Hidden 10 mos ago Post by CorviDoggo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sorrel instinctively let go of his blade when he saw the disgusting amount of bugs starting to crawl up it. Then, a fist came barreling towards his face.

He dodged well enough to not hit his face, but instead the punch landed on his shoulder and once again sent him flying. This time, though, Sorrel was ready, and while he was in excruciating pain, he braced himself as he landed on the nearest tree. His hands heated up, concentrating to his nailsā€” for once, he was grateful for his angelic ancestry giving him a bit more claw to work with.

A hiss escaped Gamma-Burnā€™s mouth, foreboding, angry. He leaped and dashed towards King Stag.

His hands, superheated with radiation, struck at the gap in King Stagā€™s other shoulder, then racked across the beetleā€™s chest, leaving the smell of burning chitin to overpower that sickly-sweet pheromone scent. If he could justā€¦ if he could just disarm King Stag long enough, heā€™d be able to make his escape. Heā€™d be able to treat his wounds and his chronic issues and, most importantly, live another day. He had to get to his date tomorrow, after all.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by JewelSerket
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

King Stag stormed towards Gamma Burn. Unfortunately, the villain had landed somewhat gracefully from that last blow. Broiling pain made King Stagā€™s vision blur. His flesh was scorched and his carapace was rendered useless as those brutal claws dug into the skin underneath. Stubbornness did not allow King Stag to falter. Not yet, at least. He grabbed the wrist of his attacker. The heat alone made his hand burn. That did not stop the little arthropods from scrambling down his fingers for a feast of Gamma flesh.

With his enemy unable to escape, King Stag swung his horn and drove it into Gamma Burnā€™s shoulder. The blood that slicked his makeshift weapon burned just as hot as Gamma Burnā€™s claws. King Stag wrenched his horn upwards, sending the villain flying away from him.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by CorviDoggo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gamma-Burn screamed. While he could shake off the disgusting skin beetles that tried to break into his flesh, he couldnā€™t exactly shake off the horn, or the giant stab wound from the horn that messed up his shoulder. It was safe to say the man could no longer use his arm at that momentā€” and, safer to say, Sorrel overstayed his welcome. The specter now focused on running away, as far as possible, as quickly as possibleā€¦ he had to retreat, he couldnā€™t fight anymore.

Silver lining! That launch gave him a bit more distance between him and the lumbering beastā€” it threw him into the open, but the open was next to dense and thorny bushes, and Sorrel could take any cover he could get. While the man could no longer freely jump and swing around, he could still run, and he could still just get himself entirely lost within the greenery until he could crawl underground and call for help.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by JewelSerket
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Elijah knew that scream would be stuck in his head for a long time. He told himself it was fine. It was worth it. That this was for the sake of self defense. To his credit, it was. It was his job to capture this bastard. Elijah turned to face Gamma Burn andā€¦

ā€œShit!ā€ He yelped, then dashed after Gamma Burn.

Elijah tried his damnedest to follow Gamma Burn but running shifted his damaged Carapace around and he was already slower. He pressed a hand to his chest. He absolutely did not want to get seen like this. Once Elijah lost sight of Gamma Burn, he spent some time looking around for Lilian, or his corpse if necessary. Luckilyā€¦ or maybe unluckily? Elijah found neither. He slipped out of food forest and transformed back when he was certain nobody saw him.

Blood rapidly stained Elijahā€™s shirt. He rushed home to go bandage himself up. Tomorrowā€™s date was going to be so fucking awkward when it was going to be difficult holding a fork in either of his hands.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by CorviDoggo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sorrel made it out.

He made it out alive.

He got to talk to his doctor again. He got to see his cat again. He got to see his moths again. He got to see the bees again. He got to see his garden again. He got to go to his date tomorrowā€” howā€¦ would he explain his wounds to his date? Wellā€” now that he escaped alive, he got to think that dilemma through, in his own time.

The food was already in the fridge, already prepared. His outfit was already planned. His weird catā€™s meals are already covered by a friendly neighbor. He finished all his chores in the morning. It was fine- he could rest now.

