We begin our story in a world very similar to the one we know. It's mostly untouched, filled with the same bustling cities, sprawling landscapes, diverse cultures, and complex social dynamics. Yet, upon closer inspection, the differences would become clear. Brand names and corporations have changed. Familiar giants of industry wear different logos, or operate under alternative names, and other companies may have risen or fallen in unexpected ways. While the grand tapestry of history remains consistent, certain threads have frayed or been rewoven in ways that we might not have noticed had they not been pointed out. Key events may have transpired slightly differently, leading to altered treaties, new alliances, or cultural shifts. It's the sort of different that someone on the outside looking in might not notice at first, but they'd start to see the changes rapidly once they spent any time here.

October 23, 2024 was the day that all of those similarities came to a screeching halt. That morning, thousands of people from across the world were invited to play a game. The individual invitations were as varied as they were mysterious. A cryptic message written in the back of a text book, an enigmatic app on a smartphone, or even a UI overlay that spontaneously appeared over a person's normal vision. No matter the medium, the message was clear and consistent: They had been chosen to be competitors in this game. There was no explanation of the rules, no mention of the end goal, only the option to acknowledge that they had been selected, and then a single line of text consisting of two words 'Summon Now'

The selected players had become Summoners, and like their name implied, they had been given the power to summon others to fight for them -- unlike the summoners in games, or fantasy stories though, these summoners were given the ability to summon people. Or rather, a specific person, as each individual summoner only started with the capacity to summon a single other person. In addition to their ability to summon this person however, they gained the ability to improve them, shaping that one person however they wished, to accomplish whatever tasks the summoner required of them.

And that's where we find ourselves now, at the very beginning of The Summoner Game. The contestants have been chosen, now without any guidance from the mysterious game master they have to decide what they want to do with their newfound power, and figure out the rules of this game they've become a part of.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns, my PMs are open.