Montreal Gazette
Sunday, 20 December, 2009
Honored Hero Heralds the Holidays with Hostile Horror
written by Jace Baseman
The citizens of Montreal are reeling from the horrific downfall of their once beloved protector, Trueheart. For years, Trueheart stood as a pillar of hope and safety for the people of this city, using his vast array of metahuman abilities to defend the innocent from all manner of threats. But the heroic image he cultivated for so long came crashing down yesterday in a truly shocking display of violence and vitriol.
The tragedy unfolded at Trueheart's annual holiday event, where crowds had gathered to celebrate the season and show their appreciation for their guardian hero. After years of saving them from harm, Trueheart turned on the people, using his powers to gruesomely murder the prime minister in cold blood, right there in front of the stunned onlookers. He then unleashed a venomous tirade against the crowd, cursing their very existence and decrying their worship of him as a "mockery." Trueheart condemned the people as weak and dependent, claiming they lacked the ability to handle anything themselves and were a "scorn of existence."
This devastating betrayal from their once-trusted hero left the people of Montreal reeling in horror and heartbreak. But worse was still to come. Trueheart went on a rampage of chaos and destruction throughout the city streets, using his vast superhuman abilities to bring ruin to the place he had once protected. The former hero was unrecognizable as he laid waste to entire neighborhoods, his twisted crusade leaving Montreal in shambles.
It took the combined efforts of an elite team of agents from the DNCC to finally put an end to Trueheart's reign of terror. After an intense battle, the agents succeeded in blasting the corrupted hero out of the sky. Trueheart plunged into the river, swept away by the currents, vanishing from the city he left in ruins. While the people try to pick up the pieces, they are left shaken to their core at how their once-noble guardian could become the most fearsome villain they've ever seen. The tragic fall of Trueheart will haunt this city for years to come.
The tragedy unfolded at Trueheart's annual holiday event, where crowds had gathered to celebrate the season and show their appreciation for their guardian hero. After years of saving them from harm, Trueheart turned on the people, using his powers to gruesomely murder the prime minister in cold blood, right there in front of the stunned onlookers. He then unleashed a venomous tirade against the crowd, cursing their very existence and decrying their worship of him as a "mockery." Trueheart condemned the people as weak and dependent, claiming they lacked the ability to handle anything themselves and were a "scorn of existence."
"It has always been you─
The lot of you! You pathetic creatures
are the true scorn of existence!"
The lot of you! You pathetic creatures
are the true scorn of existence!"
This devastating betrayal from their once-trusted hero left the people of Montreal reeling in horror and heartbreak. But worse was still to come. Trueheart went on a rampage of chaos and destruction throughout the city streets, using his vast superhuman abilities to bring ruin to the place he had once protected. The former hero was unrecognizable as he laid waste to entire neighborhoods, his twisted crusade leaving Montreal in shambles.
It took the combined efforts of an elite team of agents from the DNCC to finally put an end to Trueheart's reign of terror. After an intense battle, the agents succeeded in blasting the corrupted hero out of the sky. Trueheart plunged into the river, swept away by the currents, vanishing from the city he left in ruins. While the people try to pick up the pieces, they are left shaken to their core at how their once-noble guardian could become the most fearsome villain they've ever seen. The tragic fall of Trueheart will haunt this city for years to come.
"I never thought there would be a day
that the truest heart of Quebec would fall..."
that the truest heart of Quebec would fall..."

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To: Director Presley Bell
From: Agent Roy Vega
Subject: RE: Project Hound
From: Agent Roy Vega
Subject: RE: Project Hound
Good morning Director Bell,
I am writing to follow up on the proposed “Hound” project that would provide incarcerated numan criminals a chance at reduced sentencing through, as you described, "government-contracted bounty hunting". As you know, I have spearheaded this initiative as a powerful opportunity for reform, rehabilitation, and, most of all, enhanced public safety.