Sorrel, the man dressed as the infamous Gamma-Burn, passed out on a raft in the expansive sewer systems, one of many belonging to the network of Ground Zero. He was lucky that, even though none of these people were exactly his close friends, these people cared for him as he cared for them, like any good society. It was much later when he woke up in a hospital bed, all bandaged up and with a bunch of machines monitoring him.

At least he was alive. At least he made it out alive. And, now, he could go back to his two shipping containers worth of private space, feed his slugcat friend, and go the fuck to sleep.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by JewelSerket
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

If nothing else, the DNCC was good for one particular thing: Insurance. With all his sort of medical experience, Elijah was able to plug his shoulder wounds. It wasnā€™t easy and it had burned like hell, but it worked to get Elijah to the hospital. Once there, flashing his DNCC insurance card meant he got extra privacy and all of his expenses paid. It did mean some time painfully transforming in and out of his King Stag form so they could help with the carapace damage. Not to mention the looks the doctors gave him when he confessed that he had failed in his capture.

By the time Elijah managed to drag himself home, the doctors had patched him up and told him to be gentle on his body, or it wouldnā€™t heal. Ha. Gentle on his body. That was a joke. Sleep had not come easily. He spent his night squirming in pain and the thoughts of the battle that day. It was going to be awkward to explain this tomorrowā€¦

Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 19 days ago

A whole ass fucking night in a holding cell at the city police station. A whole ass fucking night! After being detained by the police and being read his rights, Li had been dragged downtown, almost literally. He...admittedly hadn't gone down very easily, and, as a result, he had more than a few bruises, as...well as a small taser burn, but those were all but gone by the time he was finally met with the presence of his boss. Not Hal. Thank god. The last thing he needed at that moment was Hal Roberts' judgemental attitude and mockery. No. It was Hal's bossā€” Mr. Malcolm himself. The man was the only person Lilian could think to call the night before. He didn't exactly have any friends, and his family were all back in Montreal or somewhere in the French countryside. Not exactly helpful here. Beyond that, he wasn't close with any of his neighbors, only really knew their faces, and he highly doubted his landlady would give a shit about him being in jail. Hell, she might have even used it as a reason to evict him! There was no telling with that woman, and she and Li weren't exactly on the best of terms.

As a police officer unlocked the cell, Li caught the gaze of his boss, like that of a disappointed father. He knew that look all too well, but it didn't faze him. Not anymore. He just dashed out of the cell as soon as it was open, ducking past the police officer, and around behind the man who had paid his bail. He watched as Mr. Malcolm exchanged pleasantries with the officer, thank her. Thanking her. What the hell was he thanking her for?

With a huff, Lilian crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the woman, "Where do I file a complaint about the guys who brought me in?" he asked coldly.

Both the woman and Mr. Malcolm looked at Lilian. While the lady officer seemed unfazed by the question, Lilian's boss was staring at him in some mixture of shock and appallment. The man turned to the woman and gave a tight smile.

"I'm sorry," he told her, "He's...very impassioned."

The woman shrugged and moved to step around them and head back toward the front of the building, "Not the worst I've dealt with," she hummed, "Though the guys who brought him in would probably beg to differ. Heard he gave one of them a bruised rib."

"Of course he did," Mr. Malcolm sighed, following after the officer as she went.

Lilian trailed along behind both of them, moving his hands to his pockets as he glared at the backs of their heads, "In my defense, the asshole nearly yanked my arm out of the socket," he muttered.

"After you attacked one of the other officers," the woman replied pointedly.

"He attacked me first!" Li burst, "I didn't do anything wrong!"

The officer stopped as they made it to the lobby and turned to look at Lilian, looking down at him with a cold and serious frown, "You resisted arrest after crossing a police line and then assaulted three police officers. You're lucky to be getting off with merely a fine and a night in jail."

Lilian opened his mouth to argue but stopped as Mr. Malcolm looked at him with the same hard, cold gaze and instead bit his tongue as he looked away from the two. Mr. Malcolm thanked the officer again and she directed them to where they could pick up Li's belongings. After what felt like hours of paperwork, they were finally walking out of the building, Mr. Malcolm pulling out his keys while Lilian checked over his video camera to make sure it was intact.

