Full True Name: Nivara Yasabelle Xonnovan
Age: 21
Name on the Census: Jennifer Elderson
She didn’t want to use Nyx or any other variation of her preferred name/alias in order to avoid the Eldersons getting caught in the cross-fire in the event she gets herself caught. Alas, the wretched census requires her to be registered and present for the bi-annual census. Some old contacts of hers helped her fake all the necessary papers. On the off chance someone looked into the records of Jennifer Elderson, she has a full history detailing her fake past life on file.
Current Residentcy on File: Ragford of the Lanquin Region – Salvolette Territory.
“Jennifer Elderson” is registered as a permanent resident of the Elderson household. The story is that she’s their fourth cousin, originally from Oxdale, a city far to the south, and that she came to them after her parents died in an unfortunate accident involving a poorly-constructed apartment stairwell.
The truth is that the Eldersons are some of the only remaining friends of her parents, and some of the few who had no idea that her parents were the leaders of the Rising Dawn until their death.
Preferred Name: Nyx Noven – Her true initials, paired with a shortening of her adoptive parents’ surname. The infamy of “Xonnovan” forced her to at least shorten it to something not so recognizable.
She uses this whenever she’s abroad, but is careful to use Jennifer Elderson when she’s in Ragford and around anyone besides the Eldersons themselves.
Other Aliases: As a thief, she’s known as the Stardust Phantom.
Race: Human, but she’s been faerie-touched. Or, at least, she suspects she has been.
Thankfully, the effects of it are faint enough for it avoid detection from even most supernatural creatures—fae themselves excluded. While this does give her some abilities and minor resistances that most humans lack, it isn’t enough for her to even pretend to be anything besides human.
Height: 5’4”
Weight: Around 108 lbs.
Build: Though she has some muscles on her from training and spending long nights on the prowl, she is rather thin due to a lack in a steady full diet. She’s no stranger to going hungry.
Eyes: Light brown around her pupil, the color spreads out into a silvery circle.
Hair: Brown and curly, often with a bit of frizz adding extra volume to the already thick locks. She keeps it long whenever possible, though she has cut it short before—which practically turned it into an afro. She always keeps at least one hair tie on her to pull it back when she wants to keep it out of her face.
Distinguishing Marks: She’s been careful to avoid getting any difficult-to-hide scars, and is thankful that she doesn’t have any extremely distinguishable marks on any part of her that isn’t easily covered by clothes. Makes her that much harder to identify in a crowd, which is exactly what she needs as a thief.
She does have a few scars on her arms from mishaps while doing some of the hard labor jobs available to humans, and has one just beneath her ribcage where someone she’d tried to rob had managed to stab her. In her defense, it happened in her earlier thieving days.
Favored Clothes Type: As a human, she can’t afford to be picky, so she’ll take whatever she can get—within reason. Which usually means cheap fabrics, which are often second-hand.
She does prefer more nature–esque colors, finding that she likes how she looks in them, as well as because they’re practical in that they don’t make her stand out in a crowd.
Thief Garb: Though she’d rather have kept it fairly simple and easily replaced, over the years, Edlyn and a ‘friend’ of hers have ultimately collected or made various pieces of garb that make it a bit more unique, adding to the aptness of her epithet.
Innerwear: All in gray, she wears a simple, form-fitting long-sleeved shirt and jeans, both of which are rather worn. Beneath that, she wraps her chest to help disguise her feminine shape, and keeps her hair stuffed beneath a tight cap.
> Vest – She has a gray leather vest loaded with pockets, both obvious and hidden. It fits her snugly, slimming the possibility of getting caught on anything. It also has a hood, its edges slightly weighted to help keep it in place when she has it up—which is usually whenever she wears it. Her sister used some chameleon thread she’d bartered off of a shapeshifter working with the Rising Dawn to embroider a series of constellations on the entirety of the garment.
A pure, impossibly dark black that stands out against the gray of the coat, the chameleon thread is enchanted to shift from its original color to match the fabric it’s on, making it invisible to the naked eye. When used correctly, it can be used to create shifting designs, alternating between that “invisibility” and its original color. After some trial and error, Edlyn figured it out.
To this day, Nyx isn’t entirely sure how many different constellations the older girl embroidered on it.