The recent tragic downfall of Trueheart has only reinforced the need for this progressive program. His shocking betrayal highlights the sobering truth that even the greatest heroes can fall into darkness when overwhelmed by inner demons. As Dr. Malcolm Grey's seminal "Grey Scale" philosophy recognizes, humanity exists across a complex moral spectrum, and no one is beyond redemption or utterly condemned to evil. Trueheart's horrific acts, though reprehensible, likely stem from profound pain that with care and counseling could have been addressed before catastrophe struck.
By offering numan criminals a path to redemption through assisting law enforcement, the Hounds program embodies the rehabilitative spirit of the "Grey Scale". These individuals are not irredeemable monsters, but complex beings capable of both light and dark. By harnessing their unique skills and insights in service of justice, we grant them an opportunity for atonement and positive change, while also gaining valuable allies against sinister elements.
With the infrastructure and oversight of the DNCC, we can ensure these empowered individuals will be safely directed towards protecting society, rather than endangering it. I firmly believe the Hounds initiative will strengthen public safety while also recognizing the nuanced potential within each person, however far they may have strayed into shadow. Trueheart's downfall is a sobering reminder that any of us could fall without support; we must respond with compassion, not condemnation. This progressive program represents the best of Malcolm Grey's philosophy in action - embracing humanity's full spectrum and leaving no one beyond the reach of redemption's light. I welcome the chance to discuss this further and make the Hounds initiative a reality.
The recent tragic downfall of Trueheart has only reinforced the need for this progressive program. His shocking betrayal highlights the sobering truth that even the greatest heroes can fall into darkness when overwhelmed by inner demons. As Dr. Malcolm Grey's seminal "Grey Scale" philosophy recognizes, humanity exists across a complex moral spectrum, and no one is beyond redemption or utterly condemned to evil. Trueheart's horrific acts, though reprehensible, likely stem from profound pain that with care and counseling could have been addressed before catastrophe struck.
By offering numan criminals a path to redemption through assisting law enforcement, the Hounds program embodies the rehabilitative spirit of the "Grey Scale". These individuals are not irredeemable monsters, but complex beings capable of both light and dark. By harnessing their unique skills and insights in service of justice, we grant them an opportunity for atonement and positive change, while also gaining valuable allies against sinister elements.
With the infrastructure and oversight of the DNCC, we can ensure these empowered individuals will be safely directed towards protecting society, rather than endangering it. I firmly believe the Hounds initiative will strengthen public safety while also recognizing the nuanced potential within each person, however far they may have strayed into shadow. Trueheart's downfall is a sobering reminder that any of us could fall without support; we must respond with compassion, not condemnation. This progressive program represents the best of Malcolm Grey's philosophy in action - embracing humanity's full spectrum and leaving no one beyond the reach of redemption's light. I welcome the chance to discuss this further and make the Hounds initiative a reality.
My humble regards,
Agent Roy Vega
Department of Numan Conduct and Control
Agent Roy Vega
Department of Numan Conduct and Control
A short man enters the room, shiny black dress shoes clicking softly on the concrete flooring. He moves across the dimly lit room and sits across the table from another individual. The short man has jet black hair cut into a long crew cut, the ragged top seeming to be ruffled from fingers dragging nervously through the locks. His skin is pale and sickly in color, almost gray in the dull lighting of the room. He wears a long black coat that covers the majority of his body with a matching dress shirt and tie underneath. A pair of black leather gloves fit neatly over his hands which hold a simple folder marked confidential. His gaze is unseen, cast down on the pages of the file as he looks through the information and hums, "You've led quite the life," he comments, an almost casual tone lacing his voice as he flips through pages still, "Says here your deeds have you sentenced for life..." he trails off then, setting down the filed before raising his gaze to look at the individual sitting on the other side of the table. Restrained. Blocked from all usage of power. Completely contained.