"You can't keep doing things like this, Lilian," Mr. Malcolm spoke firmly, "The company's insurance can't cover this kind of damage."

"So now I'm damage?" Lilian muttered, rewinding the recording to when the officer had popped out of the forest and grabbed him and playing it frame by frame as he pinpointed when the altercation had truly begun.

"That's not what I'm saying," the man huffed and walked over to his car parked by a meter, "All I'm saying is that we can't handle the chaos you inflict."

Lilian laughed, still not looking up from the replay as he responded, "If that were true, you would have fired me years ago. What I do is valuable to you. You specifically, not you the company. You like that I'm willing to throw my life on the line to get a story because it gets the story. And you don't care about the consequences of my actions because you know I'm not stupid enough to try and sue a major commercial company with high-stakes lawyers that would eat my public defender for breakfast before the jury could even be assembled. Possibly even literally depending on the alignment of your lawyers. Gods know eating people is not a new concept among villains. Just look at the Crimson Artist. Even working for the DNCC that guy was getting off on eating people. I wouldn't be surprised if your lawyers were secretly literal blood-sucking arachnids."

Lilian stopped by the car and looked at it. It was nice. Though granted, Lilian knew jack shit about cars. But hey, it was clean. He looked at Mr. Malcolm next to see the man rubbing his temple.

"You...are such a blister of a person," he muttered, then sighed, "The point is, Lilian, the trouble you've gotten yourself into has only escalated in the past months, and it's starting to draw negative attention. HR is on my ass, and the board is getting fed up with social media calling us out as a dangerous work environment because of people witnessing your antics. You need to cool it back."

"So you don't want good stories," Lilian said flatly.

Mr. Malcolm turned to him, exasperated, "This isn't about the stories, Lilian! This is about you running around nearly getting yourself killed in the name of a company that is already in the bad graces of OSHA for being subjected to violent attacks from villains who get offended by an online article. All I'm asking is that you think for just a moment and try to go about your work in a way that doesn't blow up on social media painting us as a corrupt and evil company sending their reporters off to their deaths!"

Lilian watched him blow up, then, when he was down, he turned his attention back to his camera and returned to futzing with the recording as he answered, "With all due respect, sir, I couldn't give a single crap what people on social media think. So what if a few people see me getting tossed around by villains and collateral damage while I work? As long as I'm not pressing charges, no one is truly at fault, and if it comes to a legal issue, I can just tell investigators the truth. I choose to do what I do and there's nothing you can do to stop me because even if you fire me, I'll continue doing what I do and publish my stories freelance. But in the end, we both know you're not going toā”€"

"I'm placing you on probational leave until further notice."

The words were cold. Hard. Almost cutting. Causing Li to look up immediately.

"What the fuck?" he spat, "What do you mean you're placing me on leave?!"

Mr. Malcolm sighed and started to walk around his car, "Until you can get your shit together, we can't afford to have you on staff. You're writing is amazing, Lilian, but it isn't worth the sanctity of the company. I'm sorry."

Li stared after the man, then ran around the car to catch up with him, "This is fucking bullshit! You can't just kick me out of work for being prone to danger. Danger, in its essence, is the nature of a reporter's job! Even weathermen are in danger when they report in the field. What makes this any different than that shit?!"

"I won't be talked out of this, Lilian. Occupational hazard is one thing. We have insurance for that. Throwing your life on the line to get a close-up shot of an explosion is completely outside of anything any company has covered. Again, I'm sorry, but this is just the way it has to be. When you're ready to perform in a reasonable manner, maybe I'll change my mind, but until then, you're out. Have a good day, Lilian."

With that, the man got into his car, started the engine, and waited for Lilian to move away before pulling away from the curb and weaving into traffic. Lilian stumbled back to the sidewalk and leaned against a concrete wall lining a planter outside the police station.