> Boots – A dusty, faded black teetering toward gray, her boots rise up to her mid-calf. Each has a sheath for a long, thin throwing dagger attached to it.
> Gloves + Bracers – A bit darker shade of gray than the rest of her outfit, she has a pair of tight-fitting gloves. They go a few inches past her wrist, disappearing into a pair of light brown leather bracers that wrap the sleeves of her shirt. These provide a bit of extra protection as well as housing more throwing daggers. Like her coat, constellations shift over the bracers.
> Mask – Something she got from Arowin, it’s quite the masterpiece. When she’s still hidden, it’s as black as the color can get. It covers her eyes and nose. A few black stars dangle from the curves at her cheeks. However, if she’s spotted, the mask ripples to life. Stars and silver fillagree sprout over the dark surface like living galaxies, and the black dangle stars change to silver. A silvery sheen will glow over the eye holes, concealing her eyes from whoever spotted her while leaving her sight clear, like a one-way mirror.
This enchantment is not just for show; there have been a few times where the shift in it to mask her eyes alerted her that she’d been spotted, before she realized on her own that she’d been seen. This mask doesn’t need any kind of strap to stay in place—it does that all by itself once she puts it to her face.
> Accessories – A belt crowded with a few more weapons and various pouches, some empty for goods and others filled with various tricks of her trade, depending on what she suspects she’d need for her current mission.
Calling Card: One of the two reasons that she’s been dubbed the Stardust Phantom is that she leaves a non-magical version of her “stardust” (see “Weapons” section below) in place of the items she stole. Doing this was actually Edlyn’s idea. What she leaves behind resembles the functional stardust, only the grains are a bit larger (like extra course sand), and lose their glow after about two days if not kept in a sealed pouch. In their pouch or if left in a place where there’s a bit less airflow, they can glow for up to a week. When they lose their pulsing glow, they’re black, but glitter with silver specks, similar to sandstone.
Reputation: Though she never expected to become a famous thief, she’s managed exactly that. She travels often, trying to keep her targets guessing of where she might strike next, as well as keeping them off the scent of her real place of residence. She’s heard rumor that whispers of her have started to make it into regions beyond where she’s thieved in, the stories about her and her conquests getting blown into legendary proportions among the human populus. Needless to say, she’s managed to steal from quite a few notable Noble Houses—none of the Ruling Houses, mind… yet—despite their best spells and defenses.
Because of this, she has quite the significant bounty on her head, and tries to not think about what punishment would await her if she gets caught, especially considering the significance of some of the items she’s ‘traded’ for her worthless stardust.
So far, though, it has been easy for her to evade capture; that everyone still believes the Stardust Phantom is a boy helps quite a bit.
A sort of Robbin Hood among those who whisper her name, she only steals for herself when she absolutely needs to. Any money from selling goods often goes anonymously to human townsfolk in the most need—though some have suspected where it’s come from, and have shared their suspicions often enough for that to also be woven into her legends—or the items get donated to the Diamond Templar—the rebel group that recruited her after discovering her relation to the Xonnovans.
She isn’t just good at thievery; her rebel group often uses her for reconnaissance, and she has also managed to copy various documents detailing different defenses the supernatural nobility they target have employed.
As it is, in the eyes of the authorities and the Houses, it’s unclear whether the Stardust Phantom is actively working with the Diamond Templar, or was simply a hired hand. While some of the goods reported stolen by the Stardust Phantom have been discovered after use in the Templar’s escapades, the Phantom otherwise doesn’t appear to followed the supposed activities of the Diamond Templar.
A Thievery Goal: She someday hopes to be capable of slipping into one of the Ruling Houses in order to hunt for the documentation they keep detailing the many human ‘offerings’ taken over the recent years. She doesn’t know how far back they keep records of them, but she’s hoping that they maintain them as long as the humans are alive—and that her sister is one of them.
It’s that, or have one of her contacts through the Diamond Templar rig it so her name gets drawn for the next living tax offering, and hope that she goes to one of the Ruling Houses, or a prominent enough Noble House. Between the two options, she’d rather risk capture and death from trying to sneak into the headquarters of a Ruling House, than become some pet or personal livestock to a wretched supernatural, but she’s willing to do whatever she needs to if it means she could find and rescue her sister.
