Interactions: MAGPIE, Ava, HACHIDORI
The Beach
Like some metallic Christmas, explosions and sparks swam around King Gizzard as the shell tore the top of the transport ship asunder. Letting loose a volley of occasional shotgun fire at any drone or jet that came too close for comfort. The timing was tricky, but they'd swoop in close enough that a direct hit from the blast would all but delete them from existence. It provided the shell with breathing room and gave Hachidori a chance to conserve energy in any case.
The shells departed, eviscerated circuitry and a rapidly descending dropship providing them with a climactic exit. Gizzard was quick to begin swooping in and out the second it hit the floor, giving an erratic pattern to evade the squad of fighter jets responding to their carnage. It slid into the dark embrace of an undestroyed flush of trees, emerging only once given confirmation that the jets were history. Surrounded by continued fighting and the arrival Kingfisher, Gizzard ran his finger across the strings.
"Put some funk on for me, Gizzard!"
"Sure, how 'bou-" He winced, the sound of God's kick drum and a wave of blue engulfed King Gizzard in its light. He knew. He just knew before Ava's nails on fuckin' chalkboard voice rung in his cockpit.
"... Ossifrage-80 down. The good news is that you all will get her share of the payment for this mission."
He frowned, deeply. Expression shifting only when he realised he was close to snapping the metallic strings clean off Old Boy with how white his knuckles had turned. He hadn't been particularly nice to Ossifrage, much the same as he'd been equally unpleasant to everyone else. Even still, the suddenness of her death and the casualness of its dismissal fucking angered him. He could already feel it was going to be a long night when he hit town.
"I want Gizzard and Hachidori to rip the thing to shreds with their weapons. Copy?"
"Yeah, loud an' fuckin' clear." He said, flipping her off like a petulant teenager. His direct feed might have been off but he was eighty percent sure Ava could see him regardless.
A downstroke, King Gizzard sprung to life - eager to rejoin the fight.
Repeated strokes, faster and faster, turning into a menacing line as the shell began moving towards the big bastard of an auto-shell. Rage filled the pilot's heart, but focused, familiar. His eyes narrowed, ignoring the scrambler placed on its FCS. You didn't need to be accurate with Gizzard's weaponry to make it hurt.
"Gizzard, let's hit it at the same time. I'm going at it from behind. Over,"
"Ok! Keep your finger on the trigger, I'm gonna keep this fucker entertained while I get in close!" A red blur emerged on the open. Letting out a single shot from its gun to herald its arrival and keeping the other in reserve. King Gizzard moved like rusty kissed water, making sure to weave through every bit of Ushi-Oni return fire - as well as ensuring enough room to avoid another big-ass laser blast.
The performance within the shell rang out across the beach. Crescendoing with the revving buzzsaw on King Gizzard's arm as it approached its quarry. Closer and closer.
"Rip it!" Gizzard yelled, swinging for the fences while expecting a stream of blue energy from Hachidori's blades to pierce through the glorified robot.