Leo Clark
Age: 18
Role: One of the princess' warrior/suitors
Powers She is extremely acrobatic, and very skilled with her straight sword. She also has a special mount - a white unicorn. The unicorn is fairly intelligent, but it doesn't speak. It has minor magical powers, primarily purifying materials and healing injuries. Unicorns traditionally only allow women to ride them.
Bio: Ms. Clark was born as "Constance". However, she was fated to leave that name far behind her. Her father held an important military position, and so her family was always well-to-do, living in a nice manor staffed with servants. However, her parents were never able to conceive a son before the death of her mother - and so it seemed that their position would one day have to be filled by another family. But Leo proved to be a very energetic and tomboyish young woman, who got into all kinds of trouble during her childhood. She always admired mounted knights, and she even begged her father to train her with the sword. He was reluctant at first, but eventually the girl came to develop a real skill for dueling. By the time she was of age, she was far superior to him in one-on-one combat. She sparked the romantic interest of several men, but she turned them all away in her self-confidence.
It became clear that Leo would make a fine officer, after all, especially as she matured and became more refined in her mannerisms. She and her father came to an understanding, and it was decided that she would join the army to make a name for herself. She started as a ranking officer due to her family's influence. She's been enlisted for less than a year, but she has already received multiple promotions and commendations. In particular, she became known for driving off an enemy force under difficult conditions.
Her unit got caught up in the unexpected invasion of the town of Grasswall. Despite being vastly outnumbered, she commanded her men brilliantly. She successfully evacuated all the town's civilians, and eventually she managed to beat back the enemy force. This has earned her the title "the Hero of Grasswall". On another occasion she returned from a campaign riding on a unicorn - apparently having earned the creature's respect. This feat in itself caused quite a sensation among the nobles, and since then there always seems to be a spectacle whenever she makes public appearances.
Personality: Leo is keen and highly perceptive. She knows how to conduct herself, and she has a strong composure. However, she is a passionate person in the end. Her personal sense of justice sometimes gets the better of her duties. Sometimes she gets a wild streak, and takes time off from her office to chase her own wild fancies. But she is a courageous warrior and a loyal friend. Her heart is unstained by greed or envy; she is a model knight.