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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by The Odeoron
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The Odeoron Benjamin - The Anastharriyon - MR

Member Seen 17 min ago

*I just grow giddy at the sight, but then remember i don;t really need any... but why not load myself up with a bunch because i can still use them to direct my energy through them as i usually do*

Commander Greyson: As for the enemy it's time to head out to the planning room.

*H takes the entire ship's crew and also plugs in some commands to make the broatcast live to every other military vessel present, oh yeah, this is a full scale attack, and they came packing - also the line is unhackable and secure*

Commander Greyson: Alright team, eyes on the screen. This is the heart of the Iliath Pirate Cartel's operation on Phobos: their central fortress. This monolith isn't just a power source, it's their lifeblood. It's where they store their ill-gotten gains, their experimental weapons, and most importantly, their psionic tech. Those mind-bending weapons are their ace in the hole, and we're taking that ace away.

Now, don't let the term "pirates" fool you. These ain't your grandpa's peg-legged rum-runners. The Iliath Cartel are organized, ruthless, and heavily armed. They've spliced themselves with cybernetics, mutated into monstrous forms, and built an army of automated drones that'll rip you to shreds if you're not careful.

You'll be facing a variety of threats. We've got intel on hulking brutes with cybernetic enhancements that'll charge you head-on. There are stealth units that can blend into the shadows and strike from nowhere. And of course, the dreaded psionic specialists. These guys are the real deal, capable of causing hallucinations, manipulating emotions, and even controlling your mind if you let them.

But we ain't goin' in blind. We've got a plan. We'll be insertin' you under cover of darkness, usin' the latest stealth tech to bypass their perimeter defenses. Once inside, we'll split into two teams. Alpha team will focus on takin' out the power core, while Bravo team will secure the psionic weapons and any intel they can find.

This ain't gonna be easy. The Iliath are gonna fight tooth and nail to protect their fortress. But we're the best of the best, and we ain't backin' down. We're gonna hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast, and show 'em what happens when you mess with the Terran Dominion.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by The Odeoron
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The Odeoron Benjamin - The Anastharriyon - MR

Member Seen 17 min ago

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Is there any reason you wouldn't be able to use the healer on yourself? It sounds like you could almost make yourself near-invincible.

Soldier Boy: Who said that? Yes if you can carry even one of these and have the manoeuvrability and flexibility to use one on yourself, and are not cornered, and it is reloaded... cause it takes some time to reload... you do you... be a friggin god if that's what you want. As i said... Terran Dominion army... NOT to be messed with!
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Memory
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Member Seen 10 days ago

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Soldier Boy: Who said that? Yes if you can carry even one of these and have the manoeuvrability and flexibility to use one on yourself, and are not cornered, and it is reloaded... cause it takes some time to reload... you do you... be a friggin god if that's what you want. As i said... Terran Dominion army... NOT to be messed with!

I see, interesting. How do you reload it?
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera David Dynamo

Member Seen 2 days ago

*I just grow giddy at the sight, but then remember i don;t really need any... but why not load myself up with a bunch because i can still use them to direct my energy through them as i usually do*

Commander Greyson: As for the enemy it's time to head out to the planning room.

*H takes the entire ship's crew and also plugs in some commands to make the broatcast live to every other military vessel present, oh yeah, this is a full scale attack, and they came packing - also the line is unhackable and secure*

Commander Greyson: Alright team, eyes on the screen. This is the heart of the Iliath Pirate Cartel's operation on Phobos: their central fortress. This monolith isn't just a power source, it's their lifeblood. It's where they store their ill-gotten gains, their experimental weapons, and most importantly, their psionic tech. Those mind-bending weapons are their ace in the hole, and we're taking that ace away.

Now, don't let the term "pirates" fool you. These ain't your grandpa's peg-legged rum-runners. The Iliath Cartel are organized, ruthless, and heavily armed. They've spliced themselves with cybernetics, mutated into monstrous forms, and built an army of automated drones that'll rip you to shreds if you're not careful.

You'll be facing a variety of threats. We've got intel on hulking brutes with cybernetic enhancements that'll charge you head-on. There are stealth units that can blend into the shadows and strike from nowhere. And of course, the dreaded psionic specialists. These guys are the real deal, capable of causing hallucinations, manipulating emotions, and even controlling your mind if you let them.

But we ain't goin' in blind. We've got a plan. We'll be insertin' you under cover of darkness, usin' the latest stealth tech to bypass their perimeter defenses. Once inside, we'll split into two teams. Alpha team will focus on takin' out the power core, while Bravo team will secure the psionic weapons and any intel they can find.

This ain't gonna be easy. The Iliath are gonna fight tooth and nail to protect their fortress. But we're the best of the best, and we ain't backin' down. We're gonna hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast, and show 'em what happens when you mess with the Terran Dominion.

*Claps at the conclusion of the speech*
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by The Odeoron
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The Odeoron Benjamin - The Anastharriyon - MR

Member Seen 17 min ago

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I see, interesting. How do you reload it?

Soldier Boy: Reload it? *I chuckles, a gleam in my eye.* Well, pal, that's where it gets interesting. See, this ain't your grandpappy's peashooter. It don't take no bullets, no shells, no nothin' like that.

