Hidden 1 yr ago Post by wulfin
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Hi there! Thanks for opening the door to the world of imagination. I'm wulfie or Wulfin whichever you'd like. Or you could call me some odd color for all I care. :) I'm new to the site but not to role play by any means. I've been doing role play for over 15 years. Kind of an addict I suppose since I haven't outgrown it. Funny, everyone thinks you'll outgrow it at some point but not I said the rabbit. So now that you know how long I've been doing this let's cover some other things. Like... why you opened the door. Aside from the pretty cool title. Admit it the title was clever. Anywhhooo says the owl. I'm pretty advanced at role play replies as I tend to write novels I suppose. I enjoy the inner thoughts and details of scenes it really helps gather information about characters both played out by myself and you. The building of the story is always important. Just like you build up your room from being just walls I enjoy adding things to my stories. That being said be warned, I don't do short stories. I enjoy stories lasting a while. I also do mostly one on one role plays as groups tend to have me confused, should I do groups I tend to go no higher than 3 people including myself. I enjoy fantasy, just in case the title didn't tell you that already. And a dash of struggling romance. I mean real life isn't all cut and dry after all, we all struggle and within that tends to allow the characters to grow and develop in my opinion. The build up and arching of characters really help bring them to life. On Discord I had a server that I worked extremely hard on many of my characters giving them journals from their past as well as at one point a playlist of songs they'd listen to. Yeah that's how crazy I can get about my characters when I bring them to life. I still have a good many of those characters and journals saved up. I have a variety of characters even know I'd love to play ranging from softer to much more difficult to get to know personalities.

My interests? Oh you mean besides putting up a door to aid in interesting people such as yourself walking through? Well, I enjoy watching animes, listening to my husband play video games, and even walking around my neighborhood. Playing with my kids is also an enjoyment for me. I suppose accidentally running a keeping animals shelter should be among that too. .

So if any of this has caught your interest and you've read this far, wow. I must have really got your eye glued to the screen. :) Thanks first of for reading this much. This is just a piece of what I can do with my replies. I am also able to do at least one reply typically a day when I don't forget I'm on here. I tend to forget websites exist since unlike discord you don't really get notifications, unless you count emails and honestly I personally get so many of those that I tend to ignore them. Well, this was supposed to be the wrap up so just message me if you're interested in talking I suppose? Oh you can leave the door open when you leave too. :) Anyway, have a wonderful day/night/time you reside inside, even if it's in another world.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

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