Name: Shirley Dayflower Garnerville
Nickname: Kalyn - This is a nickname her mother gave her to signify she had greater things to accomplish in the world.
Birthdate: February 20th
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Guild: Dragon’s Cry - She joined the guild a year ago before her 13th birthday.
Rank: Standard Mage

Additionally, she wields a family possession on her waist, which is called the Sky Tears Sword. She was given this family heirloom sword, since it always has a strange weird air about it. It is like if it is watching what is going on, if it had feelings and it usually starts to rain whenever it is in use for some odd reason.
She wears a beautiful necklace around her neck, that is of the Garnerville family name. It holds significant value to her but otherwise it's priceless. It holds her birthstone, which is an amethyst to signify, which birth month she was born on. It is a beautiful gold, silver necklace with about six diamonds surrounding her birthstone.
She wears about a cute baby blue bracelet on her left wrist. It usually classifies herself as a finder of great and exciting adventures while searching for her lot in life. She can’t help but hope she finds the right path in her journey in joining a magic guild so she can make money.
She has a birthmark on her upper left shoulder blade. The shape of her birthmark is a flower. Because she got this birthmark, which is very rare in the Garnerville family. It skips about three generations before another one is born with this birthmark. She loves her birthmark with all her heart.
She wears cute glasses when she read books, mostly the insightful books anyway. The glasses are bluish green frames with normal glasses type frames, for her eyes. She carries two extra pairs of reading glasses just in case.
She carries around with her a pretty good sized purse for all her things, that her family’s money bought for her. It contrasts with her outfit pretty cutely, it is classified as a purse for an highly rich girl. It has pockets for almost anything she usually carries with her, including her two extra pairs of reading glasses and her wallet for money, it has a letter from her wonderful parents telling her to go out into the world and find a job as a wizard, and many other things.
She is about 5’4” feet tall and weighs about 125 pounds.

