So I Recently replayed the video game 'Mechanicus' Where an explorator fleet of amdech and skitarii seek to plunder an awakening necron tombworld before the various lords, cryptek machines and other defenses fully come online. It's an excellent game and you should definetly buy and play it, it's alot of fun and has a truly banger OST.
I'm looking for any interested parties willing to try a game based specifically on the admech, similar to the idea of the video game Mechancius. Only in this the players aren't taking on the role of tech-priests but skitarii Alphas and primes leading their respective squads. Being part of an explorator fleet galavanting around the Imperium Nhilus trying to recover archeotech, kill xenos, and preferably not die in the process.
To that end any infantry squad is open to players. For reasons I hope are obvious, i'm not inclined to allow people things like onager operators or arial pilots, As those skitarii are almost always irrevocably hard-wired into their respective machines, much like a space marine dreadnought. They can't exit outside of them/cannot always interact with the rest of the players or the world around them.
So the options that are on the table for players range from skitarii Rangers and Vanguard, to Sicarians, Pteraxii, serberys riders, etc. I'm even open to the idea of a datasmith with a pair/trio of Kastelan robots, or a low level techpriest/enginseer directing a squad of kataphrons. But for those I would prefer a larger player pool as I would likely only allow one of each datasmith/kataphron squad. A smaller player pool would be limited more strictly to traditional 'troops & infantry' choices.
One's primary character would be their squad Alpha, but feel free to give as much or as little personality to other squad members. Kind of like shaping your own kill teams. Which is the vibe i'm going for here. As your squads earn battlefield achievements and honours they can earn equipment, cybernetic upgrades, i'm even toying with the idea of how to implement a battle honours/battle scars system like Kill team had. It'll be difficult for a freeform game, but not a system style game. So it's something i'm open to feedback on. Whether the game should be freeform or some kind of system/stat blocks/behind the scenes dice rolling going on
If the group ends up becoming large enough then I would welcome a co-gm.