Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 21 days ago

There's nothing wrong with liking flashbacks, mind! They just have to be done tactfully for me to like them. When I encounter them in books, most of the time I just get frustrated about jumping between past and present, rather than reading events in order.

Want me to take point and put up the first post once it's written, then you can follow my lead? Or did you have something in mind where you'd rather I follow your lead?

Huh. I see that. I played around with it in my last post, and it shows up fine...

Ah! I see what happened. There's a weird glitch on the site or something. For some stupid reason, the code function snips part of the link off. It shouldn't BE a clickable link.

The link in your character post is missing "https://" before the i.imgur. So it should be https:// i.imgur.com/9EcqkIx.png, but without the space. I had to add that or it erased it again.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 7 days ago

Oh, no I totally get that. I sometimes type while I talk and will most likely not catch it. So sorry in advance lol

I'd rather follow your lead if that's okay, I have a semi coherent post in mind but I'd love to see what you have in mind. If not I can start I'd just need to brainstorm lol

Ooh, let me go try! :)

Edit: Yay!! It worked~
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 21 days ago

Quite alright! I don't mind taking point. I think you've said that it's been a while since you last roleplayed, correct? I know it can take some time getting back into the swing of creating story and writing for characters, especially after long writing dry spells. I'll start on my post as soon as I'm able!

Oh, good! I'm glad it worked! *Goes to see.* ... Are you sure you're okay with that? The lettering color and lightening solidity looked very different on my laptop than what it does on my tablet or phone. Which makes me wonder what in the world is wrong with my laptop NOW?


Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 7 days ago

It has been, so no rush or anything! I'm excited for this!

I don't mind~ But wait if it looked different on two of your devices....that's odd. I kinda wanna see the different one now lol

Bad, Rin. Bad.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 21 days ago

*Facepalm.* Right. I had been looking at it with a solid black background while altering the lightening to enhance the color while tweaking it. And the text, I probably didn't turn off my blue-light filter all the way. The text looked less thick-purple-outline and more not quite blue, not quite purple.

Sorry, Rin. I deserve the Night Terrors tonight for blaming you. xD

I know it doesn't matter much, since it's just a fun header, but my OCD was angry. So here. This was more how it was, though I did add some black outlining/glow to the text. Because black is such a pretty, happy color!

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 7 days ago

I have dark mode on my phone so your struggle makes sense a little lol, I'm glad you were able to figure it out!

x3 c3


(I turned dark mode off) and it looks perfect! I never had a solid pallete aside from blue-purple. I could've said specific colors but I didn't wanna come off as demanding, ya know? I do love it!
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 21 days ago

I had time, so sat down and wrote something up for Rin! I was going to wait until I had something for Nyx, too, but figured I may as well get that up for now since it's what's going to be more pertinent to you right now. If you're okay with it, I'll add Nyx's intro later once I get that written. If I don't get to it before you get a post, I'll just add it into my second IC post. That okay with you?

For the record, that wouldn't have been demanding in the least! Demanding would've been, "Hey! Make me a header! And it HAS to be just like this, or RAWR!" I offered, and asked what you wanted! Getting detailed with your wants isn't demanding, as far as I can tell. :-) But, yes, I do understand the feeling! Glad you like the end result better. xD
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 7 days ago

Yay! A post! Sleep won last night, sorry for the late reply. I'm also getting sick again so this is a perfect distraction~ And of course, feel free to add Nyx's part whenever ^&^

Thanks very much for it :) You have skills~

Edit: I kinda have an idea for Vik, let's see how this goes lol

Edit 2: Can I be added as a GM?
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 21 days ago

Right, sorry for the wait, but I got Nyx's intro added to my first post! So you know, I hadn't intended the town' she's headed to to be the same one our boys are in right now. She'd have left that city as quickly as possible, but would've been on foot at that time to avoid being seen leaving, so wouldn't have gotten too far. Just far enough. But if we end up needing her to have stayed in the same city for plot/meeting purposes, I didn't give it a name specifically so I wouldn't have to edit anything, and we can go with that instead.

Added! Just make sure to do the status justice! 😉

Forgot to say, but you don't ever have to apologize for getting rest! I'm happy you got sleep! Sorry you were feeling sick, though. Hope you feel better soon!

Aso, I apologize. Nyx feels off to me, but I've felt off this week, so I can't tell if that's the only reason why.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 7 days ago

Sweet! I'll go read it now ^^

I'll try to~ haha

I'm doing much better thanks! I've also started my reply. It started out differently than I had intended but so far I like it so let's see haha. You're fine, I do hope you feel better soon and not off~

I'm going to change Zephyr's name, just wanted to let you know ^^
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 7 days ago

Double post, sorry!
Let me know if my post is okay or not, not 100% feeling Vik yet and I haven't been sleeping well but I wanted to get this to you~
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 21 days ago

Neh, that's hardly something that needs an apology! I didn't reply, and you had something to say!

