In space, nobody can hear you RP.

Greetings to everyone! I've recently redubbed myself Big McLargehuge, but feel free to call me anything you like. I'm an anime and manga fan from the United States (CST), and I especially love science fiction and fantasy. My tastes range from military sci-fi like "Starship Troopers" and "All You Need is Kill" to slightly darker takes on the magical girl genre in a vein similar to Madoka Magica. But some quick points about me:
- I'm a heterosexual male in my twenties who only speaks English, and I've been RPing since I was in school. I don't really care about a potential partner's gender or identity IRL, as long as they're understanding and enjoy some OoC chat and meme-sharing.
- I find it extremely helpful if partners make use of emojis/emoticons to convey tone and intent in OoC.
- I work four days a week, but I have other responsibilities on other days. On top of this I deal with issues that may get in the way of RPing, including depression, anxiety, and several physical issues.
- When working on RPs, I like to make basic character sheets. However, using pictures of real people is a hard no for me, as looking people in the eye makes me incredibly uncomfortable.
- Unless I really get to know someone on here, the odds of me adding anyone outside of here (Discord, etc.) are incredibly low. Let's just say I've made mistakes in the past that I'd rather not repeat.
So what am I looking for for RPs? Well, let's make a little list of themes that I enjoy, to start us off!
- Romance (I love romantic subplots in RPs, but they're not necessary; in particular I prefer MxF--with me playing the M--and FxF)
- Military science fiction (using big guns and power armor to fight giant bugs and lizard people!)
- Magical girls (and boys, to a certain extent)
- Monsters (I especially have a soft spot for kaiju)
- Monster girls (Okayado-sensei is entirely to blame for this one)
Some favorite fandoms of mine:
- Monster Hunter (would love to play as my Hunter Ryuuko)
- Digimon (really, I love an excuse to be a character with EdgyDinodramon as a partner)
- SAO Alternative: Gun Gale Online (really, I love the concept of GGO, and would love to play a version of GGO where people get trapped in the game; plus Sinon and Pitohui are BAE <3)
- Jurassic Park/World
- The art of Ari Hinoko/Kamemaru
- More to come, ask for anything else!
I plan on fleshing this out, but I wanted to get something up and running.
If interested, please send me a PM. ^^ And, if possible, try to keep your opening PM short, and to the point.