"Actions have consequences. I'm your consequence."B A S I C I N F O
◈ Name: Eleanor "Bane" Morgan
◈ Race: Human
◈ Age: 25 years old
◈ Gender: Female
C L A S S & S K I L L S
◈ Class: Mage Hunter (Ranger/Fighter specialized in hunting and disabling spellcasters)
◈ Powers/Abilities:
- Auravision: To be an efficient hunter of mages, Eleanor's most basic and yet most useful trick is reaching out to the Weave using magical senses. As the ability's name implies, it allows Eleanor to detect and see magical auras in the vicinity. If she takes time to analyze these auras, she can determine the school of magic of an individual aura and its strength. Eleanor uses this ability alongside her tracking skills to uncover hidden truths during her hunts.
- Blank Thoughts: To thwart opposing spellcasters' attempt at turning her into a mindless puppet or lead her astray, Eleanor has learned techniques to put herself into a state of mental absence. Under the influence of this technique, she becomes immune to mind-affecting abilities.
- Deflection: The most powerful ability in her mage-hunter arsenal, Eleanor can ready herself against an incoming spell to deflect/reflect it either back at the caster or somewhere else.
◈ Limitations:
- Limited focus: Reading the nature of a magical aura is surface-level only. As it requires focus to analyze an aura properly, Eleanor can only read a single aura at a time and do nothing else if she wants a good read. The strength of an aura is vague at best and very powerful auras can overwhelm her senses, temporarily dazing her.
- Absent-minded: Ironically, purging her thoughts requires a tremendous amount of focus for Eleanor, to the point one might consider her deafened and blind to everything else around her. During her trance, she will not speak or put her attention away from her quarry.
- Projectiles' Bane: Deflecting spells requires actual projectiles to work against. For example, Eleanor could easily reflect a fireball or a lightning bolt spell cast her way, but she can't deflect an explosion cast at her feet or a tempest of hail above her head.
◈ Skill Proficiencies:
- Survival: Elenaor is an expert hunter. The most of her profession is boiled down to tracking criminals and bringing them to justice. As such, she has acquired a lot of experience in following her quarries' footsteps and the traces they leave behind, magical or not. Her tasks often bring her outside town where she not only has to follow up on a trail but spend a lot of time outdoors and learn to adapt to the intricates of the wilderness.
- Perception: Just like her survival skills, a good hunter has honed her senses to pick up on clues concerning the whereabouts of her targets. Eleanor is particularly adept at finding the barely unseen if she sets her mind into it.
- Investigation: Detective work, see the skills above for explanation. The three skills complement each others for figuring out where she needs to go and the best way to apprehend a criminal.
◈ Skill Inabilities:
- Deception: Eleanor doesn't believe in the concept of telling lies to get what she wants. Her upfront and honest attitude would rather have her get into trouble for telling what's on her mind rather than sugar-coat it with half-truths or omission.
- Performance: She's a bad singer, she's a bad actor and she's sure as heck doesn't appreciate the idea of entertaining people. Eleanor is too much of a serious and discreet person to put herself into the spotlight.
- Sleight of hand: Eleanor won't stoop to a level where she needs skills to commit acts of thievery or hide objects on her person. If asked, she'll honestly reveal the contents of her traveling gear.
◈ Appearance:At first glance, one could easily mistake Eleanor for a male adventurer. For one, her face is pretty androgynous, presenting a smooth feminine appearance on sharp features. She has long dark brown hair that she often ties in a ponytail and forest-green eyes. She has also inherited the formidable physique of her family, standing at 5'11'' feet with broad shoulders and a lean frame. She often appears rough and rugged, fit for an adventurer spending her whole days kneeling in dirt and hands rummaging through dusty corners.
Eleanor prefers to wear a dark leather armor if she has to venture outside, favoring mobility over protection. She will however use a breastplate if she judges the protection necessary, depending where she goes. If she's not wearing any armor at all, she usually dresses in black trousers, a white collared shirt underneath a black vest, complete by a big dark cloak. She also prides in wearing the traditional vampire hunter hat, a signature apparel of her family's line of hunters.
