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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 11 days ago

Auberon’s disapproval would have been palpable even without a Crest, but the impact was all the harsher on Jorah, albeit not exactly unexpected. But while he tolerated his new colleague’s rebuff with saintly patience, he did take some offense to the suggestion that his party was illicit. Preposterous! The nerve of this guy to even suggest impropriety – without even waiting for the real impropriety to start!

Before he could voice his indignation, a thump and a course of startled yelping sounded from the doorway, revealing a kitchen girl heavily laden with Morfis fruit very nearly bowling over the chilly Blue Lion girl in the breezeway. As if the Goddess Herself was playing stage director, the girl could be heard complaining about the short notice she was given for the party in the Reception Hall – Jorah’s party.

“See?” Jorah skillfully contained his glee, instead cooly and confidently directing Auberon’s attention to the door as if he wasn’t the most surprised out of all of them. “Would they have given me the reception hall if it wasn’t official?”

He shrugged, eager not to hear an answer. “Anyway, it’s up to you if you’d rather keep the future leaders of the Kingdom out of the nations’ first chance to make a good impression, but I know I’ll be sad to see you go,” he conceded suggestively, looking to the Eagle girl for backup.

“What about you, Princess?” he gave her a little push with his Crest to be agreeable, just in case she wasn’t picking up the hint. “Wouldn’t it be a terrible shame for the Alliance and the Empire to get all buddy-buddy tonight without our fine neighbours to the North?”

Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Twentieth Bell, 3rd of the Great Tree Moon
What started as an innocuous chorus of two Deer enthusiastically spreading the word for a party evolved beyond what Jorah had likely imagined. Oskar had ensured his task had been fulfilled even if the rest of the Deer hadn't uttered a word--and in their defense, no one could have predicted the outcome. While the word had spread out to the student body quickly as the idea of festivities to celebrate their orientation seemed like the ideal way to finish the day, it had also spread to the rest of the Monastery. The kitchens that typically closed after the eighteenth bell remained in full steam, rushing to get the spread out before the twentieth bell would arrive. The knights, similarly, found themselves scrambling to adjust to a schedule as it was obvious supervision around the reception hall would be needed...even if not a single knight could properly recall when it was decided.

By the time the very last bell rang out, the reception hall had been transformed. Servants had hastily moved aside a majority of the benches to make way for a dance floor. The spread there rivaled that of the Archbishop's coronation, boasting plates from all over Fódlan and capped with sweets for those who may have already had their fill in the dining hall. Servants came and went, offering spirits and drinks to any students that asked. Music filled the hall as a band was swept together to provide ample entertainment while students either danced or conversed happily.

"The Archbishop is so kind to put this together!"

"The Archbishop? I thought I swore Jorah von Reigan organized this."

"I thought I saw him running around telling everyone to be here. I guess he's looking to make sure everyone's welcomed. And to think, people were worried about the Golden Deer's leadership this year!"

The Archbishop in question was deaf to the conversation nearby as his eyes were trained on the assortment of sweets before him. In another setting, he may have blended in better as he no longer wore his crown, but the lack of height still made him stand out from the rest of the students. Unlike before, he was accompanied by no one, and he took full advantage of it, grabbing a sweet bun and biting into it with full gusto.

Not too far away, Euphemia was completely flabbergasted at the sight before her. The conversation earlier had lead her to believe he was going to stuff twenty students into his room with ale to go around or to put something hasty strung together, not this. This party looked like the Church had organized it! She had absolutely no idea how he managed to pull it off and it was a major concern of hers. She had heard he would be trouble, but she had no idea he had this much influence. It was concerning and she was already feeling a headache forming as she tried to comprehend the sight before her.

Tomai stood next to her, decidedly more interested in the plate of food in his hand than anything else. "I'm glad they brought this, I haven't had a chance to eat," He admitted.

"Did you...happen to know how all this occurred?" She asked him. "Michail didn't help Jorah, did he?"

"The Captain is trying to get Michail to dance with her, I don't think she'd be so...spirited if this was something he came up with," He gestured towards the pair, taking a bite as Kalliope successfully pulled Michail off the bench and promptly dragged him to the dance floor. "Also, I heard Ioannis organized it."

Dare she correct him? Euphemia was at a complete loss. She looked over at Kaira hovering nearby, taking a glass of something off a servant's plate and tasting it. She hesitated as she caught Euphemia looking at her. "We may as well enjoy ourselves, no?" She asked sheepishly.

"Yeah, I need a drink, too," Euphemia muttered, deciding to chase down the servant.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 11 days ago

The concept of rest after the journey from Derdriu was tempting, but there was no rest for the wicked at Garreg Mach - which, in such a holy place, must have meant double for Jorah. Which meant that, after he was done convening with his new contemporaries, he was off to work.

However, he ended up not needing to do much work at all. Jorah was pleased - and surprised - to learn that what he overheard from the girl with the Morfis fruit was true: the monastery had embraced his party, and servants were already buzzing to make it a reality before Jorah even needed to open his mouth. Who knew a bunch of monastery workers were such fans of a good time?

Since the hard work was already done for him, and by some stroke of divine favour he avoided a lecture from Clarissa as well, Jorah had a few spare moments to unpack. He really only opened enough chests to find his lute and his pigment powders, both of which had to be re-packed several times before he left home after his father repeatedly tried and failed to hide them. Jorah was surprised Duke Riegan didn’t just throw the two of them into the harbour, but maybe he feared his son finding a new and even more irritating hobby if he got rid of the ones he already had.

The powders were a particular thorn in the Duke’s side; Jorah had almost certainly overpaid a foreign merchant for them, after learning from Brigid sailors about the use and significance of the many coloured patterns they painted on their faces. He had hardly gone bare-faced since, sticking out like a sore thumb around the Roundtable and, to quote his father, “looking like a saints-damned pagan.” He was usually partial to yellow petals around the eyes to invoke air spirits for luck, but for the party, he chose salmon pink. If he recalled correctly, it would call upon fire spirits for joy and merriment - and failing that, call upon his fellow partygoers as a conversation starter.

He strolled into the party with his lute over his shoulder like a club, pleased as peach to find the place already in full swing. Jorah could hardly claim to have ever thrown a party better: it was fully serviced by the dining hall staff, a band was playing merrily in one corner, and even the professors had deigned to attend. It was a masterpiece, if he did say so himself, and the man responsible should be commended.

“Oskar!” Jorah called over the music, waving down his towering friend by the drinks. “And here I thought all this time cooped up in the mountains would make you lose your touch! I should never have doubted you.” He beamed up at his friend, and cast his eyes over the growing crowd. “How did you manage all this in such a short time?”

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

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adelaide stood there prettily.

"what is even going on right now?"
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