This guild mark is on her right leg and its color is green. It signifies she’s apart of the Dragon’s Fury Magic Guild. Her facial features when getting this guild mark was overjoyed, she was excited.
Shirley’s voice is soft spoken and aesthetically pleasing to the ears. In terms, her voice is that of a rich person, who doesn’t seem to act like a proper rich person. Her tone of voice is that of a girl, feeling out her way in the world. She does this simply being herself and watching the world around her. Her emotional imbalance, has gotten her in trouble much with people she outright says sorry to if she yells at them or cries in front of them.
Shirley has a very positive outlook on life, it's mostly because she was raised in a great home. She is apart of the social elite in Fiore. Most people mistake her for a snob because of her family’s wealth and fortune. She was taught Sword Magic by both of her parents and is confident in that magic. She tries to see the good in everyone, even people who have her family on a short list.
She’s a bit too sensitive to her surroundings, when it involves a dangerous situation and causes her to somewhat freeze up. It usually takes encouragement to make her snap out of the entire freeze up in fear. She tries not to be a burden on anyone since she tries really hard in everything she does. She’s quite judgmental about her quirky nature, she judges herself a bit too harshly and can’t understand mistakes happen all the time. It’s mostly because how she was raised by her parents.
She sees her parents as the greatest people in her lives and not many people can live up to her extremely wonky expectations. Even though, they have faults, like talking about their past in a guild that isn’t even the top guild in Fiore. Most of their references to that guild is how blunt her father is and how sarcastic her mother is, and still they are that way to this day. She can’t really see herself without her mother Catherine or her father Carl in any frame of mind.
Positive Traits:
Determination - She has a strong sense of determination, it’s quite funny coming from a girl who came from a family, who’s as rich as the Garnervilles. She constantly able to push herself to do almost anything that her parents tell her to do or anyone else.
Polite & Positive - Her elegance in how she speaks towards people in a polite and positive matter usually melts some people’s hearts, in how cute she is. She comes from one of the best business sense families in the world.
Business Minded - She’s more alike her mother than her father when it comes to the business side of things. In terms, she knows the logistical nightmare of trying to get any number of things since she was taught these things by her parents.
Outgoing - She’s quite outgoing, she loves camping and other more personal things that involve making friends. She outright enjoys making new friends since they are better than making enemies.
Negative Traits:
The Naivety - Her greatest negative is she’s highly naive compared to others. She trusts way to easily and always tried to look for the brighter side of someone’s personal scars or other things. She even believes people really easily too.
Taken Advantage Of - She gets ripped off a lot mostly because of the fact, everyone sees her as a rich snob and doesn’t look at the individual but her family name most of the time.
Emotional - She is quite emotional for a girl, her age. She has a certain imbalance in her mind that makes her cry uncontrollably sometimes and others be madder than a volcano other times. It’s pretty strange most of the time. Only one person knows what’s wrong with her and that’s her mother Catherine. How her parents raised her mostly made her this way, they used the softer approach.
Embarrassed - She gets embarrassed easily mostly because she trips over her two own feet. She can’t really help herself but blushing at that fact and tells everyone sorry for her own lack of balance.
Clumsiness - She has no real sense of balance in her body. She constantly trips on her two own feet. She has never really known the number of how many times she has fallen on her face.
Singing - She likes to sing, she usually hums a tune really well. She only usually hums things she heard from her mother because she was a pretty good singer, herself. Or anything she hears really, that is catchy.
Spotter - She can spot really anything from a distance that catches her eye, mostly when it involves jewelry, or something her mother talks about much, a merchandise from the Recovered Waystation. She kinda enjoys the figures of her mother and father. This includes non-magical swords, but she usually doesn't buy them since they are outrageous.
Advice - She gives advice to anyone, even if they are complete strangers. This advice is mostly of her favorite foods to anything really, that they need help on. But it can't really be relationships because she's only fourteen years old. If it is business related, that's a bit easier for her to understand.
Shirley was born to Carl & Catherine Garnerville on February 20th. When her parents were about 19 years of age. This was a great time for the addition to the wealthiest and richest family in the city of Grandius. She was a mightily big handful for her parents since they always wanted a daughter. The parents knew they had to get a bigger place so their kid enough room to grow, which is why they started on building a bigger place for them can live in.
Her development of walking and talking was pretty concise with the natural learning of these things. She was a bit more advanced than most children though, she was able to speak full sentences around a year old. She was able to walk around pretty easily, around the same time. Her parents love and handling of her helped her do pretty much anything, that she set her mind to.
When she hit three years old, she asked an important question, “Dad, mom, who’s the other person in the house?” She had a curious look and tone in her voice, she wasn’t really scared of the person.
Her mother gave her a response, “Easy dear, that’s our accountant Edward von Habsburg, he’s a great man even though he’s a bit eccentric.” Her mother picked up her daughter and walked her to the accountant, who was in the middle of his work.
Edward looked up towards Catherine and her three year old daughter with a generous smile. Edward questioned, “Ah, hello Catherine, is this your daughter, that Carl keeps on droning on about?” He was working on the finances for the Garnerville family, since that’s his job description and accountant.
Catherine smiled back to Edward and laughed at what he asked. Catherine answered, “Yes, Shirley is my daughter and Carl does that even with Magical Swords in terms of Droning on about it.” She looked over to her daughter Shirley to see what’s she is doing.
She was looking at Edward with a bright eyed grin on her face. Shirley responds, “What else do you do sir?” She wanted to know more about Edward but didn’t know exactly how to word it properly.
Edward looked directly at the three year old, girl in her mother’s arms and laughs a bit. Edward responds, “This is the only job I have right now since I enjoy your parents company, Shirley. Out of everything, I am having a better time staying at your family’s home then my family’s home since they are much more miserable.” He got up and waved to Shirley and Catherine. Edward comments, “I hope you have a good day you two.” He walked out of the room since he needs to do more things about the finances.
She waved happily towards Edward after he left. She yawned and was tired since she had fun today, just asking someone what they do. Her mother took her to her bedroom and tucked her daughter into the bed. She had a great night sleep and had no real problems with anything.
On her 5th birthday, there was a different matter entirely, the friends of the Garnerville Family was visiting to celebrate Shirley’s 5th year birthday. The friends are no other than the Warfield Family, though they were one short this year since the Eldest Son was busy with important work. Weiss gave Shirley her birthday gift from Brian, which was a note saying happy birthday and with 30,000 jewels.
The Redheaded Lightning Bolt talked highly of the Garnerville Family during their daughter’s birthday. Rachel was very nice to the birthday girl even though she didn’t really like her children that came with her to this birthday party. Rachel was really quite a bitch towards her children.
The tension in the room made Shirley uncomfortable since it was coming from the visiting family and not her parents. She was being comforted by her mother Catherine and Warfield Family’s oldest daughter Weiss. She enjoyed chatting with Weiss and had a show of magic happen in front of her by the Weiss and Winter duo, who used their Ice magic to dazzle the little girl. She had the greatest birthday right now and this helped her calm down.
She couldn’t figure out if this was her favorite day of her life but she always tried to see the best in people. Even though the tension in the room was a bit high with Rachel outright being hostile to her children. She couldn’t help but be happy about the entire ordeal, she had a naive happy smile on her face while she was cheering on Weiss and Winter to do an encore.
The rest of the day went uneventful after the birthday party was finished, the Warfields went back to their home, which was pretty far away. The negative opinion of Rachel didn’t help Catherine’s mood and was pretty much wanting to end the day but her daughter helped her keep a positive outlook. Catherine gave her daughter the most valuable gift, a necklace of the Garnerville family to wear and cherish.
On her 8th birthday, something amazing happened, the construction of her family’s estate was completed and it was now the new shining beacon of the Grandius, the City of Wealthy Elite. When she entered her room, it was twice as big as her original sized room. It was pretty amazing to see, the only thing that made her have a question mark, was there was a slide in her room now. She couldn’t help that her parents went a bit crazy alike. When she heard them talking about destroying a town in Fiore but it caused the scariest person to show up, the Stormlord. The Stormlord lives in Grandius by the name of Victor Starfield Mays.
She went outside of her room and walked to the massive front room and saw the Stormlord in their house, in his full magical council enforcer outfit. Talking to her parents and noticed Shirley in the room and waved her over. She walked up nervously to Victor who was giving very stern words to her parents.
He stopped talking to Carl and Catherine and looks directly at Shirley with a even more stern look on his face. “Hello, birthday girl, your parents talk about you all the time in meetings when I am only there via Thought Projection Magic. I hope you aren’t going to be alike your parents dear or I might have to do something that causes something terrible to happen to your parents. Where they are arrested for your crimes if I can get passed the fact your parents are loved by everyone in this town,” Victor said, with a stern but joking tone of voice when he exactly said arrested.
Shirley heard what he had said and was utterly scared by him. “Mommy & Daddy, Mr. Mays scares me,” Shirley said cutely and looking up to her parents.
Catherine smiles gently to her daughter and giggles a bit. “Victor you shouldn’t be so harsh to children. They can’t really tell if you are joking or not and that’s something my daughter can’t understand at this point, even though she’s only eight years old,” Catherine said with a look of annoyance at Victor’s constant too serious for his own good tone.
Carl sighs a bit and stares at Victor for a second but looks at his wife. “You should know that he is all business and has no talent for jokes. He trained his own daughter to kill her mother if she ever tries anything ever again. I am a bit worried about your daughter Julia after the fact she had to apologize for her mother’s existence and be reprimanded to literally keep an eye on her mother afterwards. The Royal Degrees are harsh but for someone to do that to their own child,” Carl said with a bit of annoyance.
Victor sighs and walks out of the house at least he got to say what he wanted to say to the Garnervilles and thought his job was done. He hates when he gets hounded by his methods of being a father.
Shirley felt like her birthday was a bit wasted by being sternly told to not do what her parents did when they were younger. “Mommy, did he only wanted to yell at us?” Shirley asked with a confused look on her face.
Catherine looked at her daughter and nodded since that’s all Victor does now a days anyways and constantly scolds people who aren’t his daughter and tells them how to raise their kids. She picks up her daughter and raises her up really high since she’s always happy to see Shirley’s smile. She walks her daughter into the game room, which has multiple different games across the wall.
Shirley eye’s opens wide and was amazed at how big this place was. It looked amazing comparable to something she saw in Sorcerer Weekly about a resort, that has these types of games. She couldn’t believe her parents went through all this trouble to make her this happy. She hugged her mother really tightly for the true birthday gift.
