Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Bit of a slow post but if anyone wants to collab lemme know!

As an FYI- I'll be AFK from 6th of November to early December due to travelling.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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Suffering from a bout of writers block. Have a general idea of what I want to do but I'm having a hard time putting it down in words. Give me abit.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 1 day ago

I want to apologize for how long this took. And I will understand if you guys are no longer interested. I was not feeling well for awhile, and my ability to write coherently and well not to mention my energy to do so was almost non existent.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

No worries mate, life's a priority.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Perfect timing Big! I've literally just returned from NZ last night, so it's all good bud.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Short one up. Apologies for the dalay, got blindsided by some schoolwork.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sorry for the delay my end- been a bit creatively buzzed lately!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Apologies for the delay- a reply should be in tomorrow or so!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 1 day ago

Take your time
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sorry that took so long I couldn't decide on how I wanted to go through with this post. HAd to just sit and do something or I'd have sat on that for another few days.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kinda short this one, but I didn't want to overtake the plot and prevent someone from doing stuff.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Nice! Sorry for the delay my end- feeling a little creatively quiet at the moment. Will get a post out hopefully tomorrow :)
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

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As I have said before. Take your time.

No rush.

The title card (oops spoilers) will come when it's time.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sorry for the delay my end- have been a bit creatively dead lately so will try and post in the week!
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 1 day ago

Not a rush. Take your time.

As long as there is interest this RP will go on.

And I will not rush either of you into posts to force the issue.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

What Belial said, no rush.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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So, I want to apologize, this has been a long time yet again with no post from me. And I'm sorry for that.

I want to say though I'm considering bringing this RP to a premature close. Now I know you guys will say, "No, why?"

With my RL work load I'm having a hard time keeping up with all my RPs, on top of GMing Conflict. I can't keep up with RL work, RPs and GMing. I come home tired from work and off shift I barely have the energy to catch back up before I'm back to work.

I had planned for no less then 6 chapters, with one come to an end soon actually. And we had written so well, I was going to have us take the good ending out and not the bad ending.

But I can't find the energy to keep up with us and that's what gets me. I don't like that I take so long trying to give you guys good posts and guidance into the next section.

Now since day one, I've had an idea in my head for a RP end summary if it ever came to an end before we could write our way there. But I want to give you a guys a say in it too.

I'll let you guys get a say in if you want me to write out what I had in mind or we can trade some discourse here, I can tell you what I had in mind for the other 4 chapters before the end, and then with your input write up a Game End summary.

Maybe some day in the future I may try Conflict again.

In the meantime I just want to thank you guys for your persistence and determination to stick with me here.

Again thank you, and I'm sorry for the state of things and the premature end of the RP.
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago


It's sad but totally understand given your situation at the moment- a lot going on. Sorry to hear it man.

I think write out what you had in mind for the chapters, then let's set up an end game.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 1 day ago


So I guess what I would like is ideas one what you may want me to include in the write up I intend to do one how the rest of the chapters would have gone. What options do you think you all would have picked? What would you have done in each chapter? I'll do a big write up story like on it all and post it as a RP ending summary.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Lots to break down!

So, by chapter by chapter, here are what I would add to it:

Prologue End: Probably getting nearly killed, given the response and the level of escalation. They get their intel from Edgar and they deliver the proof of life, but shit goes very, very badly. They are nearly into the clutches of the Hyena for hunting him and all seems like this could end incredibly quickly- but as you describe, things go extremely south and they get rescued by someone from the Pack.

Chapter 1: Probably picking COGS, despite the fact it nearly killed Sean/Beth, they haven't got a choice and well, they're another pair of white faces. Likely trying to get an in with some higher up people, realising that well, they got absolutely span around hunting the Hyena and try another tack of playing the mercs off against each other to build up currency, resources and time. Sean and Beth are beginning to heal a bit, and Beth in particular starts to become much more cold. They take the money because they're broke, and use it to tool up with much more serious equipment- in particular, actual amenities to live, including back to another pickup, small arms among other bits.