Both would mean giving up her life to the monsters she hates. But at least the worst that infiltrating or stealing from a Ruling House would bring is only death.
Weapons + Tools of her Trade: Though not legal for humans to have anything besides practical, everyday use equipment (and even those are regulated), she has managed to procure various knives, daggers, lockpicking tools, and even a couple poisons. When not in use, she keeps these safely hidden along with her thief garb.
Stardust: This is a substance she only uses when she’s out as the Stardust Phantom—and is the second reason she’s acquired this epithet. A substance her brilliant sister originally discovered how to make by complete accident, it isn’t actual stardust, of course.
After it’s been properly treated and processed—a process that also involves a smidge of faerie magic in the form of a potion that Arowin provides—it takes on a granular, sand-like texture. Each fair-sized grain glitters with a slight bioluminescence.
When a handful of the stuff is thrown to the ground with enough force, it creates a sparkling mist that messes with the vision of any onlookers, making them “see stars,” as the phrase goes, allowing her to escape on those now rare occasions when she’s spotted. It works on even a majority of supernatural creatures as well as humans, but she’s found that it doesn’t affect her in the least. Whether that’s due to her being faerie-touched or because of the enchantment on her mask, she’s never been sure, and Arowin is never exactly forthcoming about the how or what of his magic.
Unlike the fake stuff she leaves as a calling card, the soft, pulsing glow on this will only fade once it’s been used.
General Personality: Nyx is disgusted by how complacent so many of the humans have become. While she recognizes that it’s all they’ve ever known, that any attempts at rebellion throughout history have been publicly ended with slaughter (even the supernatural empathizers dying slow, agonizing deaths), it still makes her both sick and sad.
But Nyx is far from content. She longs for the freedom she’s read about in the forbidden books her adoptive parents kept hidden. She wants to see her fellow humans treated feialry. She wants to stop anyone else from having to go through the loss she has.
She harbors a strong hatred and resentment of the Houses, though she’s learned to recognize that not all supernatural beings are bad—after all, plenty of them were partnered with the Rising Dawn, and died for its cause. She’s even friends with a few of them herself.
Since losing most of her family, she cares little for her own life or safety, and jumps on any opportunity to bring chaos to the Houses and other strong supernaturals.
She’s willing to do just about anything as long as it would mean seeing the downfall of the Ruling Houses, and mean she’d get the chance to see her sister—or at least find out if she’s even still alive—again.
She is fierce and protective of those who she’s learned to trust and care for, and is quick to jump into a fight—which is one reason she’s had difficulties holding down any kind of job, especially better servant-type jobs in the larger cities. Her temper has nearly cost her her life on a couple occasions. Since then, she has tried to control it, with varying success. Taking on her alter as the Stardust Phantom does help a bit, since it gives her an outlet to get back at the creatures she sees messing with other humans.
Occupation: She tends to bounce around in her day jobs—which is a nice way to say she has some troubles holding a single steady job. Right now, Mrs. Elderson has her registered as being her assistant to her small seamstress shop.
However, that’s just a cover, and only what’s “on the books.” The reality is that she’s often traveling, moonlighting as a thief and a spy for the Diamond Templar as much as for herself to scratch the rebellious itch for freedom that permeates her soul.
Physical Abilities: Extremely stealthy—if she doesn’t want to be heard, she won’t be. Agile. Fairly strong from spending a lot of time training to fight with blades and bare hands alike. Quick for a human, but not to any supernatural degree. Dexterous. She’s always been good at climbing things.
Magic Abilities: None. Not directly, anyway, as one could argue that her faerie-touched physical abilities come from magic.
Weaknesses + Flaws: Her short fuse. Blunt. Stubborn. Paranoid. Though she has decent muscle, her poor diet of whatever-she-can-get-her-hands-on has made it difficult for her to build any significant muscle.
> Biological Family – Unknown. Status: Presumed dead.
> Adoptive Parents – Lilith and Elias Xonnovan. Status: Deceased.
> Adoptive Siblings – Edlyn Xonnovan. Status: Unknown. Would be 24 if alive.
> Other –
Arowin: A 'friend' of hers, Arowin (uh-ROW-in) is one of the fae. She calls him Aro, for short.. She calls him Aro, for short. Though, she uses ‘friend’ rather loosely. She ultimately doesn’t fully trust him, and suspects he’d turn on her in a heartbeat if it meant saving his own skin, but he has been good to her over the years. And I do mean years; she first encountered him when she was seven, and he’s been around ever since.
