Greetings and thank you in advance for your time!

If you'd like to know a little about me, check out my Intro here.

I've listed some plots that have been floating around in my head. I love collaborating on a story, so input is definitely welcome! I want to hear your ideas. Feel free to twist and bend them. Let's get creative.

A few things to touch on before I get to the good stuff:

1. I'm a middle aged woman. Please be over 18.

2. I'm married and I want to stay that way. If you're looking for love, I'm not your gal.

3. Speaking of love... I'm a sucker for romance, but I don't write smut. Fade-to-black only; we can discuss the limits more in messages.

4. Female characters come easier for me, although I can and will use male NPCs as needed.

5. My style is somewhere between casual and advanced. I prefer decent grammar and spelling, and writing in third person past tense.

Now the good stuff, as promised!