It was hot, and not the pleasant, damp kind of hot that Hemlock was used to. No, this was a dry, arid heat that beat down on every part of his body with no protection of tall trees. Not like the jungle. In the jungle he could laze underneath the wide leaves to avoid the sun, but here in the desert there was no escaping its burning gaze.
There was no way to escape the burning gaze of the other dragons that stood around him either. He had fled with the others who were escaping Pantala as the strange dragons had seemed to appear from nowhere. Sharp fangs, burning fire, all preceded ominously by the sound of rattling tails. He didn't know where they had come from, and from what he'd overheard from the others he was huddled with, they didn't either. He didn't think they'd even been thinking when they'd leapt out of the side of the jungle over open water. He was just glad they were lucky enough to go in the right direction to hit another land mass.
Even if the right direction led him to this forsaken place. The curious, occasionally hostile, looks he got from the residents of what he'd learned was the Sand Kingdom (fitting) filled him with nervous dread. He didn't know how he was supposed to act, so he just didn't. Instead he stuck close to one of the other Leafwings that he had gotten to know a bit during their flight. A small, pale green dragon with unique shades of purple to her wings called Juniper.
The two of them had been herded into a makeshift camp, if it could even be called that, on the outside of the city walls. Really just a few sheets of cloth strung up on poles that had been haphazardly pushed into the ground as some sort of makeshift shelter for them. He got a hesitant feeling they weren't welcome. He wasn't sure he'd feel welcome anywhere though. Instead he fiddled with the leaves and insects that were in his father's pouch. It gave him something to do aside from staring at the stingers that tipped the tails of their SandWing "escorts." Or wonder if what was no doubt venom that came from it would give them resistance to some kinds of poisonous plants. A curious notion.
"Something got your tail in a twist?" The light, quiet voice of Juniper asked from where she was leaned against his side. They were all wedged underneath the covers as much as they could be. "You've been awfully quiet. Not even telling me about plants."
Hemlock turned to stare at his tail, it decidedly was not twisted, before looking back to her, "No, nothing's touched my tail." The laugh he got in response only further confused him. He shrugged lightly, "Not many plants around her to talk about." Normally he could tell when plants were nearby, speak to them, use them. There was none of that here.
Instead he set his eyes looking around. Landing on the SandWings that stood around them plus a few other dragons of varying shapes, sizes, and colors that didn't match. Supposedly they were here to help move them around to other places. Find a place to stay. There was one large solid black dragon wandering amongst them, silver scales on the underside of their wings that he found particularly strange. Surely black wasn't a good color here. Maybe he'd ask what they were should they wander his way.