Cyberpunk: Rogue
Please note that this is an INVITE ONLY RP and is currently FULL.
While we appreciate any and all interest, we've decided to make this a tight knit little group.

Gooood evening Night City!
This is your host, Stan the man, coming at you choombas with the latest in news!
Whooo boy do we have the exclusive for-you-to-night.
What a crazy year it has been (and I’m not just talking about the cyberpsycho’s). Talk about a story of rags to riches. Rising to Legend status, the Solo, V, burst onto the scene from no-where.
Rumour has it that the famous Merc was once a Corpo work for Arasaka who was fired and thrown to the bottom of Night City. After a heist gone wrong, V was stuck with the (in)famous Johnny Silverhand in his head!
A death sentence, the Solo raged a one man war against the city to save himself but ultimately decided that trust in Arasaka was best. Did the young merc have a hand in saving the princess and returning the king to his throne? We’ll never know! But Saburo is back, baby and the stocks of the world's largest Mega-Corp are cranking through the roof! I mean, maybe Saburo should’ve stolen the body of his son long ago.
Haha! I kid.
We have asked the leader of the Aldecado’s, the feisty Panam Palmer, for a comment but the Nomad crew already have Night City in their rear lights!
So what happened to the legendary Solo and his digital rocker companion? No one knows for sure, there are reports of Johnny being confiscated by Arasaka officials and V last seen at the Orbital Air Space Center.

Night City always has a story to tell.
Arasaka, the world's foremost Mega-Corp has just staved off a coup. With the help of the legendary merc, V, Saburo returned to the land of the living, stealing the body of his son by using their famed Soulkiller program. Any anger over this has quickly fallen to the side as Arasaka’s stocks drove through the roof, making anyone who bet on their horse instantly rich.
Militech’s stocks, on the other hand, have dipped to an all time low. The company has gone dark with rumours of them working on something big.
There’s murmurs in the shadows, whispers of a 5th Corporate War brewing. Maybe it’s just the hopeful dream of the NUSA or maybe there’s some stock in it. Whatever the case, the world barely survived the last one and the people aren’t keen to try to survive another.
Despite what the NCPD claim, kidnappings are up. The Scavs are becoming bold and more numerous by the day. They’ve laid waste to Maelstrom, cutting a bloody swarve through Watson, only coming to a halt when the Tiger Claws dipped their toe in the mix. The district is a battle zone with the Police cutting off access at the bridges, hoping the two gangs will just kill each other off.
Elsewhere, Pacifica is also going through the motions. With the leadership of the Voodoo Boys decimated, the Animals moved in hard and fast. NCPD couldn’t care less about Pacifica though, their unofficial statement is “Once a hellhole, always a hellhole.”
Out in the Badlands, life stirs. The Aldecado’s may have left but bands of Snake Nation clans have been seen through the dust. One source has even claimed to see a Technomancer but those reports have gone unverified. But Nomads in the Badlands isn’t news, no, something else is out there. Liberdade is the word on the tip of everybody’s tongue. Seems some still are pissed about the soul stealing Arasaka corpos, or hell, maybe they’re just fed up with the dystopian nightmare the Mega-Corps are so fond of. Either way, claims from the NCPD say the mysterious group is responsible for several high profile net-heists, runners stealing a whole lot of dough.
While the police are yet to catch any members, the Corpos are playing it cool, for now at least.
What does all this mean? Well, if you’re a Merc, it means business is good. Jobs are a plenty, with new Fixers rising through the ranks on the daily. Bands and Solo’s are all attempting to grab the spotlight and word is that Afterlife has never seen so much activity.
But as I said, Night City always has a story to tell and this one is yours.
You’ve been kidnapped. Maybe you were jumped in an alley, maybe you drank the wrong drink, watched the wrong brain dance. Whatever you did, the Scavs got you. Now normally, you’d wake up a few augmentations lighter or never at all but you’ve lucked out. You’ve woken in a cell.
This isn’t the usual dingy type of cell found in a Scav basement. This is clean, sterilised clean; smooth with a modern, yet simple aesthetic. There’s nothing in your cell but a bed attached to the wall and a reflective forcefield along with three other walls.
Welcome to Cyberpunk: Rogue