Well fuck...
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by CorviDoggo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sorrel was lucky that he managed to get outā€” he knew that already. He knew that since he woke up and saw Dr. Schmidt breathe a sigh of relief, rambling on about how blood loss couldā€™ve done him in and how his immune system is already shot and this and thatā€” Sorrel couldnā€™t exactly remember what Dr. Schmidt was saying, actually, now that he looked back on it. He mustā€™ve been far too out of it, even if he woke up just a few hours later.

ā€¦ oh.

Oh fuckā€” he was lucky that his little feline(?) friend woke him up in the early morning. He had been too drowsy to stay awake through the evening after he was allowed to go home. Frankly, he still felt drowsyā€” his head felt clouded, and he couldnā€™t tell if it was from the injury, from the stress he just faced, or from plain old chronic illness. That gnarly wound on his shoulder apparently had to be stitched up, and he didnā€™t exactly know what to say to his date when he came with a hand in a sling and bandages wrapped all over his shoulder just in case.

But then, how would he have cooked the meal..? He already had it cooked, prepared since the morning beforeā€” he was anxious to get it just right, did meal prep and the likes just in case, and now all he had to do was reheat it. But, wouldnā€™t anyone think itā€™s weird that for a first date he was trying so hard on a meal that he went out of his way to cook it a day before? That he spent so much time on a stupid lunch dish for a stranger heā€™d been texting that was super sweet with a cute smile andā€” Jesus Christ, why am I thinking like this? Bee luckily didnā€™t ask for any midnight snacks, and Sorrel felt a bit too anxious and clouded up to eat, so he just sat there. When is lunch time..? What would be a good lunch time? We just agreed to meet up on Saturday for lunch in the park, what time is lunch?? It could be anywhere near 11 am to 3 pmā€” what if Elijah thought it was like 12 pm and I come at 2 pm and Elijah thinks I ghosted him??

The spindly man groaned and essentially let himself faceplant on the counter of his little kitchen bar setup. And what the fuck am I going to say about this whole injuryā€” should I just say it was a workplace accident? What if he asks about the workplace accident? What if he asks about what I do? Did I tell him what I did beforehand? I donā€™t rememberā€” and thatā€™s not good because if I lie I have to keep stories consistent or else I get caught and I might end up suspicious and I really really donā€™t want a big buff guy stalking me because he thought Iā€™m suspiciousā€”

The slugcat gently bumped into Sorrelā€™s leg and started weaving around his feet and the thin metal chair legs. A comforting gesture, Sorrel feltā€” maybe the fun little creature was trying to tell him something, likeā€¦ trying to tell him to just take a breath and text the man. It didnā€™t matter that it wasā€¦ what, midnight, or something like that?

ā€™Hey Elijah! Sorry for texting u really late, just wanted to confirm the time we should expect each other at the park
Is 1 pm ok? Also, just so u kno, I got in an accident at work so my left armā€™s in a sling so I might not be able to do things like climbing or running around n stuff if u planned that
Looking forward to seeing u!!`

That was the text Sorrel managed to conjure up while sitting around instead of sleeping. That absolute masterpiece of shittily-slapped-together sentences that made him want to reverse time by a few seconds and reread and rewrite. What the fuck was he thinking, abbreviating so many things? God, he sounded desperate in that text. He groaned, slouched in his bar seat, and pushed his phone away from himself with a single finger.

Eventually, the man managed to peel himself off the counter and go back to sleep, with a timer set at 8 amā€” just in case 8 am was definitely breakfast time and no living being would be okay eating lunch at 8 am, so 8 am was safe to wake up and check messages and plan accordingly... it was totally that logic, and not the fact Sorrel wanted to make sure he looked as nice as he could despite the fact he was in a sling looking half dead.

Bee curled up at the base of his feet as he drifted off to sleep, and his phone ended up laying right next to his cheek as he finally managed to close his odd eyes. Tomorrow was going to be funā€” hopefully in the nice kind of way, not the sarcastic and disastrous kind of way.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by JewelSerket
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

5 AM: Wake up andā€“ Check my notifications?

Eli groaned and pushed himself out of bed. Moving his arms burned. Moving in general burned. He wished he could go right back to sleep. Instead, he looked at his phone. He had not considered turning off his alarm last night, something he was quickly regretting. Eli picked up his phone and checked his messages. A small smile crossed his face.