Chapter 2: Interesting setup- probably realising they can keep their head down and trying to figure out their exit strategy. They still want the Hyena dead, but chances are, Sean and Beth are now a little holding back because they've been run ragged and are just taking the time to get themselves together in the new encampment. They take work for Edgar as they need to get away from both factions for a bit and with a foothold, start getting back at the Hyena. Long term, they'd reason- they have to get the Hyena somehow, and playing both sides, whilst staying gray is in their best interest, not taking as many sides as usual and racking up bodies (till the detonation).

Chapter 3 (4?): Sean and Beth come to a serious disagreement- Beth wants to help the Hyena to get in close and end this after being contacted about making his business boom, while Sean doesn't, with a focus on the fact that this needs to stop somewhere, the Hyena is probably lying and ultimately, their mission is now a failure given how serious the firepower coming their way is- so they split ways and well, for the first time ever, we see them operating completely at odds. I think both play out- while an evacuation happens, a firebombing occurs and through an incredibly bloody fight, Beth kills Victor and all around, a humanitarian shitshow plays out. They meet up in the aftermath of the fighting, both incredibly dazed, disillusioned and at breaking point.

Chapter 4 (5): Possibly a merger of both scenarios- Sean tries to run north but can't leave, while Beth stays with the Hyena's pack east, hoping to snag him off at the end. It leads to both being contacted by both the commander and the hyena- and clearing loose ends, with Beth realising the ultimate realisation of the fact this won't end, ever, and the Hyena is only a figurehead that killing won't change a thing- and Sean is now critical to this because he's the only way they have out at all, both the "Hyena" and the commander having to die if they have any shot at leaking through the border. They've been at odds yet are in complete agreement all of a sudden- both realities were right, and sadly, there's no win state other than to create a smoke cloud and run. After all, if nobody knows who the Hyena is, any body will do, right? She agrees to help cut loose ends- she'll kill the Commander in a trade for Sean faking the kill of the Hyena (via someone high up in the Pack's organisation) to keep up plausibility, and at the end of it, they do just that, with whoever is on whoever's side of that equation. It works out, just about, and they head east in the Hyena scenario to the border, and out of the conflict zone.


I'd argue killing Hayden is probably more sensical- by this point, it's likely that the team have realised he's off his head, and Sean has to be the one to do the deed, being someone who was probably closest to him due to their similar attitude and overlapping personalities. Sean is barely holding it together, but he still has a semblance of what normality looks like. That said, the Hyena's life is not exactly great either- he disappears and becomes a grey man, and another one appears to be the "Hyena", proving that ultimately, it's just an arms dealing cartel that is faceless, formless and shapeless, making money indirectly for the right, and wrong governments on whim. His conscience to do the right thing is because he knew it went too far- but ultimately, someone has to pay that price. The Pack has problems, but here is where I think something interesting could happen.

Well, this is the bit I was really unsure about.

That said, all in after it's all said and done, I don't think it's a happy ending for Sean and Bethan. Writing their dynamic has been interesting because it's what happens when the love runs out in a relationship and instead, a hollowing happens- Sean is driven by a selfish dependency on violence, the kind a football hooligan might need in being warm blooded and able to deal with the hustle- but depressingly, if anything, it's because while not suffering from PTSD, at his core, he can't go back to being "civilian" - being a warrior is all he has, and he is addicted to being a mercenary now, it fills the void dealing drugs and working in gangs at home did, and most of all, he gets a very, very good life from it. Beth on the other hand started with her compassion, albeit a cold detachment in her work, and it affects her because she has no trust- because of her other half's behaviour. It evolves into her being a panther-like operative, quiet and able to adapt and rather than going in with heavy firepower, stalking, dropping and eliminating targets coldly and with precision. If Beth was good as a Marine before, she's now the other side of Sean's coin- a brooding, cold and calculated shooter that doesn't work on assaults and chaos, but on precision, torture and good black-box work. A thorough professional, but one that does it because it is needed, and her humanity is still there in terms of doing the right thing or at least, justifying the ends for the means.

