
Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York
Skills: Fit
Caden laughed and adjusted the rings on his fingers.
”I’ll make sure to book a hotel with two floors next time,” Caden said, smiling crookedly at Nero. He walked over to a tray of crystal decanters and poured himself a glass of scotch. He took a sip and sat down on the couch.
”I am enjoying myself immensely,” he assured Nero. Caden enjoyed taking time off, but it had been a while. He was definitely taking advantage of it this weekend.
Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Skills: Fit
After locking up the greenhouse, Avery made a pass through the guest rooms to ensure the windows were shut and locked before he rechecking the back door and then the front door. He sets a code on the keypad beside the door that would announce intruders unless the right code was put in. Every staff member had their own code, safeguarding the house when no one was around.
Just as Avery was setting the code, he felt a tingling go down his spine like he was being watched. Avery frowned and turned his head to the side. Wolves' senses were heightened to allow them to hear predators and prey up to ten miles away, and that had transferred to their human counterparts.
Avery heard shuffling of bed sheets and assumed Kimiko was just moving positions. He finished setting the code when he heard the first muffled sound of Kimiko saying no. Seconds later, Avery was standing in Kimiko’s doorway, eyes yellow, and scanned the room. No one was there physically aside from him and Kimiko, but Kimiko was clearly fighting something.
Avery’s brow creased, and he hurried to Kimiko’s side of the bed. He hesitated, unsure if he should grab her.
”Kiki? Kiki wake up,” he said loudly, hoping his voice would carry to wherever she was. Avery’s hands fluttered over her body, not touching her, but as the squirming and moaning got worse, he rested his hands firmly on either side of her face. At this point he didn’t care if she punched and kicked him, he just wanted her to wake up.
”Come on little fox. Wake up!”