*I tap the Healer's sleek casing, the metal cool under my fingers.* This baby runs on pure energy, siphoned straight from the fabric of reality itself. It's got a core in there, see? A little piece of somethin' special that draws in energy and converts it into that healin' beam.

*I gesture with the Healer, tracing an arc in the air.* When it's spent, it needs time to recharge. Think of it like a battery. You gotta plug it in, let it soak up the juice, and then you're good to go again. Takes a few minutes, but trust me, it's worth the wait.

*I lean in, my voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.* And between you and me, there's rumors of a way to speed up that process. Somethin' about tappin' into the user's own life force. But that's classified, top secret stuff. You ain't heard it from me.

*I wink, then slap you on the back.* But hey, if you prove yourself out there, maybe I'll let you in on a few secrets. You got potential, kid. Just gotta see if you can handle the heat.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Memory
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Member Seen 10 days ago

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Soldier Boy: Reload it? *I chuckles, a gleam in my eye.* Well, pal, that's where it gets interesting. See, this ain't your grandpappy's peashooter. It don't take no bullets, no shells, no nothin' like that.

*I tap the Healer's sleek casing, the metal cool under my fingers.* This baby runs on pure energy, siphoned straight from the fabric of reality itself. It's got a core in there, see? A little piece of somethin' special that draws in energy and converts it into that healin' beam.

*I gesture with the Healer, tracing an arc in the air.* When it's spent, it needs time to recharge. Think of it like a battery. You gotta plug it in, let it soak up the juice, and then you're good to go again. Takes a few minutes, but trust me, it's worth the wait.

*I lean in, my voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.* And between you and me, there's rumors of a way to speed up that process. Somethin' about tappin' into the user's own life force. But that's classified, top secret stuff. You ain't heard it from me.

*I wink, then slap you on the back.* But hey, if you prove yourself out there, maybe I'll let you in on a few secrets. You got potential, kid. Just gotta see if you can handle the heat.

Is there something that prevents you from adding more cores? Or are they the densest part of the build, or something?
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Zealz
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Zealz Charlotte

Member Seen 2 days ago

<Snipped quote by Zealz>

I dunno. We’ve met a lot less resistance to being here than I thought we would. Might be worthwhile to do an excursion through nature though! Have a little adventure!

*looks to Akora*
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by The Odeoron
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The Odeoron Benjamin - The Anastharriyon - MR

Member Seen 17 min ago

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Is there something that prevents you from adding more cores? Or are they the densest part of the build, or something?

Soldier Boy: *I let out a low whistle, shaking my head with a wry grin.* More cores, huh? You got a real hankerin' for power, don't ya?

*I tap the Healer again, this time a little harder.* See, that's where it gets tricky. This ain't like stuffin' extra ammo in a clip. This core, it's... delicate. It's already bendin' the rules of reality just to work. Add another one, and you're askin' for trouble.

*I hold up a hand, the faint glow of my powers illuminating the lines on my palm.* It's like tryin' to hold a miniature sun in your hand. Too much power in one place, and things start to get... unstable. Could tear a hole in reality, suck everything into a black hole. Not exactly the kinda thing you want on a battlefield.

But hey, don't let that discourage ya. If you can figure out a way to make it work... well, then you're lookin' at a whole new level of power. A god amongst men. But that's a big if, pal. A big, dangerous if. *I contemplate*
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Memory
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Member Seen 10 days ago

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Soldier Boy: *I let out a low whistle, shaking my head with a wry grin.* More cores, huh? You got a real hankerin' for power, don't ya?

*I tap the Healer again, this time a little harder.* See, that's where it gets tricky. This ain't like stuffin' extra ammo in a clip. This core, it's... delicate. It's already bendin' the rules of reality just to work. Add another one, and you're askin' for trouble.

*I hold up a hand, the faint glow of my powers illuminating the lines on my palm.* It's like tryin' to hold a miniature sun in your hand. Too much power in one place, and things start to get... unstable. Could tear a hole in reality, suck everything into a black hole. Not exactly the kinda thing you want on a battlefield.

But hey, don't let that discourage ya. If you can figure out a way to make it work... well, then you're lookin' at a whole new level of power. A god amongst men. But that's a big if, pal. A big, dangerous if. *I contemplate*

*Looks at the healing gun, thinking*
What if you hooked it up to your cube?
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Valiance
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Valiance Roland

Member Seen 12 days ago

<Snipped quote by Valiance>

In any case, between the prime directive and the ongoing deterioration of its memory, it will continue to grow more dangerous to all of your companions.

I've gotta say, I'm surprised you still have it in you to lose control of your projects. Near death experiences are a heck of a thing.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by System
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System Abby

Member Seen 5 days ago

<Snipped quote by System>

I've gotta say, I'm surprised you still have it in you to lose control of your projects. Near death experiences are a heck of a thing.