ā€™1 sounds good to me! Funny. I got into a work accident too. I wouldnā€™t be able to run or climb or anything either, haha! See u then.ā€™

Eli pressed the send button, then dragged himself out of bed. Normally, he would be prepping for his workout. Instead, he took a long, careful shower, hating that he had to avoid getting the wound wet. His medical skills meant he knew how to skillfully replace his bandages, which helped him feel a little more normal.

Then Eli was in his closet. There was not much inside but workout clothes, sweatshirts, and the like. Big, comfy clothes that were loose and did not touch his skin much. He fished out a nice dress shirt and shorts, regretting that they were wrinkled. Eli tossed them on and stared at himself in the mirror. The brown pants made his ass look great, which was nice, but the tight, blue shirt emphasized the underlying bandages. There was one other issue with the outfit. Heā€™s going to know youā€™re not a real man. Heā€™s going to know youā€™re not good enough.

Elijah scrapped the outfit. Clearly, the bandages were too clear. Besides! He did not want to dress to fancy. What if this was not a romantic thing?? Sorrel would think he was a weirdo. Instead, he grabbed the nicest, cleanest grey sweatshirt he had and tossed on some jeans that were a bit too large. He considered packingā€¦ would that be disingenuous? Probably. He felt weird. Self conscious. Eventually, he decided against it.

Eli grabbed his gym bag, tossed his laptop into it, as well as the yarn and tools needed for his knitting project. Then he headed out for a leisurely walk to the park. The doctor said to be easy on his body! What is a few miles walk if it is slow and leisurely? He was fine and NOT a workaholic, thank you very much. Off he went to the park, arrivingā€¦ only a few hours early.
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 19 days ago

Things That Are Unfair (as decided by me)

āˆ Got arrested for existing in a place determined off-limits
āˆ Spent an entire night in jail because of that arrest
āˆ Got "put on leave" the next more
āŽ Boss doesn't even have the balls to fire me so I can have unemployment income
āˆ The bus driver wouldn't accept my one-day-old bus pass
āˆ Fucking credit company took my autopayment today and over-drafted my checking account
āˆ Landlady left a note on my door saying I'm late on rent
āˆ My water was turned off
āˆ So was my power
āˆ Rats built a nest in my pantry. Again.

Lilian grumbled and growled to himself as he tossed items into his bag, occasionally glaring over at the note set on his bedside table, "Overdue on rent my fucking ass," he muttered, "I'm a month and a half ahead, you dumb bitch. Not that you ever pay attention to that shit," he shoved a laptop into the bag and tossed in the charger after it, "I tell you every goddamn month, 'I paid it last month' but do you ever fucking listen? No, of course not, why the hell would you? Not like you actually care about the people you rent to, we're all just cash cows waiting to be milked when you jack up the rent for the fifth time in a year."

He continued to rant and rave as he gathered various recording equipment, tossing a nicer camera in the bag along with a microphone and a small ring light. His work badge fell out of the mess of equipment he was pulling around and he sneered down at it before kicking it under a pile of clothes, "Fucking Dean can't understand that the only reason I get the stories he loves so much is because I do what I do. Fucking show him," he snatched the Geiger counter he'd ordered off the counter and turned it on for a moment, "Let's see what you think of my so-called recklessness when I get the first exclusive interview with a supervillain" scoffing, he turned the device off and went over to throw it in the bag with everything else, "Asshole'll be begging me to come back."

Zipping up the bag, Lilian tossed it over his shoulder, grabbed his phone and keys, and headed out the door. He hadn't changed out of his clothes from the previous day. Hadn't fixed his hair or done anything. His mind was on a single track, and that track was to hunt down the man of the hour.


A bus, a train, and two more buses later and Lilian was walking up to that damn Chipotle where it felt like all his trouble started. Slinging his backpack off, he pulled out the Geiger counter, replaced his bag to his back, and flipped the thing on once more.

That asshat better be who I think he is...