Though he’s always refused to confirm or deny whether or not Nyx was indeed faerie-touched, that he continues to hang around her only strengthens the belief. She’s always been good with the smaller fae, but he’s the strongest of the ones she’s met, and the only one who has stuck around.
He provides her with the rare potion she needs for her stardust and the occasional other magic item, and in turn she brings him various gifts or steals things for him that he can’t get himself due to wards designed to keep out supernatural beings like him.
Though she’s constantly on the move, the one thing she can trust is that all she needs to do is go into the nearest woods, alone, and she’ll eventually run into him.
Alas, that scar she has beneath her ribcage? It has put her in a life-debt to Arowin, who has yet to cash in. Suspiciously, he hasn’t mentioned it since, but Nyx knows better than to hope that he’s forgotten about it.

On-Record Bio: As far as the official records know, Nivara Yasabelle Xonnovan died four years ago with her adoptive parents when the headquarters of the Risen Dawn was burned down, its members killed for treason against the Ruling Houses.
The records know that she was an adoptive member of the Xonnovan family, taken in when she was no older than two years old. She, with the Xonnovans, lived in the slums of a city called Ironvale.
It is believed that she worked alongside the Xonnovans’ in the Rising Dawn, and witnesses attest to having seen the teenaged girl enter the building that was their temporary headquarters at the time with her parents on several occasions.
The Xonnovans formed the Rising Dawn not long after the name of their biological daughter, Edlyn Xonnovan, was drawn to be one of their region’s offerings.
Nivara was only fifteen years of age at the time, Edlyn eighteen. As is customary once a human has been Offered and Chosen, Edlyn was forced to cut contact with her family, her fate unknown to them.
Not much else is known about Nivara. She otherwise had a clean record, and had bounced around between different low-paying jobs between attending a local school that admitted only humans.
Age: 21
Name on the Census: Jennifer Elderson
She didn’t want to use Nyx or any other variation of her preferred name/alias in order to avoid the Eldersons getting caught in the cross-fire in the event she gets herself caught. Alas, the wretched census requires her to be registered and present for the bi-annual census. Some old contacts of hers helped her fake all the necessary papers. On the off chance someone looked into the records of Jennifer Elderson, she has a full history detailing her fake past life on file.
Current Residentcy on File: Ragford of the Lanquin Region – Salvolette Territory.
“Jennifer Elderson” is registered as a permanent resident of the Elderson household. The story is that she’s their fourth cousin, originally from Oxdale, a city far to the south, and that she came to them after her parents died in an unfortunate accident involving a poorly-constructed apartment stairwell.
The truth is that the Eldersons are some of the only remaining friends of her parents, and some of the few who had no idea that her parents were the leaders of the Rising Dawn until their death.
Preferred Name: Nyx Noven – Her true initials, paired with a shortening of her adoptive parents’ surname. The infamy of “Xonnovan” forced her to at least shorten it to something not so recognizable.
She uses this whenever she’s abroad, but is careful to use Jennifer Elderson when she’s in Ragford and around anyone besides the Eldersons themselves.
Other Aliases: As a thief, she’s known as the Stardust Phantom.
Race: Human, but she’s been faerie-touched. Or, at least, she suspects she has been.
Thankfully, the effects of it are faint enough for it avoid detection from even most supernatural creatures—fae themselves excluded. While this does give her some abilities and minor resistances that most humans lack, it isn’t enough for her to even pretend to be anything besides human.
Height: 5’4”
Weight: Around 108 lbs.
Build: Though she has some muscles on her from training and spending long nights on the prowl, she is rather thin due to a lack in a steady full diet. She’s no stranger to going hungry.
Eyes: Light brown around her pupil, the color spreads out into a silvery circle.
Hair: Brown and curly, often with a bit of frizz adding extra volume to the already thick locks. She keeps it long whenever possible, though she has cut it short before—which practically turned it into an afro. She always keeps at least one hair tie on her to pull it back when she wants to keep it out of her face.
Distinguishing Marks: She’s been careful to avoid getting any difficult-to-hide scars, and is thankful that she doesn’t have any extremely distinguishable marks on any part of her that isn’t easily covered by clothes. Makes her that much harder to identify in a crowd, which is exactly what she needs as a thief.