This is what SIS adore, because it's like a special forces training bootcamp, but on steroids. Beth is a perfect operative- psychologically resilient enough to behave, and adaptable enough to do their dirty work- they kept their eye out while pulling British citizens out and now know what they have. Sean on the other hand, is a complete fucking rascal. So, Beth has her choice to make that was depicted at the start. She can go back to her life, hell, has a job offering. And a lot of money, and Sean should be getting the same. But they tell it true- Sean cannot come back to the UK given his reputation, and he accepts it after she tells him straightaway the situation, knowing full well there's no going back for him after some of the shit he's done and besides, there is a much better offering he can probably take. Working with the Pack is rather lucrative and can give him far more than a crap house in North Wales, and he has killed enough people by now to scare the shit out of people, earning him respect yet fear. Beth on the other hand is a ghost, and wants nothing but out of this, back to a regular job that pays and keeps her head low.

So let's just say some simple things have happened in the RP here to my two- Sean has become the bastard he truly can be, violent yet smart enough to navigate it, and fully embraced it, while Beth has watched her remaining innocence get taken they are doing it for the right reason- her beliefs in saving lives, her hope in people, all of it is eroded and gone. Beth is this quiet, clever operator because she survives, and does what is needed to live, while now while Sean's is full to the brim with the ability to thrive in that environment, and he wants nothing more than more of it somewhere else to make money, knowing full well, he's never going to go home. This horrifies Beth positively- they are now both broken and absolute savages, but one considers herself able to hold it together, knowing the other relishes it now.

Hate is stronger bound by history, and for them it's absolutely true. Instead of making them value each other more, while both becoming bloody, terrifying mercenaries, the outcome is almost stark.

Beth realises this and knows she has to fake his death alongside the Hyena, knowing if he's been swallowed whole and is so addicted to it, her humanity is going to die with his- and well, it's an easier story for SIS to buy. That's what happens- and Beth and Sean part ways, agreeing that this can't carry on, there is too much hurt and that while they love each other a lot, this can't ever be how it continues.

Except, SIS make it clear the now know what's going on. In the Hyena's place, a serious arms smuggling ring is still active and live as the pack continues, selling guns from Britain and western countries in places they shouldn't, with no money coming into the UK at all. In fact, Sean seems to be hanging around a lot of people of the Pack and is alive oddly enough, who have moved on and no less he's using his government paycheck to enable that- Sean's done incredibly well for himself out of all of this and even has his own security team, a shell of the Pack's operations to enable them to make more deals and involve themselves in more civil wars selling guns. He's not the Hyena, he's just an experienced face of it now.

At an airport on the way home she's taken aside and told that the deal is off, unless Sean is killed and given his protection now, and the fact he's out of country, nobody is getting to him easy bar Beth. She has a well paid job in the service as a station liaison in Morocco to look forward to, but any screw ups, and Beth won't ever be able to come back, or will get killed. Innocent he isn't, and Beth is called out on this- who denies it of course, and tells them it's the Hyena's doing while she got out of there after he killed him. Facts are never clear- but the point stands, her other half is now a direct security threat working in the vacuum of the Pack's operations, enabling it. Reminded that Sean is the reason for this whole fuck up in the first place, Beth is also reminded that had the Hyena have actually been killed by Sean, there's a good chance, hypothetically speaking, they would have known there wasn't something right.

Beth meets with him in Cape Town, wanting to exchange a last goodbye, and they head to a dock where he has a private boat now of all things. Talking about the past, Sean asks if she'd do anything differently- maybe getting it back together, living a life of luxury and keeping the money and status, the most of this. He wants to retire early, and put his feet up, watch the football and live out a good life, because this will eventually pay itself to a point where passports and a beach house with money for life are easy to find, as well as legitimate investments. With a tear in her eyes, she tells him nothing at all she would change, and right there and then, drives a knife through his throat, slicing it and dumping him into the sea, dead and dusted. There is no believing him, and no trust, and worse, nobody in there she can recognise apart from someone addicted, not changed, by doing hurt.

Bethan walks coldly out of the docks and into the city, with nobody left at all, tears flowing openly as the very last part of her humanity is now gone, dead with Sean. If Yekatarina is alive, the only phone call Beth makes is to her- and simply put, tells her it is done, there's no more left. If Sean sold her soul, then she made sure she'd never get it back, knowing that like him, there's never going to be any way back to this. The future is left uncertain- but safe to say, the feeling is bittersweet because Beth is now nobody, and never can aspire to go back to any kind of peace ever again, and like Sean has to buy into her version of it now for her days.
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