The gadget crackled to life, clicking and popping away. The sound was met with looks from passersby, but Li ignored them as he carefully began moving about to follow the trail of the lasting radiation.

Thank gods this shit lingers...
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by CorviDoggo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

The alarm went off for 8 am on the dot.

Frankly, Sorrel was already awake. He couldnā€™t stay asleep, even after he drifted off a few times. Maybe it was the pain on his shoulder. Maybe it was the anxious fluttering of his heart. Maybe it was just his chronic illness, yet again! He felt like he could just attribute everything to his stupid specific version of Kaori Syndrome at this pointā€” so fucking rare that that damn Dr. Schmidt joked about calling it ā€œSorrelā€™s syndrome.ā€ He didnā€™t really like that joke, anyways. And, because of this chronic illness, Sorrel also felt like absolute shit as he rolled out the bed. He felt nauseous, but nothing was in his stomachā€” what would he will himself to have for breakfast? Just some toast? Would it be rude if I ate something before the date?

Sorrel ended up lying to himself and reasoned himself something along the lines of Yes, surely itā€™d be rude if I just make myself something, even if itā€™s like 8 in the morningā€¦ He didnā€™t really want to open that box of thought at the back of his head also saying he didnā€™t really want to throw up in the morning and pretend everything was okay at lunch. Maybe it was best if he showed up super hungry, so heā€™d actually eat something instead of absently pick at it despite the fact he made it himself. Maybe..l he was straight-up overthinking everything. He probably was. This was his first time, after all, going out on a dateā€” hell, this was his first time meeting up with someone because said someone wanted to see him, not because of debate teams or studies or activism.

The outfit Sorrel ended up on was made by himself, at least the fabric partsā€” he was a good seamster, he knew, and he made many good garments with his specific fashion sense. It was getting pretty hot, given how the springā€™s slowly transitioning to summer, and he felt it appropriate to wear a pretty light green floral lace top with a flowy poet-sleeve kind of design to it, some brown pants with large light-brown patches sown onto them, and, of course, a healthy amount of jewelry. Two pretty chains acting as a belt, a pearl necklace, a jadeite pendant, and some large golden moon earrings. He even decided to wear his dreads down and let them flow in their own pretty way, taking care to clip on some loc jewelry he seldom wore that matched the pretty gold of all the chains.

He looked in the mirror for a bitā€” it seemed he tookā€¦ a significant amount of time trying to get ready, and procrastinating on getting ready, and doing chores, andā€¦ everything else. It was 11 am, and he finished the housework, and he fed the slugcat, and he checked on the bees and moths, and he told everyone that needed to know heā€™d be out for a few days at a motel, just in case. The white splotches on his neck and face still felt strange to look atā€” Sorrel still remembered when his eyes were a normal color and when his skin was an even tone. On the other hand, he felt absolutely beautiful at that momentā€” he rarely got to dress out like this! Itā€™d be so much fun, even if he came looking a little too cuteā€¦

The large (and equally fashionable) satchel was first filled with a few changes of casual clothes, and then hidden by a checkered cotton mat. He made sure to put in all his medications, for obvious reasons. Then went in the food, the drinks, the forks, the knives, the plates, andā€¦. A lot of silk thread, bundled up neatly and wrapped in a neat-looking bagā€” a little present for Elijah.

Sorrel finally put his sling on, taking care to keep the bandages hidden under his shirt, and looped his satchel over his neck so itā€™d rest on the opposite side of the bandagesā€” right where he had his sling. It was awkward, maybe, but at least it didnā€™t feel excruciatingly painful!

And, finally, Sorrel set off, looking pretty for his first date in the downtown park by the chipotle. He pointedly ignored a very familiar pink-haired goat guy, giving him a wide berth from that chipotleā€¦ why was he cursed to run into this dude again and again? What kind of expedition was that news guy on?

It was 11:45 ish, by the time sorrel arrived. Where should he go..? Should he start wandering around by the picnic benches? Should he send a text? Should he justā€¦ start looking around for a large pock-marked cutie?

He swore he didnā€™t think of the last part.
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