She does have a few scars on her arms from mishaps while doing some of the hard labor jobs available to humans, and has one just beneath her ribcage where someone she’d tried to rob had managed to stab her. In her defense, it happened in her earlier thieving days.
Favored Clothes Type: As a human, she can’t afford to be picky, so she’ll take whatever she can get—within reason. Which usually means cheap fabrics, which are often second-hand.
She does prefer more nature–esque colors, finding that she likes how she looks in them, as well as because they’re practical in that they don’t make her stand out in a crowd.
Thief Garb: Though she’d rather have kept it fairly simple and easily replaced, over the years, Edlyn and a ‘friend’ of hers have ultimately collected or made various pieces of garb that make it a bit more unique, adding to the aptness of her epithet.
Innerwear: All in gray, she wears a simple, form-fitting long-sleeved shirt and jeans, both of which are rather worn. Beneath that, she wraps her chest to help disguise her feminine shape, and keeps her hair stuffed beneath a tight cap.
> Vest – She has a gray leather vest loaded with pockets, both obvious and hidden. It fits her snugly, slimming the possibility of getting caught on anything. It also has a hood, its edges slightly weighted to help keep it in place when she has it up—which is usually whenever she wears it. Her sister used some chameleon thread she’d bartered off of a shapeshifter working with the Rising Dawn to embroider a series of constellations on the entirety of the garment.
A pure, impossibly dark black that stands out against the gray of the coat, the chameleon thread is enchanted to shift from its original color to match the fabric it’s on, making it invisible to the naked eye. When used correctly, it can be used to create shifting designs, alternating between that “invisibility” and its original color. After some trial and error, Edlyn figured it out.
To this day, Nyx isn’t entirely sure how many different constellations the older girl embroidered on it.
> Boots – A dusty, faded black teetering toward gray, her boots rise up to her mid-calf. Each has a sheath for a long, thin throwing dagger attached to it.
> Gloves + Bracers – A bit darker shade of gray than the rest of her outfit, she has a pair of tight-fitting gloves. They go a few inches past her wrist, disappearing into a pair of light brown leather bracers that wrap the sleeves of her shirt. These provide a bit of extra protection as well as housing more throwing daggers. Like her coat, constellations shift over the bracers.
> Mask – Something she got from Arowin, it’s quite the masterpiece. When she’s still hidden, it’s as black as the color can get. It covers her eyes and nose. A few black stars dangle from the curves at her cheeks. However, if she’s spotted, the mask ripples to life. Stars and silver fillagree sprout over the dark surface like living galaxies, and the black dangle stars change to silver. A silvery sheen will glow over the eye holes, concealing her eyes from whoever spotted her while leaving her sight clear, like a one-way mirror.
This enchantment is not just for show; there have been a few times where the shift in it to mask her eyes alerted her that she’d been spotted, before she realized on her own that she’d been seen. This mask doesn’t need any kind of strap to stay in place—it does that all by itself once she puts it to her face.
> Accessories – A belt crowded with a few more weapons and various pouches, some empty for goods and others filled with various tricks of her trade, depending on what she suspects she’d need for her current mission.
Calling Card: One of the two reasons that she’s been dubbed the Stardust Phantom is that she leaves a non-magical version of her “stardust” (see “Weapons” section below) in place of the items she stole. Doing this was actually Edlyn’s idea. What she leaves behind resembles the functional stardust, only the grains are a bit larger (like extra course sand), and lose their glow after about two days if not kept in a sealed pouch. In their pouch or if left in a place where there’s a bit less airflow, they can glow for up to a week. When they lose their pulsing glow, they’re black, but glitter with silver specks, similar to sandstone.
Reputation: Though she never expected to become a famous thief, she’s managed exactly that. She travels often, trying to keep her targets guessing of where she might strike next, as well as keeping them off the scent of her real place of residence. She’s heard rumor that whispers of her have started to make it into regions beyond where she’s thieved in, the stories about her and her conquests getting blown into legendary proportions among the human populus. Needless to say, she’s managed to steal from quite a few notable Noble Houses—none of the Ruling Houses, mind… yet—despite their best spells and defenses.
