As the sky lit up with shooting stars, Kieran felt Conner's hand on his. Blushing, he returned the grip. After this, he resolved even as his nerves jangled, he'd confess. He'd work up the courage, and then he'd tell Conner while he still had the chance.
A strange sight snapped him from his thoughts. The stars arranged themselves into a vortex, like a spiral galaxy, growing by the second. Before he could say or do anything, glowing tendrils shot out, grabbing him and the others. His insides jolted as if he were falling, until his hands and knees struck solid, grassy ground.
"Ugh... Can't say I've heard any folklore of shooting stars doing this!" Propping himself into a sitting position, he stared around in awe and bewilderment. They'd all found themselves in some kind of forest clearing, lit only by luminescent mushrooms and the multicoloured aurora overhead. All he could glean of where they were was that this wasn't Earth. "Ehhh, let's hope this isn't like one of my dad's comics." Storylines involving people trapped in dark, hellish worlds filled with monsters replayed through his head, and cold sweat beaded at the back of his neck. At least if this turned out to be one such world beneath its pretty surface, he'd know from the comics what not to do. "Everyone alright? We've got to stick together no matter what."
He staggered to his feet, brushing himself off and giving the many pairs of eyes that stared out wary glances. One pair advanced, a small form scampering into the light, revealing itself to be an ermine. A talking ermine, dressed in a crown and robe, announcing its presence with a loud "HEY!"
Stunned into silence, Kieran watched as the ermine, who introduced himself as Basil, scampered onto Deuel's shoulder. A glow enveloped Deuel, and vanished as quickly as it had appeared, leaving him in a suit of ornate armour befitting of a paladin. Or rather, the chosen one, as Basil explained. The chosen one tasked with the duty of leading an adventuring party.
"Hold up." Kieran's eyebrows furrowed. "Is this some kind of prank you're trying to pull? What's actually going on here?" As someone who liked to play a fair few pranks himself, he recognised something put-on about Basil's tone. Ciel expressed a similar sentiment, pointing out the faulty logic - as much as any of this could even be called logical.
Sure enough, another creature that could only be an animal companion approached. A flying dolphin by the name of Chesi, settling on Conner's shoulder. Kieran stepped back as water swirled around Conner, transforming him as the light had transformed Deuel. His mouth fell open. "Wow... I... That... That's neat. That's beyond neat." Conner stood there in a sea-blue tunic and cape, with pauldrons and gauntlets bearing water drop patterns. His hair had changed colour to match his outfit, and he gripped a trident as he struck a pose.
"Oh for the love of magic, did you really think you were fooling anyone?" came a loud, sharp voice from above. Kieran raised his head to see a longhaired black cat perched on a tree branch, her green glare fixed on Basil. "Anyway, it's MY turn to explain." Head and tail held high, she turned her attention to Kieran. "I'll have you know, I am Archmage Melanthe, or Melanthe the Magnificent if you prefer. The fact that you saw through Basil's pack of lies proves you're maybe a little smarter than you look, so you've probably figured out this is a duty you've all got to share, while we make sure you don't get in over your heads."
She climbed down onto Kieran's shoulder, sitting in a regal pose like an Egyptian goddess sculpture. "Can't say I was expecting someone so scrawny to help save Arcanum, but oh well. Considering your friends here, I doubt I need to tell you what to do."
Kieran nodded, his thoughts whirling too fast for him to take offense. "Well, here goes nothing..." Melanthe's presence had brought a surge of energy, welling in his chest, waiting for him to tap into it. As soon as he focused inwards, it swelled outwards. Wisps of shadow whirled around him, starting at his feet and rising to his head until they cloaked him completely. They evaporated as quickly as they'd formed.
The first thing Kieran noticed was the change in his eyesight. His surroundings appeared sharper, brighter, even against the night, as he cast his gaze down. His T-shirt and swim shorts had changed into a black bodysuit, with a ragged cape that seemed more shadow than substance, and silver accents at his waist, arms and legs. Dual sheathes on his hips held daggers.
"Oh wow..." Glancing from Conner to Deuel, he gave a breathless laugh. "Looks like I really did unleash my inner warlock."
"Excuse me!" Melanthe bristled, earning a wince from Kieran as she dug her claws in ever so slightly. "I think you'll find I did. And you'd better take this seriously, because let me tell you, Arcanum's seen better days."