Hello! My name is Lunar and I am looking for a RP partner to play the role of a 'leviathan' in an undersea plot I've cooked up This is a dark fantasy romance scenario with a focus on hurt/comfort and healing. I am in my late 20s and have been RPing for many years. I've been looking for some new places to RP recently, so I am giving this website a try. My responses tend to mirror my partner's, but typically are a few paragraphs long - please be able to write a similar amount.

This RP is likely to involve adult themes; please be 20+. That said, ERP is NOT the main focus of this story, so please seek that elsewhere if that is your intention. I will only RP intimate scenes if it makes sense in terms of story flow and character development. If you prefer fade to black, I am fine with that as well.

Other than what is described in the prompt, the leviathan's personality, motivations, and appearance are up to you.

Among the merfolk, the ability to sing was nearly as important as the ability to draw oxygen from the water. A mer defended territory, lured in prey, and sought out a mate all through their song.

Thus, it was a great misfortune that Ekaitz could not sing.

Oh, he tried. He tried again and again until blood leaked from his mouth and gills, until his entire chest ached. But this was not something mere practice could resolve; something was wrong, physically, and any effort from the healers proved fruitless. In a society where the song made the individual, Ekaitz found himself cast to the very edges of the school, forced to scrounge for whatever scraps were left over after hunts.

The school still had one use for him, however, thus why he was not abandoned completely. Surface mer like himself lived a colorful life among sun-touched corals, but they were not the only intelligent residents of the oceans. Deep, deep down in the trenches where light could not reach dwelled the massive and bloodthirsty leviathans. Ekaitz' school was a superstitious bunch and would occasionally drop sacrifices down into the trenches - juicy bits of prey or particularly riveting treasures.

Ekaitz knew he was looked upon with disdain, but he still didn't think he was hated so much that they'd be willing to sacrifice him to the ones down below. It all happened so fast he could barely react, and as his blood stained the water andrenaline sent him surging forward in a frantic attempt to escape. He grew all too weak all too soon, however, and then he fell.

When one of those great leviathans found him, he expected to be eaten. Yet again his expectations were shattered, though this time for the better; the leviathan seemed to have little interest in consuming him, and instead cared for him with more kindness than his own school ever had. There was only one rule: he could not return to the surface.

But why?