Because of this, she has quite the significant bounty on her head, and tries to not think about what punishment would await her if she gets caught, especially considering the significance of some of the items she’s ‘traded’ for her worthless stardust.
So far, though, it has been easy for her to evade capture; that everyone still believes the Stardust Phantom is a boy helps quite a bit.
A sort of Robbin Hood among those who whisper her name, she only steals for herself when she absolutely needs to. Any money from selling goods often goes anonymously to human townsfolk in the most need—though some have suspected where it’s come from, and have shared their suspicions often enough for that to also be woven into her legends—or the items get donated to the Diamond Templar—the rebel group that recruited her after discovering her relation to the Xonnovans.
She isn’t just good at thievery; her rebel group often uses her for reconnaissance, and she has also managed to copy various documents detailing different defenses the supernatural nobility they target have employed.
As it is, in the eyes of the authorities and the Houses, it’s unclear whether the Stardust Phantom is actively working with the Diamond Templar, or was simply a hired hand. While some of the goods reported stolen by the Stardust Phantom have been discovered after use in the Templar’s escapades, the Phantom otherwise doesn’t appear to followed the supposed activities of the Diamond Templar.
A Thievery Goal: She someday hopes to be capable of slipping into one of the Ruling Houses in order to hunt for the documentation they keep detailing the many human ‘offerings’ taken over the recent years. She doesn’t know how far back they keep records of them, but she’s hoping that they maintain them as long as the humans are alive—and that her sister is one of them.
It’s that, or have one of her contacts through the Diamond Templar rig it so her name gets drawn for the next living tax offering, and hope that she goes to one of the Ruling Houses, or a prominent enough Noble House. Between the two options, she’d rather risk capture and death from trying to sneak into the headquarters of a Ruling House, than become some pet or personal livestock to a wretched supernatural, but she’s willing to do whatever she needs to if it means she could find and rescue her sister.
Both would mean giving up her life to the monsters she hates. But at least the worst that infiltrating or stealing from a Ruling House would bring is only death.
Weapons + Tools of her Trade: Though not legal for humans to have anything besides practical, everyday use equipment (and even those are regulated), she has managed to procure various knives, daggers, lockpicking tools, and even a couple poisons. When not in use, she keeps these safely hidden along with her thief garb.
Stardust: This is a substance she only uses when she’s out as the Stardust Phantom—and is the second reason she’s acquired this epithet. A substance her brilliant sister originally discovered how to make by complete accident, it isn’t actual stardust, of course.
After it’s been properly treated and processed—a process that also involves a smidge of faerie magic in the form of a potion that Arowin provides—it takes on a granular, sand-like texture. Each fair-sized grain glitters with a slight bioluminescence.
When a handful of the stuff is thrown to the ground with enough force, it creates a sparkling mist that messes with the vision of any onlookers, making them “see stars,” as the phrase goes, allowing her to escape on those now rare occasions when she’s spotted. It works on even a majority of supernatural creatures as well as humans, but she’s found that it doesn’t affect her in the least. Whether that’s due to her being faerie-touched or because of the enchantment on her mask, she’s never been sure, and Arowin is never exactly forthcoming about the how or what of his magic.
Unlike the fake stuff she leaves as a calling card, the soft, pulsing glow on this will only fade once it’s been used.
General Personality: Nyx is disgusted by how complacent so many of the humans have become. While she recognizes that it’s all they’ve ever known, that any attempts at rebellion throughout history have been publicly ended with slaughter (even the supernatural empathizers dying slow, agonizing deaths), it still makes her both sick and sad.
But Nyx is far from content. She longs for the freedom she’s read about in the forbidden books her adoptive parents kept hidden. She wants to see her fellow humans treated feialry. She wants to stop anyone else from having to go through the loss she has.
She harbors a strong hatred and resentment of the Houses, though she’s learned to recognize that not all supernatural beings are bad—after all, plenty of them were partnered with the Rising Dawn, and died for its cause. She’s even friends with a few of them herself.
Since losing most of her family, she cares little for her own life or safety, and jumps on any opportunity to bring chaos to the Houses and other strong supernaturals.
She’s willing to do just about anything as long as it would mean seeing the downfall of the Ruling Houses, and mean she’d get the chance to see her sister—or at least find out if she’s even still alive—again.
