Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by H3N741
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H3N741 Lewd-o-matic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

It hasn't been all that long since the wider world became aware of the existence of sapient non-human creatures, previously thought only to exist in legends and stories from the annals of human history. Colloquially known as Extra-Species, these monster races have begun to make an effort to integrate into human society. These integration programs are still in their early days and, while most everyone has heard of the non-humans, few average citizens have ever actually seen one in person.

While interesting to hear about on the news, these revelations don't really mean much to you. Your life, until now has been resoundingly, outstandingly, amazingly, average. You're just a normal guy with normal ambitions: Do well in school, have a small group of close, fun friends, and a cute girlfriend. Though you've yet to accomplish that last goal, you're still content with your normal, uneventful high school life. But that life gets suddenly a bit more eventful when a beautiful new classmate arrives. Your school is about play host to one of it's first ever Extra-Species transfer students. A Succubus named Lynais.

Hey there, if you've made it this far thanks for reading my little 1x1 idea. The general idea I've got in mind for this is a fun anime-esque smutty rom-com type story, based loosely on concepts like Interviews with Monster Girls, Monster Musume and Itadaki Seieki. Lots of sexy misunderstandings and lewd hijinks, etc. So if that sounds like something that might interest you please go ahead and drop me a PM and we'll see what fun we can create together. <3

Just a few things to keep in mind should you wish to RP with me.
-Firstly you MUST be 18 years or older.
-This is intended to be of mid-casual quality, so spell checking and no sentence posting is a must.
-RP will take place through the PM system only.
-When making a character, please don't use real life pictures for the faceclaim.
-Most importantly, have fun! If you're not enjoying yourself, please let me know so that we can work things out.

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