She was let down by her mother and she started to play around with the games she now has in her house. She was having fun since she needed it after Victor ruined her birthday somewhat. Her mother played with her daughter since she needed something fun to do since she had the same feeling as her young daughter that Victor ruined the birthday.
The rest of the day went without a hitch since the Stormlord is no longer in Grandius since he had an more important job. Keeping an eye on the reckless guilds out there that were following the rules and the ones that weren’t following the rules. She ate her dinner with her family on a circle round table similar to the tables in the 4 person homes it was definitely more personable and the Garnerville Family is a very personable family. For all their boutique tastes the only thing they can’t stand is a table that can fit about 400 people for breakfast, lunch and dinner when it is just a family of three or four.
On her 12th birthday she was given a task to figure out what guild she wanted to join on her 13th birthday. Her parents were trying to push her to join the Recovered Waystation Guild, even though it wasn’t the #1 guild in all of Fiore. She looked over her options and couldn’t really figure it out until Edward walked into the room. He had a chipper attitude from his normal demeanor because he brought Shirley a small note, he wrote before he got up this morning.
“Hello, Shirley dear, you are growing up so wonderfully, it seems like your parents are really pushing you into a Guild that has a reputation of destructive natures,” Edward said towards Shirley in a kind vocal cheeriness.
Shirley looked up at Edward and gave him a kind smile for his cheery attitude. “Yeah my dear wonderful parents are trying that so well. Even though I heard most of their adventures and I for one don’t want to get the wrath of the Stormlord,” Shirley said, happily and looking at her parents with that cuteness she always has when talking about them.
Catherine laughed when she heard Shirley say wonderful parents since they are always overly protective of their daughter. “Silly Kalyn so what are you going to choose, it is your choice and we will always love you for your choices,” Catherine said with a small smile.
Carl couldn’t help but laugh and be a bit looking down when he heard the ‘wrath of the Stormlord.’ They mostly did get into trouble with Victor Starfield Mays a lot during their wizard careers. “Yeah Kalyn I have to give you some credit. In not wanting wrath of the Stormlord since he can be terribly scary at times,” Carl said, with a bit of a nervous tone in his voice.
Shirley blushed a bit when she heard her nickname from her parents, she loved that endearing nickname they gave her. “I have chosen it’s going to be Dragon’s Cry. I heard they have a tournament to join their guild sometime next year, since I did miss this year’s joining tournament. They have a very easy going guild since I heard a rumor, that they don’t use guild ranks like other guilds use,” Shirley said, happily.
Edward, Carl and Catherine were all shocked that their daughter Shirley outright said the #1 strongest guild in Fiore. They were a bit shocked to hear, she heard a rumor they don’t use guild ranks Ala, S rank wizards and below. “What the…,” The three said in unison in utter shock. Edward saw Shirley’s parents still freaking out since they are apart of the 3rd Strongest Guild in Fiore. He calmed them down with a cough and looked directly at Shirley with a smile.
Catherine looked directly at her daughter and smiled slightly. “Who rumored that one of their guild members or whom?” Catherine asked her daughter a serious question. Carl was pretty much in agreement with his wife.
Shirley heard the question from her mother and father. “I heard it from the scariest person in the Magic Council The Stormlord himself. He saw me following him and told me, four little words, why are you here. I asked him about the strongest guild within Fiore. Let’s say he outright laughed at me and told me specifically that rumor to scare me off or something,” Shirley said, somewhat scared that the Stormlord talked to her like she’s his daughter and not Julia, who she heard of from her parents.
Carl looked directly at his daughter. “You talked to Victor Starfield Mays outside of our home, and curiously asked a question and he gave you the answer you were seeking, Jesus, looks like he needs to treat his daughter better,” Carl said with a bit of an annoyed tone in his voice. Even though he has much power within Grandius, he can’t really easily kick out a member of the Magical Council Enforcement Squad. He can now realize why the Stormlord joked about arresting him and his wife because they don’t see eye to eye.
Catherine looked to her daughter Shirley and hugged her gently. “If that’s your decision, I won’t stop you from choosing what you feel like,” Catherine said, happily. She remembered something and looked directly at her daughter. “Please take that creepy sword with you, at least. The Sky Tears Sword,” Catherine said with a bit of worry in her voice.
Shirley heard the name of the weapon and did notice a weapon as if it was starring back to her in her father’s weapon collection. “Mother, I will take it since how can I show off our fighting style without a sword specifically made for it?” Shirley asked her mother, with a curious tone in her voice. She read Edward’s note as if it was hinting at what she more or less picked for the guild, she wanted to join, which was Dragon’s Cry.
Before her 13th birthday, she made it to the signup tournament of Dragon’s Cry. In her family’s largest wooden ship and it traveled to the port town that Dragon’s Cry is next too. She saw many things while on her trek to the tournament she responded to the signup people with her full name Shirley Dayflower Garnerville. She knew what she wanted to do to join the strongest guild ever, which she’s from the richest family from Grandius.
She heard the rules of said tournament from the guildmaster or guild mates or even the person who she signed up to. She tried her hardest to stay in the fight for five minutes and stopped trying any further since 10,000 jewel prize wasn’t that much. She wanted to join this guild basically because of what Victor said as a backhand compliment to the guild, which was they are about friendship. She didn’t want to say that to her family since they would be shocked that Victor has a soft side for a guild that is the strongest.
She never really understood the Stormlord at all and this literally confuses her. The only other person in her home that knows this is specifically Edward the accountant. She wanted to be apart of a guild that has friendship as their goal instead of being powerful for power sake. Though Recovered Waystation felt that way too since she heard parents shenanigans within that guild. She wanted to make a name for herself that was unique compared to her parent’s fame.
Now on her 14th birthday, she’s been in Dragon’s Cry for about a year and wanting to do a job for the guild but hasn’t really figured out what to do. Since she has been scared by Victor’s Thought Projection talking about one of her guild mates to the guildmaster constantly. “Seriously Victor about you take care of your own daughter and stop doing this with everyone else that is a girl and is younger than you,” Shirley said with an annoyed tone but it was mixed with a bit of terrified tone.
Victor’s Thought Projection smiled towards Shirley and laughs at what she had said. “Soo, the little rich girl joined this guild that I gave a backhanded compliment too. I never thought that would have gave you the push to join this guild and not your parent’s guild the Recovered Waystation. And Julia is doing just fine, she’s dealing with her own thing. Which is about to do a grand expedition to an island of mystery and death. I think it's called the Deathly Way Island, unless I am dismembering it correctly,” Victor said, with the booming voice he always had and constantly underestimating everyone within this guild.
Shirley looked at Victor and was utterly shocked in how he said that like he still absolutely never cared about his daughter in the first place. “How cruel you are the Stormlord. I feel like, even with your wife’s horrible taboo mistake, your daughter shouldn’t be forced to do anything she doesn’t want to,” Shirley said, angrily. This is the first time she snapped at anyone including the Stormlord.
Victor looked at Shirley and then the thought projection vanished, like it wasn’t even there. She didn’t know what Victor was up too with all his assholish behavior to his wife his daughter and his destructive nature. She was completely mad at this entire thing and wanted to give Julia a warning specifically about this thing, where she was going. She didn’t know who would go with her to Julia’s Amazing Shop in Grandius to warn her. “I can’t let anyone within my hometown be wronged by their family no matter who it is,” Shirley said, with her being somewhat ticked.
Magic: Sword Magic
The uniqueness of the Garnerville Sword Magic is second to none in the magical world. They usually give people some pause when dealing with the Garnervilles. They deal with a single weapon, that is attuned to their will and spirit, which has been in the family for generations. However, they usually go to non-magical weapons to keep themselves from being creeped out by their magical weapon.
In this case, they mostly all their lives try to master a single magical weapon that is apart of the family. Which are called the Sky Duo Swords, separately they are called the Sky Tears Sword and Sky Upwind Sword respectively. These two weapons have a mind of their own. However, it's usually pretty unique to see someone only using one single weapon throughout their existence as a Sword Magic user.
The style is similar to a Persian style of sword dancing, it’s beautiful when used properly and deadly at the same time. She quite liked how her parents taught her this specific style of using Sword Magic.
Basic Spells:
The Garnerville Slash - This sword magic spell morphs the Sky Tears Sword into a pure longsword. It does a basic slash towards an opponent that’s in front of the wielder.
The Garnerville Stab - This sword magic spell morphs the Sky Tears Sword into a rapier. It does a basic stab towards an opponent that’s in front of the wielder.
The Garnerville Dancing Spin - This sword magic spell keeps the Sky Tears Sword in its basic form. This allows the sword to do sword dancing moves without being held by the wielder and it is pretty wild to see. It’s mostly a performance based technique.
Intermediate Spells:
The Garnerville Strife Slash - This sword magic spell is pretty interesting since this is the only time anyone can see the light bluish glow of the Sky Tears Sword, other than the user. It causes the Sky Tears sword to morph into a large ironblade sword that is incredibly light for the wielder. It usually makes someone highly depressed or happy by how the wielder is feeling at the time, it amplifies the wielders feelings into an attack. The strife part of the attack happens when you are slashed by it. It usually causes an untold amount of mental suffering or mental joy even though you got hit by the blade.
The Garnerville Rage Slash - This sword magic spell is pretty interesting since the aura that shows surrounding the Sky Tears Sword, is pure red, and it covers the wielders entire body in it. The Sky Tears Sword morphs into a chainsaw sword, that is used to painfully destroy the wielders target. It is used to release stress or her entirety rage on something that isn’t a person.
Advanced Spells:
The Garnerville Multiple Attacks - This is an highly unique sword magic spell, does something unthinkable for sword magic users. It multiples the Sky Tears Sword into multiple different sword forms, but its original form stays in the wielder’s hand. The auras are the wielder’s emotional state at the moment of the split of the Sky Tears Sword’s split into multiple forms and they definitely able to be seen. It gives everyone who sees this attack a fright since all the swords have different launch points towards a target. It was new for the wielder now to use it but its been in the Garnerville family for as long as this family existed and she’s terrified to use it.
Magical Items carried:
Sky Tears Sword - This specific weapon has a mind of its own and some highly knowledgeable wizards call this the Raining Sword by another name. However, the only reason why it specifically has a mind of its own, is when it telepathically speaks to the wielder, in how nice if it was raining instead of sunshine. This trick only affects the wielder only, since a black or grey rain cloud forms over the user and makes her or him feel like they have bad luck. However, it cannot shake the feeling that it found the perfect wielder in Shirley. The shape of the sword is similar to a curved longsword, similar to a Scimitar. It can change its original shape while under the effects of her sword magic.
The Sky Tears Sword has a secondary effect that no one really notices unless it’s being wielded specifically by a Garnerville family member. It glows a light bluish glow emanating from its handle and the glow covers the wielder’s hands. It gives anyone from that family goosebumps, because it feels like unknown entity is touching them.
Extra Information:

