Desmond Orenthius
Age: Late 20s/Early 30s
Height / Weight: 5”11’ / 174lbs
Race: Human
Occupation: Aspiring Journalist
Desmond has dark hair, pale skin, and not so tall as to stand out from the crowd; he dresses well, if a little plainly, preferring a healthy mix of practicality and style. His self-presentation varies from day to day - sometimes he will be freshly shaven and wearing his best clothes, when he’s headed somewhere nice; others, he will be scruffier, perhaps due to it being at the end of a long week.
A quiet individual who prefers to keep to himself in social settings, he’s a suave and intelligent speaker in more personal conversations. While most of the time he speaks and sounds like a man of high education, if his guard is down, or he is surrounded by more working-class folk, a brusquer accent will tend to slip out. His sense of justice is finely honed - he’s not above a little trickery to keep people safe and to get closer to the truth; if it pays off in the end, it will have been worth it.
Desmond was born in Caledon, though he’s only returned to the city proper very recently. Lucky to have become an educated man, he’s found himself respectable lodgings and is currently on something of a job search, to little success. Much of his time is instead spent on perusing the papers, and he finds himself wondering at these so-called strange occurrences that have been occurring around the city. And he does wonder, if he managed to go to the papers having uncovered the secrets behind one of these occurrences, then he might find himself in possession of a job and a steady income.