I’m slowly getting more free time after a hectic few months and I’m looking to start up one maybe two RP. So disclaimer I will be slow with my posts maybe one or two posts a week, if you want rapid fire I am not the gal for you.

A bit about myself, I am a crazy cat lady with 5 cats and more recently I am frosting puppies. Yes, they hate each other, yes I get woken up every 2 hours at night, no I do not regret it. Anywho, I am 30 and will only RP with people over 21, sorry not sorry. I am a woman (she/they) but I exclusively RP m/m. I need some form of romance in my RP even if it’s not the main plot.

Other things to note:
- I like smut in my RP and prefer to write it out, but can fade to black if you prefer. It definitely doesn’t have to be the focus, nor does it need to be shoehorned in.
- I have a long list of kinks so ask if you want to know.
- preferred post length will be around 400 words ish. Can be more can be less depending on the scene.
-I prefer to RP in PM

Moving on to my short list of cravings. Not exclusive so please suggest ideas of your own! I am open to a lot of things.

Furry - This can be any setting or genre I just want to play a furry character
Strixhaven - I’ve recently started a new campaign in strixhaven and I am in love with the setting. Basically it’s a magical collage and I would love to do a story set in the setting.
Ancient Magnus Bride inspired — similar the the anime, the pairing will be a Fae magician taking on a human(or fae that doesn’t know about their heritage) apprentice.

No particular plot of any of these, just a few loose ideas.