The man's gaze is dark. Cold. He looks at the other with a level of strength and command disproportionate to his size and stature. But there's something else there. Compassion? Understanding? Hope, even. He keeps his gaze level as he speaks directly to the former villain with whom he so daringly shares his presence, "I am Agent Roy Vega with the Department of Numan Conduct and Control, and I would like to offer you an invitation," he begins, "A proposal if you will. I have been granted the chance to start a new program. Currently called "Project Hound". Through this initiative, you will be granted freedom, in some sense, at least. Though, it comes at a cost," he warns, "Once part of this program, you, and your abilities, belong to the DNCC. You will work for us. Answer to us. Serve under our title as government-contracted bounty hunters. Bloodhounds, in a way. For you see, you possess something even our numan agents don't possess," he pauses as he lifts a finger to tap his temple, "Knowledge," he says simply, "Specifically, insider knowledge."
Folding his hands on the table, the man sits up straight as a rod then leans in and continues, "With your position as a former villain, you have a connection to the criminal underbelly we here could only hope to achieve. Even through extensive undercover work, a DNCC agent could never reach the level of insight you or any other villainous figure have to offer. That, combined with your specific power set, makes you a viable addition to this team. Know this, however," he narrows his eyes, "The path of a Hound will not be easy. You will be closely monitored and held to the highest standards of conduct. This position is not a free ride. Nor is it a means of escape. We have the power to hold you as is, and we will still have this power to keep you under control should you choose to accept this offer. If you break our trust, believe me when I say, the death sentence will surely be looking like a blessing."
Shifting then, Agent Vega sits back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest, and smiles at the other, "You may be wondering why I even bothered to bring this program to fruition," he starts, "You could say I'm a big supporter of the writings of Malcolm Grey. I'm sure you're familiar with the Grey Scale?" he questions but gives no time for an answer as he simply continues, "I believe even those who have fallen the furthest can find their way back to the light. This philosophy recognizes the complex nuances within every person - no one is beyond redemption if they have the courage to change," he tells the defeated villain, his voice ringing with an unheard song, like the blaring trumpets of brave knights from long ago, "As someone who has lost their way and strayed from the righteous path, you now face a monumental decision - will you continue languishing in the darkness of confinement, or seize this opportunity to step into the light and harness your unique skills to serve the cause of justice?"
Rising back to his feet, the short man that is Agent Roy Vega picks up the file and starts back out of the room, speaking still as he does so, "The choice rests in your hands," he says simply, "If you accept a place among the Hounds, you will gain a chance to atone for past misdeeds and discover the hero still within you," he stops beside the other, looking at them pointedly, before continuing along both his path and his speech, "Though the road is difficult, the chance for redemption is real," he tells them, then stops and looks back once more with a malicious gleam in his eyes and a challenging smirk pulling at his lips, "Or you can remain in the darkness of confinement, neither living nor dead, trapped in stagnation."
Turning on his heel, Agent Vega casually closes the distance to the door, "I sincerely hope you choose the path into the light," he says with his hand on the door handle, "The Hounds program represents a new beginning and a chance to use your talents for good. There is no redemption without courage. Have courage, and take the first step on the righteous path. The Department of Numan Conduct and Control may not believe in second chances, but I do, as do I believe in the heroism within us all."
With that, the agent exited the room, leaving the once-infamous villain alone with a torrential storm of thoughts.
So much information, and it all came down to one simple decision.
Rot for life...or become a dog of the government.
Wasn't it obvious?
The man's gaze is dark. Cold. He looks at the other with a level of strength and command disproportionate to his size and stature. But there's something else there. Compassion? Understanding? Hope, even. He keeps his gaze level as he speaks directly to the former villain with whom he so daringly shares his presence, "I am Agent Roy Vega with the Department of Numan Conduct and Control, and I would like to offer you an invitation," he begins, "A proposal if you will. I have been granted the chance to start a new program. Currently called "Project Hound". Through this initiative, you will be granted freedom, in some sense, at least. Though, it comes at a cost," he warns, "Once part of this program, you, and your abilities, belong to the DNCC. You will work for us. Answer to us. Serve under our title as government-contracted bounty hunters. Bloodhounds, in a way. For you see, you possess something even our numan agents don't possess," he pauses as he lifts a finger to tap his temple, "Knowledge," he says simply, "Specifically, insider knowledge."