She is fierce and protective of those who she’s learned to trust and care for, and is quick to jump into a fight—which is one reason she’s had difficulties holding down any kind of job, especially better servant-type jobs in the larger cities. Her temper has nearly cost her her life on a couple occasions. Since then, she has tried to control it, with varying success. Taking on her alter as the Stardust Phantom does help a bit, since it gives her an outlet to get back at the creatures she sees messing with other humans.
Occupation: She tends to bounce around in her day jobs—which is a nice way to say she has some troubles holding a single steady job. Right now, Mrs. Elderson has her registered as being her assistant to her small seamstress shop.
However, that’s just a cover, and only what’s “on the books.” The reality is that she’s often traveling, moonlighting as a thief and a spy for the Diamond Templar as much as for herself to scratch the rebellious itch for freedom that permeates her soul.
Physical Abilities: Extremely stealthy—if she doesn’t want to be heard, she won’t be. Agile. Fairly strong from spending a lot of time training to fight with blades and bare hands alike. Quick for a human, but not to any supernatural degree. Dexterous. She’s always been good at climbing things.
Magic Abilities: None. Not directly, anyway, as one could argue that her faerie-touched physical abilities come from magic.
Weaknesses + Flaws: Her short fuse. Blunt. Stubborn. Paranoid. Though she has decent muscle, her poor diet of whatever-she-can-get-her-hands-on has made it difficult for her to build any significant muscle.
> Biological Family – Unknown. Status: Presumed dead.
> Adoptive Parents – Lilith and Elias Xonnovan. Status: Deceased.
> Adoptive Siblings – Edlyn Xonnovan. Status: Unknown. Would be 24 if alive.
> Other –
Obert Elderson. Status: Living. Age: 40
Ally Elderson. Status: Living. Age: 39
Lulu Elderson. Status: Living. Age: 19.
Trevor Elderson. Status: Living. Age: 10.
Ally Elderson. Status: Living. Age: 39
Lulu Elderson. Status: Living. Age: 19.
Trevor Elderson. Status: Living. Age: 10.
Arowin: A 'friend' of hers, Arowin (uh-ROW-in) is one of the fae. She calls him Aro, for short.. She calls him Aro, for short. Though, she uses ‘friend’ rather loosely. She ultimately doesn’t fully trust him, and suspects he’d turn on her in a heartbeat if it meant saving his own skin, but he has been good to her over the years. And I do mean years; she first encountered him when she was seven, and he’s been around ever since.
Though he’s always refused to confirm or deny whether or not Nyx was indeed faerie-touched, that he continues to hang around her only strengthens the belief. She’s always been good with the smaller fae, but he’s the strongest of the ones she’s met, and the only one who has stuck around.
He provides her with the rare potion she needs for her stardust and the occasional other magic item, and in turn she brings him various gifts or steals things for him that he can’t get himself due to wards designed to keep out supernatural beings like him.
Though she’s constantly on the move, the one thing she can trust is that all she needs to do is go into the nearest woods, alone, and she’ll eventually run into him.
Alas, that scar she has beneath her ribcage? It has put her in a life-debt to Arowin, who has yet to cash in. Suspiciously, he hasn’t mentioned it since, but Nyx knows better than to hope that he’s forgotten about it.

On-Record Bio: As far as the official records know, Nivara Yasabelle Xonnovan died four years ago with her adoptive parents when the headquarters of the Risen Dawn was burned down, its members killed for treason against the Ruling Houses.
The records know that she was an adoptive member of the Xonnovan family, taken in when she was no older than two years old. She, with the Xonnovans, lived in the slums of a city called Ironvale.
It is believed that she worked alongside the Xonnovans’ in the Rising Dawn, and witnesses attest to having seen the teenaged girl enter the building that was their temporary headquarters at the time with her parents on several occasions.
The Xonnovans formed the Rising Dawn not long after the name of their biological daughter, Edlyn Xonnovan, was drawn to be one of their region’s offerings.
Nivara was only fifteen years of age at the time, Edlyn eighteen. As is customary once a human has been Offered and Chosen, Edlyn was forced to cut contact with her family, her fate unknown to them.
Not much else is known about Nivara. She otherwise had a clean record, and had bounced around between different low-paying jobs between attending a local school that admitted only humans.
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