Nero glances up as much as they can with Caden’s chin on their head. “I’d say I have awful luck if it does exist.” They say very drily as they watch one of the lions yawn before getting up off the ground. “Why do you ask?”
Nic stops by the kitchen after sanding and painting the hole patches. “Wow, I don’t think this looks this nice even when I moved in.” He says with a little bit of awe in his tone as he moves over to kiss Cass’ cheek.
“I got about everything else cleaned up, just need to run a vacuum to get any dust I made from patching the walls.”
Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL
Fit: Sleep shorts & Avery’s Hoodie
Kiki stares at him in wonder at her mysterious boyfriend. “So, I feel very inferior in the kitchen now.” She says with a blush. “The total amount of food I can cook can be counted on my hand.” It’s a bit of a hyperbole, but she wouldn’t ever call herself a cook.