Folding his hands on the table, the man sits up straight as a rod then leans in and continues, "With your position as a former villain, you have a connection to the criminal underbelly we here could only hope to achieve. Even through extensive undercover work, a DNCC agent could never reach the level of insight you or any other villainous figure have to offer. That, combined with your specific power set, makes you a viable addition to this team. Know this, however," he narrows his eyes, "The path of a Hound will not be easy. You will be closely monitored and held to the highest standards of conduct. This position is not a free ride. Nor is it a means of escape. We have the power to hold you as is, and we will still have this power to keep you under control should you choose to accept this offer. If you break our trust, believe me when I say, the death sentence will surely be looking like a blessing."
Shifting then, Agent Vega sits back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest, and smiles at the other, "You may be wondering why I even bothered to bring this program to fruition," he starts, "You could say I'm a big supporter of the writings of Malcolm Grey. I'm sure you're familiar with the Grey Scale?" he questions but gives no time for an answer as he simply continues, "I believe even those who have fallen the furthest can find their way back to the light. This philosophy recognizes the complex nuances within every person - no one is beyond redemption if they have the courage to change," he tells the defeated villain, his voice ringing with an unheard song, like the blaring trumpets of brave knights from long ago, "As someone who has lost their way and strayed from the righteous path, you now face a monumental decision - will you continue languishing in the darkness of confinement, or seize this opportunity to step into the light and harness your unique skills to serve the cause of justice?"
Rising back to his feet, the short man that is Agent Roy Vega picks up the file and starts back out of the room, speaking still as he does so, "The choice rests in your hands," he says simply, "If you accept a place among the Hounds, you will gain a chance to atone for past misdeeds and discover the hero still within you," he stops beside the other, looking at them pointedly, before continuing along both his path and his speech, "Though the road is difficult, the chance for redemption is real," he tells them, then stops and looks back once more with a malicious gleam in his eyes and a challenging smirk pulling at his lips, "Or you can remain in the darkness of confinement, neither living nor dead, trapped in stagnation."
Turning on his heel, Agent Vega casually closes the distance to the door, "I sincerely hope you choose the path into the light," he says with his hand on the door handle, "The Hounds program represents a new beginning and a chance to use your talents for good. There is no redemption without courage. Have courage, and take the first step on the righteous path. The Department of Numan Conduct and Control may not believe in second chances, but I do, as do I believe in the heroism within us all."
With that, the agent exited the room, leaving the once-infamous villain alone with a torrential storm of thoughts.
So much information, and it all came down to one simple decision.
Rot for life...or become a dog of the government.
Wasn't it obvious?
If interested, please respond with your proposed villain using the format below. I'll be picking who I feel best fits the project! I'm only looking for about three to five people, not including myself, so please don't feel bad if your villain doesn't get picked!
* I refers to individuals who are intersex, possessing both Male and Female parts
** X refers to individuals who are biologically agendered, possessing no reproductive organs
And before anyone says it, YES this was inspired by Suicide Squad, but also Breakout Kings, which existed way before Suicide Squad, so shut up, alright? (joking) For more information on this world, please see the OOC information dump in this thread as both it and this take place in the same universe!
001 - Sabriel "Revenant" Kudera @Baphomini
002 - Harper "Hyperware" Willard @Baphomini
003 - Casey "Hemogoblin" Von Braun @Baphomini
004 - Jack "Spite" Donovan @Mintz
005 - Dr. Stella "Wormhole" Gate @JewelSerket
006 - Prof. Florian "Poison Oak" Pine @Crimson Flame (PENDING)
007 - Bezaliel "The Angel" @Corvidoggo
008 - Anastasia "Holy Daughter" Nonius @rexgn