Under normal circumstances, this system should not have been capable of even leaving the lab. But my son and your student short-circuited its activation protocol.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by The Odeoron
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The Odeoron Benjamin - The Anastharriyon - MR

Member Seen 17 min ago

Commander Greyson: Alright everyone, if everyone is decided, time to head to the teleporters, we've only got about less than 3 hours on this rock before we face the sun again, and we lose our stealth... we will teleport at the rim and try to approach through a secret entrance connected to some canals that one of our agents reported.

*He says as he calls the engineering room to engage the teleporter engines and activate the pads*
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by The Odeoron
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The Odeoron Benjamin - The Anastharriyon - MR

Member Seen 17 min ago

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Looks at the healing gun, thinking*
What if you hooked it up to your cube?

Soldier Boy: Hook it up to the cube? *I let out a booming laugh that echoes through the ship.* Son, I ain't just carryin' this thing around for show. It's connected to everythin' I do, every weapon I use. It's what gives me the edge, the power to do what others can't.

*I pat the Tesseract, a fond smile spreading across my face.* This baby's like a second heart to me. It pumps power through my veins, amplifies my abilities, makes me... somethin' more.

*My eyes narrow, a predatory gleam flickering within them.* Don't need no healer, kid. I'm tough as nails, resilient as they come. You ask those damn commies who tried to keep me down for years. Didn't work out so well for them.

*My voice drops to a low growl.* This cube, it's changed me. Made me stronger, faster, more... resilient. I can take a hit, heal up in a flash, and come back swingin' harder than before. So yeah, I'm already hooked up, pal. Hooked up and ready for anything this world throws at me.

*I pause pensively, scratching my chin thoughtfully.* But now that you mention it... directly tappin' into the cube with that healer if you plan on using it... that's an interesting idea. I mean, the Dominion scientists are already usin' it to power their tech, even remotely. Maybe we could try somethin'. Could be... beneficial.

*A sly grin spreads across my face, my eyes twinkling with a mix of curiosity and mischief.* Might even give you that god-like power we were talking about earlier. But hey, who knows? Maybe it'll just blow us all to hell. Either way, sounds like an adventure, don't it?
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by The Odeoron
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The Odeoron Benjamin - The Anastharriyon - MR

Member Seen 17 min ago

Soldier Boy: Also make sure to call up your group, we seem to be headin' out!
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Memory
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Member Seen 10 days ago

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Soldier Boy: Hook it up to the cube? *I let out a booming laugh that echoes through the ship.* Son, I ain't just carryin' this thing around for show. It's connected to everythin' I do, every weapon I use. It's what gives me the edge, the power to do what others can't.

*I pat the Tesseract, a fond smile spreading across my face.* This baby's like a second heart to me. It pumps power through my veins, amplifies my abilities, makes me... somethin' more.

*My eyes narrow, a predatory gleam flickering within them.* Don't need no healer, kid. I'm tough as nails, resilient as they come. You ask those damn commies who tried to keep me down for years. Didn't work out so well for them.

*My voice drops to a low growl.* This cube, it's changed me. Made me stronger, faster, more... resilient. I can take a hit, heal up in a flash, and come back swingin' harder than before. So yeah, I'm already hooked up, pal. Hooked up and ready for anything this world throws at me.
... So yeah, I'm already hooked up, pal. Hooked up and ready for anything this world throws at me.

*I pause pensively, scratching my chin thoughtfully.* But now that you mention it... directly tappin' into the cube with that healer if you plan on using it... that's an interesting idea. I mean, the Dominion scientists are already usin' it to power their tech, even remotely. Maybe we could try somethin'. Could be... beneficial.

*A sly grin spreads across my face, my eyes twinkling with a mix of curiosity and mischief.* Might even give you that god-like power we were talking about earlier. But hey, who knows? Maybe it'll just blow us all to hell. Either way, sounds like an adventure, don't it?

An adventure indeed. Although not one I think you should look to take today, when it counts.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Unhinged
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Unhinged Akora

Member Seen 1 day ago

<Snipped quote by Heroic>

*looks to Akora*

*Is still seated, staring at the floor while clearly lost in thought*
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Valiance
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Valiance Roland

Member Seen 12 days ago

<Snipped quote by Valiance>

Under normal circumstances, this system should not have been capable of even leaving the lab. But my son and your student short-circuited its activation protocol.

Which one? I sure hope they had a good reason to mess with your things.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by System
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System Abby

Member Seen 5 days ago

<Snipped quote by System>

Which one? I sure hope they had a good reason to mess with your things.

Unfortunately, the one now subject to the prime directive: Akora. Due to a number of architectural decisions, the defense system is instructed to protect the entity that activates it. Which, under normal circumstances, would be the lab itself.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Valiance
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Valiance Roland

Member Seen 12 days ago

<Snipped quote by Valiance>

Unfortunately, the one now subject to the prime directive: Akora. Due to a number of architectural decisions, the defense system is instructed to protect the entity that activates it. Which, under normal circumstances, would be the lab itself.

That makes sense. The lengths it's going to are... Rather thorough.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by System
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System Abby

Member Seen 5 days ago

<Snipped quote by System>

That makes sense. The lengths it's going to are... Rather thorough.

It likely aims to seal her in Ilouro and destroy all knowledge of its existence. If this situation progresses further, its tactics may grow increasingly deranged.
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