Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


Ahh, the planet Irk.
Home of the Irkens.
Home, to you.
For all too long you have been a member of the Irken army.
But not one of those puny little bugs you send off conquering planets around the universe.
No, you are among the tallest.
That's Tallest.
The grand high counsel of your people.
You and your fellow Tallest set the precedent that is your nation.
From law crafting to electing the best of your whelps to traverse the stars in the name of growth.
You are among the most respected Irken there are!

And yet...
You just...
Get it.

From the start of your service among the Tallest you have always...
Stood out.
With new ideas and radical thoughts, you've always just...
Been a complete thorn in the side of your senior Tallest.
The Irken are about tradition.
Not these new-aged concepts!
As a result, you've always been somewhat ignored among your peers...
But now!
Now the senior Tallest are finally noticing you!
Now the senior Tallest are finally seeing your potential!

They've tasked you with a very special mission!
With a team of your fellow young Tallest, you are to travel to a far-off planet.
A planet that has eluded the Irken army for generations.
The planet "urth" it would seem.
Once tasked to a "great" Irken soldier who fell many years ago.
It is now in the hands of you and your team to finally bring this planet...
This "urth"
Into Irken hold.

It's a grand mission!
One you and your crew hold highly.
For it is truly a blessing from your Tallest elders.
And you know, deep in your Irken soul...
When you complete this mission.
When you bring Earth into Irken command.
Your elder Tallest will finally accept you among their ranks!


The three hapless Irken soldiers, have long been the black sheep of the Council of the Tallest, their radical ideas and disturbingly progressive views scorned by their more traditional-minded peers. But now, these young misfits have been given a chance to redeem themselves - a mission to finally conquer the elusive planet "urth", which had evaded Irken control for generations. Eager to finally prove their worth and earn the respect of their Tallest overlords, the trio set off on their ill-fated journey, their antennae quivering with a twisted mix of excitement and dread. Upon arrival, they quickly adopt the guise of college students, blending into the bizarre human culture of a sleepy beachside town in northern California, where they would work to gain the trust of the natives and perhaps even forge an "alliance" - a concept foreign and deeply unsettling to their conquest-hungry species. But the challenges they face are numerous and unforgiving, from the sheer absurdity of human social customs to the very real dangers of urthen nature, which seems to conspire against them at every turn. And just when they thought they might be making progress, a troublesome fellow student, a roommate to one of their own, begins to suspect their true identities, threatening to expose the Irkens' insidious plot to the world. The young soldiers have found themselves trapped in a twisted web of deception, their grand plans crumbling around them as they struggle to maintain their facade and complete their mission, all while fearing the wrath of their Tallest masters should they fail.

Hi! So this is my silly little idea for an Invader Zim roleplay. Basically, the story is about three Irkens who were newly appointed Tallest with "big ideas" that the elder Tallest did not like, and thus, they were sent away on a "very special mission" to keep them out of the way so the traditional Tallest could keep doing what they do. Since these guys are still Tallest, they are, well, tall, and rather than blending in by going to elementary school, they blend in by going to college, but uh, oops, looks like one of these guys got roomed with a student who is very into the idea of aliens and quickly figures out who they are. Uh oh! Now these guys have to work toward their goal while fighting to keep their secret, and uh, that's hard when one of these idiots went and based his disguise off of shit he saw as a convention. He's a faun guys. His disguise is a faun.

Little notes of stuff that was thought of while crafting this:
  • Their "lair" is fully underground, but their ship is disguised as a VW Bus that's just...parked over the entrance to their lair.
    • The faun guy, my guy, sleeps in the bus with the SIR unit disguised as a raccoon
  • People write off Flent being a faun as him just being an avid cosplayer
  • Rumor among the students is that these three came from a commune and are literally cult survivors
    • This is often used to excuse their weirdness
  • These guys mostly all believe that this is truly a special mission assigned to them as Tallest
  • One of them is fully aware that the Tallest are trying to get rid of them but either doesn't care or wants to prove them wrong
  • The Tallest essentially painted Zim as a great soldier who fell to the dangers of Earth which they described as a true challenge
  • The SIR unit is probably the only one with actual brains in this group

Cast so far:
  • Invader Flent - He/Him - Irken - Disguise: Faun @Baphomini
  • Invader tbn - tbd - Irken - Disguise: tbd [open]
  • Invader tbn - tbd - Irken - Disguise: tbd [open]
  • Bihndit - It/its - SIR unit - Disguise: Raccoon @Baphomini
  • Dormmate - tbd - Human @JewelSerket

I'm really only looking for a small group for this one, guys, so unfortunately, it WILL only be the listed cast! If we need more humans, we can just play them ourselves ^-^;
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by JewelSerket
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Yessiree bob. Sign me up.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Baphomini
Avatar of Baphomini

Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Bumping for notice because we need two more players
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