◈ Personality:Most people interacting with Eleanor would describe her as a no-nonsense type of person, calm and level-headed individual with intense focus and a woman of few words.
In reality, Eleanor is simply anti-social. She has no real desire to speak to people more than needed and prefer to be in the company of animals (especially her steed) than an actual person. She's a natural loner who attends to her personal business and work with little help from outside sources unless required. She has the skills the make a good living by her own means, be it from inside the cities or in the great outdoors.
While she is not a people person, Eleanor is a honorable person who tends to do things by the book. Breaking the law means unwanted attention, and thus strive to be on her best behavior while in towns. She is also known to have worked for the law on more than one occasion. She can become quite pragmatic in her approach to hunting down dangerous criminals, but she will not use undue violence if it can be avoided.
She also appreciates winding down from a hard day of work with a pint of ale and a few puffs of tobacco.
◈ History:Eleanor comes from a line of hunters that started out from her great-grandfather. After years of vampire-hunter, her ancestor settled down with a wife and had kids of his own before a bone disease took him. From him, his descendants would learn and branch out into diverse areas of hunting. Her grandfather was a cleric who swore to purge as many undead from the land before he retired from a crippling knee injury, and her mother was an outstanding woodland hunter.
With the bloodline of hunters, it is of no surprise Eleanor continued the tradition, learning the arts of hunting from her mother. However, there was nothing real magical involved in this discipline. She hunted for food mostly, learning to track small and big game alike. Things began to change as life brought her to the big city. Eleanor's mother was sick, and so her father turned to civilization to try and find a cure to her ailment. Barely a week had passed, Eleanor was orphaned after a fiery incident. All she had ever learned from the event is that a pyromaniac had lost its temper in the inn and had the place burned to the ground before running off.
In the mind of a child hellbent on revenge, she turned everything she was taught into a single-minded quest. And to that end, she would seek out ways to carry out her revenge. Eleanor was still young at the time, she had enough time to learn to adapt what her parents taught her into a peculiar skillset that not many learn.
Ironically, the Church of Azuth played a pivotal part in her life. To find a rogue mage, what better place to look than a place of magic? She was no good at learning magic, but the peculiar order of Mage Slayers of Azuth had welcomed her in. Learning from her tragedy, they would turn her desire for vengeance and hunting skills into an efficient tool to track down those who would hurt the Weave and use it for misguided purpose. It is probably thanks to the church of Azuth that Eleanor did not turned out into becoming a mindless mage murderer. With their teachings, she learned that magic was neither good or evil, there were only people with honorable or malicious intents. Fortunately, she came to tame her anger and hatred into a focused mission.
After years of learning under the Church of Azuth, Eleanor set out into the world. She would put the all the skills she learned so far into use to make herself a dangerous but decent living. While hunting mages abusing of their talents was something she was trained for, she did come out of the church with a better purpose. She'd cooperate with local law enforcement as an independent investigator and bring criminals of all kinds into custody, dead or alive. You could say she effectively became a bounty hunter in those regards, but she doesn't like the ring it has to it.
◈ Goals:Azuth's mage slayers gave her a basic purpose, but her upbringings and her own moral compass gave Eleanor her own motivations to pursue the kind of life she is now leading. Laws in the big cities were needed to make keep people from being harmed. While she's no official, she would take the mantle of law enforcer to bring wrong-doers and criminals into custody to keep the peace.
Fact is, the Weave is neither good or evil, but magic is still very much dangerous when put into the wrong hands. To keep mages from harming innocents, Eleanor has sworn to use and perfect her own talents to counter those senseless spellcasters. It is her mission, born from the constant reminder of her own tragic background. She will do anything to prevent history from repeating itself.
She might not have the lofty goals most adventurers have, but her reason to fight is enough to keep her going. If she can spare even just one life from being taken by misdeeds, she will have considered her life fulfilled for when she draws her last breath. Much like her ancestors, she will fight for what she believes in until she no longer can, or until death takes her.