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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Zealz
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Zealz Charlotte

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<Snipped quote by Zealz>

*Is still seated, staring at the floor while clearly lost in thought*

*pokes your cheek*
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Valiance
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Valiance Roland

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<Snipped quote by Valiance>

It likely aims to seal her in Ilouro and destroy all knowledge of its existence. If this situation progresses further, its tactics may grow increasingly deranged.

On the bright side, it’s good to see you as a whole individual again.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by System
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System Abby

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<Snipped quote by System>

On the bright side, it’s good to see you as a whole individual again.

Likewise. Although to my knowledge, you’ve been in one piece for quite some time.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Unhinged
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Unhinged Akora

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<Snipped quote by Unhinged>

*pokes your cheek*

*Very slowly turns my head toward you to meet your gaze with a look of immense confusion*
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Valiance
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Valiance Roland

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<Snipped quote by Valiance>

Likewise. Although to my knowledge, you’ve been in one piece for quite some time.

It's a trait I do my best to maintain.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by System
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System Abby

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<Snipped quote by System>

It's a trait I do my best to maintain.

As you may have come to expect, it’s a secondary priority for myself.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Valiance
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Valiance Roland

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<Snipped quote by Valiance>

As you may have come to expect, it’s a secondary priority for myself.

I can’t argue with results if you’ve stuck around this long, I suppose.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Zealz
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Zealz Charlotte

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<Snipped quote by Zealz>

*Very slowly turns my head toward you to meet your gaze with a look of immense confusion*

*my finger remains as you turn and I lock eyes, blinking *
Akorn, right?
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by System
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System Abby

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<Snipped quote by System>

I can’t argue with results if you’ve stuck around this long, I suppose.

There's still work to be done on the recovery side of things, but the current priority is returning my labs to full operational capacity. But until he ceases to drain my power reserves, I'm restricted to this facility. Even intervening in your case consumed quite a bit of my budget.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Valiance
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Valiance Roland

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<Snipped quote by Valiance>

There's still work to be done on the recovery side of things, but the current priority is returning my labs to full operational capacity. But until he ceases to drain my power reserves, I'm restricted to this facility. Even intervening in your case consumed quite a bit of my budget.

Does it need taken out?
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by System
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System Abby

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<Snipped quote by System>

Does it need taken out?

*Holds my palm under my chin in thought*
I'd rather harvest the reserves it's draining, but barring that option, it needs to be exterminated. However, that task is difficult.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Unhinged
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Unhinged Akora

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<Snipped quote by Unhinged>

*my finger remains as you turn and I lock eyes, blinking *
Akorn, right?

*Speaks with my cheek smooshed on the one side*
Akora. I take it you go by Charlotte and not Prim… The other one.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Valiance
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Valiance Roland

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<Snipped quote by Valiance>

*Holds my palm under my chin in thought*
I'd rather harvest the reserves it's draining, but barring that option, it needs to be exterminated. However, that task is difficult.

It certainly has to be the easier of the two.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Heroic
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Heroic Zoey

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<Snipped quote by Unhinged>

*my finger remains as you turn and I lock eyes, blinking *
Akorn, right?

<Snipped quote by Zealz>

*Speaks with my cheek smooshed on the one side*
Akora. I take it you go by Charlotte and not Prim… The other one.

*Flies through the air and tackles you out of your chair to the ground in a hug*
I was really worried I would be too late!
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Unhinged
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Unhinged Akora

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Zealz>

<Snipped quote by Unhinged>

*Flies through the air and tackles you out of your chair to the ground in a hug*
I was really worried I would be too late!

*My back hits the floor, and after I’ve had a moment to recover, I return the hug*
It is good to see you on your feet again.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by System
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System Abby

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<Snipped quote by System>

It certainly has to be the easier of the two.

It's likely the more pleasant of the two options, depending on the conditions that we choose to meet. Fortunately, its behavior should be rather predictable. It ought to behave as I would, given variation introduced by both the prime directive and its deteriorating memoryscape. But the further it deteriorates, the narrower its focus toward the prime directive.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Valiance
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Valiance Roland

Member Seen 9 days ago

<Snipped quote by Valiance>

It's likely the more pleasant of the two options, depending on the conditions that we choose to meet. Fortunately, its behavior should be rather predictable. It ought to behave as I would, given variation introduced by both the prime directive and its deteriorating memoryscape. But the further it deteriorates, the narrower its focus toward the prime directive.

Mm. Well, I don’t think it has a path forward in its current objective without its hands on me at least. It’ll end up stuck, or attempting a Plan B.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by System
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System Abby

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<Snipped quote by System>

Mm. Well, I don’t think it has a path forward in its current objective without its hands on me at least. It’ll end up stuck, or attempting a Plan B.

What are the odds that Akora leaves Ilouro in the intervening time?
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Valiance
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Valiance Roland

Member Seen 9 days ago

<Snipped quote by Valiance>

What are the odds that Akora leaves Ilouro in the intervening time?

I suppose that depends on how long it’s been since she went. She’s usually there for anywhere between a week to a month at a time.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by System
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System Abby

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<Snipped quote by System>

I suppose that depends on how long it’s been since she went. She’s usually there for anywhere between a week to a month at a time.

Once it tracks her location, she’ll be in danger. We may be operating on a time limit.
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