Name: Conner Waters
Age: 18

Appearance: Conner is tall and lean, standing at exactly six feet tall. He has slender well defined swimmers body that he is very happy to show off. He spends plenty of time out in the sun, and thus has a lightly tanned skin complexion. He has a boyish heart shaped face, with big brown eyes, and a small nose. He keeps his brunette hair spiked up in the front, a style he thinks is cool. He can most often be seen with a grin on his face.
Most of his wardrobe is just blue stuff… He likes wearing tight fitting tank tops to show off his physique. He prefers wearing sandals for footwear. He always wears his swim trunks underneath his clothes.
Personality: Conner is a spontaneous and outgoing young man. He likes to have fun. His favorite activities are surfing, swimming, playing video games, and reading comic books. He enjoys socializing with others and being the center of attention. He is an handshaking, touching kind of guy. He openly expresses affection through hugs, holding hands, as well as stroking and grabbing shoulders. He particularly likes flirting with attractive guys. He makes friends easily, and will happily chat up strangers if they interest him somehow. He enjoys social situations, and believes that everyone else would too. He's likely to convince people who he perceives as being lonely to come along with things like 'come on, you'll enjoy it!' or 'you don't know what you're missing!' While he does need to spend time alone once in a while, he gets bored if he does it too long. He values all his relationships, and will happily stick with anyone he considers a friend.
He can often be found with a smile on his face, even during stressful situations. He often makes jokes, when the situation is tense to lift people's spirits. He may tease others in a 'playful' way, and expect them not to 'take it so seriously.' He does feel bad if somebody does actually get their feelings hurt by what he says. Sometimes his attempts at humor are read as him not taking the situation seriously. While he does joke around a lot, he is capable of getting things done. He just doesn't feel the need to be so dour about it. He often suggests that others not be so serious.
Conner enjoys showing off his skills for others in order to get praise. He is prone to bragging about the things he is good at. He does it in a 'look at this awesome thing I can do!' way, rather than an 'I'm better than you.' way. He will often be the first one to jump into battle just to show off the cool stuff he can do with water.
He likes to live in the moment rather than dwelling on the past. This means Conner is not the best when it comes to organization, or planning. Due to his lack of planning ahead, it makes him impulsive, and he tends to jump into things without a second thought. He gets bored when he is not sufficiently stimulated, and will complain about being bored. He is also not the most tidy person. He does clean up his mess after the fact if it's pointed out to him, but he has trouble avoiding making a mess in the first place.
Growing up a member of a rich family that has high standards, and a seemingly perfect older sister has given him a number of insecurites. He’s always worried about not being good enough, and that he doesn’t belong anywhere. He feels like he has something to prove. He wants to have a purpose in life. He tries to hide his worries behind a mask of being a cool laid back surfer dude, but they’re always there. It manifests as envy towards people he thinks are better than him.
History Conner grew up in an upscale area. Conner was the youngest son of the wealthy and prominent Waters family. His parents were quite strict, and they had high standards for their kids. Conner had an older sister named Arianna, and she was the the apple of the family’s eye, at least it appeared that way to Conner. She was beautiful, talented, intelligent, and it felt like she could do no wrong. To him, it always seemed like anything he could do she could do better.
In his teenage years, Conner gave up trying to live up to the high standards set by his sister. He only did just well enough in school to get by, and spent a lot of time slacking off. He would often act up in class, and get himself into trouble. There were days where he would cut class to go to the beach and surf. Surfing was one of his favorite activities. It was definitely something Arianna wouldn’t do. He enjoyed the thrill and adrenaline high of catching a big wave.
Conner’s parents wanted him to go to college after finishing high school, but Conner isn’t so sure about that. He struggled in school, so why would he want to do more of it? Besides, he would only be compared to his sister who got accepted to a big fancy university. He’s kind of tired of it. He currently works at a local surf shop, and has dreams of being a pro surfer, but doesn’t really know how to go about doing that.

Magical Form: The first thing you’ll notice about Conner’s magical form, is that his hair and eyes turn blue. Two blue jewels with wings attached to them sit on either side of his head. A headband of blur coral, shells, and pearls sit in the middle of his forehead. He has white pauldrons with blue symbols carved into it. He has a blue chestplate. He has a blue tunic under it that falls to his knees. Covering his legs are a pare of white tights, as well as blue armor plates around his hips. He wears white and blue boots as his footwear, and blue gauntlets to around his hands and arms. The look is completed with a long flowing blue cape.
Weapon His Weapon is a long blue trident. The weapon is ornately decorated with a lot of mysterious symbols carved into it, and a blue clamshell in the center. The handle of the trident is designed to look like it has an octopus tentacle wrapped around it.
Abilities: Conner’s water magic grants him control over water in various forms. He can shape liquid water, freeze it into ice, and turn it into steam. He can manipulate water currents, create water projectiles, and even heal using water’s rejuvenating properties. He can also breathe under water.
Name: Chesi
Appearance: A small blue dolphin.
Personality: Chesi was once a powerful water sorceress. She is not happy about being stuck in this form, and longs to be human again. Still, she tries to make the best of the situation. That involves being a mentor figure to Conner and the other boys. She tries to maintain a calm levelheaded demeanor, and likes to analyze situations before jumping in to things. Something Conner does not do very well with. In spite of her current circumstances, she maintains her dry sense of humor, that she uses to cope, and bring levity to serious moments.