Catherine Lyndis Garnerville - This is the mother to Shirley Dayflower Garnerville. Her husband and her made their wealth a different way compared to the Garnerville Family of old. They joined a powerful guild called Recovered Waystation. She has always been the sarcastic individual and sees the positive side of things. She was on Sorcerer’s Weekly in issue #24 and #25 for a modeling job she did for Recovered Waystation. She only did it because she didn’t want to feel the wrath of Guildmaster Winter.

Carl Roger Garnerville - This is the father to Shirley Dayflower Garnerville. His wife and him made their wealth a different way compared to the Garnerville Family of old. They joined a powerful guild called Recovered Waystation. He is awfully blunt and can’t make really good jokes that well. He’s obsessed with magical weapons and being on Sorcerer Weekly basically talking about his obsessions.

Edward Von Habsburg - He’s the accountant to the Garnerville Family’s wealth and fortune. And he is in control of the finances that are made at the expense of the Garnerville Estate. He made the ticket prices for the Garnerville Estate. He’s grateful to be their accountant since he was tired of all the city politics against the other families.
He gives Shirley D. Garnerville her allowance for the year, and it’s pretty insane how much she’s worth to the Garnerville Family alone. All of the Magical Weapons that Carl talks about on Sorcerer Weekly isn’t worth what he feels for his daughter. He enjoys this family’s way of life and their source of wealth is in family and being happy instead of being miserable like his was, even though the Von Habsburg family are extremely wealthy.
Nickname: Kalyn - This is a nickname her mother gave her to signify she had greater things to accomplish in the world.
Birthdate: February 20th
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Guild: Dragon’s Cry - She joined the guild a year ago before her 13th birthday.
Rank: Standard Mage

Additionally, she wields a family possession on her waist, which is called the Sky Tears Sword. She was given this family heirloom sword, since it always has a strange weird air about it. It is like if it is watching what is going on, if it had feelings and it usually starts to rain whenever it is in use for some odd reason.
She wears a beautiful necklace around her neck, that is of the Garnerville family name. It holds significant value to her but otherwise it's priceless. It holds her birthstone, which is an amethyst to signify, which birth month she was born on. It is a beautiful gold, silver necklace with about six diamonds surrounding her birthstone.
She wears about a cute baby blue bracelet on her left wrist. It usually classifies herself as a finder of great and exciting adventures while searching for her lot in life. She can’t help but hope she finds the right path in her journey in joining a magic guild so she can make money.
She has a birthmark on her upper left shoulder blade. The shape of her birthmark is a flower. Because she got this birthmark, which is very rare in the Garnerville family. It skips about three generations before another one is born with this birthmark. She loves her birthmark with all her heart.
She wears cute glasses when she read books, mostly the insightful books anyway. The glasses are bluish green frames with normal glasses type frames, for her eyes. She carries two extra pairs of reading glasses just in case.
She carries around with her a pretty good sized purse for all her things, that her family’s money bought for her. It contrasts with her outfit pretty cutely, it is classified as a purse for an highly rich girl. It has pockets for almost anything she usually carries with her, including her two extra pairs of reading glasses and her wallet for money, it has a letter from her wonderful parents telling her to go out into the world and find a job as a wizard, and many other things.
She is about 5’4” feet tall and weighs about 125 pounds.

