Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Apartment – Chicago, IL
Skills: Fit
She laughed, shaking her head when Nic brought up being the perfect boyfriend again. He really was, and she didn’t mind him saying it over and over again. Cassi reached out and took his hand, leaning into him a little while they walked.
She had been to Montana before. Caden had property there with a barn full of horses. She missed riding. Maybe Caden would let them stay there, but then again, he had staff to look after the property and the animals. Nic and Cassi wouldn’t be alone, and Cassi really like the idea of it just being the two of them somewhere. Maybe she could find them a cabin to stay in.
Cassiopeia pulled herself from her thoughts and mulled over Nic’s opinion on the American healthcare system.
”Would you ever want to work somewhere else? Like Canada, or somewhere in Europe? France as a good system, Germany, and Switzerland too.”Cassi was a wandering by nature. She didn’t often remain tied down in a place for more than five years at a time, but she could see herself making an exception for Nic.

Location: Driving —> Empire State Building – New York City, New York
Skills: Fit
Caden chuckled, his lips still on Nero’s neck. He moved them up to whisper in Nero’s ear.
”You are my weak spot,” he whispered. Caden’s hand squeezed Nero’s thigh, before he pulled back. They were getting close to their next location and Caden didn’t want to start something he wouldn’t be able to finish.
Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL
Skills: Fit
Avery frowned when Kimiko mentioned ‘Terry’.
Bastard, he thought. Avery was starting to do well when he heard Kimiko’s breathing change. He turned his head in time to see her fall to the floor.
Avery spun around, hitting the ground next to her with his knees and placed his hands on her face.
”Kiki? Kiki, you’re okay. You’re safe,” he reminded her, his voice full of concern. He looked around before he scooped Kimiko up in one arm, grabbing the stuffed animal with his free hand, and moved off to a quieter part of the arcade. He set her down on the edge of a railing, his arm secured around her so she wouldn’t fall and placed the stuff animal on her lap.