long since gotten used to ignoring her own common sense; one had to in this job. Instead, she checked their exit(no one there) and slipped out. She held his arm as they moved out, going through the school's lest used paths and alleys.

"We need to find the tram back to the city," she explained. "We can hide better from there..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Minoru let her drag him along around the academy, but it didn't take long before he had slowed, trying to decide on the best direction to head in. The academy itself was located on an island, not far off the coast of the mainland. The only way in and out was along the bridge, where it was manned 24/7 to make sure the more unsavory characters stayed out. That being said, they'd probably know his face at this point. That meant that the only way out would be blocked from them. The tram into the city would be a good idea, but it wasn't very applicable, given the circumstances.

He was drawn from his thoughts as he felt a tug on his leg. A small dog stood at his feet, mouth clamped down on the boy's pant leg. The dog was tugging on him before letting go and bounding away a bit, barking a little to get their attention. Minoru was puzzled by this for a moment, but then slowly looked up to Keiko. "Uh...I think he wants us to follow him..." he said slowly, unsure of what to do in this situation. After a moment, though, he sighed and started walking towards the dog, figuring it couldn't hurt. It'd give him time to think of a way out of here in the mean time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ravenwoodwitch


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Keiko paused, watching carefully. It wasn't unheard of for one of the colors to be a shapeshifter, and this could easily be a trap.

"Careful," she said. "And be prepared to run on my command, mister."

Just to be on the safe side, Keiko kept close to Minoru's left side. At this vicinity, it wasn't hard for her to see that the boy wasn't unattractive. It was a thought she put aside for later, and instead focused on the mutt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

As the group made it around the corner, they found the dog already forcing its way through a small hole in the fenced off area of the academy. It was large enough for the two to squeeze in after it, but it was already bounding down the hill, heading towards a patch of grass beneath the bridge. Minoru, not really thinking on it, went after it, jogging to keep up with the mutt.

Once at the bottom, he noticed something odd. The dog was no where to be seen. A woman was standing there with the same white hair as the dog's fur had been. She was wearing a loose robe around her body, gesturing for the boy to hurry and follow her. Beside her, a small boat was pulled up on shore. "You guys seemed like you were in a hurry," she stated in a happy manner. "We'll get you back to the city, alright?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ravenwoodwitch


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Hang on-dammit, would you wait a moment!" Keiko sprinted after her charge, and just managed to catch him before he went off. She grabbed his shoulder when she finally caught up, chest heaving in several pants. "Nothing is more dangerous than careless trust; Just I'm a glutton for danger doesn't mean you should."

That said, the banshee straightened up, and pointed a finger. "You," she gasped out. "I want a name before we go on any trip with you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Minoru shook his head, smiling innocently. "I think we can trust her," he stated. "Though...I can't say why...never met her before." He looked puzzled at his own explanation, turning to look at the girl again.

"My name is Shiro. You have nothing to worry about. I just want to make sure Minoru-kun gets to safety," she explained.

"How...do I know you?" Minoru asked hesitantly, unsure of how to respond to this. He didn't know where or why he knew the girl. She just seemed familiar to him. He felt like he could trust her. Then again, given his situation, Keiko was right. Trusting to easily would be dangerous.

"You don't recognize me?" Shiro simply smiled and slowly morphed back into the white dog, barking happily up at them.

The boy's eyes instantly lit up in understanding, seeming surprised for a moment. "I've seen the dog around. I always assumed it was just some stray...but it showed up from time to time when I needed help..." he explained hesitantly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ravenwoodwitch


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I don't know," Keiko said. "This could still be a trick..."

Though it would be a rather elaborate trick. Keiko reasoned that this wouldn't be the most opportune place to spring it. Besides, the feet of campus police caught her ears, and they had little time as it is.

"Aw, what the hell," she said. "I can take you if you're trouble; get in the boat."

Keiko turned, throwing a little sound in the opposite direction of them; hopefully they would follow that sound, and not them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

The girl smiled happily, letting the other two onto the boat quickly. Once everyone was on, she pushed them off and got in with them. The odd part was that she immediately clung to Minoru's arm. She seemed incredibly pleased with the situation, but the boy just seemed awkward, face turning red and seeming entirely uncomfortable with the situation. "A-Ah, so wh-where are we going, K-Keiko-san?" he asked in a sort of stutter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ravenwoodwitch


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"My place," Keiko said. "though I don't think we have room for three. Maybe the dog-girl can keep watch."

Something made Keiko inwardly twitch with annoyance, but she ignored it for now. Instead, she looked over the edge of the boat to make sure they weren't being followed, and was satisfied with what she saw. That done, she handed Minoru an Oar.

"Start paddling, you," she said. "We got a boat to move; here, I'll help."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Minoru grabbed the oar and started paddling slowly, making their path forward, a little awkward with the girl at his arm. Though, seeing him trying to paddle, she slowly shifted back into her dog form, bounding over to the front of the boat to keep watch. The boy stayed quiet as he paddled for a while. He didn't have much to say, thinking over his situation. After a few moments, he glanced over at Keiko. "Do you think...we could stop by my parents' place before we head to your's?" he asked. "I'd like to at least let them know I'm leaving for a while...I'm sure they'll worry if I just disappear like that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ravenwoodwitch


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Sure," Keiko answered automatically. "I know the feeling, go ahead."

The trio managed to paddle it's way back to the mainland, before disguarding the boat. Keiko warned them to collect anything they needed from the boat now, as it wasn't due to last long.

"I'm gonna destroy it, and send it drifting," she explained. "With any luck, they'll think we drowned. Otherwise, they'll at least lose our trail."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Minoru gathered the bag he had taken and stepped out, turning back to watch as Keiko destroyed the boat and sent it off. "I doubt they're gonna accept that. They'll want to find our bodies before they accept that we drowned. Not to mention that there's nothing here that could have really destroyed the boat," the boy commented with a sigh.

The dog-girl laughed innocently, grabbing hold of Minoru's arm and making him blush deeply again at the contact. "Oh, don't be so hung up on it. we'll be fine. I'll protect you," she said confidently. "And she seems like a scary woman too. They won't get you!"

The boy blinked in confusion at her attempt to comfort him. At length, he smiled a bit and shrugged. "We better get going," he said softly. "It won't be long before the police and that gang realize I'm not around anymore. Then they'll be hunting us."
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