This guild mark is on her right leg and its color is green. It signifies she’s apart of the Dragon’s Fury Magic Guild. Her facial features when getting this guild mark was overjoyed, she was excited.
Shirley’s voice is soft spoken and aesthetically pleasing to the ears. In terms, her voice is that of a rich person, who doesn’t seem to act like a proper rich person. Her tone of voice is that of a girl, feeling out her way in the world. She does this simply being herself and watching the world around her. Her emotional imbalance, has gotten her in trouble much with people she outright says sorry to if she yells at them or cries in front of them.
Shirley has a very positive outlook on life, it's mostly because she was raised in a great home. She is apart of the social elite in Fiore. Most people mistake her for a snob because of her family’s wealth and fortune. She was taught Sword Magic by both of her parents and is confident in that magic. She tries to see the good in everyone, even people who have her family on a short list.
She’s a bit too sensitive to her surroundings, when it involves a dangerous situation and causes her to somewhat freeze up. It usually takes encouragement to make her snap out of the entire freeze up in fear. She tries not to be a burden on anyone since she tries really hard in everything she does. She’s quite judgmental about her quirky nature, she judges herself a bit too harshly and can’t understand mistakes happen all the time. It’s mostly because how she was raised by her parents.
She sees her parents as the greatest people in her lives and not many people can live up to her extremely wonky expectations. Even though, they have faults, like talking about their past in a guild that isn’t even the top guild in Fiore. Most of their references to that guild is how blunt her father is and how sarcastic her mother is, and still they are that way to this day. She can’t really see herself without her mother Catherine or her father Carl in any frame of mind.
Positive Traits:
Determination - She has a strong sense of determination, it’s quite funny coming from a girl who came from a family, who’s as rich as the Garnervilles. She constantly able to push herself to do almost anything that her parents tell her to do or anyone else.
Polite & Positive - Her elegance in how she speaks towards people in a polite and positive matter usually melts some people’s hearts, in how cute she is. She comes from one of the best business sense families in the world.
Business Minded - She’s more alike her mother than her father when it comes to the business side of things. In terms, she knows the logistical nightmare of trying to get any number of things since she was taught these things by her parents.
Outgoing - She’s quite outgoing, she loves camping and other more personal things that involve making friends. She outright enjoys making new friends since they are better than making enemies.
Negative Traits:
The Naivety - Her greatest negative is she’s highly naive compared to others. She trusts way to easily and always tried to look for the brighter side of someone’s personal scars or other things. She even believes people really easily too.
Taken Advantage Of - She gets ripped off a lot mostly because of the fact, everyone sees her as a rich snob and doesn’t look at the individual but her family name most of the time.
Emotional - She is quite emotional for a girl, her age. She has a certain imbalance in her mind that makes her cry uncontrollably sometimes and others be madder than a volcano other times. It’s pretty strange most of the time. Only one person knows what’s wrong with her and that’s her mother Catherine. How her parents raised her mostly made her this way, they used the softer approach.
Embarrassed - She gets embarrassed easily mostly because she trips over her two own feet. She can’t really help herself but blushing at that fact and tells everyone sorry for her own lack of balance.
Clumsiness - She has no real sense of balance in her body. She constantly trips on her two own feet. She has never really known the number of how many times she has fallen on her face.
Singing - She likes to sing, she usually hums a tune really well. She only usually hums things she heard from her mother because she was a pretty good singer, herself. Or anything she hears really, that is catchy.
Spotter - She can spot really anything from a distance that catches her eye, mostly when it involves jewelry, or something her mother talks about much, a merchandise from the Recovered Waystation. She kinda enjoys the figures of her mother and father. This includes non-magical swords, but she usually doesn't buy them since they are outrageous.
Advice - She gives advice to anyone, even if they are complete strangers. This advice is mostly of her favorite foods to anything really, that they need help on. But it can't really be relationships because she's only fourteen years old. If it is business related, that's a bit easier for her to understand.
Shirley was born to Carl & Catherine Garnerville on February 20th. When her parents were about 19 years of age. This was a great time for the addition to the wealthiest and richest family in the city of Grandius. She was a mightily big handful for her parents since they always wanted a daughter. The parents knew they had to get a bigger place so their kid enough room to grow, which is why they started on building a bigger place for them can live in.
Her development of walking and talking was pretty concise with the natural learning of these things. She was a bit more advanced than most children though, she was able to speak full sentences around a year old. She was able to walk around pretty easily, around the same time. Her parents love and handling of her helped her do pretty much anything, that she set her mind to.
When she hit three years old, she asked an important question, “Dad, mom, who’s the other person in the house?” She had a curious look and tone in her voice, she wasn’t really scared of the person.
Her mother gave her a response, “Easy dear, that’s our accountant Edward von Habsburg, he’s a great man even though he’s a bit eccentric.” Her mother picked up her daughter and walked her to the accountant, who was in the middle of his work.
Edward looked up towards Catherine and her three year old daughter with a generous smile. Edward questioned, “Ah, hello Catherine, is this your daughter, that Carl keeps on droning on about?” He was working on the finances for the Garnerville family, since that’s his job description and accountant.
Catherine smiled back to Edward and laughed at what he asked. Catherine answered, “Yes, Shirley is my daughter and Carl does that even with Magical Swords in terms of Droning on about it.” She looked over to her daughter Shirley to see what’s she is doing.
She was looking at Edward with a bright eyed grin on her face. Shirley responds, “What else do you do sir?” She wanted to know more about Edward but didn’t know exactly how to word it properly.
Edward looked directly at the three year old, girl in her mother’s arms and laughs a bit. Edward responds, “This is the only job I have right now since I enjoy your parents company, Shirley. Out of everything, I am having a better time staying at your family’s home then my family’s home since they are much more miserable.” He got up and waved to Shirley and Catherine. Edward comments, “I hope you have a good day you two.” He walked out of the room since he needs to do more things about the finances.
She waved happily towards Edward after he left. She yawned and was tired since she had fun today, just asking someone what they do. Her mother took her to her bedroom and tucked her daughter into the bed. She had a great night sleep and had no real problems with anything.
On her 5th birthday, there was a different matter entirely, the friends of the Garnerville Family was visiting to celebrate Shirley’s 5th year birthday. The friends are no other than the Warfield Family, though they were one short this year since the Eldest Son was busy with important work. Weiss gave Shirley her birthday gift from Brian, which was a note saying happy birthday and with 30,000 jewels.
The Redheaded Lightning Bolt talked highly of the Garnerville Family during their daughter’s birthday. Rachel was very nice to the birthday girl even though she didn’t really like her children that came with her to this birthday party. Rachel was really quite a bitch towards her children.
The tension in the room made Shirley uncomfortable since it was coming from the visiting family and not her parents. She was being comforted by her mother Catherine and Warfield Family’s oldest daughter Weiss. She enjoyed chatting with Weiss and had a show of magic happen in front of her by the Weiss and Winter duo, who used their Ice magic to dazzle the little girl. She had the greatest birthday right now and this helped her calm down.
She couldn’t figure out if this was her favorite day of her life but she always tried to see the best in people. Even though the tension in the room was a bit high with Rachel outright being hostile to her children. She couldn’t help but be happy about the entire ordeal, she had a naive happy smile on her face while she was cheering on Weiss and Winter to do an encore.
The rest of the day went uneventful after the birthday party was finished, the Warfields went back to their home, which was pretty far away. The negative opinion of Rachel didn’t help Catherine’s mood and was pretty much wanting to end the day but her daughter helped her keep a positive outlook. Catherine gave her daughter the most valuable gift, a necklace of the Garnerville family to wear and cherish.
On her 8th birthday, something amazing happened, the construction of her family’s estate was completed and it was now the new shining beacon of the Grandius, the City of Wealthy Elite. When she entered her room, it was twice as big as her original sized room. It was pretty amazing to see, the only thing that made her have a question mark, was there was a slide in her room now. She couldn’t help that her parents went a bit crazy alike. When she heard them talking about destroying a town in Fiore but it caused the scariest person to show up, the Stormlord. The Stormlord lives in Grandius by the name of Victor Starfield Mays.
She went outside of her room and walked to the massive front room and saw the Stormlord in their house, in his full magical council enforcer outfit. Talking to her parents and noticed Shirley in the room and waved her over. She walked up nervously to Victor who was giving very stern words to her parents.
He stopped talking to Carl and Catherine and looks directly at Shirley with a even more stern look on his face. “Hello, birthday girl, your parents talk about you all the time in meetings when I am only there via Thought Projection Magic. I hope you aren’t going to be alike your parents dear or I might have to do something that causes something terrible to happen to your parents. Where they are arrested for your crimes if I can get passed the fact your parents are loved by everyone in this town,” Victor said, with a stern but joking tone of voice when he exactly said arrested.
Shirley heard what he had said and was utterly scared by him. “Mommy & Daddy, Mr. Mays scares me,” Shirley said cutely and looking up to her parents.
Catherine smiles gently to her daughter and giggles a bit. “Victor you shouldn’t be so harsh to children. They can’t really tell if you are joking or not and that’s something my daughter can’t understand at this point, even though she’s only eight years old,” Catherine said with a look of annoyance at Victor’s constant too serious for his own good tone.
Carl sighs a bit and stares at Victor for a second but looks at his wife. “You should know that he is all business and has no talent for jokes. He trained his own daughter to kill her mother if she ever tries anything ever again. I am a bit worried about your daughter Julia after the fact she had to apologize for her mother’s existence and be reprimanded to literally keep an eye on her mother afterwards. The Royal Degrees are harsh but for someone to do that to their own child,” Carl said with a bit of annoyance.
Victor sighs and walks out of the house at least he got to say what he wanted to say to the Garnervilles and thought his job was done. He hates when he gets hounded by his methods of being a father.
Shirley felt like her birthday was a bit wasted by being sternly told to not do what her parents did when they were younger. “Mommy, did he only wanted to yell at us?” Shirley asked with a confused look on her face.
Catherine looked at her daughter and nodded since that’s all Victor does now a days anyways and constantly scolds people who aren’t his daughter and tells them how to raise their kids. She picks up her daughter and raises her up really high since she’s always happy to see Shirley’s smile. She walks her daughter into the game room, which has multiple different games across the wall.
Shirley eye’s opens wide and was amazed at how big this place was. It looked amazing comparable to something she saw in Sorcerer Weekly about a resort, that has these types of games. She couldn’t believe her parents went through all this trouble to make her this happy. She hugged her mother really tightly for the true birthday gift.
She was let down by her mother and she started to play around with the games she now has in her house. She was having fun since she needed it after Victor ruined her birthday somewhat. Her mother played with her daughter since she needed something fun to do since she had the same feeling as her young daughter that Victor ruined the birthday.