So, we're both kind of in the same boat with a character? xD Eh, we'll all get used to each other soon enough, I'm sure. And don't ever feel like you need to rush a post! Write when you're feeling up to it. I can wait. I won't lose interest because of extended periods between posts. So please, make sure you take care of yourself first, and get the rest you need to be functional (or at least semi-functional. Sometimes, sleeplessness doesn't let you get much past semi-functional)!

(For the record, no, that's not a hypocritic statement. I DID feel up to writing, even if I've felt a bit off.)

Would you be at all opposed to writing future posts in past tense rather than present?

"Kitten socializing." xD Hey, the pets are the best part about going to someone else's house! Even after being awake for 48 hours. Especiallu after being awake too long!

"Future Shadows?" If that's something my character would understand and that might come into play later for you, could I get an explanation, please? Sorry if you've already said something about that somewhere and I've forgotten!

Don't forget to update your character profile with the new name!
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 7 days ago

I shall keep that in mind, I'm just one of those people that don't like keeping their partner waiting for a reply. I feel guilty~

I wrote in present instead of past? Really? Sorry about that~ I don't mind I think, I'm just used to writing in present so that'll be different ^^

I'll take your word for it, lol.

Sooooooo...I blame my zombie brain for this, honestly. So long story short my brain that "Let's have families who breed animals that can be used to keep tabs on the humans while looking like regular animals so as not to draw attention." Basically normal-looking animals are bred to replace police presence on the streets, the difference is these animals have a telepathic bond with the parent/who bred them and can relay information back and forth, they can also talk like humans. Sorry if this is a reach, I can edit my post to remove this if need be. Again a random sleep-deprived idea

Will do! Meant to updated it but got busy~

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Riven Wight
Avatar of Riven Wight

Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 21 days ago

Will it bother you that I tend to take a while to get to IC replies? I have a lot of hobbies, all things considered, so tend to jump between them in my free time. For example, I've been fixated on video gaming the past couple weeks... Which is a nice way to say obsessed.

Yep! You probably know, but since you didn't realize you'd done it, present tense is when you write something like it's happening now. Like a documentary narration or screenplay. "Errol walks over to the cabinet and pulls out a cup to get some water.
'Don't! It's poisoned!' Rita shouts from the other room, stopping him just in time."

Past tense is phrased like it already happened, like a story being told around a campfire, or a recounted history. "Errol walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a cup to get some water.
'Don't! It's poisoned!' Rita shouted from the other room, stopping him just in time."

Hmm. I really like the concept, there! But I'd like the humans to at least have some sort of chance. I was thinking the Enforcers aren't actually incompetent, they're just currently being outwitted by a single human, and their efforts of keeping humans in their place are also spread a bit thin with also making sure that supernaturals get along with each other. So angry supernaturals are focusing on their one or two failures rather than their hundreds of successes right now. They're on edge and hate that a single human is outwitting Nobles, so lashing out wherever they can. Calrin was just agreeing to pacify Evara. The Enforcers in her home city have been focusing on Nyx the last day+, so they haven't cought a small group of nobody rebels yet. Sorry that I failed to communicate that in IC!

But... I like the idea. So. What about making it a rarer thing, like cultivating one of your Shadows is an ability that only a very select few have (and the number they can create and keep alive at one time is limited), and only the strongest among them are capable of a power transfer stable enough to create ones that can openly speak like a human? That way there aren't an overpowering amount of them. And/Or maybe their powers only work properly in certain areas? Or even focalize it more to just one or two people who have figured out how to do it? And if you'd planned on them coming into heavy play, not just be a passing mention, maybe give them some sort of subtle tell, something that could tip off a human (or supernatural) if they know your Shadows are a thing and get a close enough look?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 7 days ago

Nah! I'm like that too, but I also get bored and love to write stories that keep my brain focused. But! You do you~ I'll be here ^^

Ah, see I do know this. Apparently my zombie brain forgot that key detail and settled on typing out past tense. Sorry about that, honestly.

No! No! I must've missed it! You're post was amazing! :)

I didn't mean to have them be so overpowered z.z Limits shall be added like you've mentioned. And as for them being something major in the story, I'd say it'd add a twist so I'm open for them being a part of this if you are ^^
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 21 days ago

Thank you for understanding! Yeash, time got away from me this week. My sleep non-schedule decided to... I can't even say inverted. It's just weird. Time is relative to me on the best of days, but more so when that gets wonky-er.

Apologies for repeated information, then!

Heh, no, as soon as started that convo topic, I realized I hadn't been thinking about adding those subtilties. But thanks!

They aren't overpowered in and of themselves. I was just unsure how much more impossible for humans they would make things without more limitations, with humans already being out-powered by most supernaturals in general. If they were added as they are in your h3ead, would it then be more up to supernatural empathizers to free humans, or could humans still stand a chance with just aid from empathizers? If you think you could downplay them enough or add some balancing weaknesses at the least, go for it! Just, might make things a bit more difficult when you potentially have humans who might go crazy or be otherwise overwhelmed with paranoia every time they see a squirrel or something.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 7 days ago

I hope your sleep schedule rights itself! I've had that issue and it's not fun, i recently bought a heated blanket and it seems to help, I hope you get some rest!

You're fine! :)


I shall begin plotting, haha.
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