The rest of the day went without a hitch since the Stormlord is no longer in Grandius since he had an more important job. Keeping an eye on the reckless guilds out there that were following the rules and the ones that weren’t following the rules. She ate her dinner with her family on a circle round table similar to the tables in the 4 person homes it was definitely more personable and the Garnerville Family is a very personable family. For all their boutique tastes the only thing they can’t stand is a table that can fit about 400 people for breakfast, lunch and dinner when it is just a family of three or four.
On her 12th birthday she was given a task to figure out what guild she wanted to join on her 13th birthday. Her parents were trying to push her to join the Recovered Waystation Guild, even though it wasn’t the #1 guild in all of Fiore. She looked over her options and couldn’t really figure it out until Edward walked into the room. He had a chipper attitude from his normal demeanor because he brought Shirley a small note, he wrote before he got up this morning.
“Hello, Shirley dear, you are growing up so wonderfully, it seems like your parents are really pushing you into a Guild that has a reputation of destructive natures,” Edward said towards Shirley in a kind vocal cheeriness.
Shirley looked up at Edward and gave him a kind smile for his cheery attitude. “Yeah my dear wonderful parents are trying that so well. Even though I heard most of their adventures and I for one don’t want to get the wrath of the Stormlord,” Shirley said, happily and looking at her parents with that cuteness she always has when talking about them.
Catherine laughed when she heard Shirley say wonderful parents since they are always overly protective of their daughter. “Silly Kalyn so what are you going to choose, it is your choice and we will always love you for your choices,” Catherine said with a small smile.
Carl couldn’t help but laugh and be a bit looking down when he heard the ‘wrath of the Stormlord.’ They mostly did get into trouble with Victor Starfield Mays a lot during their wizard careers. “Yeah Kalyn I have to give you some credit. In not wanting wrath of the Stormlord since he can be terribly scary at times,” Carl said, with a bit of a nervous tone in his voice.
Shirley blushed a bit when she heard her nickname from her parents, she loved that endearing nickname they gave her. “I have chosen it’s going to be Dragon’s Cry. I heard they have a tournament to join their guild sometime next year, since I did miss this year’s joining tournament. They have a very easy going guild since I heard a rumor, that they don’t use guild ranks like other guilds use,” Shirley said, happily.
Edward, Carl and Catherine were all shocked that their daughter Shirley outright said the #1 strongest guild in Fiore. They were a bit shocked to hear, she heard a rumor they don’t use guild ranks Ala, S rank wizards and below. “What the…,” The three said in unison in utter shock. Edward saw Shirley’s parents still freaking out since they are apart of the 3rd Strongest Guild in Fiore. He calmed them down with a cough and looked directly at Shirley with a smile.
Catherine looked directly at her daughter and smiled slightly. “Who rumored that one of their guild members or whom?” Catherine asked her daughter a serious question. Carl was pretty much in agreement with his wife.
Shirley heard the question from her mother and father. “I heard it from the scariest person in the Magic Council The Stormlord himself. He saw me following him and told me, four little words, why are you here. I asked him about the strongest guild within Fiore. Let’s say he outright laughed at me and told me specifically that rumor to scare me off or something,” Shirley said, somewhat scared that the Stormlord talked to her like she’s his daughter and not Julia, who she heard of from her parents.
Carl looked directly at his daughter. “You talked to Victor Starfield Mays outside of our home, and curiously asked a question and he gave you the answer you were seeking, Jesus, looks like he needs to treat his daughter better,” Carl said with a bit of an annoyed tone in his voice. Even though he has much power within Grandius, he can’t really easily kick out a member of the Magical Council Enforcement Squad. He can now realize why the Stormlord joked about arresting him and his wife because they don’t see eye to eye.
Catherine looked to her daughter Shirley and hugged her gently. “If that’s your decision, I won’t stop you from choosing what you feel like,” Catherine said, happily. She remembered something and looked directly at her daughter. “Please take that creepy sword with you, at least. The Sky Tears Sword,” Catherine said with a bit of worry in her voice.
Shirley heard the name of the weapon and did notice a weapon as if it was starring back to her in her father’s weapon collection. “Mother, I will take it since how can I show off our fighting style without a sword specifically made for it?” Shirley asked her mother, with a curious tone in her voice. She read Edward’s note as if it was hinting at what she more or less picked for the guild, she wanted to join, which was Dragon’s Cry.
Before her 13th birthday, she made it to the signup tournament of Dragon’s Cry. In her family’s largest wooden ship and it traveled to the port town that Dragon’s Cry is next too. She saw many things while on her trek to the tournament she responded to the signup people with her full name Shirley Dayflower Garnerville. She knew what she wanted to do to join the strongest guild ever, which she’s from the richest family from Grandius.
She heard the rules of said tournament from the guildmaster or guild mates or even the person who she signed up to. She tried her hardest to stay in the fight for five minutes and stopped trying any further since 10,000 jewel prize wasn’t that much. She wanted to join this guild basically because of what Victor said as a backhand compliment to the guild, which was they are about friendship. She didn’t want to say that to her family since they would be shocked that Victor has a soft side for a guild that is the strongest.
She never really understood the Stormlord at all and this literally confuses her. The only other person in her home that knows this is specifically Edward the accountant. She wanted to be apart of a guild that has friendship as their goal instead of being powerful for power sake. Though Recovered Waystation felt that way too since she heard parents shenanigans within that guild. She wanted to make a name for herself that was unique compared to her parent’s fame.
Now on her 14th birthday, she’s been in Dragon’s Cry for about a year and wanting to do a job for the guild but hasn’t really figured out what to do. Since she has been scared by Victor’s Thought Projection talking about one of her guild mates to the guildmaster constantly. “Seriously Victor about you take care of your own daughter and stop doing this with everyone else that is a girl and is younger than you,” Shirley said with an annoyed tone but it was mixed with a bit of terrified tone.
Victor’s Thought Projection smiled towards Shirley and laughs at what she had said. “Soo, the little rich girl joined this guild that I gave a backhanded compliment too. I never thought that would have gave you the push to join this guild and not your parent’s guild the Recovered Waystation. And Julia is doing just fine, she’s dealing with her own thing. Which is about to do a grand expedition to an island of mystery and death. I think it's called the Deathly Way Island, unless I am dismembering it correctly,” Victor said, with the booming voice he always had and constantly underestimating everyone within this guild.
Shirley looked at Victor and was utterly shocked in how he said that like he still absolutely never cared about his daughter in the first place. “How cruel you are the Stormlord. I feel like, even with your wife’s horrible taboo mistake, your daughter shouldn’t be forced to do anything she doesn’t want to,” Shirley said, angrily. This is the first time she snapped at anyone including the Stormlord.
Victor looked at Shirley and then the thought projection vanished, like it wasn’t even there. She didn’t know what Victor was up too with all his assholish behavior to his wife his daughter and his destructive nature. She was completely mad at this entire thing and wanted to give Julia a warning specifically about this thing, where she was going. She didn’t know who would go with her to Julia’s Amazing Shop in Grandius to warn her. “I can’t let anyone within my hometown be wronged by their family no matter who it is,” Shirley said, with her being somewhat ticked.
Magic: Sword Magic
The uniqueness of the Garnerville Sword Magic is second to none in the magical world. They usually give people some pause when dealing with the Garnervilles. They deal with a single weapon, that is attuned to their will and spirit, which has been in the family for generations. However, they usually go to non-magical weapons to keep themselves from being creeped out by their magical weapon.
In this case, they mostly all their lives try to master a single magical weapon that is apart of the family. Which are called the Sky Duo Swords, separately they are called the Sky Tears Sword and Sky Upwind Sword respectively. These two weapons have a mind of their own. However, it's usually pretty unique to see someone only using one single weapon throughout their existence as a Sword Magic user.
The style is similar to a Persian style of sword dancing, it’s beautiful when used properly and deadly at the same time. She quite liked how her parents taught her this specific style of using Sword Magic.
Basic Spells:
The Garnerville Slash - This sword magic spell morphs the Sky Tears Sword into a pure longsword. It does a basic slash towards an opponent that’s in front of the wielder.
The Garnerville Stab - This sword magic spell morphs the Sky Tears Sword into a rapier. It does a basic stab towards an opponent that’s in front of the wielder.
The Garnerville Dancing Spin - This sword magic spell keeps the Sky Tears Sword in its basic form. This allows the sword to do sword dancing moves without being held by the wielder and it is pretty wild to see. It’s mostly a performance based technique.
Intermediate Spells:
The Garnerville Strife Slash - This sword magic spell is pretty interesting since this is the only time anyone can see the light bluish glow of the Sky Tears Sword, other than the user. It causes the Sky Tears sword to morph into a large ironblade sword that is incredibly light for the wielder. It usually makes someone highly depressed or happy by how the wielder is feeling at the time, it amplifies the wielders feelings into an attack. The strife part of the attack happens when you are slashed by it. It usually causes an untold amount of mental suffering or mental joy even though you got hit by the blade.
The Garnerville Rage Slash - This sword magic spell is pretty interesting since the aura that shows surrounding the Sky Tears Sword, is pure red, and it covers the wielders entire body in it. The Sky Tears Sword morphs into a chainsaw sword, that is used to painfully destroy the wielders target. It is used to release stress or her entirety rage on something that isn’t a person.
Advanced Spells:
The Garnerville Multiple Attacks - This is an highly unique sword magic spell, does something unthinkable for sword magic users. It multiples the Sky Tears Sword into multiple different sword forms, but its original form stays in the wielder’s hand. The auras are the wielder’s emotional state at the moment of the split of the Sky Tears Sword’s split into multiple forms and they definitely able to be seen. It gives everyone who sees this attack a fright since all the swords have different launch points towards a target. It was new for the wielder now to use it but its been in the Garnerville family for as long as this family existed and she’s terrified to use it.
Magical Items carried:
Sky Tears Sword - This specific weapon has a mind of its own and some highly knowledgeable wizards call this the Raining Sword by another name. However, the only reason why it specifically has a mind of its own, is when it telepathically speaks to the wielder, in how nice if it was raining instead of sunshine. This trick only affects the wielder only, since a black or grey rain cloud forms over the user and makes her or him feel like they have bad luck. However, it cannot shake the feeling that it found the perfect wielder in Shirley. The shape of the sword is similar to a curved longsword, similar to a Scimitar. It can change its original shape while under the effects of her sword magic.
The Sky Tears Sword has a secondary effect that no one really notices unless it’s being wielded specifically by a Garnerville family member. It glows a light bluish glow emanating from its handle and the glow covers the wielder’s hands. It gives anyone from that family goosebumps, because it feels like unknown entity is touching them.
Extra Information:
Dear Shirley,
I have something to important to talk about. It involves the Sky Tears Sword, can you please take that with you on your travels and searching for a guild. The Garnerville family started with nothing until we became rich business tycoons and how we got there was joining magic guilds. There’s another important task we have to ask you, to search for our other magical sword, the sister sword to the Sky Tears Sword called the Sky Upwind Sword. I kinda lost it and your mother would be happy if the two swords are back on their pedestal together.
I am sorry in putting this burden on you, my sweet daughter Shirley. Catherine and I have been researching on who could’ve possibly stolen the blade. And it usually comes up as a Dark Guild had stolen it. Because none of the proper guilds would need a blade as powerful as the Sky Upwind Sword. Our old guild has been helping us in searching for that blade, but they have no luck either. The guild’s name is Recovered Waystation, if you are ever in a need for a rest from your guild work that is daughter. Don’t ever try to piss of the guild leader, or you are in a world of hurt, they are a proper guild, if you are wondering.
If you ever want to contact her, her name is Winter Stacey Warfield of the Warfield family. They own large swaths of land in the south of Fiore and they sell all forms of magical vehicles to the population of Fiore. Oh yeah sorry but I go off on tangents sometimes, sorry daughter.
Sincerely, Carl Roger Garnerville.
PS: Your mother will always love you even if you are crazy enough to destroy a town. Catherine and I were pretty wild in our hay day. And caused much torment for our guildmaster, Winter. We were two of the three S-Class Mages in the Recovered Waystation, Winter was the third. Recovered Waystation was a fun exciting time we always talk about memories of that place, and you heard us talk about it too, Shirley.
I have something to important to talk about. It involves the Sky Tears Sword, can you please take that with you on your travels and searching for a guild. The Garnerville family started with nothing until we became rich business tycoons and how we got there was joining magic guilds. There’s another important task we have to ask you, to search for our other magical sword, the sister sword to the Sky Tears Sword called the Sky Upwind Sword. I kinda lost it and your mother would be happy if the two swords are back on their pedestal together.
I am sorry in putting this burden on you, my sweet daughter Shirley. Catherine and I have been researching on who could’ve possibly stolen the blade. And it usually comes up as a Dark Guild had stolen it. Because none of the proper guilds would need a blade as powerful as the Sky Upwind Sword. Our old guild has been helping us in searching for that blade, but they have no luck either. The guild’s name is Recovered Waystation, if you are ever in a need for a rest from your guild work that is daughter. Don’t ever try to piss of the guild leader, or you are in a world of hurt, they are a proper guild, if you are wondering.
If you ever want to contact her, her name is Winter Stacey Warfield of the Warfield family. They own large swaths of land in the south of Fiore and they sell all forms of magical vehicles to the population of Fiore. Oh yeah sorry but I go off on tangents sometimes, sorry daughter.
Sincerely, Carl Roger Garnerville.
PS: Your mother will always love you even if you are crazy enough to destroy a town. Catherine and I were pretty wild in our hay day. And caused much torment for our guildmaster, Winter. We were two of the three S-Class Mages in the Recovered Waystation, Winter was the third. Recovered Waystation was a fun exciting time we always talk about memories of that place, and you heard us talk about it too, Shirley.
Grandius is one of the youngest cities within Fiore only being 225 years old. While the other cities within Fiore are definitely older than the City of Wealthy Elite. And it took about a long time before it increased its population from 3,000 to 35,000. It took about 10 years worth of its history for it to gain that much population. The Wealthy Elite are very picky when it comes to people living in their city until the Garnerville Family became the wealthiest people gaining the power of Mayorship. The non-strictness of the Garnerville Family was a great change, the person who was the mayor before them is now their Accountant, the name is Edward Von Habsburg.
It has a port but its only for seafaring vessels owned by the wealthy elite living in the city. The biggest two ships within the port are owned by the Von Habsburg Family & Garnerville Family respectably. It has a similar climate of all of Fiore, but in some spots is hotter in some spots. You have to rent out a docking port for 5,000 jewel a week. It is a bay city, with steep cliffs on one side, called the Cliffs of Darkness.
Grandius had many changes in a total of 10 years, the first change came with the creation of the Flower of Change Guild. This guild was created to protect the environment from the dangers of overuse of magical weapons or otherwise. They became pretty powerful with their big rule for gaining a large amount of members. The rule was, don’t litter on the ground or else. They usually cause brawls with the Dark Guilds that make their base near Grandius.
The Flower of Change Guild never attacks official guilds because they are pretty friendly with them all. They do enter the grand tournaments between the official guilds, and so far they’ve won many achievements in those tournaments. However, that soon changed in about 4 years later when they were knocked off as the strongest guild by the Dragon’s Cry Guild. They made the pacifistic guild lose their top spot and their luster pretty quickly. After that the Flower of Change Guild completely stopped going to the Grand Tournaments after that grand whooping by the Dragon’s Cry Guild.
While that happened something amazing happened, the Garnerville Family always had lived in the City of Wealthy Elite. The largest project they were apart of was completed, the Garnerville Estate, which was about 3/4th worth of the town was completed about a year before the Flower of Change Guild losing their top spot by the Dragon’s Cry Guild. It had a scheduled time frame of 20 years but it was completed in only 8 years from when it was started when Catherine & Carl was only 19 years old.
The Garnerville Estate increased the size of the city from only 3,000 Wealthy Elite to 35,000 people. The tourism it generated was insane, but it caused the prices of the tour of the Garnerville Estate to be increased to rich people only prices. When the Garnerville family aren’t the normal snobbish elite jerks, the ticket prices are 200k for a week, 1 million for a month, and 12 million for a year. The accountant of the Garnerville Family had a lot to do with this change of pricing.
Grandius, the City of Wealthy Elite, has the greatest ocean view of any city in Fiore but the cost of living is quite unique for this place. It is the biggest tourist trap of a city ever, since the Garnerville is selling tours for their Garnerville Estate. It is on the northernmost part of Fiore in the area called the Cliffs of Darkness. It causes the most beautiful things to happen, in terms of the night sky isn’t blocked by the brightness of the city proper. The only thing the Garnerville Family has control over that their accountant has no power over, is the cost of living inside of the city. Because the Richest and wealthiest rule over this city, but that’s a good thing since the Garnerville Family aren’t the norm of rich people.
Renting a Home costs 45k Jewels, buying a home in the city is 90k jewels. These homes are usually the size for a family of four upwards to 16 people living in one house. While the renting a mansion within the town usually costs a total of 350,000 Jewels and buying it is 700,000 Jewels. There is an adjustment plan, where you can rent to own a house or mansion within this town for a price of showing up the generosity of the Garnerville Family.
You can stay in an inn for about 8 years for a price of 500 Jewels. If you are smart you can book sooner, you can gain two years more for 50% of the price. If you booked sooner you can pick any inn within Grandius to stay at for 10 years and only 250 jewels. Everyone is pretty jovial within the town that moved here from other places, while the people who started here minus the Mayorship are the rich snobby people, that look down at anyone that isn’t rich or richer than them.
The biggest thorn in the side of Grandius is a large Dark Guild that has a base of operations in the region of the Cliffs of Darkness to the Mountainous Region of Lasting Cliffs. No one knows, why or who these dark guilds are but they haven’t had any interaction with any of the other dark guilds. The only guild within Grandius that fought with the Dark Guilds no longer has the power to do so, since all the new blood they could be getting are joining Dragon’s Cry or the other official guilds. The Flower of Change Guild is a shadow of its former self, it is the bottom tier official guild.
It has a port but its only for seafaring vessels owned by the wealthy elite living in the city. The biggest two ships within the port are owned by the Von Habsburg Family & Garnerville Family respectably. It has a similar climate of all of Fiore, but in some spots is hotter in some spots. You have to rent out a docking port for 5,000 jewel a week. It is a bay city, with steep cliffs on one side, called the Cliffs of Darkness.
Grandius had many changes in a total of 10 years, the first change came with the creation of the Flower of Change Guild. This guild was created to protect the environment from the dangers of overuse of magical weapons or otherwise. They became pretty powerful with their big rule for gaining a large amount of members. The rule was, don’t litter on the ground or else. They usually cause brawls with the Dark Guilds that make their base near Grandius.
The Flower of Change Guild never attacks official guilds because they are pretty friendly with them all. They do enter the grand tournaments between the official guilds, and so far they’ve won many achievements in those tournaments. However, that soon changed in about 4 years later when they were knocked off as the strongest guild by the Dragon’s Cry Guild. They made the pacifistic guild lose their top spot and their luster pretty quickly. After that the Flower of Change Guild completely stopped going to the Grand Tournaments after that grand whooping by the Dragon’s Cry Guild.
While that happened something amazing happened, the Garnerville Family always had lived in the City of Wealthy Elite. The largest project they were apart of was completed, the Garnerville Estate, which was about 3/4th worth of the town was completed about a year before the Flower of Change Guild losing their top spot by the Dragon’s Cry Guild. It had a scheduled time frame of 20 years but it was completed in only 8 years from when it was started when Catherine & Carl was only 19 years old.
The Garnerville Estate increased the size of the city from only 3,000 Wealthy Elite to 35,000 people. The tourism it generated was insane, but it caused the prices of the tour of the Garnerville Estate to be increased to rich people only prices. When the Garnerville family aren’t the normal snobbish elite jerks, the ticket prices are 200k for a week, 1 million for a month, and 12 million for a year. The accountant of the Garnerville Family had a lot to do with this change of pricing.
Grandius, the City of Wealthy Elite, has the greatest ocean view of any city in Fiore but the cost of living is quite unique for this place. It is the biggest tourist trap of a city ever, since the Garnerville is selling tours for their Garnerville Estate. It is on the northernmost part of Fiore in the area called the Cliffs of Darkness. It causes the most beautiful things to happen, in terms of the night sky isn’t blocked by the brightness of the city proper. The only thing the Garnerville Family has control over that their accountant has no power over, is the cost of living inside of the city. Because the Richest and wealthiest rule over this city, but that’s a good thing since the Garnerville Family aren’t the norm of rich people.
Renting a Home costs 45k Jewels, buying a home in the city is 90k jewels. These homes are usually the size for a family of four upwards to 16 people living in one house. While the renting a mansion within the town usually costs a total of 350,000 Jewels and buying it is 700,000 Jewels. There is an adjustment plan, where you can rent to own a house or mansion within this town for a price of showing up the generosity of the Garnerville Family.
You can stay in an inn for about 8 years for a price of 500 Jewels. If you are smart you can book sooner, you can gain two years more for 50% of the price. If you booked sooner you can pick any inn within Grandius to stay at for 10 years and only 250 jewels. Everyone is pretty jovial within the town that moved here from other places, while the people who started here minus the Mayorship are the rich snobby people, that look down at anyone that isn’t rich or richer than them.
The biggest thorn in the side of Grandius is a large Dark Guild that has a base of operations in the region of the Cliffs of Darkness to the Mountainous Region of Lasting Cliffs. No one knows, why or who these dark guilds are but they haven’t had any interaction with any of the other dark guilds. The only guild within Grandius that fought with the Dark Guilds no longer has the power to do so, since all the new blood they could be getting are joining Dragon’s Cry or the other official guilds. The Flower of Change Guild is a shadow of its former self, it is the bottom tier official guild.

Catherine Lyndis Garnerville - This is the mother to Shirley Dayflower Garnerville. Her husband and her made their wealth a different way compared to the Garnerville Family of old. They joined a powerful guild called Recovered Waystation. She has always been the sarcastic individual and sees the positive side of things. She was on Sorcerer’s Weekly in issue #24 and #25 for a modeling job she did for Recovered Waystation. She only did it because she didn’t want to feel the wrath of Guildmaster Winter.

Carl Roger Garnerville - This is the father to Shirley Dayflower Garnerville. His wife and him made their wealth a different way compared to the Garnerville Family of old. They joined a powerful guild called Recovered Waystation. He is awfully blunt and can’t make really good jokes that well. He’s obsessed with magical weapons and being on Sorcerer Weekly basically talking about his obsessions.

Edward Von Habsburg - He’s the accountant to the Garnerville Family’s wealth and fortune. And he is in control of the finances that are made at the expense of the Garnerville Estate. He made the ticket prices for the Garnerville Estate. He’s grateful to be their accountant since he was tired of all the city politics against the other families.
He gives Shirley D. Garnerville her allowance for the year, and it’s pretty insane how much she’s worth to the Garnerville Family alone. All of the Magical Weapons that Carl talks about on Sorcerer Weekly isn’t worth what he feels for his daughter. He enjoys this family’s way of life and their source of wealth is in family and being happy instead of being miserable like his was, even though the Von Habsburg family are extremely wealthy.
The Warfield Family are closely tied to the Garnerville Family for the single thing of they are great competitors and allies in the world of business. The power structure of the Warfield family is highly different compared to the Garnerville Family. You cannot fail at anything you do or you are kicked out of the family altogether. It’s mostly because of the rule of the Redheaded Lightning Bolt, who’s named Rachel Selena Warfield.

Rachel S. Warfield - She married into the Warfield Family from a lesser family, who used to live in the Valley of the Red Skies, within the town of Lightning Peak. The Warfield Family’s wealth is primarily in the southern part of Fiore, near the town of Lightning Peak. The family outright bought Lightning Peak from the mayor of the town. She is greatly satisfied she was able to live here.

Travis L. Warfield - The head of the Warfield Family, he married the Redheaded Lightning Bolt to make family life a bit more interesting. He uses Ice magic, and two of his four children with Rachel also uses the signature Warfield Ice Magic. He outright despises failure and enjoyed the rule change to the family dynamic.

Brian R. Warfield - He’s the first born child of Travis and Rachel. He has a stance on failure that is very similar to his mother and father. He doesn’t like any of his siblings since they show a weakness he doesn’t like at all. He didn’t show up at Shirley’s 5th Birthday since he was busy with some important work. He did send a response, and gave Shirley about thirty thousand jewel as a birthday gift though, Weiss was the one who gave it to her.

Weiss N. Warfield - She’s the eldest daughter within the Warfield Family, that before her greatest failure. She was happily appreciating the praise of her parents, but the devastation hit when she was exiled from the family and forever cannot use the last name of Warfield near her parent’s ears. However, she can only use her family’s last name near her younger sister Winter S. Warfield and Ashton Leon Warfield. She outright doesn’t like her older brother’s methods, who’s named Brian R. Warfield.

Winter S. Warfield - She’s the 3rd child within the Warfield Family. She’s a guildmaster to the Recovered Waystation and won a great victory against her older sister in a Grand Magic Tournament after her sister’s guild lost to the Dragon’s Cry Guild. The Recovered Waystation gained much traction in the guild rankings but couldn’t didn’t want to push their luck in the grand magic tournament.

Ashton L. Warfield - He’s the youngest child in the Warfield Family. He hasn’t really joined any guild and stays with his parents to keep them from failing their stockholders. He’s highly skilled with Gun magic though.

Rachel S. Warfield - She married into the Warfield Family from a lesser family, who used to live in the Valley of the Red Skies, within the town of Lightning Peak. The Warfield Family’s wealth is primarily in the southern part of Fiore, near the town of Lightning Peak. The family outright bought Lightning Peak from the mayor of the town. She is greatly satisfied she was able to live here.

Travis L. Warfield - The head of the Warfield Family, he married the Redheaded Lightning Bolt to make family life a bit more interesting. He uses Ice magic, and two of his four children with Rachel also uses the signature Warfield Ice Magic. He outright despises failure and enjoyed the rule change to the family dynamic.

Brian R. Warfield - He’s the first born child of Travis and Rachel. He has a stance on failure that is very similar to his mother and father. He doesn’t like any of his siblings since they show a weakness he doesn’t like at all. He didn’t show up at Shirley’s 5th Birthday since he was busy with some important work. He did send a response, and gave Shirley about thirty thousand jewel as a birthday gift though, Weiss was the one who gave it to her.

Weiss N. Warfield - She’s the eldest daughter within the Warfield Family, that before her greatest failure. She was happily appreciating the praise of her parents, but the devastation hit when she was exiled from the family and forever cannot use the last name of Warfield near her parent’s ears. However, she can only use her family’s last name near her younger sister Winter S. Warfield and Ashton Leon Warfield. She outright doesn’t like her older brother’s methods, who’s named Brian R. Warfield.

Winter S. Warfield - She’s the 3rd child within the Warfield Family. She’s a guildmaster to the Recovered Waystation and won a great victory against her older sister in a Grand Magic Tournament after her sister’s guild lost to the Dragon’s Cry Guild. The Recovered Waystation gained much traction in the guild rankings but couldn’t didn’t want to push their luck in the grand magic tournament.

Ashton L. Warfield - He’s the youngest child in the Warfield Family. He hasn’t really joined any guild and stays with his parents to keep them from failing their stockholders. He’s highly skilled with Gun magic though.